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Thread: Coaching Updates

  1. #76
    Hall of Famer WildlifeAirGrp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    So, any coach who has done the job before....BORING! RE-TREAD!!

    Who here has ever run a business? And if you have, how readily did you hand over the reigns to your livelihood to someone who never did that job before?

    I can't wrap my head around this idea that fans of sports teams have that the unknown is so exciting and filled with promise. Its the opposite in literally every other walk of life

    You get on an airplane and find out the pilot has flown 1000 flights, you are happy. Find out its this person's 1st flight after assisting on some other flights and you are shaking in your boots. Why is sports unique in that people overwhelming prefer the unknown and inexperienced??
    I would hope that the commercial pilot commanding your aircraft was adequately trained and prepared-although I've been aboard a few suspect crewed airlines. Same thing with our next coach. Either way, I am worried that fan interest has waned off since the CV19 mess.

    Actually, now that you mentioned it despite having 9,700 hours of commercial aviation experience and 4,500 hours of military aviation experience-including 626 carrier landings, our team treats each flight as uniquely different. And quite frankly, if you knew any of us, you should be nervous despite all of the fancy gear we wear. There will always be doubt and naysayers whoever Griff picks. I'd be worried if there weren't.

    But what do I know?
    Tanking since 2009

    Wildlife Aviation Group

  2. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by 13 - 3 View Post
    So appealing Anthony Davis quit on us got his ring somewhere else, J.J. Open to trade etc etc. We can only hope ownership has really changed.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #78
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    I just want to let everyone know that irl I am never sarcastic. It kept me from my life-long dream of becoming a barber because they are always sarcastic. Also I have an even more elitier board. We talk about all things from pogs to bae blades.
    BI, Zion, and CJ had a net rating of +3 when on the court together. BI and Zion had a +13.4, BI and CJ had a +13.2, Zion and CJ was just +5.4.

    BI and Zion worked. BI and CJ worked. It was CJ and Zion and all three together that didn't work.

  4. #79
    If it's really Tye Lue... It's just a big oof. New Orleans turning into the Cleveland BBQ meet up and they didn't even have good BBQ in the 1st place.

  5. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by 13 - 3 View Post
    So appealing Anthony Davis quit on us got his ring somewhere else, J.J. Open to trade etc etc. We can only hope ownership has really changed.
    I mean, you do realise that the franchise has changed dramatically since AD was here?

    There was a huge thing about it, not sure if you missed it: we hired a completely new front office and training staff and almost totally overturned the roster. It was easy to miss, I know that nobody really talked about it, but it does slightly change the outlook on the team.

  6. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    I mean, you do realise that the franchise has changed dramatically since AD was here?

    There was a huge thing about it, not sure if you missed it: we hired a completely new front office and training staff and almost totally overturned the roster. It was easy to miss, I know that nobody really talked about it, but it does slightly change the outlook on the team.
    Yes that is great but if Gayle is afraid to spend that could be a problem. Lue's price tag and years was something the Lakers did not even want. If Gayle is really changing now great! But is Lue really the answer?

  7. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    I cant imagine many people finding Houston more appealing than NOLA, but sure Lue might be one of those rare people

    That Houston job is the worst one available IMO. By a WIDE margin
    Who did you want to get the gig?

  8. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by 13 - 3 View Post
    Yes that is great but if Gayle is afraid to spend that could be a problem. Lue's price tag and years was something the Lakers did not even want. If Gayle is really changing now great! But is Lue really the answer?
    What has suggested Gayle Benson is ?afraid? to spend? Also, the Lakers allegedly balked at Lue?s price and still won the NBA Championship. What?s the point you?re trying to make there for Gayle spending more?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    Homework assignment -- go back and find the last 15 "re-treads" hired and the last 15 "young, hot assistants" and then let me know their records.

    You wont believe how wide the gap is
    I don't care what their records are because that's putting the cart before the horse. We should be in the development phase given this roster. Hire a college coach or hot assistant who's comfortable at player development and let it be known their priority is player development. If in 3 years said coach can prove to be a winning coach great. If not you move on and find a coach that can. If it's a retread fine. But we are worrying about a hire that can win when the roster isn't ready for that.

