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Thread: Did Dell Demps have a bad reputation around the League?

  1. #1
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! kinglio21093's Avatar
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    Did Dell Demps have a bad reputation around the League?

    This is insane. Says a lot about how the organization was run.

  2. #2
    Tell’em Perk! He has some real good stuff on his Twitter page.


  3. #3
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  4. #4
    Yep, Dell Demp's player relations has been shaky dating back to the Evans trade.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Taker597 View Post
    Yep, Dell Demp's player relations has been shaky dating back to the CP3 trade.
    You mean the Chris Paul trade. Fixed it for you.

  6. #6
    Yes for a variety of reasons. Chief among them is that he was widely and accurately regarded as a moron who had no idea he was doing. Also it appears his awkward unlikable style which was apparent whenever he stepped in front of a camera also rubbed players the wrong way. As long as he was the GM the Pelicans were going to be considered a laughing stock. It took waaaaay to long to ship his sorry self out of New Orleans.

  7. #7
    Ouch. That's a real condemnation from Perkins there, and the way he says it makes it seem like a statement of fact rather than opinion. Harsh, but if true that Dell was a liar to the players then he totally deserves it.

    I agree with Perkins as well: I don't want to wish harm on Dell or anything, he's probably a decent guy in real life, but as a fan of this team the day he got fired was a very exciting one.

  8. #8
    Got damn. How did he survive so long?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by 13 - 3 View Post
    You mean the Chris Paul trade. Fixed it for you.
    "How about Chris Paul, whose trade to the Lakers, Stern vetoed in 2011 during his time as de facto owner of the New Orleans franchise (then the Hornets, now the Pelicans)? “I didn’t do a great job of explaining it at the time. There was a trade that [New Orleans GM] Dell Demps wanted us to approve and I said heck no, but he had told [Rockets GM] Daryl Morey and [then Lakers GM] Mitch Kupchak he had authority to do it and he didn’t. I said no. We just settled a lockout and you want me to approve a basketball trade?”

    Woah... Between Perkins and Stern... Wow
    Last edited by Taker597; 05-23-2019 at 01:26 AM.

  10. #10
    For me my "campaign" to get Demps fired was nothing personal. He just showed IMO an honest lack of understanding of how to build a successful organization in this current NBA climate in a market such as ours. The guy didn't come off as completely incompetent or personally dislikable. Of course Perkins would have more insight then probably anyone on this board and he comes off as a very honest person.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by AusPel View Post
    Got damn. How did he survive so long?
    Tom Benson. I have no desire to throw dirt on a dead man, but he had a history of being cheap and it appears he was being cheap with the Pelicans. Hell even the team name Pelicans was a sign of his penny pinching. Not hiring a basketball medical staff, or getting the Saints GM the job of handling both franchises set us back.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by da ThRONe View Post
    Tom Benson. I have no desire to throw dirt on a dead man, but he had a history of being cheap and it appears he was being cheap with the Pelicans. Hell even the team name Pelicans was a sign of his penny pinching. Not hiring a basketball medical staff, or getting the Saints GM the job of handling both franchises set us back.
    As grateful as I am to Tom, Gayle cares about the Pelicans much more. I was a bit concerned that she might be a bit too hands on, but she has hired multiple people to make sure the franchise runs smoothly.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by JJackisangry View Post
    As grateful as I am to Tom, Gayle cares about the Pelicans much more. I was a bit concerned that she might be a bit too hands on, but she has hired multiple people to make sure the franchise runs smoothly.
    She's done more for the franchise in one year then Tom did his entire time as owner. Which like you I'm grateful he purchased the team ensuring it stayed in the city.

  14. #14
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by da ThRONe View Post
    Hell even the team name Pelicans was a sign of his penny pinching.
    How so?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by PELICANSFAN View Post
    How so?
    It's a really cheap name. Kinda the easy way is what I assumed he meant
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  16. #16
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverfoxx View Post
    It's a really cheap name. Kinda the easy way is what I assumed he meant
    Some names cost more than others?

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Silverfoxx View Post
    It's a really cheap name. Kinda the easy way is what I assumed he meant
    Disagree. First, the brown pelican os the official bird of the State of Louisiana. Second, at the time, "Voodoo" was popular however it was still owned by Dan Newman and the Arena Football League. With all due respect, what was your choice?

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by PELICANSFAN View Post
    Some names cost more than others?
    Ever heard of five dollar words?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoochican View Post
    Disagree. First, the brown pelican os the official bird of the State of Louisiana. Second, at the time, "Voodoo" was popular however it was still owned by Dan Newman and the Arena Football League. With all due respect, what was your choice?
    The New Orleans Synecdoche. Now there's a ten dollar word. Nice and expensive, everyone knows you thought about that one for a long time.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by PELICANSFAN View Post
    How so?
    Not sure if this is what he meant, but I believe Benson already owned the rights to the name in his attempts to bring minor league baseball to the city.

  21. #21
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Was the Jazz name available and he didn't want to pay the price?

  22. #22
    There were three ways to go - purchase a name already owned by someone else ie Voodoo

    Come up with our own name - there are costs and work to copyrighting it and filing etc

    Use a name that already had most of the paperwork done because it was setup for a previously owned or planned on sports franchise.

    That said was it cheap or a way for him to turn a previous failure into a success ?

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Rampart View Post
    There were three ways to go - purchase a name already owned by someone else ie Voodoo

    Come up with our own name - there are costs and work to copyrighting it and filing etc

    Use a name that already had most of the paperwork done because it was setup for a previously owned or planned on sports franchise.

    That said was it cheap or a way for him to turn a previous failure into a success ?
    It's perfectly possible for it to be both.

    It was cheap because it was a way to turn a previous failure into a success.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by NMThreeMVP View Post
    Was the Jazz name available and he didn't want to pay the price?
    It wasn't. From what I believed, he tried to get the name back, but Utah refused.

  25. #25
    The Franchise bustah's Avatar
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