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Thread: Shinn puts foot in mouth again (Times Picayune Story)

  1. #76
    New FULL ssn ticket holder! Hornet-Saint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harvey Hornet
    Don't let them change the topic(s) folks.
    "Hornets announce new grandparents-only dance team for official game timeouts!! JOIN NOW!!"

  2. #77
    I mean lets get this game on. Does the league want to keep dealing with this for the next year? Media questions, a battle between cities, owner embarassing himself every week or two, rumors of secret plans leaking. It is absurd. If anyone, Shinn, NBA whoever, wants the team in OKC put the ball in play. Lets get before the judge, just get the ugliness out here in plain sight. I mean someone needs to pitch a tent over this circus. LA messed up, we should have forced them back. Should have known better than to trust them to deal in good faith. I think Stern is being honest, Shinn is not. Stern needs to bring the hammer down or face dealing with this crap on a weekly basis for God knows how long.

  3. #78
    Going away.... Contributor West Coast Hornet's Avatar
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    Announcing the A-S game would be great, but with the stories yet to come out, one has to wonder when the Hornets will start to sing the "we will be back in New Orleans on ________."

    Time for some football!!!

  4. #79
    As said before, I think the prior language used by Shinn and Stern speaks volumes about their committment here.

    My opinion. Neither Stern nor Shinn want the team to return here. Stern, however, understands the implications of trying to get out the lease. Both probably hope that buying time with another year in OK might lead to some way out of the mess. Shinn probably has already gotten lawyers to look into what he can try to use to attack lease. The awarding of the Allstar game isn't proof of committment to city, but cover and pr for lack of committment.
    Have to be concerned that State doesn't play into hands of Shinn and do something that opens up a way not to return. State probably could have forced return next year, but didn't want to pay potential cost. Current governor doesn't care about pro sports or New Orleans. Shinn might look for any weaknesses in recovery to try to say NO isn't ready for return. Return of team is more to do with legal battle and lease than any loyalty or love of city.
    That attitude should really kill any support, which plays into their hands for saying city now can't support team.

  5. #80
    I'm sure they were planning to make official announcement on AS game when the Hornets were in town, big splash, more media coverage. Do you think Stern will be in town for one of the games? If the NBA allowed Shinn to try and fight his way out of NO the AS game would go over like a lead balloon here. How sick of Shinn must Stern be? Can you imagine how he feels having to deal with this crap. I'm sure if the Commish could fine an owner for stupidity he would have Shinn so broke he'd have to sell the team.

  6. #81
    Going away.... Contributor West Coast Hornet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwashb9999
    As said before, I think the prior language used by Shinn and Stern speaks volumes about their committment here.

    My opinion. Neither Stern nor Shinn want the team to return here. Stern, however, understands the implications of trying to get out the lease. Both probably hope that buying time with another year in OK might lead to some way out of the mess. Shinn probably has already gotten lawyers to look into what he can try to use to attack lease. The awarding of the Allstar game isn't proof of committment to city, but cover and pr for lack of committment.
    Have to be concerned that State doesn't play into hands of Shinn and do something that opens up a way not to return. State probably could have forced return next year, but didn't want to pay potential cost. Current governor doesn't care about pro sports or New Orleans. Shinn might look for any weaknesses in recovery to try to say NO isn't ready for return. Return of team is more to do with legal battle and lease than any loyalty or love of city.
    That attitude should really kill any support, which plays into their hands for saying city now can't support team.
    Stern will only bail on us right now (2007) under one set of circumstances, and that set does not currently exist.

  7. #82
    Desk jockey Contributor Defuz's Avatar
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    My wife and I, season ticket holders from day one - hour one, love the games, and have just upgraded our tickets to the lower bowl. Boy, oh boy, we were jazzed about this season. Then Katrina.

    And although somewhat slow to react, when he did, I believed what Shinn said. Why shouldn't I?

    During the time that has passed, I've seen and heard many things. The despicable behavior of Benson has brought me to a place where I've sworn to never support his team again. Besides which, I prefer to go to basketball games anyway; easy call.

