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Thread: Shinn puts foot in mouth again (Times Picayune Story)

  1. #1

    Breaking News Shinn puts foot in mouth again (Times Picayune Story)

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    You're in store for some major points, my man.

    My question: how come none of the OKC reps actually remember what Shinn said? Mott basically just said "well, everything was hazy."
    This sucks. This kind of stuff needs national attention.

  3. #3
    New FULL ssn ticket holder! Hornet-Saint's Avatar
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    Hey Shinn, talk to Benson about some pointers in doing that. 2010 is so far off, Katrina will have been 5 years old, and things will have progressed so far from now. I wouldn't worry.

  4. #4
    I'm all out of bubble gum Contributor Harvey's Avatar
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    It's only the tip of the iceberg. More WILL be revealed.

  5. #5
    New FULL ssn ticket holder! Hornet-Saint's Avatar
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    Between the Mott coverup, and now this, this team is headed for disaster, and it's going to affect the play on the court. They CAN'T let this go on another year. I don't see next season starting with no "understanding" officially of where things are.

  6. #6
    “He got everyone’s attention and basically starts talking about how happy he’s been in Oklahoma City [where the Hornets relocated after Hurricane Katrina],” said Braden, a Hornets season ticket holder in New Orleans. “He’s grateful for the reception and for the enthusiasm. Then he starts basically alluding to the fact that he would like to stay there long-term. He said, ‘I have my accountants looking into it, and we’re trying to figure out the best place to be business-wise — but you can only guess where I want to be.’

    “Then Shinn said, ‘This All-Star weekend is a fun time for the NBA, it’s really a fantastic event. Houston is benefiting greatly from having it. In 10 years, I hope to see an All-Star game in Oklahoma City, and I’d like for the Hornets to be the host.’ ”

    “That was just as blatant as it could be,” said Morton, also a New Orleans season ticket holder, who believes Shinn didn’t know he was at the party.
    Shinn is worse than Benson, at least we knew Benson wanted to leave, Shinn lied and said he wanted to return.

    Looks like our lease and Stern are what's forcing him back, much like Tags did to Benson.

    All owners are evil.


  7. #7
    New Orleans' Teams Avatar's Avatar
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    [Mott USING Jedi Mind Trick]

    "You did not hear my idiot boss say that. He did not say he wants the Hornets to HOST the All-Star Game in OKC. No way he's that dumb."

  8. #8
    New FULL ssn ticket holder! Hornet-Saint's Avatar
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    Shinn is SO stupid, that I don't know how he's held on to this team as long as he has.

  9. #9
    New FULL ssn ticket holder! Hornet-Saint's Avatar
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    Even if OKC had a team and forgetting how everything in OKC can be found in any other US city, like OKC has the hotel rooms for the ASG....

  10. #10
    Hall of Famer Contributor Ry4598's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harvey Hornet
    It's only the tip of the iceberg. More WILL be revealed.

    The question is WHEN?? And should us NOLA's be truely concerned....calm me down HH!

  11. #11
    I'm all out of bubble gum Contributor Harvey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by say-what
    Looks like our lease and Stern are what's forcing him back, much like Tags did to Benson.
    Benson wanted to leave New Orleans but refused to sell. In an attempt to make him sell, Tags told Benson he HAD to return to New Orleans if he wanted to keep the team. IF Benson would have sold, you can bet the NFL and Tags would have approved a sale to someone willing to move them to Los Angeles. I think Stern may be doing something similar...

  12. #12
    Hall of Famer Contributor Ry4598's Avatar
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    Would Stern really make him sell and THEN allow a move to OKC?? I think Stern is a more stand up guy than that. Shinn on the other hand...

    I guess we shouldn't be surprised though, Charlotte warned us.

  13. #13
    New Orleans' Teams Avatar's Avatar
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    Even so, Double H, Shinn understands something: IF he sells the Hornets, he's out of the NBA for good.

    And his ego could not take that.

    I mean, people might laugh at his cowboy boots!

  14. #14
    Hall of Famer Contributor Ry4598's Avatar
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    good point Avatar....

  15. #15
    Hornets + Kool-Aid = ??? PyroCross's Avatar
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    Why the damn heck do I think the media have ripped this up from what it is? Because it sure as heck seems like it - even with the NO businessmen comment.

