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Thread: Adams signs 2 year extension 35mil.

  1. #26
    In the final year of this deal, Adams will be 29 and on a $17m contract under a $116m cap.

    If he's anywhere near his current standard of play (which he should be, since 29 is not old and even if it was he's not an athleticism-dominant player) then that contract is a breeze to move if need be.

  2. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post

    I've said it time and again: he played about 15-20 minutes a game last season as a backup (when Favors was healthy) and I don't see any reason why he shouldn't get the same sort of minutes this year.s.
    My friend, I think you better check your math. He averaged 16.52 for the WHOLE year and when ZW and Melli were inserted into the rotation in January, Jax was the odd man out, often getting less than 10 minutes per game (and the team went on its run). Most of his big minutes came when Favors was out with injury and personal matters (you know, around the time we went through that 13 game losing streak).

  3. #28
    The Franchise Creative's Avatar
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    Feb 2009
    I like this trade and I like this extension

  4. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Creative View Post
    I like this trade and I like this extension
    Same! It's good to be positive.

  5. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    Same! It's good to be positive.
    Indeed it is. Honesty is a good trait, too!!

  6. #31
    And this is why I said there had to be more to it. We had a plan. Fair play

  7. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJackisangry View Post
    And this is why I said there had to be more to it. We had a plan. Fair play
    I wonder if Griff knew that Adams would sign the extension before they traded for him?

  8. #33
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    He might know this could be a playoff team, and he wants to help them get better players.

  9. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by AUSSIE_PELICAN View Post
    I wonder if Griff knew that Adams would sign the extension before they traded for him?
    They would have discussed it surely

  10. #35
    Signaling Griff is locking in now and Van Gundy wanted Adams.

    That's kinda it for a while boys, Griff don't think like us but this squad is solid and competitive now. Let's see how Zion and BI grow around Bledsoe and Adams... I kinda like it, albeit a shame when it comes to shooters and wings

  11. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by AUSSIE_PELICAN View Post
    I wonder if Griff knew that Adams would sign the extension before they traded for him?
    They absolutely had to have discussed it, because Adams could not have signed this extension if he had waived his trade kicker. So there had to be clarity between the two on that issue. Even if Adams had no intention of ever waiving the kicker, it would have been a topic of discussion.

  12. #37
    The move in a vacuum is solid. Adams at that price barring any significant injury is fair. And even if the fit isn't ideal for the team 28 year old Steven Adams at that price should still be able to be moved.

    I just think moves like this make us a treadmill team. Ingram is a solid scoring threat but probably even if he reaches his max he's the 3rd best player on a legit contender best case scenario (as of now he's still young enough to improve more). Our other star Williamson for all his gifts that made him an effective and efficient player from day one he's still raw and he's likely to have a Kawhi Leonard type of career development where it will take him 5 or 6 seasons if he ever becomes that top 3-5 overall player.

    I don't know where we get the 2nd banana on Brandon and Zion time frame. History says franchises in our position have to either draft that player or trade our own disgruntled star player for a young guy that can turn into a superstar. We are likely going to be too good to draft one of those players minus some serious luck. We have to hope that Giannis leaves MIL and those future picks look a lot better than they will if he signs an extension with the Bucks. And even then doesn't guarantee a young star would want to come here via trade. Because by trading Davis to the Lakers we've restored them to glory. And there's little chance those picks will turn into high draft picks thus lacking value.

  13. #38
    This is where Aaron Nelson has to earn his money. If Adams body holds up all 3 years and he doesnt lose a step, its a good deal. If his body continues to show wear and tear and he loses 5-10 percent of his athleticism each year, he will be overpaid and a minor liability on the court -- though he will always be a massive plus off it

  14. #39
    The Voice of Reason Contributor RaisingTheBar's Avatar
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    Great deal

  15. #40
    Maybe Kira becomes Ja Morant with better defense. Maybe Brandon Ingram gets bigger and better than you suppose he will. Maybe there will be a trade at the deadline where we send out Bledsoe + Reddick or Lonzo salaries plus some picks for a true star. Maybe we trade multiple FRPs in upcoming years for a higher FRP to draft a potential star who develops as hoped. Who knows? None of these things is impossible or guaranteed.

  16. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by da ThRONe View Post
    The move in a vacuum is solid. Adams at that price barring any significant injury is fair. And even if the fit isn't ideal for the team 28 year old Steven Adams at that price should still be able to be moved.

    I just think moves like this make us a treadmill team. Ingram is a solid scoring threat but probably even if he reaches his max he's the 3rd best player on a legit contender best case scenario (as of now he's still young enough to improve more). Our other star Williamson for all his gifts that made him an effective and efficient player from day one he's still raw and he's likely to have a Kawhi Leonard type of career development where it will take him 5 or 6 seasons if he ever becomes that top 3-5 overall player.

