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Thread: Have y’all heard this story on Cousins?

  1. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by hornetsrebirth View Post
    The kid having a relationship with his father is in the best interest of the child. Cousins emotional outburst in response to the mother’s actions was unfortunate and ill advised, although extreme anger and frustration should be expected I’m sure he wishes he had the wherewithal to have expressed it differently in the heat of the moment.
    of course it is but not the type of father who can't handle his emotions like that. what happens when the kid pisses him off and he can't control his anger? is he going to say some crazy ******** like that to the kid or maybe he hits the kid who knows

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  2. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by bahmamamba View Post
    of course it is but not the type of father who can't handle his emotions like that. what happens when the kid pisses him off and he can't control his anger? is he going to say some crazy ******** like that to the kid or maybe he hits the kid who knows

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    i feel you but thats not the case.....notice you dont here cousins is a bad father to the kid.....thats not the case here.....the mom know cousins and her will get into it and he will say foul stuff to her out of frustration because she is playing games with his kid and thats why she recorded phone conversations to use in her advantage for custody and sold the tape to tmz........if cousins was a bad father then she would be able to use that in court but he not,,this is all about abuse between the adults and you can say child support that she will lose if she dont have the kid....

    cousins is his own worst enemy because he should have known she would be recording conversations between them to use.....he brought this on his self if it go wrong in court....

  3. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by 6warddude View Post
    i feel you but thats not the case.....notice you dont here cousins is a bad father to the kid.....thats not the case here.....the mom know cousins and her will get into it and he will say foul stuff to her out of frustration because she is playing games with his kid and thats why she recorded phone conversations to use in her advantage for custody and sold the tape to tmz........if cousins was a bad father then she would be able to use that in court but he not,,this is all about abuse between the adults and you can say child support that she will lose if she dont have the kid....

    cousins is his own worst enemy because he should have known she would be recording conversations between them to use.....he brought this on his self if it go wrong in court....
    yeah I'm not calling him a bad father I wouldn't know I'm just saying in general father who can't handle their emotions isn't a great situation to be in

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  4. #29
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    One in Alabama and the other Atlanta. Woof.
    BI, Zion, and CJ had a net rating of +3 when on the court together. BI and Zion had a +13.4, BI and CJ had a +13.2, Zion and CJ was just +5.4.

    BI and Zion worked. BI and CJ worked. It was CJ and Zion and all three together that didn't work.

  5. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by msusousaphone View Post
    One in Alabama and the other Atlanta. Woof.

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  6. #31
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    Oh. Dang. People are defending this?

    I have kids. I am divorced. I have been on the wrong side of someone trying to cut your time away from you because you are "just the dad". I am a father's rights advocate. I am a therapist that pushes 50/50 custody because it IS what is best for the child as long as one of the parents is not a danger physically, emotionally, and/or sexually. This is NOT ok. It is totally a sign that he cannot control himself and a person that cannot control themselves is a danger around a child. It is a major red flag as to why the kid is not going to the wedding.

    There is absolutely, unequivocally, just no way that anyone can defend this or excuse it.

  7. #32
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    Y'all got me going. This is the type of stuff that sets Father's Rights back. As fathers we need to speak out against this and distance ourselves from that behavior. Don't condone this abusive stuff.

  8. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by msusousaphone View Post

    There is absolutely, unequivocally, just no way that anyone can defend this or excuse it.
    Thank you! Between twitter and the discussion on here, I felt like everyone was going loopy

  9. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by msusousaphone View Post
    Oh. Dang. People are defending this?

    I have kids. I am divorced. I have been on the wrong side of someone trying to cut your time away from you because you are "just the dad". I am a father's rights advocate. I am a therapist that pushes 50/50 custody because it IS what is best for the child as long as one of the parents is not a danger physically, emotionally, and/or sexually. This is NOT ok. It is totally a sign that he cannot control himself and a person that cannot control themselves is a danger around a child. It is a major red flag as to why the kid is not going to the wedding.

    There is absolutely, unequivocally, just no way that anyone can defend this or excuse it.
    clap clap clap

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  10. #35
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    [QUOTE=msusousaphone;1504276]Oh. Dang. People are defending this?

