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Thread: Playoffs Thread

  1. #476
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    So the players were told their pay would get cut and they folded?! Lol what a joke this league has turned into.. I see some of the most die hard fans including myself becoming less interested each day. My ticket rep called me yesterday to discuss my renewal and I decided for the first time in 10+ years to wait and see if the circus will continue or will it go back to sports.
    Last edited by GuardianAngel25; 08-29-2020 at 02:00 AM.

  2. #477
    I must admit I found other things to watch these past couple of days. Netflix is great.

  3. #478
    The Franchise Contributor luigi modelo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by donato View Post
    Is he really implying Covid is essentially a conspiracy theory?
    Yes, yes he is! Oy ********in vey!!!

  4. #479
    I got a call about renewing partial season tickets. I told them I’m not renewing until people are allowed to sit in stands. I’m not committing to anything till I see people alllowed in stands again. Y’all dragged your feet on the refunds from last season and I don’t want to go through that again.

  5. #480
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 13 - 3 View Post
    I got a call about renewing partial season tickets. I told them I’m not renewing until people are allowed to sit in stands. I’m not committing to anything till I see people alllowed in stands again. Y’all dragged your feet on the refunds from last season and I don’t want to go through that again.
    Yea this is another issue along with many others. I just don’t see anything going on being good for the NBA in the short term or long term. I just want to know what the end game is and what change do people expect to happen cause some millionaires playing a kids game decide to sit out. I was fine with everything going on until the boycott that ended over players losing $ that they expect everyone else to give up yet they used Obama as being the reason why they ended it because he said to play. Come on.

  6. #481
    I struggle to understand why people think these players owe them something. Even if you are a season ticket holder, that is a contract you made with the organization and not the players. If their actions in response to an evolving situation are not necessarily consistent or coherent to the rest of the world, that is to be expected. It is an evolving and highly fraught situation. They are trying to balance their interests as workers and as citizens and that is bound to be difficult for literally everyone in 2020.

  7. #482
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    Back to the playoffs. Just about every team that makes it into the next round has a real chance at winning the championship. The NBA has never been so wide open before. Pels need to hire a new coach so I can start getting somewhat excited about next season. Let’s our young guys grow and develop with each other and we will be contenders for a long time!

  8. #483
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boardtown View Post
    I struggle to understand why people think these players owe them something. Even if you are a season ticket holder, that is a contract you made with the organization and not the players. If their actions in response to an evolving situation are not necessarily consistent or coherent to the rest of the world, that is to be expected. It is an evolving and highly fraught situation. They are trying to balance their interests as workers and as citizens and that is bound to be difficult for literally everyone in 2020.
    So I’m suppose to lose $ and not get it back because I’m a season ticket holder? I lost a lot of $ this season. The players are also under contract and if they want to be paid they should play the games and not expect to sit out on issues that have nothing to do with the NBA. I’m fine with them using their platform by using jerseys and whatever to get their voice heard even if I don’t agree with it.

    Why do they owe fans anything? Because without fans they wouldn’t be able to play a kids game while getting paid million and millions of dollars. If you really think they don’t owe fans anything let’s see how long the NBA last without fans. Let’s see how comfortable they are with their pay when people stop buying tickets that directly pays them.. when people stop watching games and paying for services like league pass or buying jerseys that pays them. What does the organization owe the players if the players owe the fans nothing? I have yet to get one answer for what is the change wanted and change expected by sitting out the season. Which would have 100% been the case if they weren’t to lose some of their pay. Just everyone else is expected to lose out and owners are suppose to open up their pockets due to pressure by being put in a lose lose situation. I want change as well but sorry to break the news it’s not gonna come by doing things this way. Let’s see these athletes do this on their on time and dime which I 100% respect.

    I don’t think one person here can honestly say they enjoy the NBA this way as they did before. No problem with athletes having their political or social justice opinions but I don’t need it being thrown in my face all game every game along with every press conference with the threat of sit outs at any moment due to issues that have nothing to do with the NBA.
    Last edited by GuardianAngel25; 08-29-2020 at 06:22 PM.

  9. #484
    The Franchise
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    This year is just crazy. Can we agree to respect other people and their opinions then fast forward to 2021.

  10. #485
    Quote Originally Posted by boardtown View Post
    I struggle to understand why people think these players owe them something. Even if you are a season ticket holder, that is a contract you made with the organization and not the players. If their actions in response to an evolving situation are not necessarily consistent or coherent to the rest of the world, that is to be expected. It is an evolving and highly fraught situation. They are trying to balance their interests as workers and as citizens and that is bound to be difficult for literally everyone in 2020.
    How can you be so dense ? ALL pro sports players owe EVERYTHING to the fans that spend their hard earned $ to buy tickets , merch, buy the products and services they promote and endorse. They would be NOTHING without the fans. Every dime in their pockets comes directly or indirectly from fans. No fans = no pro sports = no $$$$ for some of these self centered egotistical crybabies that wine but never REALLY put their $$ where their mouth is. They want to really stand up for the mistreatment they claim cops are giving , then quit their multimillion dollar jobs and go be a COP so they can show us all how it's done . Just as politicians owe us the taxpayers that pay their salaries (before they steal all they can ) pro sports players oue US , the ones that pay their salaries EVERYTHING

  11. #486
    Quote Originally Posted by djrnno View Post
    How can you be so dense ? ALL pro sports players owe EVERYTHING to the fans that spend their hard earned $ to buy tickets , merch, buy the products and services they promote and endorse. They would be NOTHING without the fans. Every dime in their pockets comes directly or indirectly from fans. No fans = no pro sports = no $$$$ for some of these self centered egotistical crybabies that wine but never REALLY put their $$ where their mouth is. They want to really stand up for the mistreatment they claim cops are giving , then quit their multimillion dollar jobs and go be a COP so they can show us all how it's done . Just as politicians owe us the taxpayers that pay their salaries (before they steal all they can ) pro sports players oue US , the ones that pay their salaries EVERYTHING

  12. #487
    What a dark timeline and a draining year especially as a black person. RIP Chadwick Boseman.
    CAW CAW!!!