    That being said, give OKC an expansion team dammit, that way we don't have to hear this crap.

  16. #16
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    This is really ridiculous. It is time for the state to step in (and right their amateurish error) and say that Shinn acted in bad faith and force his sorry arse back to New Orleans next season. I know legally they appartently gave up the rights to next season, but it really needs to come to a head now. Either come back next season or get the hell out of here! It is pathetic what this weasel is doing to those who have sufffered so much from Katrina. He ran like a rat and simply continues to kick dirt in our faces. Sue his sorry butt and bankrupt him. It will not get the team back here, but will punish him and take away his beloved team. He is the lowest form of trash and he hides behind his false spiritual claims.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Avatar
    Even so, Double H, Shinn understands something: IF he sells the Hornets, he's out of the NBA for good.

    And his ego could not take that.

    I mean, people might laugh at his cowboy boots!
    Thus Stern's and NOLA's leverage...... By 2012 Shinn won't have the dusty pastures of OKC to lust after.....

  18. #18
    momentary lapse of re-brand NYKF Hornet's Avatar
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    Wow, what a shame. Not really sure what to say other than it doesn't really surprise me. Shinn has everything he wants in OKC and he has everything he lost in CLT . . . in okc he is a god again, the sole bearer of pro sports. In NO he is 2nd to Benson and the Saints.

  19. #19
    Drop me off in New Orleans CapitolHornet45's Avatar
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    Oh boy..

  20. #20
    New Orleans' Teams Avatar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYKF Hornet
    Wow, what a shame. Not really sure what to say other than it doesn't really surprise me. Shinn has everything he wants in OKC and he has everything he lost in CLT . . . in okc he is a god again, the sole bearer of pro sports. In NO he is 2nd to Benson and the Saints.
    Is his ego THAT fragile that he can't stand being second banana to a moron like Benson?!

    You can't tell me that, with the Hornets improving like they are, that he couldn't find a way to become as renowned in NOLA as he was in CLT. Shoot, if the Hornets were to ever bring a title to New Orleans, he would reign as Bacchus for 5 years straight!

  21. #21
    Hall of Famer Contributor Ry4598's Avatar
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    something is up HH....something doesnt smell right

  22. #22
    I'm all out of bubble gum Contributor Harvey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ry4598
    something is up HH....something doesnt smell right
    Sure somethigs up. More to come...

    Now wave to our new visitors!

  23. #23
    Hall of Famer Contributor Ry4598's Avatar
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    This is f'n ridiculous. How do these people sleep at night? Honestly. Its not bad enough that a storm came and destroyed basically the entire city - where people grew up and where people are growing up and where I plan to live after LSU. No Shinn, lets make it 393 times worse. Lets go and stab the destroyed city in the back. YOU ARE A MILLIONARE. Whether in OKC or NO, you will be very wealthy. Why not do a little good and make a LITTLE sacrifice in coming back to help with the city? Does he not realize that coming back to NO will make a HUGE difference in people's lives? Why wouldn't you wanna leave that kind of legacy? I just can't believe that people can be this selfish and just disregard people's feelings like this. Benson was always a turd. Even before Katrina, you knew he was a turd. But at least we can say he's our turd. Benson HAS made sacrifices, again even before Katrina, to keep the Saints in the NO. I hate Benson just as much as the next guy, but you knew where he stood.

    Charlotte knew he was a weasel. Guess we had to learn for ourselves.

    Oh and I hope that our "new visitors" read this...

  24. #24
    I'm all out of bubble gum Contributor Harvey's Avatar
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    Guys, I'd love to say an AWFUL lot right now, but I'm going to keep quiet a day or two more (at most). I've been biting my tongue for a few days now...

    I have a feeling a lot more will be exposed. I'll wait to see what the media reports before I share my thoughts.

    While Shinn has maintained and preached that it's his honest desire is to return to New Orleans, he's been duping people. He's a bold faced liar. I've maintained that the Hornets will return and they will. BUT, it's not for the reasons I initially thought. More to come. Stay tuned!

    How are you guys going to feel about taking Shinn back under similar circumstances that we had to take Benson?

  25. #25
    Shinn is a total clown . I wish Woolridge would have bought him out instead. If it weren't for New Orleans he already would have been forced out the NBA. Now he has ruined two NBA markets

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