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Thread: 2nd February - New Orleans Pelicans @ Houston Rockets - 20-29

  1. #1

    Pelicans 2nd February - New Orleans Pelicans @ Houston Rockets - 20-29

    Game 5 of Zion's tenure with us has come and gone, and it has brought us yet another win. We are now 3-2 in games in which Zion Williamson plays. After a brief return to New Orleans which we used as an excuse to put Memphis in thumbscrews, we head back out on the road to take on the Houston Rockets. Here's the injury report:

    As you'll see, nothing's changed from last game.

    Houston are 30-18 as of right now, which is a strong record (currently good for 5th in the West) but have not had a great last 30 days. They are 4-6 over their last 10 games, and are only 7-7 through the month of January. Obviously that's not the worst record ever, but it's fairly mediocre. It's not like this is the result of them going through a gauntlet of tough games either: they've had losses to Memphis and Portland, who are both teams on roughly our level, and they've had single digit wins against both Minnesota and Atlanta.

    A pretty big reason for this rough month is as follows: James Harden's been shooting like garbage. Through 12 games in January, Harden has shot 35% from the floor and 27.7% from 3. This is horrific. In conjunction with this, his turnovers have hung around 4.5 a game while his assists have ticked down; he averaged 8 per game for the first 20 games of the year, but only about 6 through January. His defense has been, as usual, baaaaad.

    In fact, the only reason they've been as good as they have been given the injuries they've suffered and Harden's poor play, is that Westbrook's had a strong month. In fact, his strongest month of the year, arguably. In January, Westbrook averaged 32.5/8/8, and shot 52% from the field. While he only shot 25% from 3, his shot selection has improved massively in that regard; he's shooting them poorly, but he's barely shooting them, taking only 2 a game.

    Overall though, while Houston have undoubtedly had a poor month, they still can't be ignored. Harden is still the kind of guy who could go off on any given night, despite his recent issues. But if we play well, this is a game I truly believe we can win.

    Additional note: Clint Capela is reportedly out, which means they have pretty much no big bodies. Zion should be absolutely feasting at the rim tonight. Last time we played Houston, we won by 15, but neither Westbrook nor Harden played in that game. Yet another loss faces them tonight, with other injury concerns.

    Let's go out there and win. #WBD

  2. #2
    Won’t lie, the Kobe passing has affected me big time. Felt like I grew up with him.

    I’m hoping the game tomorrow feels like a little bit of normalcy finally.

  3. #3
    We need to put a string of wins together. Would like to see this team win 7 of the next 10. Hopefully that can cut it down to one game out of 8th.

  4. #4
    When Houston goes to their midget lineup of 5 guards 6'6" and under, I will lose my **** if Gentry tries to match it. I swear.

    And I know the idea of Zion at center make him foam at the mouth.

  5. #5
    Alvin, play Melli

  6. #6
    Just attack the paint all night and force them to foul constantly like with Memphis and we should win

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by luckyman View Post
    When Houston goes to their midget lineup of 5 guards 6'6" and under, I will lose my **** if Gentry tries to match it. I swear.

    And I know the idea of Zion at center make him foam at the mouth.
    Houston played an entire game the other day where nobody taller than 6'6 hit the floor. Without Capella it wouldn't surprise me if they did it again. Surely Gentry won't try the super small ball tactic for a full game


  8. #8
    Dantoni puts in 5 guards and Gentry looks at the bench and thinks "somebody hold my beer."

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by P_B_&_G View Post
    Dantoni puts in 5 guards and Gentry looks at the bench and thinks "somebody hold my beer."
    Gentry and D'antoni making a Gentleman's agreement before the game that nobody is allowed to play anyone above 6'6, and if they do, they immediately forfeit the game.

  10. #10
    I didn't put this info in the OP because it was getting a bit long, but I figure that I might as well chuck it in here since there's been some other posts preventing the wall of text effect

    Rockets have the league's 3rd rated offense, but the league's 15th rated defense. They play at the 2nd fastest pace.

    They are 21st in FG%, 20th in 3pt%, 12th in FT%, and 3rd in 2pt%. These mediocre accuracies are compensated with by volume; they lead the league in 3ptAs and FTAs, and consequently in 3pt and FT makes as well. Their high 2pt accuracy seems kind of intimidating at first, but they take the fewest 2pt shots in the NBA. It's no fun.

    They're 5th in total rebounds per game, but without Capela that understandably drops a bit; he averages 14 a game. They're 28th in assists. They foul a lot: they make the 7th most personal fouls per game.

    So the plan is fairly obvious. Prevent offensive rebounding, try to deny the 3pt shot, crowd ballhandlers (particularly none-Harden/Westbrook guys), and take advantage of their interior weakness and proclivity for fouling by driving and attacking the rim.

    As I said in the OP, tonight should really be a great night for Zion. They have nobody strong enough to stop him from barging past them on a drive, and no real rim protectors. This would be a really really great opportunity to bring back those plays we used in pre-season that get Zion driving downhill with the ball in hand to attack the hoop. Similarly, they have nobody who can really disrupt lob actions with regularity.

