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Thread: Uh oh? New York Times Reports - Davis Likely to Refuse Hornets' Offer

  1. #51
    Originally posted by West Coast Hornet

    I am not happy with the Seahawks moving to the NFC West. I was born and raised NFC West, so the Seahawks don't belong there.
    When the Seahawks were added to the NFL in 1976 they spent the 1976 season in the NFC West along with Los Angeles Rams, San Francisco 49ers, New Orleans Saints, and the Atlanta Falcons.
    It wasn't until the 1977 season when they were move to the AFC West. So, in a way, the Seahawks are back where they started.

  2. #52
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Frustrated
    Harvey, don't flatter yourself. Most of us don't spend that much time thinking about YOUR problems.
    Oh really? Read the board and take a gander at the buzzards out there licking their chops at the prospect of Baron saying no. How about our CLT friends who were saying we would not offer him the max? How about the threads and posts that have been deleted or relocated to the SMACK BOARD which displayed CLT coullions in full attack mode? As far as you not caring, if that is the case, why are you here posting and challenging me? I thought there were better things to do in CLT than worry about the NBA. Finally, I am enjoying my NBA "problems". "Problems" like this beat the hell out of the alternative we had experienced the previous 23 years since the Jazz were taken away. I sure am happy for CLT to have rid themselves of this kind of misery. Funny thing is, they come here to share in our dose.

  3. #53
    All-Star BUCKO's Avatar
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    I'm from Charlotte, and although I really want Baron to stay I have to admit that I would respect him more if he turned the money down and left. It has nothing to do with any kind of anti-Shinn, or anti-New Orleans feelings.

    I think a major problem with the sports world is that people don't do anything but chase big bucks around. To see a player turn down a HUGE payday to play somewhere that makes him happier for merely a huge payday is refreshing. If Baron is serious about not wanting to play here, I would respect him for being able to say no to a fat stack of cash.

  4. #54
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by BUCKO
    I'm from Charlotte, and although I really want Baron to stay I have to admit that I would respect him more if he turned the money down and left. It has nothing to do with any kind of anti-Shinn, or anti-New Orleans feelings.

    I think a major problem with the sports world is that people don't do anything but chase big bucks around. To see a player turn down a HUGE payday to play somewhere that makes him happier for merely a huge payday is refreshing. If Baron is serious about not wanting to play here, I would respect him for being able to say no to a fat stack of cash.
    You may be the only person from CLT capable of feeling that way. It would really seem as though some of them have brought back their grudge to this board now that this Baron issues is in the news. Are those guys (not you Bucko) ever going to grow up? They have to realize that the only person a grudge hurts is the person carrying it around with them. Do they really think George, Ray or anyone here really cares?!!!
    Last edited by Harvey Hornet-x; 07-02-2002 at 11:08 AM.

  5. #55
    Charter Member Southpaw's Avatar
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    Originally posted by BUCKO
    I'm from Charlotte, and although I really want Baron to stay I have to admit that I would respect him more if he turned the money down and left. It has nothing to do with any kind of anti-Shinn, or anti-New Orleans feelings.

    I think a major problem with the sports world is that people don't do anything but chase big bucks around. To see a player turn down a HUGE payday to play somewhere that makes him happier for merely a huge payday is refreshing. If Baron is serious about not wanting to play here, I would respect him for being able to say no to a fat stack of cash.
    On the surface I'd say you make a good point, Bucko. But I also think it's flawed.

    Let's not kid ourselves. Baron Davis doesn't want to play in New York, Chicago or L.A. because it "makes him happier." He might take a smaller contract initially to move there, but he's doing it for one reason....dollar signs.

    As the premier point guard for a team in NY/NJ, Chicago or L.A., Baron Davis stands to cash in big time on marketing and endorsement deals. He goes from being an All-Star point guard for the New Orleans Hornets to being a household name nationwide if he's guiding the Knicks, Bulls or Clippers and has any level of success.

    Even if he doesn't have much success (ala the Clippers), he still cashes in on a potentially huge local endorsement deal...much more than he can get hawking cars or local restaurants on cable tv in New Orleans.

