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Thread: Regular season record and seeding: predictions

  1. #126
    Wow. After scorching this entire board with that brain dead nonsense he repeats, he's moved on to the tv analyst.

    Who's next? Joel? Larry Nance?

    Somebody tell Antonio he's being trolled please.

  2. #127
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    The alt accounts about to boot up now that there's a controversial MM post to debate.

    BI, Zion, and CJ had a net rating of +3 when on the court together. BI and Zion had a +13.4, BI and CJ had a +13.2, Zion and CJ was just +5.4.

    BI and Zion worked. BI and CJ worked. It was CJ and Zion and all three together that didn't work.

  3. #128
    Quote Originally Posted by msusousaphone View Post
    The alt accounts about to boot up now that there's a controversial MM post to debate.
    Preparing to hear, once again, about his special elite board. You've never met it, it went to a different high school.

  4. #129
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    and of course...

  5. #130
    I will say our media is incredibly tame compared to larger markets. They never ask for updates or badger players about Zion’s availability. It can be frustrating at times, but I also appreciate letting these guys do their jobs. Obviously, Zion wants to play basketball, and we all want him to as well.

    As far as opinions go, we all have them. Some are governed emotionally and some logically. There is nothing logical about attacking someone over sports. I appreciate how Antonio Daniels handled the situation by making his point and shutting down the conversation. Hopefully the other guy will move onto a Lakers board (but doubtful).

  6. #131
    I tell you all to not discuss me, and I will never be back. I have no alters, despite all your conspiracy theories.

    But you just can't resist. You can't just talk amongst yourselves. Because deep down, you know I am right. You know you have given devotion to a false god who will always betray you. And its easier to make me the enemy than this thing you are addicted to.

    I get it. I was there once. You will eventually get out, I promise. In the meantime, just talk amongst yourselves. No need to bring me up. I am not the enemy, even if you hope really badly that I am.

  7. #132
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    I tell you all to not discuss me, and I will never be back. I have no alters, despite all your conspiracy theories.

    But you just can't resist. You can't just talk amongst yourselves. Because deep down, you know I am right. You know you have given devotion to a false god who will always betray you. And its easier to make me the enemy than this thing you are addicted to.

    I get it. I was there once. You will eventually get out, I promise. In the meantime, just talk amongst yourselves. No need to bring me up. I am not the enemy, even if you hope really badly that I am.
    Well, you cant resist stalking this board apparently. Why is that?

    I am dumbfounded that you can still come here and claim that you were right about anything. Are you still rooting for the pelicans to lose?

  8. #133
    The bigger question is: Why does it bother you so much? That another person has a different opinion from you?

    My thesis is that because it is, deep down, you know it is true. If I came on and said the sun was purple, you would just laugh. But my Pels takes REALLY bother people. And its because you know they are a clown organization. That they have no respect for their paying customers. That fandom, is illogical and you didnt really pick this organization -- in the same way that you pick say your favorite restaurant and have true choice. Through some random circumstance, you became a fan of this team and now are stuck. And you know it stinks that you got stuck here.

    But you can't shake it, so you make me the bad guy. The outlet for your anger. I get it. I'm sorry. But again, you will get out soon. Everyone does.

  9. #134
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    The bigger question is: Why does it bother you so much? That another person has a different opinion from you?

    My thesis is that because it is, deep down, you know it is true. If I came on and said the sun was purple, you would just laugh. But my Pels takes REALLY bother people. And its because you know they are a clown organization. That they have no respect for their paying customers. That fandom, is illogical and you didnt really pick this organization -- in the same way that you pick say your favorite restaurant and have true choice. Through some random circumstance, you became a fan of this team and now are stuck. And you know it stinks that you got stuck here.

    But you can't shake it, so you make me the bad guy. The outlet for your anger. I get it. I'm sorry. But again, you will get out soon. Everyone does.
    That is an odd thesis. It seems inescapable that you were wrong to be rooting against the pelicans and for the Lakers. I mean, you wont even defend it here now. So we can all agree that you were wrong. A better thesis would be that its amusing for us to mock someone who puts forth such ridiculously misguided takes while simultaneously being so smugly self aggrandizing about it.

  10. #135
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! donato's Avatar
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    What a loser.

