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Thread: Stay Safe Folks

  1. #1

    Stay Safe Folks

    I don’t know if any of you guys are going to be protesting this weekend, but if you do please stay safe.

    And to my all my brothers and sisters (but more specifically my black siblings) I love ya. In a world full of hate and frustration, you have a friend in me. I might hate your basketball takes, but I will be damned if someone besmirches you for the color of your skin.
    If you Jimmer it, they will come.

  2. #2
    Well said UNO.

    I know people don't want politics discussed on a sports board, but this should resonate with everyone. We all know that the reaction from the White House to these protests would be different if protesters were showing up in camo with automatic weapons as the lockdown protesters did. He urged more of those protests while in this case, he has threatened to use the military against Americans protesting police violence and suggested that protesters at the White House could face "vicious dogs and most ominous weapons." While there are proponents of hatred and division that have reached the highest offices of this land, I believe that most people reject their negative thinking and desires. Black Americans have every right to be frustrated that we as a nation haven't made any more progress than we have in race relations, but the very least they should expect is that the police would protect and serve them equally as they are sworn to do. No one in America should accept the incidents in Minneapolis, Louisville and other places as isolated when they continue to happen as regularly as they seem to. No one in America should feel less safe because of the color of their skin.
    Last edited by Mount Zion; 05-30-2020 at 11:29 PM.

  3. #3
    Haven't posted on the board in a little under 6 weeks, but just came on and saw this thread and couldn't agree more.

    Not to get too deep into the specifics of my own politics, l'm white and from England so I don't want to tell anyone what they should do or how they should feel, but if anyone on this board is choosing to attend protests, my support is wholly with you.

    Stay safe. There are a lot of guides to riot medicine out there; if you need any briefings on first aid for these kinds of situations, I encourage you to look them up before you go out on protest. That's not an encouragement to rioting, but just a sensible precaution given what's been going on.

    Remember to blur out faces before you post pictures on social media, or better yet don't film protesters or rioters in the first place: it can be dangerous.

    Stay safe, and stay fighting for justice. The Western world is largely built on a foundation that includes racism and racial prejudice, and that's not going to go away without a struggle. Solidarity.

    ''When we revolt it's not for a particular culture. We revolt simply because, for many reasons, we can no longer breathe.'' - Frantz Fanon

  4. #4
    J.R. Smith has it all under control.


    He has won me over again. I say we give him a contract and welcome him back with open arms.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by 13 - 3 View Post
    J.R. Smith has it all under control.


    He has won me over again. I say we give him a contract and welcome him back with open arms.
    Then tell him LeBron and AD were outside breaking his truck's window.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Yes, please stay safe guys.

    Rest In Peace George Floyd.

  8. #8
    Much love yall
    CAW CAW!!!

    -Founder and valuable member of the Caw Caw Boyz-

  9. #9
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    Late to this party but I went to the Lake Charles event. It was great. Rumors of two troublemakers taunting the event goers but all I saw was love and peace. Police were even using their big transporter vehicles to help protesters get back to vehicles after the march.

    Sad times, though.
    BI, Zion, and CJ had a net rating of +3 when on the court together. BI and Zion had a +13.4, BI and CJ had a +13.2, Zion and CJ was just +5.4.

    BI and Zion worked. BI and CJ worked. It was CJ and Zion and all three together that didn't work.

  10. #10
    QUOTE=msusousaphone;1528054]Late to this party but I went to the Lake Charles event. It was great. Rumors of two troublemakers taunting the event goers but all I saw was love and peace. Police were even using their big transporter vehicles to help protesters get back to vehicles after the march.

    Sad times, though.[/QUOTE]

  11. #11

  12. #12
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    Yeah. I have both seen the video multiple times and agree with it. I'm assuming (could be dangerously wrong) that's addressing my post since it is quoted with no explanation above it. Maybe I'm going way too defensive but I'm taking that as a "your post didn't address the actual issues" thing....the thread was entitled "stay safe" so I was just trying to report in "we stayed safe in Lake Charles". I don't want my post to be seen as a "there's nothing wrong in my city because it's all peace and love, baby. It's all in other places" because that is absolutely not true. There are a multitude of police atrocities surrounding my home that have to stop and justice needs to come for those victims as well as so many other rights issues. Absolutely I think that it's a tragedy there is a marginalized group of people that can't say the same thing of "we stayed safe" when doing basic day to day stuff like taking jogs, getting groceries, etc and I will continue to show up to events, vote, and do what I can to change that. I can see my post was very brief and lacks any substance to actual issues. I'm sorry if that's how my post came across. I'll make sure not to be as careless in the future.
    Last edited by msusousaphone; 06-04-2020 at 02:13 PM.

  13. #13

    My Post

    Quote Originally Posted by msusousaphone View Post
    Yeah. I have both seen the video multiple times and agree with it. I'm assuming (could be dangerously wrong) that's addressing my post since it is quoted with no explanation above it. Maybe I'm going way too defensive but I'm taking that as a "your post didn't address the actual issues" thing....the thread was entitled "stay safe" so I was just trying to report in "we stayed safe in Lake Charles". I don't want my post to be seen as a "there's nothing wrong in my city because it's all peace and love, baby. It's all in other places" because that is absolutely not true. There are a multitude of police atrocities surrounding my home that have to stop and justice needs to come for those victims as well as so many other rights issues. Absolutely I think that it's a tragedy there is a marginalized group of people that can't say the same thing of "we stayed safe" when doing basic day to day stuff like taking jogs, getting groceries, etc and I will continue to show up to events, vote, and do what I can to change that. I can see my post was very brief and lacks any substance to actual issues. I'm sorry if that's how my post came across. I'll make sure not to be as careless in the future.
    Nah, my post was not meant to address your post. I should have made that clear. Sorry, and stay safe in Lake Charles.