    And once the intial low-ball contract is up, he'd be demanding that max deal from the big market team.

    So the premise sounds good. But the reality is that big dollars are still ultimately the bottom line.
    A football game can't stop hurricanes.

    It can't fix levees.

    Or rebuild houses.

    But it can let a city know...

    That it's a city once again.

    Welcome back, New Orleans.

  6. #56
    Starter Elric's Avatar
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    I don't have any problem with whatever decision he makes. It's his life and I'm sure he just wants to play ball and be happy. I've always assumed he wanted to go back to LA (or CA). Most of us don't have the opportunities these guys have but I would probably do the same in their position.

  7. #57
    Just for the record most folks in Charlotte didn't think he would re-sign even if the team had not relocated so there is no sour grapes involved especially from the Charlotte folks who still post at this site. A lot of you are just worried that Charlotte people can come back and say "I told ya so" but you have the team so who cares what we think?

    For the record I hope the stays with the Hornets and has a wonderful career in New Orleans. After dealing with the Saints for years and years you all deserve a championship caliber team.

  8. #58
    Originally posted by alon504

    Well, we all know on this site that many in Charlotte have other motives and aren't NBA fans or Hornets fans...many (not all) are still completely filled with embarrassment and shame that this happened to their city. This has to do with ego towards their city since this happened, and they are entitled to feel that way. It's a free country. It'll be many years before this settles inside of them. I can understand that in a way. Now, do I care???--that's another story--we have the team here and are able to discuss such matters about our team.
    I woudn't count on it being years before we're over it... I think in September when the NBA annoucnes our team we'll be fine.

  9. #59
    Going away.... Contributor West Coast Hornet's Avatar
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    I've had enough of some of you CLT people. What is this obsession that you guys have thinking that we are worried about what you think? No one in NOLA gives a crap about what you think. Too many of you guys are coming over here and trying to spread your misery in losing your team and your disdain for the Hornets' ownership under the guise of Hornets history. If you want to share Hornets history with us, then tread lightly. No reason to come in here with a big stick and getting all defensive. If you guys keep this up, then I am going to have to put all of you on my ignore list. Oh, one other thing. None of you have a "right" to post here, nor do we. It's a privilege. Respect it. Respect us. It's New Orleans' team and we are going to be pro New Orleans and pro-Hornets. Too many of you guys are anti-New Orleans and anti-Hornets. To deny such is ludicrous. Now please, please try to maintain the peace and respect our position here. This is OUR board. You are guests here. Act like one or be asked to leave.

  10. #60


    i hate to say this, but there would be nothing more enjoyable to me than to see the charlotte expansion team not happen. atleast if most people from charlotte are like the ones who post here.

    i like how there is never an IF charlotte gets an expansion team, but WHEN charlotte gets an expansion team. better yet, when they get an expansion team in 2003. and all this is based on belkin saying that he'd like to start in 2003. ofcourse he would like to start in 2003, but it doesnt mean it'll happen. charlotte just got lucky that bird has decided that he wants a team. face it, bird helped save this league; ofcourse stern is going to bend over backwards to help him out. unfortunately charlotte people are using that to stroke their already massive egos. im suprised yall didn't reject the arena plan, and im not suprised that one of the main reasons that it did pass was out of spite to your former franchise and its owners.