    Comments from Byron about good crowds and a city that supports the team did not offend me. I understand that from his point of view, it's support for his team when they're on the floor, and that kind of atmosphere can carry a team. If I were him, I'd feel the same way. He's a coach. He's paid to get results, which I think he's doing a fine job of. And he appreciates, as anyone would, the benefits of good fan support.

    But, over this time that has passed, I've connected the dots and find, regretably, that the picture that is emerging is an ugly one. I've said it before, and I'll say it again; the buyout of Woolridge, small crowds and a bad investment have crippled the finances of Shinn and the team. In OKC, the money's pouring in, with guarntees from the state, good corporate sponsors, and a bright future where he's the only game in town.

    When Benson was forced back here, the Hornets return looked more doubtful instantly. Like it or not, this city has been crippled, and it will take years and years to return. That means that it'll be hard to support TWO professional sports franchises, and the owners know this.

    I know Benson's waiting for the right moment, but I never thought that Shinn was too. Now I believe that he is, and that, the lying, has broken my heart.

    This Beekeeper crap is so hollow, so fake, so phony. I know who we've seen implemented with it, but I also believe, without any verification what so ever, that Shinn was fully aware of it, yet pulled no strings, nor had any directly attatched either. Two words....plausible denyability.

    Where does it go from here? We'll just have to wait and see. More will follow.

    But I find myself dumbfounded that someone of his stature would not simply put his cards on the table and be honest with the people. For example, if I had been told:

    "I want to return. I want to bring this team back permanently. But before I can, I have a responsibility to make sure I'm not jumping into a situation where the water's deep, I'm far away from shore, and I don't have a lifevest. I need you folks to support the team, and we need corporate sponsors to step back to the plate, naming rights sold for the arena etc etc. I'll do everything that I can, but I'll need your help. Together......." etc etc.

    I've heard some of that, but when I also hear comments like the ASG in OKC, this Beekeeper crap, and see the firing (officially or otherwise) of good, proven team leaders like Bristow and McDougal, then I know that I'm being lied to. When I see that, as anyone else does, my faith falters and my desire to do what I can for the team, buy tickets, merchandise & concessions, falters.

    Look, as far as I know, I'm still on the fan advisory board. I'm still willing to go to meetings and do what I can to support the team and offer my thoughts and feelings to help. All I ask for my hard earned money, my dedication to the team, and most importantly, my heart, is some honesty in return.

    Break the mould of corporate money-grabbing and dedicate yourself to the city and the people here. Maybe you won't make as much money here initially as you might in OKC, but over time, I can promise you that the people of Southeast Louisiana will bring you home.

    We will rebuild, we will conquer whatever challenges we face, and we NEED your team to be there with us. If you can't, just be honest and tell us. Don't play games. Let us ALL move on.

    Scrap the Beekeepers, commit to the city - without double-speak/wiggleroom in what you say, and join in the fight. It's a simple strategy. We need your support to help us regain our life as we knew it. You need us to support your team. I'm willing to hold up my end of the bargain. You.....?

  8. #83
    They ought to know that these large crowds in OKC are based on the fact that this is still the "honeymoon" phase, so to speak, the novelty thing. There are a lot of simpletons there, and I'm NOT convinced that the sellouts and the like are going to maintain into next season. The novelty will wear off soon enough and they'll jump off the bandwagon.

    And then what? Would have been better to go back and hold your old friend's hand instead of running off with the glitzy new one.

    About Shinn's conspicuous piety -- hey, look, I'm not knocking religion here, although I am a freethinker -- but in MY experiences in my lifetime, the people that I've had to deal with that were always very showy and stagy with their professions of faith always seemed to have the MOST to hide, and often something that was at odds, however small or great, with the tenets of their professed faith. Funny thing, I seem to recall reading that some Guy warned about that kind of thing.