    Would be interesting to see something like a Jrue/JJ/Ingram/Melli/Zion lineup, where basically everyone but Zion is a threat to shoot, and just run spread PnR or something with Zion as the ballhandler. Force them to pick their poison: JJ, Ingram, and Melli are all deadly off the catch shooters, but staying home on all of them basically means surrendering the basket to a Zion drive, and we've all seen that Zion has the passing acumen to make it work. Even Jrue's been shooting really well recently, and he's a threat to take someone off the dribble so it's not like you could just stick your worse defender on him.

  11. #11
    The Franchise Creative's Avatar
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    This win would be HUGE for us.

  12. #12
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    And stay out of foul trouble. Especially our front court. They play so fast and small.
    BI, Zion, and CJ had a net rating of +3 when on the court together. BI and Zion had a +13.4, BI and CJ had a +13.2, Zion and CJ was just +5.4.

    BI and Zion worked. BI and CJ worked. It was CJ and Zion and all three together that didn't work.

  13. #13

  14. #14
    Hey Guys, Im from Germany and Im reading this forum for a while and Im a big Pelicans Supporter. Saw every game this season with League Pass.
    I hope we can get a win tonight. Usually we lookin good against strong guard Teams, so im optimistic.

    I would like to ask you a question. Im comin to the US in March and i got some Tickets to see the Pels in Orlando. A dream comes true. When Im there, i want to soak up everything possible. So, when does the first Player will hit the court for warmup, shootarround and stuff? 2 hours before game or later?
    Thank you for any advice.
    Go Pels

  15. #15
    Hall of Famer
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    Jun 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by GermanPelican View Post
    Hey Guys, Im from Germany and Im reading this forum for a while and Im a big Pelicans Supporter. Saw every game this season with League Pass.
    I hope we can get a win tonight. Usually we lookin good against strong guard Teams, so im optimistic.

    I would like to ask you a question. Im comin to the US in March and i got some Tickets to see the Pels in Orlando. A dream comes true. When Im there, i want to soak up everything possible. So, when does the first Player will hit the court for warmup, shootarround and stuff? 2 hours before game or later?
    Thank you for any advice.
    Go Pels

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by GermanPelican View Post
    Hey Guys, Im from Germany and Im reading this forum for a while and Im a big Pelicans Supporter. Saw every game this season with League Pass.
    I hope we can get a win tonight. Usually we lookin good against strong guard Teams, so im optimistic.

    I would like to ask you a question. Im comin to the US in March and i got some Tickets to see the Pels in Orlando. A dream comes true. When Im there, i want to soak up everything possible. So, when does the first Player will hit the court for warmup, shootarround and stuff? 2 hours before game or later?
    Thank you for any advice.
    Go Pels
    Hi! Welcome to the board. Glad to see another European Pels fan

    I'm not exactly sure about those times, since I'm never at games myself, but hopefully someone else who goes to a bunch of them can give you some more information. From what I can tell, things are usually going on at least an hour before the game actually starts, so getting there earlier is probably a good idea. Hopefully someone can give you more specifics!

  17. #17

    Seeing mismatches like the ones we will inevitably get in this game and refusing to target them is a sign of terminal brain worms.

    Edit: Just to clarify, I'm not even fully saying that I disagree with what Gentry says. We don't want to play iso-ball; everyone knows how counterproductive that can be, and our offense has been at its worst this year when we succumb to it.

    I'm just saying that if (and I'm imagining a hypothetical here for the sake of argument) we end up in a situation where Zion ends up continually switched onto and guarded by Austin Rivers, refusing to exploit that for the sake of aesthetics is a mistake. You attack mismatches of that size until they adjust.
    Last edited by Pelicanidae; 02-02-2020 at 12:01 PM.

  18. #18
    Flashback to a few years ago to a game in Miami. At opening tip, we have prime Boogie Cousins being guarded by Luke Babbitt.

    We dont even think about exploiting that until the 2nd half and Luke picks up some quick fouls.

    Getting my headache meds ready now.

  19. #19
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    TBW is generally good but can sometimes go way into left field out of context. Especially with Gentry hate. The trap when you are young and play a team like Houston is to start imitating their game and going ISO. We are so bad when we ISO. I completely endorse Gentry's comments and it's bad journalism to make such a giant leap to "they won't expose mismatches". Like. It's not mutually exclusive. ISO play is not the only way to exploit a mismatch.

    Playing our system IS exposing mismatches.

    And yeah, they have no bigs. That's a mismatch. They also have godawful guards when it comes to defense. Their entire team is a mismatch defensively. This game will be won by how well we play D.
    Last edited by msusousaphone; 02-02-2020 at 12:40 PM.

  20. #20
    Gotta say I'm a big fan of this starting time. I guess it's probably too early for people who actually live in the US, but as a Brit, having a game on at 7pm is just brilliant.

  21. #21
    Me sitting down to watch any Pels game:

  22. #22
    Slow there on the defense. Either they have to accept that that's a switch, or Zion needs to recover faster.

  23. #23
    Near full-court alley oop to Zion from Lonzo there

  24. #24
    Good D there from Lonzo on Westbrook, shame he fumbled it out of bounds tho

  25. #25

    I believe this to be true

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