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Thread: Looks like next season won’t start till we finish this season. Per WoJ.

  1. #1

    Looks like next season won’t start till we finish this season. Per WoJ.

  2. #2
    In other words there will be an end to this season no matter how long it takes.

  3. #3
    The Lakers have a good record this year- of course the NBA is going to finish the season off!

  4. #4
    Those tweets doesn't say that, it looks like they are willing to push back the start of next season in hope the viruse is better under control so some fans can be in the stands.

    By the way things are going it's very likely the rest of this season will just be cancelled.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by 13 - 3 View Post
    In other words there will be an end to this season no matter how long it takes.
    I wouldn't make this assumption. While likely, this could simply also just give the 2020-21 season a better chance at having fans in the stands.

    As I said a week or so ago, a friend of mine for an EC team was told to expect to come back to work full time in mid May and work through the summer. NBA teams are fully expecting to restart, and they are weaving their way through the PR mess of all this. The company line is all about "player safety" but thats BS. They wont start until they know the public relations backlash won't be greater than the financial reward. Luckily, NASCAR getting started should help us there. The only way it doesnt restart is if the numbers surge again to the point where another shutdown is required or self imposed by state governors.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicans_fan_504 View Post
    Those tweets doesn't say that, it looks like they are willing to push back the start of next season in hope the viruse is better under control so some fans can be in the stands.

    By the way things are going it's very likely the rest of this season will just be cancelled.
    I would not say that

    Not to mention Lebron James now on board finishing the season. Lebron gets what he wants.
    Last edited by 13 - 3; 05-02-2020 at 11:10 AM.

  7. #7
    A second outbreak and an inability to get the NBA a ton of tests (without taking them from regular people in need), and it won't matter what Lebron wants. The NBA wouldn't come back.

    Gotta hope these stats open up and the numbers don't surge. If that happens, we will get basketball in July and August

  8. #8
    The NBA is going to be back. Listening to the Journals podcast about the Manhattan Project, the NBA is fully invested in doing whatever it takes to get back to the court, and as soon as possible. This is quite a funny podcast (not in the sense of its content, but in how the players in this whole process came together).


    Let’s face it, the NBA owners aren’t dummies, and the longer the arenas are closed the longer they are not getting a return on their investment. They are incentivized to open back up as soon as feasibly possible, but they want to be just as smart about this as they can be.

    This entire process reminds me of New Orleans after Katrina. I am sure that most everyone remembers when the levees broke everyone down to the janitor at City Hall said that it would take a year or more to open back up the city. But (to slightly change the words of Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park) “Capitalism, uh, finds a way.” And the city came back on line within a few months (though not to complete scale, but it came back). If there is a dollar to be made, these millionaires and billionaires will find a way to make it (recognizing opportunity is how these people made their money). The NBA will finish out this season, or at least be able to hit next season harder than ever.

    NASCAR will be the proverbial canary in the coal mine as it comes back online in the next few week. If all goes well there look for other leagues to pick up steam with laying out their ground work for a return. The NFL will be rolling out their schedule in the next few weeks (heck my Saints ticket agent called me two weeks ago asking if I wanted to buy more tickets, and spoke as if this was business as usual). We will return stronger and better than ever.
    Last edited by UNO Gracias; 05-03-2020 at 11:11 AM.
    If you Jimmer it, they will come.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by UNO Gracias View Post
    The NBA is going to be back. Listening to the Journals podcast about the Manhattan Project, the NBA is fully invested in doing whatever it takes to get back to the court, and as soon as possible. This is quite a funny podcast (not in the sense of its content, but in how the players in this whole process came together).


    Let’s face it, the NBA owners aren’t dummies, and the longer the arenas are closed the longer they are not getting a return on their investment. They are incentivized to open back up as soon as feasibly possible, but they want to be just as smart about this as they can be.

    This entire process reminds me of New Orleans after Katrina. I am sure that most everyone remembers when the levees broke everyone down to the janitor at City Hall said that it would take a year or more to open back up the city. But (to slightly change the words of Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park) “Capitalism, uh, finds a way.” And the city came back on line within a few months (though not to complete scale, but it came back). If there is a dollar to be made, these millionaires and billionaires will find a way to make it (recognizing opportunity is how these people made their money). The NBA will finish out this season, or at least be able to hit next season harder than ever.

    NASCAR will be the proverbial canary in the coal mine as it comes back online in the next few week. If all goes well there look for other leagues to pick up steam with laying out their ground work for a return. The NFL will be rolling out their schedule in the next few weeks (heck my Saints ticket agent called me two weeks ago asking if I wanted to buy more tickets, and spoke as if this was business as usual). We will return stronger and better than ever.
    Katrina didn't threaten to come back multiple times, however.