    And really -- as mentioned by others previously -- you can love the team and hate the owner. After all, it isn't the owner people are there to see, its the team and the players. Its funny for some of us in Oklahoma. I did not make a huge emotional investment in the team because I know they will not be staying here. But at the same time, its hard NOT to make an emotional investment in them -- they're talented, likeable, and fun to watch. I knew, however, from Day One in September when it was announced they would temporarily come to OKC that there would be some people (the aforementioned simpletons) who WOULD make an emotional investment in them, inferring what they read in the (unbelieveably slanted) OKC paper about the team's history and think "we could keep this team." It doesn't surprise me that some of those simpletons have a lot of money they're willing to throw around and make it happen at the expense of things like good faith and business ethics and makes the rest of us look bad in the process. And I'm terribly sorry, on behalf of those of us who DON'T think like them.

  9. #84
    The Future Brian's Avatar
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    Can't say I'm shocked, but I too wanted very much to believe Shinn's commitment to New Orleans was more than just talk.

    I guess Kenny Wilkerson doesn't seem so dumb for thinking the Hornets wouldn't come back if Shinn had his way. I wonder if he knew something?

    Pathetic that the owners of the Saints and Hornets are both so incredibly selfish and obviously lack any concept of compassion or morality.

    ~Go Hornets!~
    "..but there's Baron dribbling the ball for 20 seconds, hoisting bad 3s and single-handedly killing them in close games. It's like somebody shrunk Antoine Walker and gave him his own team."
    - Bill Simmons (2006)

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
    - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

    "People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
    - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

  10. #85
    Hall of Famer Contributor CC_Pelican's Avatar
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    Outside city NO limits unfortunately
    I knew for some time my suspicions about you were right.


  11. #86
    Drop me off in New Orleans CapitolHornet45's Avatar
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    Are you reading this Hornet execs? Like what your dumbarse owner is doing to your fanbase? Like how you might be forcing the state of LA into a fight that YOU WILL LOSE?

  12. #87
    The Franchise
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    Come on HH,spill the beans. We have a right to know. GIVE IT UP.

  13. #88
    All-Star jordanfreak23's Avatar
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    So this is why there are no tickets available? I can't fathem that the lower bowl is sold out. I still want to buy 3 game pkgs regardless of all this crap. I've been saying there was a conspiracy to show small crowds. If I go to the Laker game (if played here, ) and the lower bowl is scarce, I'll never buy another ticket until Shinn is gone!

  14. #89
    Give em HELL PELS!! Beezwax's Avatar
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    Let me say something I have not weighed in on this yet and I have read the opinion's on this board.
    Everyone keeps saying wait till the national media gets a load of this or watch the media bash Shinn when they find this out....well I don't think the national media gives two rat's *$# about our situation. I have not seen anything about this situation talked about in a national spotlight, in fact I had to sit through sportscenter the other night and hear Neil Everett repeatedley talk about the Oklahoma City Hornets and how they won 5 in a row before the All-Star break,no mention of NOLA what so ever. I really think they don't care or don't seem to care as much as we think they do. I am at my snapping point with all of this!!! I still can't get my 3 game package and I know its being sabatoged I don't care you can tell me different but between Bee Keeper,Shinn's comments, and the infamous "Phone Problems",the tickets are being withheld. I know a handful of people who gave up trying to get tickets.This is BS!!! The people down here are just sick and tired of bing strung along as a puppet. The media and people around the country treat us down here like we are "different". This is fine with me but we are not different because we had a natural disaster,crippled hospitals,crippled school,and corrupt politicians....we are different because of the unique and good hearted people who live down here. Everyday around the country people go to work and go home and be with family...No one goes through everyday what we do down here,going to work,fighting with insurance,trying to get housing,talking to family across the country who are seperated from you etc.. We need a break tell us the truth stop playing mind games and with our hearts...we are not "those people down there", do you not remember us we are Hornets fans and we want our team back.....Shinn needs to do major PR work,he needs to stand up like a man at center court and speak to us and just tell us the truth. I am SICK of this,we have other issues to worry about than whether you are lying to us about our team returning! And by the way Shinn,if you don't want to be here than go, and when you are old and shrivaled I hope before you die the last thing you see is the faces of Charlotte and New Orleans! One more thing Shinn,New Orleans is coming back we are celebrating Mardi Gras and jazz fest will be the best ever,and I will be here in New Orleans my city helping rebuild my city and community because that's what you do when you belong and love a city. Sorry guys for the rant but Im so *@##%$,this all needs to stop.