    I don't know where we get the 2nd banana on Brandon and Zion time frame. History says franchises in our position have to either draft that player or trade our own disgruntled star player for a young guy that can turn into a superstar. We are likely going to be too good to draft one of those players minus some serious luck. We have to hope that Giannis leaves MIL and those future picks look a lot better than they will if he signs an extension with the Bucks. And even then doesn't guarantee a young star would want to come here via trade. Because by trading Davis to the Lakers we've restored them to glory. And there's little chance those picks will turn into high draft picks thus lacking value.
    No personal diss to you but I despise psychic post like this because you’re basically throwing the Detroit Pistons of the early 2000s out the window. You’re throwing the Spurs of the 2000s out the window. And you are hedging on glass half empty predictions because statistically it’s in your favor while also allowing you to say “I’m glad I was wrong” when players or the team exceeds the expectations you kinda just made.

    We are in a great position. Zion = Kawhi trajectory? Lol First off, Kawhis a goat. Switch him with any player - just like you can do with all goats - on a team that has the pedigree of a championship organization and he can lead you to a ring. But what are you talking about? Yes you can’t judge everything based on statistics, but have you attempted to compare what Zion did in the minutes he played to players in the history of the game? His trajectory is potentially 1of2 right now and he might not be 2.

    Then the Brandon Ingram 3rd star ceiling? So then what was Tony Parker? Many? Rip Hamilton? Vernon Maxwell?

    There’s more than one way to skin a cat in sports at championships. This idea that there’s one particular formula is bogus to me and if you watch games under this fixed setup, you’ll miss how important coaching (Especially coaching), role players, and front offices are to winning championships. We will need them all. I don’t subscribe to this alpha-beta-third star nonsense because history has shown that it’s not sure fire...especially considering that what plays a major part is the level of your competition as well and how well they are set up.

  17. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by johnpagenola View Post
    Maybe Kira becomes Ja Morant with better defense. Maybe Brandon Ingram gets bigger and better than you suppose he will. Maybe there will be a trade at the deadline where we send out Bledsoe + Reddick or Lonzo salaries plus some picks for a true star. Maybe we trade multiple FRPs in upcoming years for a higher FRP to draft a potential star who develops as hoped. Who knows? None of these things is impossible or guaranteed.
    Don't fall into this "grass is greener" nonsense. A base of Zion, BI, Jaxson, and Kira is as solid as any to contend 3/4 years down the line. With ample opportunity to add more. I can remember when people said similarly silly things about Steph and Klay. They were both just shooters that could play no defense. And especially bad on Steph since he had constant ankle problems and needed to add muscle. The year before they made that playoff run and lost to the Spurs, I said that squad would be very good very soon.

    This move is especially good for Jaxson since the team can continue to take its time helping him grow at a pace that doesn't require use of "enhancers." It allows him time to grow his body and his game naturally.

    With the assets and flexibility it has, this franchise is on anything but a treadmill. But somebody has to add the hot take.
    Last edited by luckyman; 11-24-2020 at 07:43 AM.

  18. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post

    And it declines

    Adams > Turner so yea this move is making a whole lot more sense now. Giving a first and 2 2nds for essentially a 3 year 18 mil a year Adams is perfectly defensible.

    I just want him to be a Andrew Bogut level mentor and tone setter. Anything on top of that is a bonus.

  19. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by da ThRONe View Post

    I just think moves like this make us a treadmill team.
    Can people be realistic. New Orleans is like the smallest market in the league. Cleveland is the last small market team to win it all (they had LeBron so it doesn?t count). Before that it was the Spurs. They won due to Duncan and some great international scouting (Parker/Ginobli) and the George Hill/Kawhi trade.

    It is far more likely that the Pelicans never win the championship. So enjoy the basketball. Hope for a competitive team that can make it out of the first round each season (the west is absolutely brutal), and with some luck get to the Finals at some point.

    Edit: it just seems like every one is so negative all the time. If you have low expectations and they are exceeded. Then you are happy. If you expect a championship every year like Lakers fans or Yankees fans, then you will be disappointed more seasons than not.
    Last edited by lionelmandrake; 11-24-2020 at 08:39 AM.

  20. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelifan View Post
    Adams > Turner so yea this move is making a whole lot more sense now. Giving a first and 2 2nds for essentially a 3 year 18 mil a year Adams is perfectly defensible.

    I just want him to be a Andrew Bogut level mentor and tone setter. Anything on top of that is a bonus.
    I?m harsh on Griff but he and I see eye to eye on this one and this move finally let?s me see that Griff is soaked into the details of this team (before this deal I felt every move he?s made thus far was like CEO putting a circle peg in a circle hole.) and I think it?s the first diagnosed move he?s truly made to build HIS team.

    Instead of using his typical ?I can trade you at the drop of a hat? little birdy fear tactics in the press, he?s actually using a behind the curtains method that hides his hand but at the same time feels like he?s putting players in the crosshairs naturally so they can either put up or get humbled quick.

    He changes the entire mood in the locker room and to be honest, he?s the guy I would want right now even over Ibaka.

    I?m still high on Lonzo (though his bubble play made me side eye him severely I will be honest about that) but there?s no shoulder shrug crap with Adams and I?m here for it. There?s a tough guy in the locker room now. The first half of the season Zo is pretty much in sink or swim territory because of Adams presence in here alone and I hope he knows with this signing and the Kira pick up he?s on the clock. He has to see that Griff has him in his scope right now and I?m actually looking forward to seeing how he responds.