  11. #136
    The Franchise Contributor luigi modelo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hornetsrebirth View Post
    That is an odd thesis. It seems inescapable that you were wrong to be rooting against the pelicans and for the Lakers. I mean, you wont even defend it here now. So we can all agree that you were wrong. A better thesis would be that its amusing for us to mock someone who puts forth such ridiculously misguided takes while simultaneously being so smugly self aggrandizing about it.
    I think one thing that can be agreed upon is yhat MM is a seriously weird dude, and I don’t mean that in the cool artistic way. I’m fine with him giving his takes, but it’s hard to get past the sanctimonious posture

  12. #137
    The reason to root for the Lakers is logical....

    You want Lebron and AD to put as many tough miles on their body as possible this postseason. You also want them to believe and overcommit to this core in the postseason (re0sign D;Angelo to a huge contract, have to match a 20 mil per year Reeves offer) and then it runs into the ground in 2024-25, giving the Pels a premium pick in 2025

    Everything I type has logic and is thought out. You just can't see the chess board 8 steps ahead like I do, and dont ask for clarification.

    Yes, the path to the best chance to success long term is that 2025 Lakers pick, and to make that pick as good as possible, you want Lebron and AD to keep pushing their bodies and the Lakers to leave themselves with as little room for future flexibility as possible.

  13. #138
    Quote Originally Posted by luigi modelo View Post
    I think one thing that can be agreed upon is yhat MM is a seriously weird dude, and I don’t mean that in the cool artistic way. I’m fine with him giving his takes, but it’s hard to get past the sanctimonious posture
    Yeah - if you had a drink with the real me, you would be shocked at how different I am than what you knwo about me, re: Pels. I have to go to the extreme to wake some of you all up because fandom is illogical. The real me is more moderate and chill

  14. #139
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicansfun View Post
    I will say our media is incredibly tame compared to larger markets. They never ask for updates or badger players about Zion?s availability. It can be frustrating at times, but I also appreciate letting these guys do their jobs. Obviously, Zion wants to play basketball, and we all want him to as well.

    As far as opinions go, we all have them. Some are governed emotionally and some logically. There is nothing logical about attacking someone over sports. I appreciate how Antonio Daniels handled the situation by making his point and shutting down the conversation. Hopefully the other guy will move onto a Lakers board (but doubtful).
    The Saints and Pelicans have been notoriously tight with information ever since the Payton/Loomis era began. In the early 2000s it was airtight. Nothing was getting out that they didn't want out but they also didn't give the little nuggets of positive info organizations usually drop to local writers. Pre-2000 was also an era where most sports writers were connected to some newspapers, magazine, or TV organization. When the interwebs and social media began really taking off and the boom of independent writers started, NOLA writers could only watch in frustration as other cities started to have a slew of independent sports writers with connections but the Saints and Pelicans stifled that from ever happening here.

    Naturally this leads to NOLA having two types of local sports writers: 1) Those who love the franchises but don't really have any connections....so they're essentially super fans who make a name for themselves locally by connecting dots better than others or being able to break down film/give play by play analysis well, 2) Pretty much the same but they're extremely frustrated with the franchises, become bitter, and start to make it their mission to take shots and tear down the organizations.

    As the years went on, the Saints and Pelicans began to find a person or two they could leak their positive propaganda from.....the Saints with Underhill and Daniels with the Pels. People they know will only pass along the info they want passed along in the way they want it passed along.

    Not writing any of this to be disparaging to MM. I like the new MM. If anything, I'm on the side of the local writers. The Saints and Pels could easily throw more bones and even actual steaks around to local writers and to MM's credit, he does go through periods where you can see he really forces himself to try to reset and start fresh with supporting the franchise. In the past, his frustrations were very clearly taken out in message board posters but it seemed like for the past year or so he really pushed past that. I dipped out of this site for a few months so maybe I missed something, I dunno.....but of I didn't, MM has been pretty cool of late. Essentially what is happening in those tweets is the frustration of one of the local writers boiling over onto the guy the franchise pushes info through at a time where no information is being disseminated. I'm also fond of AD so I hate to see it.....but that's what's up.

    I made the mistake of watching a few podcasts like Pro Pels Talk yesterday and it was pretty much the same. The update clearly sounds like Zion is day to day but the local guys are too busy freaking out over not being given info that they're catastrophizing things. It's probably best to stay away from them for a bit. Watch some more positive calm things like the Trump indictment or something.
    Last edited by msusousaphone; 04-07-2023 at 11:06 AM.