    States start shutting down again and the NBA isn't coming back. They also won't start again if they are taking tests away from normal people. And lastly, they could come back but then what is the plan when a player or staff member tests positive? Other leagues overseas have already stated that if that were to happen in their league, they would cease games for at least a few days to re-quarantine

    Almost everything has to go perfectly between now and the end of August for them to not only restart but to finish it all out. Because, due to PR and PR only, the league will never say 'Yeah, we understand the risks and so do the players and we aren't going to just halt everything because a healthy 28 year old might get a virus. The rewards greatly outweigh the risks"

    That is the truth. But a league could never say that or give pundits the ammo to make that case. I have zero doubt they will try to restart. I have tons of doubt that everything goes will go perfectly, as they need it to

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    Katrina didn't threaten to come back multiple times, however.

    States start shutting down again and the NBA isn't coming back. They also won't start again if they are taking tests away from normal people. And lastly, they could come back but then what is the plan when a player or staff member tests positive? Other leagues overseas have already stated that if that were to happen in their league, they would cease games for at least a few days to re-quarantine

    Almost everything has to go perfectly between now and the end of August for them to not only restart but to finish it all out. Because, due to PR and PR only, the league will never say 'Yeah, we understand the risks and so do the players and we aren't going to just halt everything because a healthy 28 year old might get a virus. The rewards greatly outweigh the risks"

    That is the truth. But a league could never say that or give pundits the ammo to make that case. I have zero doubt they will try to restart. I have tons of doubt that everything goes will go perfectly, as they need it to
    States have already started shutting down again. Mississippi shifted from "stay at home" to "safer at home" on Monday of last week and saw the state's biggest single day jump in coronavirus cases on Friday. Mississippi is now back to "stay at home." A colleague in Washington state told me this morning that cases were spiking again simply because people were getting lazy. I haven't verified this through the news but I trust their input as they are following the whole thing more closely than me.

    I don't like Cuomo, but he was right when he said that what happened to rural New York would eventually happen to the rest of rural America.

    I agree with everything you just said and fully expect nothing to return to normal any time soon.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by boardtown View Post
    States have already started shutting down again. Mississippi shifted from "stay at home" to "safer at home" on Monday of last week and saw the state's biggest single day jump in coronavirus cases on Friday. Mississippi is now back to "stay at home." A colleague in Washington state told me this morning that cases were spiking again simply because people were getting lazy. I haven't verified this through the news but I trust their input as they are following the whole thing more closely than me.

    I don't like Cuomo, but he was right when he said that what happened to rural New York would eventually happen to the rest of rural America.

    I agree with everything you just said and fully expect nothing to return to normal any time soon.
    The cases will go back up again. Literally impossible for that not to happen, no matter when you re-open

    The testing is the key. It just cant spike to the point where you arent able to test every person that needs a test. Provide a bed and ventilator for everybody who needs one, etc

    Spiking of cases is a good thing if you have tests because it allows you to build immunity, which is as close to you can get to a vaccine without having a vaccine

    We should be rooting for cases to increase. Just not to the point they exceed tests, beds, and ventilators

  12. #12
    Just our luck lmao. Lakers for the sweep over the Bucks

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    We should be rooting for cases to increase. Just not to the point they exceed tests, beds, and ventilators
    No we shouldn't. There is no evidence that having antibodies confers immunity.

    The next best thing to a vaccine is a combination of widespread testing (which we don't have); contact tracing for each case (which we don't have); widespread disinfecting of public spaces (which we don't have); and universal participation in masking and social distancing (which we don't have).

    The nations that were most successful in dealing with this (for now) have all four.

  14. #14
    Is Covid a horrible problem? Yes.

    Are Politicians and the media making it worse than it is? Yes.

  15. #15
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    And, IIRC, NOLA did have several threats of flooding post Katrina.

    Great post, UNO.
    BI, Zion, and CJ had a net rating of +3 when on the court together. BI and Zion had a +13.4, BI and CJ had a +13.2, Zion and CJ was just +5.4.

    BI and Zion worked. BI and CJ worked. It was CJ and Zion and all three together that didn't work.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by boardtown View Post
    No we shouldn't. There is no evidence that having antibodies confers immunity.

    The next best thing to a vaccine is a combination of widespread testing (which we don't have); contact tracing for each case (which we don't have); widespread disinfecting of public spaces (which we don't have); and universal participation in masking and social distancing (which we don't have).

    The nations that were most successful in dealing with this (for now) have all four.
    And what if a vaccine takes 3 years? Possible for a nation to operate like that without total decimation if economy. The cost of that would be staggering and lead to something potentially far worse.

    But I agree, it would be nice to have those things if we were assured a vaccine was a few months away

  17. #17

    Some NBA facilities opened today with very strict guidelines.

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