    damn man. heres a good analogy: a guy goes out with this rich, hot girl for awhile. at first everything is going great, but slowly and surely this guy is starting to realize that the girl is not for him - she's not putting enough into the relationship. the relationship slowly erodes and finally culminates into a nasty breakup. near the end, the guy finds this new girl. she seems like the perfect girl for him, so he splits ties with his former girlfriend and runs off with this one. little did he know, his former girlfriend was more f'd up than cameron diaz's character in vanilla sky. this girl starts calling him every night and hanging up the phone; she sends death threats to the new girlfriend. all of this out of spite - she doesnt even like the guy anymore, but she is so pissed off at this guy because he was the one that broke up with her. that had never happened to her before, and it was a huge blow to her ego. she thought she had him wrapped around her finger, and he left her for someone else. finally, in an act of desperation, she gets with her ex-boyfriend's best friend, a guy by the name of larry bird, and a week later they're talking about getting married. larry is a nice guy but he just doesnt know what he's getting into. they're not even thinking about the future, but they rush to vegas and get married immediately after vaguely going into a few details about buying a new house. so this spiteful girl has rushed into a huge ordeal just to try and ******** her ex-boyfriend off, and all the while the ex-boyfriend is just trying to ignore her and enjoy his new life. he's got a loving girlfriend, a down payment on a brand new house, and a baby on the way. the last thing on his mind is his ex-girlfriend.

    i spent way too much time on that, but you get the picture. and that is how i perceive the whole situation right now.

  11. #61
    How about this analogy...The boyfriend threatens to leave his hot girlfriend becuase he has something better lined up (which is actually an uglier, nastier version) of the current Girlfriend. The girlfriend tells the boyfriend to get the hell out becuase I don't want you. The girlfriend was so hot, she knew some other handsome man would be knocking at the door and is. That is how the rest of the country sees it....

  12. #62
    Going away.... Contributor West Coast Hornet's Avatar
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    Originally posted by rayshinn
    How about this analogy...The boyfriend threatens to leave his hot girlfriend becuase he has something better lined up (which is actually an uglier, nastier version) of the current Girlfriend. The girlfriend tells the boyfriend to get the hell out becuase I don't want you. The girlfriend was so hot, she knew some other handsome man would be knocking at the door and is. That is how the rest of the country sees it....
    Eh, coulllion, the rest of the country doesn't care, except for maybe those in L.A. and NY who may have some trade interest in this whole thing. Don't kid yourself. What does someone in the carolinas know about what the rest of country feels? Welcome to the ignore list!

  13. #63
    West Coast,

    You have got to be the most bitter person I have ever run across posting on a message board. Calm down man everyone that comes here isn't "anti-NO or anti-Hornet". In fact the majority of people from Charlotte that continue to post here actually cared about the team and the players. If we didn't we wouldn't still be hanging around checking on the draft and the contract status of Davis and the such.

    I guess I shouldn't participate though since I am "guest" from Charlotte and this is "your" board.

  14. #64
    Travis Bickle Contributor cab694's Avatar
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    Originally posted by West Coast Hornet

    Eh, coulllion, the rest of the country doesn't care, except for maybe those in L.A. and NY who may have some trade interest in this whole thing. Don't kid yourself. What does someone in the carolinas know about what the rest of country feels? Welcome to the ignore list!
    I'm with WCH on this. The rest of the country doen't give a rat's ***** about what goes on the CLT. All they know is you basically ran a winning team out of town & now will pay THROUGH THE NOSE to get another one.

    Chairman Of The Bored

    "I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous." -cab694

  15. #65
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    People, people. Let's all take a deep breath and calm down. Even though I am over the Hornets leaving and am looking forward to us getting a new team, I still keep up with the Hornets just to see if they are trying to keep their better players. I'm not anti NO or anti Hornets. I was actually glad to see Shinridge step up and offer BD the max. I do think that BD has always wanted to play in NY, LA or CHI. Also, I am not sure Andre Miller is as good as BD. Now, lets all smile and go get a beer.
    It now appears to be over.

  16. #66
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Originally posted by cab694
    I'm with WCH on this. The rest of the country doen't give a rat's ***** about what goes on the CLT. All they know is you basically ran a winning team out of town & now will pay THROUGH THE NOSE to get another one.
    I agree. Contrary to what seems to be a popular belief by some individuals, the world does not revolve around Charlotte.

  17. #67
    ...we get to go McDonalds
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    Originally posted by rayshinn
    How about this analogy...The boyfriend threatens to leave his hot girlfriend becuase he has something better lined up (which is actually an uglier, nastier version) of the current Girlfriend. The girlfriend tells the boyfriend to get the hell out becuase I don't want you. The girlfriend was so hot, she knew some other handsome man would be knocking at the door and is. That is how the rest of the country sees it....