  15. #140
    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    Yeah - if you had a drink with the real me, you would be shocked at how different I am than what you knwo about me, re: Pels. I have to go to the extreme to wake some of you all up because fandom is illogical. The real me is more moderate and chill
    Do you really have to go to the extreme though? Lurking these forums in the clouds and down on us pleb fans who just want to see their team win games?

    Like who is actually the weirdo here? The Pellies fanbase who just want to see their team do well? Or you, looking at this like a very specific chess match, showing us "normie" fans your PowerPoints and spreadsheets on why your logic is sound and makes sense?

    Just listen to yourself man. "The real you" 😅 this is who you are. Let fans be fans. You've got big time issues.

  16. #141
    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    Yeah - if you had a drink with the real me, you would be shocked at how different I am than what you knwo about me, re: Pels. I have to go to the extreme to wake some of you all up because fandom is illogical. The real me is more moderate and chill
    I've often heard someone say, re: a third party, "You'd like them if you get to know them." But, I'm not sure I've ever come across the "you'd like ME if you got to know me" variant lol

  17. #142
    For the 1st time ever I think we should take MM's advice and NEVER mention that narcissistic, self-indulgent A#*WIPE'S name EVER again. All it does is give him an opening to bring his stench and self-inflated ego back into the forum

  18. #143
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    The reason to root for the Lakers is logical....

    You want Lebron and AD to put as many tough miles on their body as possible this postseason. You also want them to believe and overcommit to this core in the postseason (re0sign D;Angelo to a huge contract, have to match a 20 mil per year Reeves offer) and then it runs into the ground in 2024-25, giving the Pels a premium pick in 2025

    Everything I type has logic and is thought out. You just can't see the chess board 8 steps ahead like I do, and dont ask for clarification.

    Yes, the path to the best chance to success long term is that 2025 Lakers pick, and to make that pick as good as possible, you want Lebron and AD to keep pushing their bodies and the Lakers to leave themselves with as little room for future flexibility as possible.
    The problem is that you overestimate your intelligence so badly that you talk yourself into some stupid ideas that always predictably involve rooting against the Pelicans. You plan 8 moves ahead, but then the second move goes awry, and all your remaining moves are invalid. And then you end up with an embarrassing quote about rooting against the Pelicans and for the Lakers. And you made the exact same mistake last year rooting against the Pelicans for the play in. I feel like if you were anywhere near as smart as you think you are, you would be able to learn from your past mistakes.

  19. #144
    Imagine listening in on the REAL McNamara having a drink with his buddy.

    Chad, I swear.. If I could just convince the internet how wrong they are and how logical what I'm saying is. They just don't understand how much sense I'm really making!

    Super moderate and chill, I tell ya.

  20. #145
    Quote Originally Posted by urboyJD View Post
    Imagine listening in on the REAL McNamara having a drink with his buddy.

    Chad, I swear.. If I could just convince the internet how wrong they are and how logical what I'm saying is. They just don't understand how much sense I'm really making!

    Super moderate and chill, I tell ya.
    It's the go-to excuse given every time someone calls him out on being unpleasant towards people, and I'm not sure he realises how bad it makes him look.

    ''Of COURSE I'm horrible on the internet, where I can get away with it without consequences, but if we met up in real life and there was the potential threat of backlash towards me being a jerk, I would tuck my tail immediately and act nice!''

    Way to make yourself look really impressive there, pal.
    Last edited by Pelicanidae; 04-07-2023 at 06:41 PM.

  21. #146
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Wow the Mavs tanked with the opportunity to still make the play in, against the wishes of the players and coaches!

  22. #147
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Is it true that 1 clippers loss and 1 Pels win gives us 6th seed?

  23. #148
    Quote Originally Posted by hornetsrebirth View Post
    Is it true that 1 clippers loss and 1 Pels win gives us 6th seed?
    After us winning tonight yes. Win in Minny and Clippers drop 1 we are in.

  24. #149
    Basketball Guru
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    Quote Originally Posted by urboyJD View Post
    After us winning tonight yes. Win in Minny and Clippers drop 1 we are in.
    im all confused lol....so if the clippers would have loss to the lakers the other night then would we be in the driver seat now?...

  25. #150
    All-Star Dr. Sting's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6warddude View Post
    im all confused lol....so if the clippers would have loss to the lakers the other night then would we be in the driver seat now?...
    I think we have the head-to-head with Clippers. Didn't we sweep them this year?
    I'm looking for real sports fans...not sheep! Are you with me?!!!

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