    -Founder and valuable member of the Caw Caw Boyz-

  13. #488
    Barkley said it best

  14. #489
    Quote Originally Posted by djrnno View Post
    How can you be so dense ? ALL pro sports players owe EVERYTHING to the fans that spend their hard earned $ to buy tickets , merch, buy the products and services they promote and endorse. They would be NOTHING without the fans. Every dime in their pockets comes directly or indirectly from fans. No fans = no pro sports = no $$$$ for some of these self centered egotistical crybabies that wine but never REALLY put their $$ where their mouth is. They want to really stand up for the mistreatment they claim cops are giving , then quit their multimillion dollar jobs and go be a COP so they can show us all how it's done . Just as politicians owe us the taxpayers that pay their salaries (before they steal all they can ) pro sports players oue US , the ones that pay their salaries EVERYTHING
    To be fair to the players, I think it was only a select few that actually pushed this and wanted to go through with it. I don’t think they take the fans for granted, hence why they are starting the games again.

  15. #490
    You can say that it's all about the fans if you want, but it's actually not. You can conceivably have a basketball league with no fans. It wouldn't make much money, but the product would exist. You can't have a basketball league even in theory with no players. The Labour comes first, as it always does, and labour is entitled to all that it creates.

  16. #491
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    You can say that it's all about the fans if you want, but it's actually not. You can conceivably have a basketball league with no fans. It wouldn't make much money, but the product would exist. You can't have a basketball league even in theory with no players. The Labour comes first, as it always does, and labour is entitled to all that it creates.
    I’m pretty sure the players would rather make tons of money, so yeah no way they cancel this season.

  17. #492
    Quote Originally Posted by JJackisangry View Post
    I’m pretty sure the players would rather make tons of money, so yeah no way they cancel this season.
    Lebron does not need the money.

  18. #493
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    You can say that it's all about the fans if you want, but it's actually not. You can conceivably have a basketball league with no fans. It wouldn't make much money, but the product would exist. You can't have a basketball league even in theory with no players. The Labour comes first, as it always does, and labour is entitled to all that it creates.
    Yea ok! LoL!

  19. #494
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJackisangry View Post
    To be fair to the players, I think it was only a select few that actually pushed this and wanted to go through with it. I don’t think they take the fans for granted, hence why they are starting the games again.
    I agree with this and I feel bad for some of the players just wanting to play basketball that have to go through this boycott nonsense. I guarantee you many are scared of going against the big bad Lebron and being boycotted or cancelled from the NBA. Everyone knows how dangerous a difference of opinion is these days. Like I said I didn’t agree with the NBA doing some of the things they did but I understand and am fine with players wanting to express things during this time. I just have yet to see any of them offer up an actual solution. They pushed for all of this other stuff and since it didn’t create change they need more and more which will ultimately ever be enough because they don’t even know what it is they want. Yet their egos are so inflated that they think they are so much different than the average person and boycotting the playoffs will create change. Maybe I should shut down my business and lay off all of my employees to create some change.

  20. #495
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 13 - 3 View Post
    Lebron does not need the money.
    Yea not anymore because the fans have made him all the $ in the world for playing a fun kids game. Many of the other players do and for Lebron and a few other players putting all of these players lifes and families in a bad spot that do need the $ is very selfish. Not to mention all of the non players that need to be paid for doing their job also. Again what is going on outside of basketball right now has absolutely nothing to do with basketball. Let them do this on their own time and use their platforms then.

  21. #496
    Quote Originally Posted by JJackisangry View Post
    I’m pretty sure the players would rather make tons of money, so yeah no way they cancel this season.
    Nothing in what I said disagrees with this. Totally not the point of what I said, whatsoever.

  22. #497
    I’m surprised that the Lakers were able to beat the odds. Hearing from their fans and the media everyone was counting them out after the first game (rolls eyes). I swear, Laker fans live/love to feel disrespected.

    Side note, I have no problem with the Lakers doing well, I just don’t want them winning the title. I am pulling for the Raptors and Mavs.
    If you Jimmer it, they will come.

  23. #498
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    This is a playoffs thread. Let's please stay on topic. There is a thread on "Talk of the Town" to discuss views on off the court issues.

  24. #499
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UNO Gracias View Post
    I’m surprised that the Lakers were able to beat the odds. Hearing from their fans and the media everyone was counting them out after the first game (rolls eyes). I swear, Laker fans live/love to feel disrespected.

    Side note, I have no problem with the Lakers doing well, I just don’t want them winning the title. I am pulling for the Raptors and Mavs.
    Yea it is better for the game to see them in the next round. Would have been a good under dog story for Portland. I just wanna see Queen James lose and whoever else wins I’m fine with.

  25. #500
    Raptors usually take a game for their defense to adjust and set in... So, Celtics take a 2-0 lead. Raptors are done. I don't see how they backdoor sweep them without a true superstar.

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