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Thread: Western Conference Playoff Race for the 8

  1. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by luckyman View Post
    Oh stop it. The game was conceded and well done. To steal the ball, THEN march out to the 3 point line and shoot on top of that is about as petty as petty gets. You've already won.

    As a man you don't do things like that and if you do, you get what Crowder got. Plain and simple. Anybody that has seriously played competitive sports knows what I'm talking about.

    The hell is going on in this world.
    This is nonsense. Everyone gets it to an extent, but you dribble out the game clock, not the shot clock. It's not like there was 10 seconds left on the clock, there was damn near a minute. You're supposed to just stand around and concede another possession to the opposing team for the sake of sportsmanship? Come on now.

    And going the whole ''yeah well, as A MAN! You don't do that!'' is such a petty and mindless route. As a man, you take responsibility for the fact that you were getting whipped because you and your team played like garbage, and you engage your brain rather than trying to start fights because you lost a game. Grow up.

    The hell is going on in this world, indeed, if people think assaulting guys over a game of basketball is anything less than a childish and pathetic move. Take the L and move on.

  2. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    This is nonsense. Everyone gets it to an extent, but you dribble out the game clock, not the shot clock. It's not like there was 10 seconds left on the clock, there was damn near a minute. You're supposed to just stand around and concede another possession to the opposing team for the sake of sportsmanship? Come on now.

    And going the whole ''yeah well, as A MAN! You don't do that!'' is such a petty and mindless route. As a man, you take responsibility for the fact that you were getting whipped because you and your team played like garbage, and you engage your brain rather than trying to start fights because you lost a game. Grow up.

    The hell is going on in this world, indeed, if people think assaulting guys over a game of basketball is anything less than a childish and pathetic move. Take the L and move on.
    Well first of all, if you have to lie to try and make a point, then you have no point. There was no shot clock running down. Crowder immediately ran to the THREE POINT LINE to shoot after he stole the ball. He didn't simply let more time pass. Which is as far as he should have gone. And secondly, you can call it whatever makes you feel better, sleep at night, see rainbows and unicorns, but if you ever play competitive sport, do NOT try what Crowder did.

    Unless you just like to be that one jerk on the court trying to steal points when EVERYBODY else has conceded the game and are just trying to get to the buzzer in the final seconds. You need to have a brain and read the situation.

    And please don't even try this weak ****** brain vs braun argument either. It's about showing some respect. And I guarantee you Crowder nor any other player will do that nonsense ever again. So mission accomplished. You don't let one over zealous idiot ruin rules of respect. You already defeated your opponent. You have got to be a mindless moron to think anybody should still be going 100 mph at that point of the game. It was an extremely weak move and got what it deserved.

  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by luckyman View Post
    Well first of all, if you have to lie to try and make a point, then you have no point. There was no shot clock running down. Crowder immediately ran to the THREE POINT LINE to shoot after he stole the ball. He didn't simply let more time pass. Which is as far as he should have gone. And secondly, you can call it whatever makes you feel better, sleep at night, see rainbows and unicorns, but if you ever play competitive sport, do NOT try what Crowder did.
    Please re-read what I said. I didn't say the shot clock was running down. I said that at the end of games, you dribble out the game clock, and that you are not expected to dribble out the shot clock. I did not claim that the shot clock was running down. You are tilting at windmills.

    Quote Originally Posted by luckyman View Post
    Unless you just like to be that one jerk on the court trying to steal points when EVERYBODY else has conceded the game and are just trying to get to the buzzer in the final seconds. You need to have a brain and read the situation.
    Knicks conceded the game about 10 minutes before final buzzer. You are paid to play basketball, so you go out on the court and you play basketball. If the other team decides they can't be bothered with trying anymore because they suck and they're losing so they're throwing a tantrum, then fine, they're entitled to do that, but you're not required to coddle them.

    Quote Originally Posted by luckyman View Post
    And please don't even try this weak ****** brain vs braun argument either. It's about showing some respect.
    It's not a ''brains vs brawn'' argument. If you're Elfrid and you don't like it, take it out in the media session afterwards. Don't physically assault somebody because you suck. Grow up.

    Edit: cut out some extra stuff for brevity's sake. Avoiding walls of text insofar as possible.
    Last edited by Pelicanidae; 01-31-2020 at 08:08 AM.