    Yea, well, that hot girlfriend was conceded, a ********** and never listens. And moreover, she's not hot. She sucks.

    The new girlfriend is actually devoted to her boyfriend.

    And the new girlfriend is a hell of alot more fun.

    P.S. The old girlfriend still hasn't found jack****.

  18. #68
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    The rest of the country didn't not even know Charletson existed before the Hornets and is soon to forget them now that they are gone.

  19. #69
    Going away.... Contributor West Coast Hornet's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Bugs
    West Coast,

    You have got to be the most bitter person I have ever run across posting on a message board. Calm down man everyone that comes here isn't "anti-NO or anti-Hornet". In fact the majority of people from Charlotte that continue to post here actually cared about the team and the players. If we didn't we wouldn't still be hanging around checking on the draft and the contract status of Davis and the such.

    I guess I shouldn't participate though since I am "guest" from Charlotte and this is "your" board.
    Eh, coullion. Go ahead and recharacterize the facts. I could really care less if you think I am bitter or not. Was I talking to you directly? Have you participated in the bashing that I am talking about? If not, then why get in the middle of it? To defend your fellow Charlotteans? Me calm down? How about you calm down? First, I never said that "everyone" from CLT is anti-NOLA, anti-Hornets - what a ludicrous position that would be. Go re-read the post and respond when you are not so emotionally involved. Second,no one ever doubted that you guys "cared" about the team, but that's not the issue here, or is it? Because you guys cared about the team gives some of you the right to come on this board and crap all over NOLA and continue to crap all over the owners and warn us incessantly of problems with this ownership group? We've heard it all before. It is out belief that the owners will respond differently here due to their improved cash flow. If we are wrong, then damn be to us, but for the millionth time, we don't need to hear it from you guys.

    Third, in recent threads, the CLT posts have become increasingly hostile. No one told you that you couldn't post here. Rather, I simply requested, nicely I might add, that you guys are guests. Respect our pro-N.O. stance, respect our views towards the ownership group, and post with respectability. In other words, act like a guest, not a party-crasher. If you feel that you can't respect this simple request, then, yeah, I guess I am telling you that I don't want to hear it from you. I'll let you decide where you come down on that issue, but for me, you are being relegated to the ignore list. It's not that I don't want to debate this issue with you, rather, I simply choose not to. Goodbye!

    Choo rouge pour coullion!

  20. #70
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by West Coast Hornet

    Choo rouge pour coullion!
    Now were talking. Choo Rouge!!! Some, not all, of the CLT posters give me the choo rouge. We are finally expanding on the coullion situation.

  21. #71
    Originally posted by West Coast Hornet
    Choo rouge pour coullion!

    You're killing me. Come on now, coullion. You can't let them on to everything.

  22. #72
    Going away.... Contributor West Coast Hornet's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Grandadmiral

    You're killing me. Come on now, coullion. You can't let them on to everything.
    Eh, you talkin' to me? Need I remind you, je suis de Nouvelle Orleans, biah! I'm just gettin' started!

  23. #73
    Banned Trueblood's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Harvey Hornet
    McDyess can't be traded for 60 days from what I am hearing. Something about his contract or league rules of a guy in his current contract situation. Maybe one of our NBA CBA gurus can explain this to us.
    Yeah, a player has to wait 60 days after he has been traded in order to be dealt again. Since McDyess was traded in late June, he won't be eligible to be traded again for until late August.

  24. #74
    Originally posted by West Coast Hornet

    Eh, you talkin' to me? Need I remind you, je suis de Nouvelle Orleans, biah! I'm just gettin' started!
    Non, 'sieur. Please don't.

  25. #75
    Join Date
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    Originally posted by West Coast Hornet

    Choo rouge pour coullion!
    Red cabbage for an idiot? Ohhhhhhhhhhh Kaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy....

    No kimchi for me, thanks.

    Harvey aime Spongeridge

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