  15. #90
    Well said Beezwax, very well said... Have a great weekend.

  16. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by jordanfreak23
    So this is why there are no tickets available? I can't fathem that the lower bowl is sold out. I still want to buy 3 game pkgs regardless of all this crap. I've been saying there was a conspiracy to show small crowds. If I go to the Laker game (if played here, ) and the lower bowl is scarce, I'll never buy another ticket until Shinn is gone!

    You can get a 3-pack on ticketmaster right now, but only in groups of 1.

  17. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by Beezwax
    Let me say something I have not weighed in on this yet and I have read the opinion's on this board.
    Everyone keeps saying wait till the national media gets a load of this or watch the media bash Shinn when they find this out....well I don't think the national media gives two rat's *$# about our situation.
    I agree that its not a national issue right now, and that's fine at this stage. The media in Seattle, Orlando, Sacramento and Toronto have an eye on this though, and they will be watching very closely if the Hornets try to break their lease. Why build a new arena for the Sonics, Magic, Kings or Raptors if the NBA can break a binding lease at any time?

    New Orleans has the winning hand - we will just need to stay on-message and be diligent if the other side tries to make a move (like Bee Keeper).

    If at any point we have to nationalize this with the media then we will nationalize it. For now, let's focus on locking down the 2008 All-Star Game, packing the Arena for March 8, 18 and 21 (in spite of the purposeful "foot-dragging" of the Hornets CTO), acting in good faith with the Hornets organization, and watching the other side's moves very, very, closely.

  18. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by iedmunds
    I agree that its not a national issue right now, and that's fine at this stage. The media in Seattle, Orlando, Sacramento and Toronto have an eye on this though, and they will be watching very closely if the Hornets try to break their lease. Why build a new arena for the Sonics, Magic, Kings or Raptors if the NBA can break a binding lease at any time?

    New Orleans has the winning hand - we will just need to stay on-message and be diligent if the other side tries to make a move (like Bee Keeper).

    If at any point we have to nationalize this with the media then we will nationalize it. For now, let's focus on locking down the 2008 All-Star Game, packing the Arena for March 8, 18 and 21 (in spite of the purposeful "foot-dragging" of the Hornets CTO), acting in good faith with the Hornets organization, and watching the other side's moves very, very, closely.
    +1 imaginary point

  19. #94
    Give em HELL PELS!! Beezwax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iedmunds
    I agree that its not a national issue right now, and that's fine at this stage. The media in Seattle, Orlando, Sacramento and Toronto have an eye on this though, and they will be watching very closely if the Hornets try to break their lease. Why build a new arena for the Sonics, Magic, Kings or Raptors if the NBA can break a binding lease at any time?

    New Orleans has the winning hand - we will just need to stay on-message and be diligent if the other side tries to make a move (like Bee Keeper).

    If at any point we have to nationalize this with the media then we will nationalize it. For now, let's focus on locking down the 2008 All-Star Game, packing the Arena for March 8, 18 and 21 (in spite of the purposeful "foot-dragging" of the Hornets CTO), acting in good faith with the Hornets organization, and watching the other side's moves very, very, closely.

    I agree but its just hard right now.

  20. #95
    momentary lapse of re-brand NYKF Hornet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by giggles
    They ought to know that these large crowds in OKC are based on the fact that this is still the "honeymoon" phase, so to speak, the novelty thing. There are a lot of simpletons there, and I'm NOT convinced that the sellouts and the like are going to maintain into next season. The novelty will wear off soon enough and they'll jump off the bandwagon.
    I disagree, I think they are doing so well because they don't really have a choice . . . that is if they want pro sports. This is a test, OKC knew from the start that they need outstanding attendance to "prove" they are pro sports worthy. I could be wrong, but that is what I got from the various comments from the OKC mayor.

