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Thread: An Open Letter To Baron Davis!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    An Open Letter To Baron Davis!

    Dear Baron,

    New Orleans has waited 23 years for N.B.A. basketball to return. Not you or any other malcontent Hornet player will ruin the return of the N.B.A. to New Orleans. If your plan is for the New Orleans fans to rally around you and your faulty ego, then you are wasting your time.

    If you want so bad to stay in Charlotte, sign on with the Sting. Then you will be in good company with others that have monthly hormonal swings.

    New Orleans does not care if go to another team. From the posts on this board, it is clear that there will not be the uproar of protest against George Shinn that was done in Charlotte.

    I am sure there are a few New Orleans Police officers who feel the same. Therefore, you can plan on a free escort out of town (if you ever show up).

    Just because you played in this years all-star game does not mean you ARE a true all-star. You are an all-star by default. You took someone's place.

    Maybe if you opened your mouth about your feelings we might be able to understand. However, you choose to hide behind your agent so you can TRY to make your agent the bad guy.

    In New Orleans, as Saints fans, we have been through it all. We have had an astronaut general manager, a general manager who's mother fired him from the Rams, and a head coach who shot the bird at the fans...and so much more! But through it all, we showed up for the games...year after year.

    So, if you think your antics will cause problems for Shinn with the fans, think again. We have seen guys like you come and go! Your PR act is getting old. Be a real pro and make a verbal statement.

    I don't know about the others on this board, but I don't care about you. All I want is to select my seats ASAP!!!!!

  2. #2
    I actually like you letter. Touch it up a little and post it on Baron's website, if you can. Let him know how many of us feel.

    :999999993 Baron

  3. #3
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Grandadmiral
    I actually like you letter. Touch it up a little and post it on Baron's website, if you can. Let him know how many of us feel.

    :999999993 Baron
    That would not be a good idea IMO. Why get hostile with the star player on the team before we even know the facts?

  4. #4
    Originally posted by HORNETSFAN
    Why get hostile with the star player on the team before we even know the facts?
    What facts are we still trying to get? It's a fact that he doesn't want to be here. Are we going to start doubting what Bass and Silas say also.

    Davis does not want to be here. It's a fact. He doesn't have to say it now. People know it. To hell with him.

  5. #5
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Grandadmiral

    What facts are we still trying to get? It's a fact that he doesn't want to be here. Are we going to start doubting what Bass and Silas say also.

    Davis does not want to be here. It's a fact. He doesn't have to say it now. People know it. To hell with him.
    We do not know all the facts. We have to give management a chance to address the situation before burning him at the stake. These types of situations happen all the time. Sometimes they can be resolved (Karl Malone), sometimes they cannot (John Elway). Let's let this play out before starting off on the wrong foot by getting hostile with our players.

  6. #6
    *The Original Get Buzzin* GetBuzzin's Avatar
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    Hostile? NBAHornets has a point. These Hornet players better understand that this is New Orleans and not Mayberry. We don't put up with Saints players' ego problems and were are not going to put up the Hornet ego problems.

    Morten Anderson, Ricky Jackson, Bobby Hebert, and a whole bunch of other Saints players left...and life went on! Anyone with half a brain can see what is going on. What is going on you ask? There seems to be an attempted hold up in progress. And George Shinn is not going to open up the safe! So, Baron needs to go down the road and try to stick up some other store.

    The Hornets need to get rid of Baron before this gets out of hand and we can't get anything for him. If Baron and his agent were smart, they should have kept their mouths shut, get a trade and hold up some other team. Now, everyone knows Baron wants out and he is in no position to get top dollar.

  7. #7
    Basketball Guru Contributor
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    It's an interesting letter that states the truth, but to send it to his own website would be kinda childish. I say just trade him now. We should have heard something public from him by now if he cared and wanted to state the truth. Any decent human who cared would. So, no matter what anyone thinks or posts, I honestly think the guy does not want to play here. And that's fine, so just do the trade now and lets get something great in return. If they were working on something that meant he was going to be here and an excited player for New Orleans, we would have heard something. So, see ya Baron, and hello New Orleans Hornets.

  8. #8
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    Get Buzzin- Where is Mayberry?

    Some of you people are the biggest hypocrites I've ever seen.

    New Orleans brags about running off players with ego problems and not putting up with a player that doesn't want to be there or that is demanding more money than they deserve. "Don't let the door hit ya" - "trade his ******"- "ship him out" are all expressions used to describe the Baron situation.

    Charlotte did basically the same thing to an ownership group with a bad ego, that didn't want to be here, and wanted more money than we thought they deserved and we were ridiculed for months about how we were idiots and didn't understand pro sports.

    I just think its funny how the things we were ridiculed for is the same thing that some of you are gloating about.