    That's my problem with Griffin's approach. Why are we trying to win with a rookie that can't stay healthy because more than likely he's too heavy for his frame. Our 2nd pick is too raw and the 3rd pick may just not be good enough for the NBA. That should have been last years focus. Zion shouldn't have touch the floor until he was at a weight and conditioning that was conducive to playing full starter mins. We should have given Jaxson as many mins as his body can handle, and we should have let Nickeil play through his mistakes.

    But why would Gentry do so knowing he was on the hot seat? This is why championship teams have to be on the same page from top to bottom. Onwership has to understand the landscape of the team. Which allows management to make personnel decisions that match the state of the franchise. Which intern gives the coaches their respective directives and players fill their respective roles.

    We are a completely unbalanced mess. Instead of the focus being on developing we went out there trying to win. It shows a complete fundamental misunderstanding of how to build a winner on a non glamor team in a bottom 3rd market. Either Mrs. Benson doesn't get it(which makes us the Knicks without the massive market) or Griffin doesn't get it either way we are screwed and the coaching hire won't matter. Because trying to win with this core is round peg and square hole type logic.

  10. #85
    I dont get this logic that a first timer is automatic a player development guy and a guy who has been a coach in the past isn't. So....if we hire the highest young assistant...whoever you think that is. Then, in 5 years we fire him say. Then, he is no longer a developmental coach?

    It makes no sense. Every "re-tread" was once an assistant. They are just that now but with more experience

    Its such a black and white logic. Basically, if Lue never got the Cleveland job, he would be perfect. But since he had it, he now all of a sudden can't do any of the things an assistant can do

  11. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    I dont get this logic that a first timer is automatic a player development guy and a guy who has been a coach in the past isn't. So....if we hire the highest young assistant...whoever you think that is. Then, in 5 years we fire him say. Then, he is no longer a developmental coach?

    It makes no sense. Every "re-tread" was once an assistant. They are just that now but with more experience

    Its such a black and white logic. Basically, if Lue never got the Cleveland job, he would be perfect. But since he had it, he now all of a sudden can't do any of the things an assistant can do
    My biggest issue with Lue at the moment is that he is coming from the Clippers. Honestly, that's a mess I want to stay far away from as possible when it comes to coaches.

    On top of that, it's an extremely conservative move and never was a fan of hiring old associates as it never seem to work in the coaching stage.

    David Griffin and this new FO are conservative by nature and still very much in capsulate a farm team mentality. You can say that you know what you doing, but untill you prove it. It might as well be dust in the wind.

    Doubting a very bad franchise is natural and by all accounts... You'll be right 9 times out 10 regardless of which coach we hire. Coaching is less important as acquiring good talent. So, I really don't see any correlation in player development without an ability to acquire young talent first and foremost . Which Lue never had a chance to work with in his tenure.

    I really don't have a problem with Lue, but I don't see how he really changes the culture. I just hope it's a short term contract with any head coach hire. Lue does have a lot of the qualities that I envision in a head coach. He's young, smart, fresh mind, and a lot good years ahead of him. I just don't know if his style meshes with what we need at this pivotal time in our franchise.

    We fix our talent and unbalanced roster philosophy. I think Lue would excel. Still don't like hire. Not a fan of BBQ hires. I want to proven wrong, because that means we are good
    Last edited by Taker597; 10-14-2020 at 10:00 AM.

  12. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by AusPel View Post
    Who did you want to get the gig?
    I lean slightly to preferring SVG but can't make a fully educated opinion because I don't know their lead assistants. I think a coaching staff is a unit and the whole unit is what should be judged. But my gut is SVG woukd have a nice staff, led by Weaver and I tend to lean that way

  13. #88
    A Soulful Sports Fan Contributor Eman5805's Avatar
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    Maybe they should just pretend Lue never coached anywhere else.

  14. #89
    There just seems to be this romantic idea of first time head coaches that is built on narrative and zero fact. They have an upside that a guy who has coached before can not possibly have. They are better teachers and developers. They show an organization is more bold, etc

    I dont advocate for either so I am not saying the ex coach is better. But I look at actual facts, not trumped up narratives or aberrations and act like they are the norm.

    If people wanna discuss facts, then spit facts. But don't just throw out romanticized narratives

  15. #90
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! JunkHead's Avatar
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    Ok I'm sorry if this has been answered already but I haven't really been following the thread. Let's say we get SVG as HC. I'm guessing that'd make Reddick want to stay then? Does this benefit us more than having him as a trading piece? he is involved in almost every trade people come up with, and he'd probably be fine with a trade to a competing team. But a happy Reddick could be valuable right?

