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Thread: HR Fantasy League 2.0 (Started by Trell)

  1. #1
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Bee-Fense's Avatar
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    Nov 2010

    HR Fantasy League 2.0 (Started by Trell)

    So I have stepped up as the commissioner of this league and Trell has left up pretty much all the rules and guidelines up to me. I have shared my ideas for the league with Trell and he seems to be pretty for them, so here they are -

    The Fantasy Draft -

    I'm going to try to keep this fairly simple. The draft order will be chosen at random (I'll probably use 2k12 select it for me) and it will be a snake draft which means if you pick last in one round, you pick first in the next round. We should all be familiar with this. Something different than the other league is that there will be NO trading during the fantasy draft. I believe it causes too much confusion and people get taken advantage of; I'm going to try to keep this as fair as possible. There will be 12 rounds, and a 15 player roster limit. So that means after the draft, you are free to add any undrafted player as you would like.

    After the draft -

    As previously mentioned, there will be roster space left over from after the draft. Everyone will have the chance to add 3 extra players to their roster is so desired. However, unlike during the fantasy draft, trades will be allowed now. This time period will last for an entire week so that GMs will have time to really plan out their team.

    The Season -

    The season is where I think it may start getting a little different; I'm not really sure how fantasy leagues usually work out with this. However, my proposal is to have every team face off against each other. So that means, if there are 25 teams, there will be a 24 game season, etc. To determine the results of each game, there will be a total of three votes. The votes will be mine, whoever is the co-commissioner, and then the GM vote. For the votes of the two comissioners, we will both write a post as to how we believe the game would have been played out, point out the strengths and weaknesses in the teams and how they might have been exploited, etc. The voting process will last a week, as it will probably take some time to vote on all the games.

    Throughout the season, teams will still be allowed to make trades, with a trade deadline that passes at the halfway point of the season. GMs are encouraged to read the feedback given in each game to help them improve their team. I should have said this earlier, but EVERY TRADE MUST BE APPROVED BY ME.[/U] Again, I'm trying to keep things fair and I don't want any of the new guys to be taken advantage of. Just tell me why each team is making the trade and if it seems even remotely reasonable I will approve it. I doubt I'll have to reject any trades.

    After all the games are finished, the top 4 teams will then face off against each other. 1 will play 4, and 2 will play 3, and the winners play against each other. The winner of this will be the season champion and gets to tell all his friends about how cool he is.

    The Off-Season

    After a few months have passed, there will be another draft with all the prospects. I imagine that this will go on for a while, and by the time we get to this point, it could be the next all star weekend. All of the players picked in 2012 will then be available. There will be no lottery. If you were the worst team in Fantasy, you get the top pick. Anthony Davis, Thomas Robinson, Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, etc, will all be available. Choose wisely.

    Teams will be able to trade players right after the draft and then things will pick up where they left off.

    So, any feedback would be appreciated. I'm looking for anyone to be the co-commissioner, so if you're interested, hit me up. Again, feedback greatly appreciated.


    1. Trell - Hornets
    2. aussieNOHfan - Nuggets
    3. sleepingbunch - Pistons
    4. SharlieCheen - Trailblazers
    5. AsimoV82 - Spurs
    6. HornetsFaninKY - Celtics
    7. rbow. - Suns
    8. hornetstime247 - Raptors
    9. BeeBall Reasons - Magic
    Last edited by Bee-Fense; 05-17-2012 at 04:21 PM.

  2. #2
    First, I'd like to thank you for taking on the role as commissioner and investing so much in this game in the future. Also I like a lot of your approaches here, for example the one that you do not allow trades during the draft.

    I'd like to mention 2 things:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bee-Fense View Post
    The Season -

    The season is where I think it may start getting a little different; I'm not really sure how fantasy leagues usually work out with this. However, my proposal is to have every team face off against each other. So that means, if there are 25 teams, there will be a 24 game season, etc. To determine the results of each game, there will be a total of three votes. The votes will be mine, whoever is the co-commissioner, and then the GM vote. For the votes of the two comissioners, we will both write a post as to how we believe the game would have been played out, point out the strengths and weaknesses in the teams and how they might have been exploited, etc. The voting process will last a week, as it will probably take some time to vote on all the games.
    So, If I understand correctly, there are 24 games (for each team of course) per season and each one will take a weak for the result to be determined. That means each regular season would take roughly half an year in real time. That may be a little long in my mind, but that is just my opinion. One may see that different.