  4. #54
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by luckyman View Post
    The hell is going on in this world.
    Stats stats stats.

    As odd as it is to say, the Knicks were playing the game. It was over. They were letting it close out. Crowder was playing stats. He just wanted to pad his sheet. The NBA pushes certain stats that they've breeded a culture of fans that value statistics over sportsmanship and as it grows it seeps into the players. It's also why players like Harden get glorified even when he will never win a championship because he chases stats and puts very little effort into the rest of the game.
    BI, Zion, and CJ had a net rating of +3 when on the court together. BI and Zion had a +13.4, BI and CJ had a +13.2, Zion and CJ was just +5.4.

    BI and Zion worked. BI and CJ worked. It was CJ and Zion and all three together that didn't work.

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by msusousaphone View Post
    Stats stats stats.

    As odd as it is to say, the Knicks were playing the game. It was over. They were letting it close out. Crowder was playing stats. He just wanted to pad his sheet. The NBA pushes certain stats that they've breeded a culture of fans that value statistics over sportsmanship and as it grows it seeps into the players. It's also why players like Harden get glorified even when he will never win a championship because he chases stats and puts very little effort into the rest of the game.
    You're absolutely right. Which is why the Knicks saw past all that stat chasing and acted in the manner most committed to good sportsmanship.

  6. #56
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    Ooooph. I just checked out Crowder's stats for this season. Makes the move seem way more desperate.

    I was interested from a psychological standpoint how he will respond tonight. Will he come out angry and beast. Or more repentant and play conservative. But reality is he could just bench ride. Lol

  7. #57
    The Franchise billfromfinance's Avatar
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    Yeah stealing the inbound and trying to run up the score with 54 seconds left on a clearly defeated opponent (18 point lead) is just rubbing salt in the wound. I'd be embarrassed too if I was Elfrid - just by being part of that knicks team. To then have it all rubbed in my face, easy to see why he gave it to him. He pushed the dude on the ground, not like he took his helmet off and hit him with it.

  8. #58
    AD talked about this during the game yesterday and basically said Crowder got what he deserved and it was disrespectful. He was fine with the steal but jacking up a 3 was crossing the line. It was unsportsmanlike and petty. They even showed a replay of it. Sorry Dae, you just don't do that in that situation. If you do, expect a similar outcome every time.

  9. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by P_B_&_G View Post
    AD talked about this during the game yesterday and basically said Crowder got what he deserved and it was disrespectful. He was fine with the steal but jacking up a 3 was crossing the line. It was unsportsmanlike and petty. They even showed a replay of it. Sorry Dae, you just don't do that in that situation. If you do, expect a similar outcome every time.
    Oh well, I guess if AD said it

    Glad we've all clarified that if you feel disrespected at your place of work, the correct response is to attack 'em.

    Unsportsmanlike = shooting a 3 with almost a full minute left on the game clock
    Not unsportsmanlike, apparently = quitting the game early, not even putting someone on the guy to guard him, attacking people

    What a world

  10. #60
    It's just how things are. It was disrespectful as hell. And yes, where I grew up, if you disrespect someone you expect to get assaulted.

    I'm not saying it's the "right" thing to do. But it's how things are.

    So, is mma and boxing unsportsmanlike? Or is assault expected in those sports? It's part of the game that you learn playing pickup ball. You learn it pretty fast where I'm from. Apparently not too far from where Payton learned. Lol

  11. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    Oh well, I guess if AD said it

    Glad we've all clarified that if you feel disrespected at your place of work, the correct response is to attack 'em.

    Unsportsmanlike = shooting a 3 with almost a full minute left on the game clock
    Not unsportsmanlike, apparently = quitting the game early, not even putting someone on the guy to guard him, attacking people

    What a world
    That "workplace" isnt twiddlydinks or a corporate office. It's a basketball court on the highest level where you can get your teeth knocked out inadvertently. Eric Gordon has no front teeth...for example. It is a very physical "workplace." Sorry. And when it comes to certain sports like ice hockey, nobody whines and fake outrages when they decide to handle things with "attack'em." But when it comes to basketball and football, everybody has to hold hands and twirl. Even when somebody is as disrespectful as Crowder. See here, even the announcers get into it and its not a top story on ESPN. I dont get it. And I dont want to hear anything about it being "part of the game." Breaking a player;s nose with blood all over the ice has nothing to do with getting a puck in the net. So I'm done with the whole thing.