    This has been a great time for me as a Charlotte basketball fan- I get to sit back and watch the Hornets potentially lose their best player but I don't have to worry about getting hurt because they aren't my problem anymore. The Hornets are now New Orleans problem and Charlotte will start negotiations with the NBA in July about our expansion team. This all couldn't have worked out any better for the true fans here in Charlotte.

    As far as the Baron Davis situation goes, don't be so fast in blaming Baron for what is happening. I haven't heard Baron say anything about demanding a trade so, I wouldn't believe it until it comes out of Barons mouth.

    Let me remind you guys of something I've sure you've heard 1000 times.

    The Hornets management lies. They lie about showing up for arena negotiations, they lie about not being in talks with any other city about relocation, they lie about attendance and most importantly they lie about player negotiations.

    Ex. 1- Alonzo Mourning- George Shinn said he demanded a trade and that he turned down a higher contract to stay in Charlotte in favor of less money in Miami. Alonzo said Shinn was full of **** and that he would have stayed in Charlotte had Shinn matched Miami's offer.

    Ex. 2-Dell Curry- at the time of his free agency he was the last remaining original Hornet and a fan favorite. Dell wanted very much to remain in Charlotte(still lives here) and Hornets management said they would keep him. Dell was not offered a contract, the Hornets instead paid 2 times what Curry would have cost on the great Eldridge Recasner.

    Ex. 3-Vlade Divac- once stated he would "retire if he was traded to Charlotte"(The Hornets traded Kobe Bryant for Vlade Divac for those that didn't know that). Vlade ended up loving Charlotte and wanted to resign. Hornets management said (what has became the "KISS OF DEATH" for all Hornets free agents)"He is our #1 offseason priority." Vlade was never offered a contract and signed with Sacramento.

    Ex. 4 Eddie Jones again "He is our #1 offseason priority." and was never offered a contract by the team but was later trade in a sign and trade deal. Wooldridge said during the season the Eddie was a max contract player and that everything would be done to resign him to help show the fans they were serious about winning. I repeat he was never offered a contract by the team

    Ex. 5 Brad Miller- restricted free agent who was once again, yes you guessed it - "He is our #1 offseason priority." signed with the Bulls.

    Ex. 6 Eddie Robinson- see above.

    The last thing I heard Baron say was he would play in Antartica if they had fans coming to the games, so before all you guys throw Baron under the bus---Think about who is saying what and how much they have lied in the past---.

    Have any of you thought that maybe just maybe- Shinn and Wooldridge don't want to pay market value and they have put out the rumors about the trade demand to save face?

    Same owners
    New city
    Same old ****!

    Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by Charlotte-Jason; 06-29-2002 at 12:27 AM.
    With the third pick in the 2006 NBA Draft the Charlotte Bobcats select Rudy Gay..........

  9. #9
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Say what you want, Baron wants out. Not because of us or the owners. He wants a big market. Goodbye!!! Later. I have no problem packing a players bags, the franchise is a different story. Totally different scenario. I will not be hurt by Baron's departure either. He is Charlotte's hero, not mine. You can have him. Ooops, you have nothing to trade. Ooops, you don't have a team. Sorry. Any of you with a team and good players, you can have him. And you are going to pay.

  10. #10
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    Originally posted by Harvey Hornet
    Ooops, you have nothing to trade. Ooops, you don't have a team. Sorry. Any of you with a team and good players, you can have him. And you are going to pay.
    I know from experience not having a team is better than the one you have.

    Go ahead and rub it in that we don't have a team but, do it fast because in less than 90 days we will have a team and it will be great.

    Harvey, you said that Charlotte was naive to think we could choose our owners and that we couldn't have our cake and eat it too. Well the cake is in the oven and the frosting will be put on it soon. How big a piece you want? It can't be real big though- you won't have room for cake with your foot in your mouth.

    All joking aside though- I think Baron would prefer to play in a bigger market and that the rumors are probally true that he wants to be traded but, I don't think it will happen this season so you will get atleast one year to convince him that New Orleans is his kind of town. Baron is a special player and you will be sorry if he's not around.

    I hope everythings going well for you Harvey- Take care, Jason

  11. #11
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    How have you been Jason? Hope all is well. I really don't want this guy if he doesn't want to be here. If he wanted to be here, I'd throw an F'n parade for him. Don't worry my friend, there is plenty of room in my mouth for my foot and my cake. I got my cake in May and I've been eating it ever since. This problem with Baron is a blessing to a city that hasn't had a team in 23 years. I'd rather be in this postion with Baron today than where we were last year with the NBA at this time. Take care.

