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Thread: Coach Monty Willims on ESPN Radio

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Coach Monty Willims on ESPN Radio

  2. #2
    Love how he talks about attending Saints practices. Nice to see how he interacts with the other pro sports team in town. Not sure that occurs as much in the bigger markets.

  3. #3
    can anyone offer a recap?
    "Times are not good here. The city is crumbling into ashes. It has been buried under taxes and frauds and maladministraions so that it has become a study for archaeologists...but it is better to live here in sackcloth and ashes than to own the whole state of Ohio."

    — Lafcadio Hearn (Inventing New Orleans: Writings of Lafcadio Hearn)

  4. #4
    Saint Pelican of Mile High Contributor DefensiveMind's Avatar
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    On Gordon's game winner: We had to ask EJ to do a little more than we expected. We forgot about JJ's suspension and had wanted to transition Eric to the two spot as soon as possible(when he says this I'm assuming he means transition to learning what we ask of our 2's, since EJ has always been a 2.) , so we tried to hold off on using him at the 1 as long as possible. He's only been here less than two weeks so it was tough to have him do that, luckily EJ came through for us.

    On the shortened preseason and our team: Our team is a work in progress, we have a ton of meetings planned to speed up the team's learning curve. We are a no excuses, no explanation team. The compressed preseason (and its affect on learning the system) is NOT an excuse to NOT play hard and defend. We have new guys on the team and our staff, so we have a lot of transition. But we are blessed to be here and do what we do for a living and that should make the transition easier.

    Where do you see Gordon's potential: Its early and I don't want to put pressure on him. I'm also still evaluating him, but he has a chance to be one of the most complete players in the league. He guards his position and a number of other postions very well. Once he gets comfortable with our system he will be even better. I have to figure out ways to allow him some freedom. His ceiling is pretty high

    How important is it for Gordon to buy in? He's a young guy, coming to a team in limbo? Well first off, we don't believe we are in limbo. Thats a perception we wish people would stop pushing. We feel like we are headed in the right direction and getting Gordon helps. We feel like he believes he has a great opportunity to carry this franchise. Eric Gordon is professional who has played on the world stage and he can handle the situation. He won't make excuses.

    How do you manage a 66 game schedule We spend a lot of time as a staff discussing how to develop the team when we can't practice. I love watching the Saints practice and I've learned alot from watching how they plan when they can't beat each other up in practice. Sean Payton has been very gracious in that regard.

  5. #5
    Starter Grayson's Avatar
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    On Eric Gordon's shot:

    "Yeah we did we felt like Eric was capable of playing the point guard position but we didn't want to go to that in the first half and we held onto until the second half... Eric came through for us last night."

    On short amount of time to learn things from each other"

    "Well it's a work in progress, we're still trying to do that [learn from each other] we're having a tonne of meetings right now just to shorten that learning curve. At the same time were a no excuse team, but it does take time."

    "I think Eric has a chance to be one of the best players in the NBA." He also said that he's very impressed with his defense, which coming from a guy who criticizes players and their defensive abilities the most, must mean a lot. He said his "ceiling is high."

    "we don't believe we're in limbo." -- "Eric feels like he has an opportunity to carry this franchise."
    I like basketball

    Twitter: @jsgrayson

  6. #6
    thanks peoples!

  7. #7
    -Garrus Vakarian- ItsPaulyP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monty Williams

    How important is it for Gordon to buy in? He's a young guy, coming to a team in limbo? Well first off, we don't believe we are in limbo. Thats a perception we wish people would stop pushing. We feel like we are headed in the right direction and getting Gordon helps. We feel like he believes he has a great opportunity to carry this franchise. Eric Gordon is professional who has played on the world stage and he can handle the situation. He won't make excuses.
    Thank you Coach! We are not in limbo and we dont plan on losing, wish people would stop saying we are in that position.
    Twitter: @TheRealPaulyP
    PR Sim League (2006-07 Season)

  8. #8
    monty thinks very highly of EJ

  9. #9
    All-Star Blaqmoon's Avatar
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    NOLA Ya Heard!!!!
    Monty is the man
    If Wayne is E.T.-ish tell him phone home

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