  14. #14
    As a Brazilian, I wish my people (me included) had the guts to riot the way some other people do. We had our moments, but turned out to change almost nothing. Stay safe. Fight for what you believe. Our government has been toning down everything, from Covid cases to protests. Wish you best of luck, and that you are actually able to change something and serve as an example for others.

  15. #15
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodney1 View Post
    Maybe this is worth watching:

    Just used this vid in an argument a really obtuse person was having with one of my friends.....thanks! I was not finding it googling.
    Last edited by msusousaphone; 06-19-2020 at 10:30 AM.

  16. #16
    Can't believe some of the dudes in the video that got advanced 50 yards from the rest still dug in and sprinted it out to win, as if they were psyched they got the head start. I think I would've done a half-jog and faked a hammy-pull or something.

  17. #17
    1st, I wish there were a place to post political/social comments on here cause this does not really belong on the main forum page , it has a place but not here. WE get BOMBARDED by it everywhere else and really would like a place to just talk about the Pels and basketball. now to the video The video was not about race it was about economics , Poor/lower class vs Middle Class/rich I guarantee that if you took poor lower class white kids and poor lower class kids of color you'd have a pretty even race . My guess is that was not done since there was an agenda here . AS far as the families staying together and they having a father around ? No it's not the kids fault , but who's fault is it ? And who's fault will it be when the young men grow up and do the same things their father and their father;s father did to their families

  18. #18

  19. #19
    We get much more at Pelicans game

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Rafa Brazil View Post
    As a Brazilian, I wish my people (me included) had the guts to riot the way some other people do. We had our moments, but turned out to change almost nothing. Stay safe. Fight for what you believe. Our government has been toning down everything, from Covid cases to protests. Wish you best of luck, and that you are actually able to change something and serve as an example for others.
    I dont think many people know the stuff that goes on in Latin America racially speaking. Worst than the US.

  21. #21
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djrnno View Post
    1st, I wish there were a place to post political/social comments on here cause this does not really belong on the main forum page , it has a place but not here. WE get BOMBARDED by it everywhere else and really would like a place to just talk about the Pels and basketball. now to the video The video was not about race it was about economics , Poor/lower class vs Middle Class/rich I guarantee that if you took poor lower class white kids and poor lower class kids of color you'd have a pretty even race . My guess is that was not done since there was an agenda here . AS far as the families staying together and they having a father around ? No it's not the kids fault , but who's fault is it ? And who's fault will it be when the young men grow up and do the same things their father and their father;s father did to their families
    I grew up pretty good. My parents would have been middle class but they rolled with six kids....so we were somewhere inbetween lower and middle class. My wife grew up in poverty, though. Like, house was condemned and torn down right as she was graduating HS. Bad stuff. We're white. So, to an extent, I get your argument. Most of the time, the biggest divide in this world is Socio-economic. There is a very real effort to keep people from realizing this and the more they divide us by race and other factors the more we ignore it.....I feel you there.

    But this is not about that. This is different. Because, agreeing with you on all that, I know for a fact that if I put on a hoodie and just started walking and my black friend put on the same hoodie and did likewise, he would get harassed more times than me. And that's not how he is dressed or how he looks....I'm talking the same clothes. And you know that. We all know that. I've been driving around many times in my friend's beat up old Bronco and gotten pulled over only to have the cops see we were white and immediately let us go. I know I can walk through strange neighborhoods and not have a soul call the cops on me. That's what this is about. And honestly, if people would realize that and work to fix it, we could get to fixing the ruling class. United at the bottom. It's the mindset that there is no problem that is keeping us divided, right now. The powers are playing both sides. Come join us.
    Last edited by msusousaphone; 06-25-2020 at 02:03 AM.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by luckyman View Post
    I dont think many people know the stuff that goes on in Latin America racially speaking. Worst than the US.
    Agreed. Having lived in Venezuela pre and post Chavez, if what happened there happened in the US, we would be sending freedom fighters to stabilize the area.

  23. #23
    This story of Jrue being handcuffed after bringing his wife her driver's licence, after she was pulled over, is making rounds. Note that this happened some time ago. They just never made it public.


    "No, seriously: Even though the officer knew in advance that Jrue was my husband, and that he was coming to the scene, and why. Even though no one had explained to us why we had even been pulled over in the first place. And even though Jrue could not have been more careful, or more deferential, in how he made his approach. All the cop saw was this large black man getting out of a car," Holiday wrote.
    She has my 100% respect after this quote. Jrue has very good taste.

    "[White people] owe a debt that's far from being paid, and the promise of a country that's not yet where it needs to be," she wrote. "We owe our voices—and, more than that, we owe our actions. We've owed for a while..... and we'll owe for as long as it takes to make it right. So let's get to work."

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by luckyman View Post
    This story of Jrue being handcuffed after bringing his wife her driver's licence, after she was pulled over, is making rounds. Note that this happened some time ago. They just never made it public.


    She has my 100% respect after this quote. Jrue has very good taste.
    I bet this happened in Jefferson Parish? Or maybe Gretna?

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by 13 - 3 View Post
    I bet this happened in Jefferson Parish? Or maybe Gretna?
    This might have happened literally anywhere in California.

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