    It is totally a sign that he cannot control himself and a person that cannot control themselves is a danger around a child. It is a major red flag as to why the kid is not going to the wedding.
    .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .....

    i disagree with you on this.....just because a person vent out of frustration is not a sign a person can not control themselves.....i think majority of parents vent out of frustration at some point but do that mean they are a danger to their kids?...i think no.....no where in their court documents does she say he is a bad father to their son.....in their documents its all about those two adults...before the wedding it was about those two so its both of their fault.....now boogie words went to far and he may have to pay for that......she not letting the kid go to the wedding is not because of he is a danger to their kid.....it seem like she was being petty and poking for a convo to use in court and she got it....

    also when a female knows your weakness they'll use that weakness as a tool against you .. When the mother of your child is holding the child that y'all share together as a hostage & keeping that child away on one of his dad's most important days says a whole lot about her .. She's childish immature & just down right selfish for keeping their son away on his dad's special day .. He'll have no pictures to share of them together so that means no memories to share together .. My question is I wonder does she act like that when he's sending her those child support checks he sends her every month .. She isn't to selfish to tell him keep your own money & she'll support her child with her own money ..

    this is not a one sided thing...both of them are wrong....she is wrong for playing games using the kid as a pawn and he is wrong for getting to emotional with his words........but if boogie would had handle his business as a father when their child was born then he may not be in this situation by begging her to let their child attend his wedding......

  11. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    Thank you! Between twitter and the discussion on here, I felt like everyone was going loopy
    its 2 of us on here that dont see it all your way but point out which one of us that say boogie is right?...i think both of us agree that he was wrong but it also goes both ways....

  12. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by msusousaphone View Post
    i disagree with you on this.....just because a person vent out of frustration is not a sign a person can not control themselves.....i think majority of parents vent out of frustration at some point but do that mean they are a danger to their kids?
    When I vent out of frustration, I might swear, maybe throw an insult or two, and storm out to go and calm down. I don't threaten to paint someone's walls with their brain. That's not venting, that's showing signs of serious, serious violent tendencies. Again, if frustrations = death threats for Cousins, he needs emotional support and anger management. He needs therapy, if that's the case.

    Quote Originally Posted by msusousaphone View Post
    also when a female knows your weakness they'll use that weakness as a tool against you .. When the mother of your child is holding the child that y'all share together as a hostage & keeping that child away on one of his dad's most important days says a whole lot about her

    this is not a one sided thing...both of them are wrong....she is wrong for playing games using the kid as a pawn and he is wrong for getting to emotional with his words
    It doesn't matter. She wasn't endangering him. She wasn't endangering their child by denying him attendance. Maybe you see that as wrong, and that's fair, but the way to deal with that is with words, with third party, impartial support and aid. You do not deal with that via threats of murder. His response was entirely out of proportion, irresponsible, stupid, and unacceptable. It doesn't matter whether she was using the kid for a pawn, it doesn't matter if ''a female'' knows his weakness or anything else: in a non-violent dispute, it is unacceptable for you to react with murder threats.

    There's got to be a sense of scale here. You can't ''both sides'' this.

    Is it wrong to stop your kid from going to their father's wedding? Sure, if the father is safe to be around, that's wrong.

    Is it on the same scale as threatening to murder the child's mother? God no, it's not even in the same ballpark. Acting like these two things are just balancing on a scale is absurd, and it diminishes the wrongness of what Cousins did. Murder threats are not acceptable.

    And that's even assuming that Cousins is safe to be around. I don't have kids myself, but I wouldn't want my nephews and nieces around someone that I knew would make murder threats whenever they were inconvenienced. It would be irresponsible for a parent to put a child in range of someone like that. If this is something Cousins is prone to, then I'd say she was justified in stopping the kid from going: that is a big if though, because we don't know if Cousins has done something like this before. If I had to guess, I'd say he probably has, because she didn't seem surprised by it, and if it was a trap like some people are arguing then clearly this is predictable behaviour for him. But that's just a guess, and even if it's wrong and this is the first time, he's STILL more wrong than she is.

    Cannot believe that people are really going to bat for a man threatening to put a bullet through a woman's skull over a custody dispute. Jesus Christ.

  13. #38
    A Soulful Sports Fan Contributor Eman5805's Avatar
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    There's something to the whole notion that some women have that ability to get in a man's head and push his buttons to bring out the absolute worst in him...

    Problem with Cousins is I don't imagine that she has to work all that hard to get this kind of reaction out of him.

    I saw Cousins in Costco **********ing at workers because no one was available to put this heavy safe on his basket for him. Complaining about how long it was taking, etc. Had his man servant doing all the work while he stood there.

  14. #39
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    When I vent out of frustration, I might swear, maybe throw an insult or two, and storm out to go and calm down. I don't threaten to paint someone's walls with their brain. That's not venting, that's showing signs of serious, serious violent tendencies. Again, if frustrations = death threats for Cousins, he needs emotional support and anger management. He needs therapy, if that's the case.

