I mentioned the flooding. Back in 97 a couple levees broke up in Yolo County (North of Sac) and the houses there were flooded to the roofs, and these were two story farm houses. I remember when one of the news channels out there had a helicoptor pilot rescue a dog from the roof because the owners were MIA. Heartwarming story.
I also remember when the Folsom Dam had a gate break open. That was scary enough because the next dam down river (Nimbus Dam in Fair Oaks) was at the point of overflowing. hell you can still see the water line on the hills there at Nimbus.
I'm just saying that an earthwauke has not occured in Sac and probaly won't "feel" an earthquake, but the mention of the Delta, if a quake like the one in 89 hits the SF Bay Area again, Yea I bet the Delta would weaken.
And everyone said California will fall off of the face of the Earth. Maybe in a thousand years, but I hope not.