  16. #91
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! donato's Avatar
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    I guess so? It probably won't make a difference if the right offer comes along.

    A lot of posters on here will tell you we shouldn't trade Jrue or Reddick unless it's an amazing offer. They'll say they're more important for the team to stay etc.

    I'm not listening to that noise. The fact of the matter is neither are likely to be here after next season (and they're both over 30) and we'll lose them for nothing. Trade them for whatever you can get (and it should be pretty good). Remember when we got assets for Ryan Anderson before he hit free agency? Yeah, me neither. And these guys will be worth a lot more than that (in hindsight even 1 second rounder would've at least been something). Having Jrue/Reddick for this season to at best get beat in the first round (with questionable team chemistry to begin with) is just dumb.

  17. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by Eman5805 View Post
    Maybe they should just pretend Lue never coached anywhere else.
    He was removed fairly quickly from Cleveland.

  18. #93

  19. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by JunkHead View Post
    Ok I'm sorry if this has been answered already but I haven't really been following the thread. Let's say we get SVG as HC. I'm guessing that'd make Reddick want to stay then? Does this benefit us more than having him as a trading piece? he is involved in almost every trade people come up with, and he'd probably be fine with a trade to a competing team. But a happy Reddick could be valuable right?
    Whoever we hire won't effect the decision trade or not trade guys. Griff doesn't see things that black and white. He is always open to offers and if you blow him away, he will trade a guy. Its no more complex than that. Doesn't matter who the coach is we hire

  20. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    Whoever we hire won't effect the decision trade or not trade guys. Griff doesn't see things that black and white. He is always open to offers and if you blow him away, he will trade a guy. Its no more complex than that. Doesn't matter who the coach is we hire
    I love your idea of stockpiling assets until the real prize becomes available
    Last edited by AusPel; 10-14-2020 at 12:33 PM.

  21. #96
    Glad to see Will Weaver's name still in the mix. I didnt start that thread about him for nothing last month at least.

    There is video on what his typical practices look like out there. About as development focused of a coach as you'll find.

  22. #97
    It's a question of hope over experience. When you hire a new CEO to run your company, of course you look closely at his track record. If, as CEO of Widget Co., he could never make his numbers or beat his competition for market share, that might tarnish his prospects as a future hire. Now, circumstances may have conspired against him at Widget Co., but his record still matters. If, on the other hand, you look to hire some younger VP with no experience but a boatload of fresh ideas and energy and smarts, you are betting on his potential. That may work out and it may not, but it doesn't stop companies from hiring up and comers all the time. I'm not aware of any Harvard Business School study evaluating the two strategies (and I'm not even sure they are binary). My gut instinct would be there isn't a clear correlation, but maybe there's some hard data out there.

  23. #98
    Again, that is all good in theory but outcomes don't support that theory. And if they did, don't you think front offices would then go and grab the fresh new assistant every time? Teams have more data on stuff like this than you can even fathom.

    the most likely outcome for the hot assistant is he does a below average job as a HC and doesn't become a HC again. Followed by him doing an above average job and eventually gets fired, at which point he gets hired as a "re-tread" at some point
    Last edited by MichaelMcNamara; 10-14-2020 at 01:48 PM.

  24. #99
    After more thought, I think the whole "re-tread" vs "young developmental coach" is kind of a moot subject. Griff kinda made ti a moot subject with how he structured the staffing last year.

    The Pelicans have one of the largest coaching staffs and PD coaching units in the league.

    How often did you see practice clips last year with Lonzo, BI, Zion all working on things after practice with Vinson, McMillan, Teresa Weatherspoon, and Boylan? I can't imagine most of them won't return or Griff allows the new coach to shrink that staff.

    The only difference might be a head coach that delivers messages in a more developmental manner than Gentry, but players on this team will get heavy PD regardless.

  25. #100
    Exactly. As I tried to educate people in another thread that 13-3 deleated...the head coaches job isn't to develop. To work with the young guys and help develop skills. Literally none of them do that as their primary focus.

    Yet its funny to me that fans assign development of young players (or lack of) to the head coach. I mean, look at the Pelicans history. Was it Monty developing AD or was it Hanlen? And who helped Tyrese jumper? Ingram?

    I can go on and on and our fans should know this by now as they act like Fred Vinson is God's gift to shooting development.

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