    Quote Originally Posted by 6warddude View Post

    It doesn't matter. She wasn't endangering him. She wasn't endangering their child by denying him attendance. Maybe you see that as wrong, and that's fair, but the way to deal with that is with words, with third party, impartial support and aid. You do not deal with that via threats of murder. His response was entirely out of proportion, irresponsible, stupid, and unacceptable. It doesn't matter whether she was using the kid for a pawn, it doesn't matter if ''a female'' knows his weakness or anything else: in a non-violent dispute, it is unacceptable for you to react with murder threats.

    There's got to be a sense of scale here. You can't ''both sides'' this.

    Is it wrong to stop your kid from going to their father's wedding? Sure, if the father is safe to be around, that's wrong.

    Is it on the same scale as threatening to murder the child's mother? God no, it's not even in the same ballpark. Acting like these two things are just balancing on a scale is absurd, and it diminishes the wrongness of what Cousins did. Murder threats are not acceptable.

    And that's even assuming that Cousins is safe to be around. I don't have kids myself, but I wouldn't want my nephews and nieces around someone that I knew would make murder threats whenever they were inconvenienced. It would be irresponsible for a parent to put a child in range of someone like that. If this is something Cousins is prone to, then I'd say she was justified in stopping the kid from going: that is a big if though, because we don't know if Cousins has done something like this before. If I had to guess, I'd say he probably has, because she didn't seem surprised by it, and if it was a trap like some people are arguing then clearly this is predictable behaviour for him. But that's just a guess, and even if it's wrong and this is the first time, he's STILL more wrong than she is.

    Cannot believe that people are really going to bat for a man threatening to put a bullet through a woman's skull over a custody dispute. Jesus Christ.

    so because i dont see it 100% your way the conversation is loopy as you put it....

    violence is not the answer so cousins is wrong...... she using the kid as a pawn and not letting him go to his father wedding is also wrong.....they both are wrong in this situation....

    in court documents i didnt see her say he is a bad father or danger to the kid .....boogie want the 7yo son to stay with him.....now im about to assume,,,i assume the custody thing is an issue with them now.....i think she dont want to give the kid up full time because of the support she gets.....i assume those two argue about it alot now....i assume her and boogie say foul stuff to each other over this.......i assume she had a idea to get an advantage in court because she know he is emotional and say foul stuff........i assume she recorded the convo because she knew he would go off and say something foul because she would not let the kid go to his wedding and she got exactly what she wanted to use........this is about 2 stupid adults who cant agree on whats best for their kid and not that he is a bad father or a danger to him.....

    its sad that a man has to schedule weddings or other important dates in his life around his kid appointed child visitation schedule over 2 adults being civil to each other.....

    this is both of the parents fault so stop making it out that just because me and another poster dont see it your way 100% that we are defending boogie......clearly we said boogie was wrong but we also see the other side is at fault also making it both of their fault.......and if me saying both of them are wrong in this situation is your interpretation of me defending boogie then so be it smdh...

  15. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by 6warddude View Post

    this is both of the parents fault so stop making it out that just because me and another poster dont see it your way 100% that we are defending boogie......clearly we said boogie was wrong but we also see the other side is at fault also making it both of their fault.......and if me saying both of them are wrong in this situation is your interpretation of me defending boogie then so be it smdh...
    This is the issue that I keep pointing out.

    ''This is both of the parents fault''

    Stop there.

    You're wrong for two reasons:

    1) The issue here is Cousins losing control and threatening to murder someone. It is Cousins' fault that he said that. It is not ''both'' of their faults: she may be in the wrong in terms of the larger dispute, and that's fine, but she doesn't control what comes out of his mouth and what he said was unacceptable. Stop trying to split the blame here. He is a 29 year old man who is responsible for the words that come out of his mouth.

    2) Unless she was physically threatening Cousins or the child, there is no way words equate to violence in this scenario. She was not physically threatening him, or the child. She was just speaking and, as the mother of the child, she gets the right to have input on what the child does: she has the right to that. There is no situation where arguing verbally should turn into threats of murder. Absolutely none. It doesn't MATTER what she said, because verbal disputes do not justify death threats.

    Again, stop trying to split the blame: we aren't arguing over whether the dispute is both of their faults. That's probably true, or at least partly true. The argument is whether or not she is responsible for Cousins making death threats, and whether that's acceptable. She isn't. He is. It's not. It doesn't matter how many times you try and split the blame, it won't because because his response was straight up insane. He's a grown man, he needs to take responsibility for his own actions. If he can't do that, or can't control his anger, he doesn't need his kid right now, he needs a mental health professional.

  16. #41
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by msusousaphone View Post

    Y'all got me going. This is the type of stuff that sets Father's Rights back. As fathers we need to speak out against this and distance ourselves from that behavior. Don't condone this abusive stuff.
    That’s BS. What sets fathers rights back is acting like its absurd to note that preventing a child from attending his own parent’s wedding is wrong. That’s his step mother now and he wasn’t allowed to witness the union of his own family. I hope the adults can come to their senses because I feel sorry for that kid.

