Akshun, You bring up good points about the attributes BD brought to the table. I"m bringing up the bad. This season, had Baron conducted himself different, I don't know that it would have made a difference. It was still the wrong thing to do. Shinn made a huge commitment to him. They wanted him to be a leader on and off the floor. Thats not happening. When he should have tried to be a claming influence to the situations at hand, he was more of a menace.
Off the floor, he was late for meetings, travel, didn't listen to his coach, etc. On the floor, he didn't listen to his coach. He ran BD's offense and did what he wanted when he wanted. If this the way a team leader should conduct himself? Come on, this is easy to understand...
How do we know BD is the guy Shinn was talking about? Well, it's not Mash. Thats for sure, Mash is a goner. Who else on the team carries BD's kind of clout? You know, would it matter if Shammond Williams didn't like Fratello? Does it need to be spelled out? Plus, I've mad a few calls and it's with out a doubt Baron. Take it or leave it...