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Thread: Griff's Three Mistakes

  1. #1

    Griff's Three Mistakes

    1.) Griff should have pushed back on Gayle when she insisted that Gentry was 'untouchable'. Gentry has never been a good in-game coach and his interest in defensive sets are nil. At this point in the season, it is painfully obvious that he has lost this team. Until he is fired (or resigns), I pray that ZW stays put on the injured reserved list as far away from the taint that is Gentry, as possible.

    2.) Letting Elfrid Payton get away. I am confident that this team would have won more games with a true point guard to lead it in crunch time rather than having the ball in a pseudo-point (Holiday) or over-hyped Lonzo Ball's hands when a game is on the line.

    3.) 'Giving permission' to Holiday to be an MVP Candidate. Just as he has done, I hereby give my nephew permission to be the next Drew Brees. Poppycock!!! This makes Griffin look so out-of-touch.

    Now some people may say that he should have locked up BI; I disagree. There was no way to tell whether Ingram would pickup where he left off last year for the Lakers. His play, thus far, suggests he has. Though it might cost a little more to match a RFA offer, I cannot blame Griff for taking a 'test drive' before re-signing; I would have, too.
    Last edited by As I See It; 12-16-2019 at 11:05 AM.

  2. #2
    This is a really terrible thread idea tbh.

    1) If Griff had insisted on ousting Gentry, he simply wouldn't have been hired. At the time of the coaching search, it was common knowledge that willingness to retain Gentry was pretty much mandatory. Hard to blame Griff for that.

    2) Are we really going to put ''didn't resign Elfrid Payton to a team that already has a massive glut of guards'' as like, a Big Three Error type thing? Come on.

    3) He was attempting to take pressure of Zion. Whether you think that worked or not, that's what he was trying to do. Jrue has at least been an all-star before, he was the only player on the roster to ever average 20ppg, he was the remaining 'leader' from the last playoff hunt, and our most highly paid player. Of course he was the one who was going to get the push. Sure, you might argue that Jrue shouldn't have been pushed as an MVP: maybe it would have been smarter to just say that he can be an all-star again, fine, but that's as far as you can go with this.

    Surprisingly, you've totally ignored something that's been a much larger issue than both your second and third points, and that's the general lack of transparency regarding Zion's injury and his return timetable.

  3. #3
    Griff's big mistake was to over promise and under deliver. Classic management 101 pitfall. You want to do the opposite, like Churchill.

    And yes his lack of communication about Zion and the state of the team has been jarring when put next to the media blitz/hype road show he engaged in all summer. You can't be a sunshine patriot then hole up when things go badly. Also management 101--in a crisis the leader needs to get out front of things, an not once or twice a month in a hand-picked forum. Griff should be as active now in the media managing this crisis as he was over the summer promoting the team's prospects. When things are going better, he can go back behind the curtain, not now.

  4. #4
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Payton rarely played in crunch time when he was here. I am still not sold that keeping Gentry was mandatory. As far as #3, what does it hurt to let the vet be the leader and take pressure off the rookie? Griff may have made mistakes, but I do not see any of those as in that category.

  5. #5
    Agreed with Pelicanidae.

    Also, Pelicans Report Forum... yes losing sucks, but let's take Alvin out and replace him with Pop over the same stretch. No Zion, no Favors, playing an ultra skinny rookie at C, not to mention all our other injuries. What does Pop get us, 3 more wins? 4 at best? Who cares about 4 wins right now. All that does is worsen our draft position.

    We should be grateful Alvin is our coach right now with all that has happened instead of another coach who maybe can coach defense better and gets us another 6-12 wins better than Alvin can do with the remnants of our team this season, which only hurts us in the draft. Our coaching situation is perfect for our team situation at the moment, and during the off season we can see what coaching candidates are available with better player development/defensive chops.

    My 2 cents.

  6. #6
    A Soulful Sports Fan Contributor Eman5805's Avatar
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    Nov 2008
    Gentry is such a footnote. People need to stop giving him this much importance.

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