  12. #12
    Basketball Guru Contributor
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    Let's stay with the Hornets as fans. I've always wanted a new team for Charlotte--the fans deserve it. This isn't a contest of cities. It's about our NBA team and the fans can come from wherever. We are New Orleans Hornets fans. This isn't really a sight for fans of the city. We have more than enough fans for the city. But the more fans for the Hornets, the better, and the more the fun as momentum soon will begin for the next season soon. If anyone (and this isn't personal to anyone) who comes here to speak, they should realize that we are Hornets fans. Lets hope Charlotte fans who aren't really Hornets fans get a team in their city so they can vent somewhere else and let the Hornets fans and NBA fans be the fans we are--for the Hornets.

  13. #13

  14. #14
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    No sour grapes here. I couldn't be happier with the way things have worked out. I would rather have Larry Bird, ML Carr and Steve Belkin over Shinnridge any day of the week. Charlotte will be much better off with the new team.

    The reason I posted was not to vent( I vented enough throughout the whole relo ordeal) but, to defend Baron. Baron wouldn't be the first player to have his named dragged through the mud in order for Shinn/Wooldridge to save face.

  15. #15
    I meant sour grapes for NOL people already. They are starting to see what CLT has for years. Nailon and Baron want out...they can't keep Free agents becuase they are cheap and nobody like to work for the organization.

    Every time I posted something the least bit negative about shinnridge, some smartass NOL poster said "sour grapes"
    Now they may start to understand.
    Last edited by rayshinn; 06-29-2002 at 01:38 AM.

  16. #16
    FYI...I have been telling people about Lebron for over two years...he is my home state boy. Bet you didn't know, he has also been a first team all-state WR for two years and is rated by scouts as the best WR in the state, but will probably forgoe his senior season of football with his wrist injury.

  17. #17
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    There are no sour grapes here. Just an honest desire to continue to move the team forward. Baron wants out. Not our fault or the owners. Don't try to pass that crap off here. That is true sour grapes. I just want to accomodate him while players like Andre Miller, Lamar Odom, Keyon Dooling, etc are available for trade. You can' t fault us (fans or owners) because Baron wants to play in NY or LA. I am trying to hasten his accomodation. That should make you happy right. When BAron leaves the team will fold. The sky is going to fall when Baron isn't a Hornet any more right? Please!!!

  18. #18
    Originally posted by Harvey Hornet
    You can' t fault us (fans or owners) because Baron wants to play in NY or LA.
    Can't just use that as an excuse though. If Sacramento resigned themselves to that, Webber would be gone. If Indiana resigned themselves to that, Miller would be gone. If Minnesota resigned themselves to that, Garnett would be gone. If Orlando believed that, McGrady would be playing in Chicago.

    Small market teams will be at a disadvantage in some cases, therefore it's up to them to make it worth a players' while to entice them into staying. Great players are always going to be lured into playing for big market teams for obvious reasons, you can't just accept that as fact and not try to keep them!

  19. #19
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    My point was that CLT folks are not going to be able to come here and try to sell us that "it's the owners" crap.

  20. #20
    Well, what is it then?

  21. #21
    Hall of Famer Abbie's Avatar
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    cant you guess ... opps relocated to hawks country, (at least i know it is one team the bobcats SHOULD beat-lol
    Are you always going to think they are perfect and cant do anything wrong?

  22. #22
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Baron wants to leave. He can put the team in a positon where they would get nothing for him 2 years from now. How hard is that to understand. I don't think the owners are perfect, never have. It's just easy to see which fish is stinking in this deal and it's not Shinn and Wooly.

    BTW, the owners OWN the team. Not me. Not you. When you and I can scrounge up multi millions to own a team, we can run it like we want. Otherwise, I can take my opinion, your opinion and a nickel and make a phone call.
    Last edited by Harvey Hornet-x; 06-29-2002 at 02:24 AM.

  23. #23
    Going away.... Contributor West Coast Hornet's Avatar
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    Well, one might say that it is sour grapes, but I am not going to argue that point. If CLT people wonder why some of us are concerned by the tone of the posts from some of you guys, go check out the board at www.saintsreport.com. The difference in the board is notable. The board is almost 100% talk about the Saints in a sports fashion. There is still too much drama on this board and the drama eminates from CLT because you guys just lost a team and are trying to get a team back. I am with Alon. Let's talk Hornets and keep the city talk out of it. It is almost entirely irrelevant now.

    Time for some football!!!

  24. #24
    Why does Baron want to leave?

  25. #25
    Hall of Famer Abbie's Avatar
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    cant you guess ... opps relocated to hawks country, (at least i know it is one team the bobcats SHOULD beat-lol
    Just checking, I am not making a judgement yet, too easy to do in the past and I turned out to be wrong. To think of the near hate I had for Zo and for no reason at all.

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