    Now back to the program, I'm not too worried about Memphis. They were missing one starter and a bench guy and got blown out by 30. The Pelicans were missing 2 starters plus a bench guy and still handled them rather easy on MLK day.

    But Portland, namely Damian Lillard, looking godly right now. The good thing is Pelicans are only 2 games back of the Blazers and have already taken the first two games from them.

    This run for 8 should be exciting.
    Last edited by luckyman; 02-01-2020 at 12:44 PM.

  12. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by P_B_&_G View Post
    It's just how things are. It was disrespectful as hell. And yes, where I grew up, if you disrespect someone you expect to get assaulted.

    I'm not saying it's the "right" thing to do. But it's how things are.

    So, is mma and boxing unsportsmanlike? Or is assault expected in those sports? It's part of the game that you learn playing pickup ball. You learn it pretty fast where I'm from. Apparently not too far from where Payton learned. Lol
    Of course it's not unsportsmanlike in boxing. That's a sport where hitting each other in the face is the entire point: you explicitly consent to that when you get in the ring.

    When you play a professional sport, that is, a sport where you're getting paid and have a contract and there's a governing body, etc, (basically: not pickup ball with some randos at the park) you have to obey the rules. You go in, planning to obey the rules. You expect other people to do the same, to at least a basic extent. In basketball, those rules do not permit you to do what Elfrid did: as we all know. That's why it's a flagrant foul. Comparing it to boxing is disingenuous and you know it.

    And it's not pickup ball. Inadvertent contact is one thing. Running across the court for the sole purpose of going at someone is a different issue. And tbh, I think you know that.

  13. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by luckyman View Post
    That "workplace" isnt twiddlydinks or a corporate office. It's a basketball court on the highest level where you can get your teeth knocked out inadvertently. Eric Gordon has no front teeth...for example. It is a very physical "workplace." Sorry. And when it comes to certain sports like ice hockey, nobody whines and fake outrages when they decide to handle things with "attack'em." But when it comes to basketball and football, everybody has to hold hands and twirl. Even when somebody is as disrespectful as Crowder. See here, even the announcers get into it and its not a top story on ESPN. I dont get it. And I dont want to hear antyhing about it being "part of the game." Breaking a pleyers nose with blood all over the ice has nothing to do with getting a puck in the net.

    Now back to the program, I'm not too worried about Memphis. They were missing one starter and a bench guy and got blown out by 30. The Pelicans were missing 2 starters plus a bench guy and still handled them rather easy on MLK day.

    But Portland, namely Damian Lillard, looking godly right now. The good thing is Pelicans are only 2 games back of the Blazers and have already taken the first two games from them.

    This run for 8 should be exciting.
    here is the difference...what Crowder did doesn't get you suspended and hurt your team's playoff chances.

  14. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by Dago75 View Post
    here is the difference...what Crowder did doesn't get you suspended and hurt your team's playoff chances.
    In fairness, it's the Knicks. They don't have playoff chances.

  15. #65
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    Elfrid got a one game suspension. That should tell you everything you need to know.

    Crowder was vulnerable as he was launching that 3 and Payton two hand shoved him. Had Crowder not committed a breach of unwritten etiquette prior to that shove, Elfrid would be facing a much more severe penalty. The one game is essentially the league saying "good job enforcing our code but we had to do a little something something".

  16. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by msusousaphone View Post
    Elfrid got a one game suspension. That should tell you everything you need to know.

    Crowder was vulnerable as he was launching that 3 and Payton two hand shoved him. Had Crowder not committed a breach of unwritten etiquette prior to that shove, Elfrid would be facing a much more severe penalty. The one game is essentially the league saying "good job enforcing our code but we had to do a little something something".


  17. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    Of course it's not unsportsmanlike in boxing. That's a sport where hitting each other in the face is the entire point: you explicitly consent to that when you get in the ring.

    When you play a professional sport, that is, a sport where you're getting paid and have a contract and there's a governing body, etc, (basically: not pickup ball with some randos at the park) you have to obey the rules. You go in, planning to obey the rules. You expect other people to do the same, to at least a basic extent. In basketball, those rules do not permit you to do what Elfrid did: as we all know. That's why it's a flagrant foul. Comparing it to boxing is disingenuous and you know it.