  21. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    One thing I will add, just in relation to this, is I've seen a few people (mostly on Twitter) saying that thank God we've acquired Adams because Zion is a terrible defensive rebounder.

    I need those people to re-watch the games he played in last year, and then compare them to the games he played at Duke. As an NBA rookie, Zion averaged 13.7% DREB. In Duke, he averaged about 18.0% DREB. What was the difference?

    The most obvious difference was a scheme issue. At Duke, Zion was in the paint the majority of the time, and therefore when there was a DREB to grab, he was there to grab it. For us, Gentry purposefully had Zion away from the paint so that when a large rebounding guard like Lonzo or Hart grabbed the board, Zion was already 90% of the way to the hoop in transition. It reduced Zion's rebounding numbers, but granted him a bunch of super easy transition buckets.

    This is one example of why you can't just look at box score stats and say ''oh well Zion isn't a good rebounder''. The scheme purposefully reduced his defensive rebounding opportunities in exchange for scoring, knowing we had other personnel who could do that job.

    Whether SVG follows that plan or institutes his own methods remains to be seen, but the idea that Adams was acquired because Zion is a dreadful rebounder is just a terrible misunderstanding.
    I guess I'm one of the people that was disappointed in Zion's rebounding (even though I wouldn't call him a terrible defensive rebounder). I agree with your basic premise, that our scheme encouraged him to get out in transition, which deflated his defensive rebound numbers. But... I can't ignore the eye test and when I saw Zion play, I didn't see a player with a great nose for rebounding the ball on the defensive end. Even on plays when he didn't get out on the break he would often stand outside the paint ball watching. Now perhaps I was projecting too much of other players onto Zion and it gave me an unrealistic expectation of what Zion's strengths were. But I thought that a guy that big that could clear out that much real estate under the basket who had a pogo stick like second jump would have been a better rebounder.

  22. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Freyfamilyreuni View Post
    I guess I'm one of the people that was disappointed in Zion's rebounding (even though I wouldn't call him a terrible defensive rebounder). I agree with your basic premise, that our scheme encouraged him to get out in transition, which deflated his defensive rebound numbers. But... I can't ignore the eye test and when I saw Zion play, I didn't see a player with a great nose for rebounding the ball on the defensive end. Even on plays when he didn't get out on the break he would often stand outside the paint ball watching. Now perhaps I was projecting too much of other players onto Zion and it gave me an unrealistic expectation of what Zion's strengths were. But I thought that a guy that big that could clear out that much real estate under the basket who had a pogo stick like second jump would have been a better rebounder.
    You have to remember that this was a guy who had missed the vast majority of the year with an injury to his knee. I would give him the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the things like how involved he was in under-the-basket scrums. Next year I do want to see an improvement in that, but I wouldn't say that it's a condemnation of him as a rebounder, given what we saw from him at Duke when healthy.

    I would also note that Offensive Rebounding is a thing. Zion had an OREB% this year of 10.1%, which would have ranked 14th in the entire NBA if he had played the full year. 10.3% was 13th place, and that was held by Joel Embiid. On the offensive glass, he out-rebounded guys like Bam Adebayo, John Collins, Nikola Jokic, Anthony Davis, etc.

    Guess who was 5th in OREB% last season, by the way? Steven Adams, at 14%. Frankly, this upcoming season we should be feasting on the offensive glass.

  23. #48

  24. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freyfamilyreuni View Post
    I guess I'm one of the people that was disappointed in Zion's rebounding (even though I wouldn't call him a terrible defensive rebounder). I agree with your basic premise, that our scheme encouraged him to get out in transition, which deflated his defensive rebound numbers. But... I can't ignore the eye test and when I saw Zion play, I didn't see a player with a great nose for rebounding the ball on the defensive end. Even on plays when he didn't get out on the break he would often stand outside the paint ball watching. Now perhaps I was projecting too much of other players onto Zion and it gave me an unrealistic expectation of what Zion's strengths were. But I thought that a guy that big that could clear out that much real estate under the basket who had a pogo stick like second jump would have been a better rebounder.

    believe in your eyes..the eye test show more than stats.....i understand scheme and that would be true if zion was guarding above the key or out against 3 point shooters then scheme would reduce his defensive rebounding....but i believe you are talking about zion guarding in the paint or as you said standing outside the paint and just watching,,.. yes you saw zion not going after rebounds as i did also and that wasnt about scheme..that was all zion....

    last season he had alot going on with his body and his mind by being taken out of games due to mins restriction...so i can let it slide with the rebounding.....if svg scheme have zion leaking out for easy transition points then its understandable about the defensive rebounds.....if my eyes see zion standing around and not making an effort to rebound this coming season then he has to get called out on it...

  25. #50
    Shows a lot about Adams' character and self awareness to agree to a 10 million dollar pay cut before ever stepping foot on the floor with his new team

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