    Everyone agrees that Cousins shouldn’t have said what he said. I haven’t seen a single person say that he wasn’t wrong for saying that. Strangely enough I am seeing some people, including yourself who claims to be a “father’s rights” activist, maintain a glaring silence regarding the mother’s contribution to creating the situation. What she did was outrageous enough that it was expected to provoke an emotional reaction from the father, which is exactly why she secretly recorded his reaction to having his son wrongfully withheld from him. That’s not “condoning” what Cousins said it’s simply being honest about the reality of the situation.
    Last edited by hornetsrebirth; 08-27-2019 at 10:29 PM.

  17. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by hornetsrebirth View Post
    I haven’t seen a single person say that he wasn’t wrong for saying that.
    Try looking.


    ''I see nothing wrong here'', 240 likes.

    ''I'mma side with boogie'', 280+ likes.

    This doesn't take long. The entire range of internet scumbags and misogynists has crawled out of the woodwork to praise DMC for threatening to murder someone. It's extremely easy to say you haven't seen it, but that doesn't mean much if you haven't even looked.

    Quote Originally Posted by hornetsrebirth View Post
    What she did was outrageous enough that it was expected to provoke an emotional reaction from the father
    Nobody denies Cousins has a right to be upset. But if you think what she did was on a level where a murder threat is ''expected'' to be provoked, then you have an extremely warped sense of proportion.

  18. #43
    I hope he has some really good financial advisers on his side.

  19. #44
    Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret......Ambrose Bierce

  20. #45
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hornetsrebirth View Post
    That’s BS. What sets fathers rights back is acting like its absurd to note that preventing a child from attending his own parent’s wedding is wrong. That’s his step mother now and he wasn’t allowed to witness the union of his own family. I hope the adults can come to their senses because I feel sorry for that kid.

    Everyone agrees that Cousins shouldn’t have said what he said. I haven’t seen a single person say that he wasn’t wrong for saying that. Strangely enough I am seeing some people, including yourself who claims to be a “father’s rights” activist, maintain a glaring silence regarding the mother’s contribution to creating the situation. What she did was outrageous enough that it was expected to provoke an emotional reaction from the father, which is exactly why she secretly recorded his reaction to having his son wrongfully withheld from him. That’s not “condoning” what Cousins said it’s simply being honest about the reality of the situation.
    If you have not seen anyone saying he wasn't wrong, you are not looking. Many on twitter are supporting/excusing his actions. Even you seem to want to excuse them because of the mother's actions.

  21. #46
    You should never threaten anyone’s life ever whether it be man/woman or anything in between. I understand that women can do everything in their power to get you to react. They are put on this ridiculous pedestal these days and they can do no wrong. That never excuses violence or threats of violence. He needs to be the bigger man here and apologize, go to anger management and get some of his issues sorted.

  22. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by PELICANSFAN View Post
    If you have not seen anyone saying he wasn't wrong, you are not looking. Many on twitter are supporting/excusing his actions. Even you seem to want to excuse them because of the mother's actions.
    I literally provided examples of people saying that he wasn't wrong, with a combined 800+ likes, and got radio silence as the response. Fairly telling.

  23. #48
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! pelicanchamp's Avatar
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    How will this affect his career? Could he be suspended for this?

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  24. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by pelicanchamp View Post
    How will this affect his career? Could he be suspended for this?
    Given that the NBA and its teams seem pretty happy to continue allowing Jason Kidd (plead guilty to domestic abuse, no suspension) to get jobs in the NBA, and continued to allow Ron Artest to keep playing after he plead no contest to domestic violence charges (7 game suspension only), and allowed Darren Collison to keep playing after pleading guilty to battering his wife (8 game suspension only), I don't think they're going to suspend Cousins for making threats.

    Even if they did, would it matter? Why would any team sign Cousins now?

    Ruptured Achilles, torn quad, torn ACL, making murder threats, etc etc. It's not like it's low-risk high-reward anymore. It's big-risk, probably-low-reward. Some desperate team like Phoenix or whatever might throw money at him when he comes back from this injury, but I could easily see this being a nail in the coffin for his career.

  25. #50
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by PELICANSFAN View Post
    If you have not seen anyone saying he wasn't wrong, you are not looking. Many on twitter are supporting/excusing his actions. Even you seem to want to excuse them because of the mother's actions.
    It is certainly true that I don't spend my time looking at random twitter feeds, when I said nobody was saying that he wasn't wrong I was referring to posts on this board. But you've just proved my point. I have said point blank several times that Cousins shouldn't have said what he said and you are still trying to characterize it as if I think he was right to say that. That's on you.

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