    And it's not pickup ball. Inadvertent contact is one thing. Running across the court for the sole purpose of going at someone is a different issue. And tbh, I think you know that.
    Of course I was being facetious. In this instance though, there are the rules of the game on paper and then there are rules that are unwritten about respect. Crowder crossed the line when he took that shot. I am in the camp that thinks being a former NBA player should not automatically qualify them for certain things, such as broadcasting. This conversation was in another thread. When you hear a former player say that what Crowder did was disrespectful, you should listen. Former NBA players understand the unwritten rules. No doubt that a big part of what Payton did was out of frustration for sucking. But maybe Crowder is just an idiot that doesn't understand he may have crossed a line. I bet he knows now.

    Do you think what Crowder did was wrong?

    If not, then we will just need to move on.

    Back on topic. Only 4 games down now and this team is looking dominant at times. The next two weeks will be telling as we have a few tough games. I think we have a great shot. We just need to win against the sub 500 teams and split with the rest down the stretch. It would be nice to see the team get to the level of being able to defend the home court against any team. We get a giant measuring stick next week.

  18. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by P_B_&_G View Post
    Do you think what Crowder did was wrong?

    If not, then we will just need to move on.

    Back on topic. Only 4 games down now and this team is looking dominant at times. The next two weeks will be telling as we have a few tough games. I think we have a great shot. We just need to win against the sub 500 teams and split with the rest down the stretch. It would be nice to see the team get to the level of being able to defend the home court against any team. We get a giant measuring stick next week.
    I think what he did was fine. Maybe a bit harsh, sure, but he's a professional basketball player. He gets paid to show up and play basketball. As much as Payton might wish that everyone else obeyed the Unwritten Mercy Rules, nobody is obligated to do him that favour. It would have been nice for Crowder to refrain, and I think I would have just passed it if I was in that situation, but you can't expect someone else to quit playing just because you did. You show up expecting to play 48 minutes of NBA basketball.

    But yeah, let's just move on. It's pretty clear what I think and what you guys think, and I doubt either of us are going to change our minds on this topic, so onwards and upwards.

    I agree with you that the next few weeks are the barometer. We face tough competition: Houston, Milwaukee, Indiana, OKC. If we can sneak some wins there, maybe against Houston and Indiana (idk) then we'll be feeling pretty positive going into all-star.

  19. #69
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    OKC is cruising along and has an easier schedule. I really doubt we catch them. Dallas and Houston and faltering but unfortunately easy scheduled should keep them far above us. Utah has a tough schedule (7th hardest in the league going forward).....it's not impossible for them to fall within our grasp....I think they're too decent a team, though.

    Just have to take it one game at a time and focus on ourselves (team, not us, we will stalk all the teams).

  20. #70
    San Antonio about to start their annual 8 game rodeo road trip. It's not easy at all.

    Also interesting, Memphis at 24-25 has a worse avg point differential than the Pelicans at 20-29.
    Last edited by luckyman; 02-01-2020 at 10:19 PM.

  21. #71
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    Lillard is flat out amazing

  22. #72
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    Utah got away with another one. Though is helps us in the race for the 8th spot, I feel very bad for Portland and Dame. They got robbed. How come it's always Jazz getting help from the officials who turn a blind eye to obvious and, unfortunately, unreviewable things?

  23. #73
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    Or maybe the Zion fix is in. And they're working in our favor for once.

    - Optimistic Conspiracy Guy

  24. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by Ivan Balakhonov View Post
    Utah got away with another one. Though is helps us in the race for the 8th spot, I feel very bad for Portland and Dame. They got robbed. How come it's always Jazz getting help from the officials who turn a blind eye to obvious and, unfortunately, unreviewable things?
    This was crazy! Portland got more screwed than we did when we played the Jazz.

    I watched the game and I was so pissed. The fact that they didn’t see it in the first place then didn’t review it was nuts

    NBA refs are too prideful. Their responses to the players was crazy too.

  25. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by Ivan Balakhonov View Post
    Utah got away with another one. Though is helps us in the race for the 8th spot, I feel very bad for Portland and Dame. They got robbed. How come it's always Jazz getting help from the officials who turn a blind eye to obvious and, unfortunately, unreviewable things?
    As far as I'm concerned it doesn't harm Portland, it just puts them on even footing with us. We already lost a game to a ridiculous no-call on Gobert in the final seconds of a Jazz game. We're even.

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