    You are part right, I feel a lot of it has to do with the outstanding play of the hornets which is part of the entire "honeymoon" phase . . . but I assume it was crystal clear to all okies that if they wanted pro sports in the future they were going to have to support the hornets like they are right now.

    Now that the okies have proven that they can indeed support a pro team I do not assume any of them would agree with my outlook though. But I do rememeber when the Hornets first got there and okies were coming here everyday to let us know they were going to do everything in their power to prove to all the pro leagues they could do it (by attending games in high numbers) . . . now they are cocky and saying they should have had pro sports all along, that the hornets should be in okc, and that they were never under any kind of test or that the test is the reason for their high attendance.

  21. #96
    All World Contributor FlyGirl's Avatar
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    The Seattle SuperSonics’ Ray Allen, who grew up an Air Force brat and lived for awhile in Altus, said NBA players don’t know much about Oklahoma City outside of the bombing.

    The Sonics played at the Ford Center 11 days ago and “it seemed it was warmer, so it definitely beats some of those more northern cities.”

    But Allen warned that the verdict remains out on Oklahoma City as an NBA stronghold.

    “I think they’re going to push to keep a team there,” Allen said. “If the team suffers a losing season, maybe two losing seasons, maybe a disgruntled player or something, just how is the city going to respond to it?

    “Every franchise has lean years. In those lean years, that’s where you hope you can sustain your fan base.”

  22. #97
    Starter Contributor JG2345's Avatar
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    Shinn is so stupid he doesn't even realize how much money he is taking out of his pockets. When the team comes back after next season he will have the people in N.O. so upset with all the B.S. its going to hurt ticket sales. Comments like these will continue until the day the team moves back and I dont know how much more I can take!

  23. #98
    momentary lapse of re-brand NYKF Hornet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iedmunds
    I agree that its not a national issue right now, and that's fine at this stage. The media in Seattle, Orlando, Sacramento and Toronto have an eye on this though, and they will be watching very closely if the Hornets try to break their lease. Why build a new arena for the Sonics, Magic, Kings or Raptors if the NBA can break a binding lease at any time?
    Even OKC would demand some kind of strong contract/lease . . . if not they would be stupid because all a city would have to do is build a newer arena and promise more money to lure the Hornets away. I find it interesting lots of OKC fans like to bash our contract as well as make fun of it . . . considering they will never a strong contract to keep any team they get (even the hornets).

  24. #99
    I'm all out of bubble gum Contributor Harvey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JG2345
    Shinn is so stupid he doesn't even realize how much money he is taking out of his pockets. When the team comes back after next season he will have the people in N.O. so upset with all the B.S. its going to hurt ticket sales. Comments like these will continue until the day the team moves back and I dont know how much more I can take!
    You are right JG2345. He's no "Norman Einstein"!

  25. #100
    St. Bernard Eagles for life NicosiaBuzz377's Avatar
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    not suprising coming from Shinn. This was the same "man" who couldnt even go knock on his neighbors (Paul Silas) door the day he canned him. He couldnt even be a Man and go talk to the guy. Hes a weasel, a worm, and he could care less about NOLA. I hope he gets lost in the desert in OKC and never comes back. I will support the NEW ORLEANS HORNETS but i will never support this "man" again. I have a friend whos father used to work directly with Shinn, and this man is NO man you want to trust or work for. I hope hes happy. JUST REMEBER YOU LITTLE WEASEL, WE SUPPORTED YOU WHEN YOU GAVE US MATT FREJIE AND LEE NAILON. lets see the Okies give you 14 thousand when they have to pay money to watch the same product. ILL BE THERE MARCH 8th just to spite your pitiful butt. :godance:

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