    After all the games are finished, the top 4 teams will then face off against each other. 1 will play 4, and 2 will play 3, and the winners play against each other. The winner of this will be the season champion and gets to tell all his friends about how cool he is.
    25 teams in the league and just 4 teams getting to the playoffs? No offence at all but I would suggest that at least 8 teams should make it there in order to keep each season more interesting for a larger group of players. As long as the season is the game could become boring for those who fell behind the playoff-picture early and know that the next season will start in 3 or 4 months.

    Just my 2 cents.

  3. #3
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Bee-Fense's Avatar
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    Well, it's not necessarily 24, it all depends on how many people do this. If there are 20 teams only, then there would be 19 games. Everyone just has to play everyone once. The idea was to try to make it as fair as possible so that people can't say they had an easier schedule or something.

    And the reason why I said 4 was because I didn't want to prolong this toooo much. I actually did think about 8 a good bit and I think to keep interest, 8 probably would be better. Gives people more of a chance to make a run after the trade deadline. So yeah, I'm changing my plan to 8 teams making the playoffs. (I came up with everything pretty quickly, so I'm all for suggestions)

    The thing is, I think it kinda has to run long. If we make it last 4 months, then we could end up having 2 different Fantasy seasons in one NBA season. I think there will probably be a lot of trades throughout the season to keep people entertained.

    I also forgot to say, draft picks will be tradeable. And I mean the draft picks that will be for the rookies like Davis or Robinson. So if you want to start winning now, you could trade one of the draft picks. You just can't trade consecutive draft picks, just like in the NBA. So if you traded your 2012 pick, next one you can trade is 2014.

  4. #4
    Hall of Famer neitzelbaby12's Avatar
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    Welcome to be here

  5. #5
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Trell's Avatar
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    Great! But i got dibs on hornets!!
    Last edited by Trell; 05-12-2012 at 06:36 PM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Bee-Fense View Post

    I also forgot to say, draft picks will be tradeable. And I mean the draft picks that will be for the rookies like Davis or Robinson. So if you want to start winning now, you could trade one of the draft picks. You just can't trade consecutive draft picks, just like in the NBA. So if you traded your 2012 pick, next one you can trade is 2014.
    Sounds reasonable to me. Just one or two last question(s) at that point. That means that we would start off with the fantasy draft, then play the 2011-12 season and finally we will have the Rookie Draft of the 2012 class, correct? Talking of those picks I guess erveryone will have a first and a second rounder (that are tradeable), just like in the NBA?

  7. #7
    no trades during the fantasy draft? i hope you have a way of speeding up that draft because with no trades that draft will be boring

  8. #8
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Trell's Avatar
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    Now we got to get more posters to join!

  9. #9
    The Franchise bustah's Avatar
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    Nuggets here

  10. #10

  11. #11
    All-Star SharlieCheen's Avatar
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    Unfortunately not in New Orleans
    Trailblazers here.

  12. #12
    I'll take the Spurs if you're still lookin for teams.

  13. #13
    I'll take the Celtics if available
    Last edited by Conroy; 05-14-2012 at 11:57 AM.

  14. #14

  15. #15
    Ill take the Toronto Raptors, but im not liking this no trade rule haha.

  16. #16
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Trell's Avatar
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    C'mon you guys we need more teams!

  17. #17
    I'll take the Magic. So all picks are keepers right?

  18. #18
    Shoudn't we just edit the starting post, collecting the registrations and see how many teams/ gms we still need to get this started? I think we may be somewhere around 20 by now including both threads.

  19. #19
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Bee-Fense's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Werdiknight View Post
    Shoudn't we just edit the starting post, collecting the registrations and see how many teams/ gms we still need to get this started? I think we may be somewhere around 20 by now including both threads.
    Yeah, I'm going to. I've just been really, really busy with finals. Haven't been on here much lately. I'll get around to it today though.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Bee-Fense View Post
    Yeah, I'm going to. I've just been really, really busy with finals. Haven't been on here much lately. I'll get around to it today though.
    I didn't mean to rush you or something like that. It was just a suggestion, never mind.

  21. #21
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Bee-Fense's Avatar
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    Nah it's cool man; it's been on my mind. I need to write all the names down and then PM anyone who signed up in the other thread but not this thread. If we can get 20 people I think that would be good.

  22. #22
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Trell's Avatar
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    Yea, I beleave this will be a great fantasy league!
    2013-1014 is the season the Pelicans fanbase grows!!!!

  23. #23
    when will this start?

  24. #24
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Bee-Fense's Avatar
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    This will probably start in about a week or two. I've just been really busy with finals, and I'd like for a few more people to join up, so I'm waiting just a little bit to start this.

    I have 9 people counted in this thread, but I still need to message all the people that signed up in the other thread and see if they're still interested, so hopefully we're close to 20 after that.

  25. #25
    As said in the other thread, I'd like to participate taking the Seattle Supersonics.

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