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Thread: So it has come down to this for the Lakers

  1. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by UNO Gracias View Post
    It will be interesting to see if the Lakers waive Dwight after Jan. 7th in order to bring in Iggy.
    I don’t know about Iggy either. He looked old and banged up in playoffs.

  2. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by SoCal4Pels View Post
    Or buy out Rondo to sign CP3 if he gets a buyout. Though I think that this is still extremely unlikely for a number of reasons, despite how much CP3 and Lebron would like it to happen. Lakers would likely have to pitch in a bunch of cash to help cover the buyout, CP3 would have to take a haircut on his current deal and take a small deal to try to chase a championship within Lebron's remaining window, and OKC would have to be willing to get almost nothing else for him since the Lakers already gave NO all their picks. Probably a bunch more I am forgetting.
    ...yeah, I feel like there is as much chance of CP3 getting a buyout as there as of me getting married to Lupita Nyong'o.

    That is, technically not zero, but so close to zero as to be practically indistinguishable.

    You described why pretty well. It would have to require OKC being totally willing to just eat a huge, huge quantity of salary (even if CP3 agreed to take, say, half of his money in a buyout, the total cost would still be insane), for absolutely nothing in return. That's particularly when you consider that the Lakers don't have a ton of cash to pitch in anyway.

  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by SoCal4Pels View Post
    Funny being a crazy fan of them for the last 21 years--I even have a ball signed by the team when we had Shaq, Kobe, Malone, and Payton. But as I said in my introductory thread, I had to ask myself what I really was a fan of anymore. From ownership to the FO to players (outside of Kuzma), the team is now full of people I have never liked. Will still watch their games because it is gonna be crazy around here for the foreseeable future with the Clippers vs. Lakers dynamic. Gonna be rooting for the Clippers, though I must say PG13, historically a classy guy, left a bad taste in my mouth after his whiny poor sportsmanship comments after what Dame did to him. Not unforgivable I guess, and you gotta respect people like KL, Rivers, Jerry West, and ownership.

    As far as the playoffs, unless there is a major injury, I find it pretty much impossible that 7 of the 8 slots are not already reserved: Clippers, Golden State, Lakers, Denver, Portland, Utah, Houston. Going to be super interesting because it is so wide open--there will definitely be some teams that will surprisingly overachieve (my picks are GS, Portland), and some that surprisingly underachieve (Lakers, Houston).

    If the Pelicans can squeak in at number 8 in this insanely stacked conference, it will be a massive, massive success for this year with such a young team that hasn't gelled. But it is refreshing to be rooting for a team that I am assuming has a fanbase that can appreciate the team even when they don't win a championship. I like Portland too; kinda feels like Zion/Jrue could be like Dame/McCollum in that regard.

    Looking forward to it!
    Lol, we speak in hushed tones about teams that make it out of the first round...I think you're in the right place.

  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by ml wave View Post
    Lol, we speak in hushed tones about teams that make it out of the first round...I think you're in the right place.
    For real. Coming from a team like LA which has an ego inflated so high by having a history of dynasty, but which is stuck in the doldrums of a near decade long lapse out of the playoffs, into a team like New Orleans which has never had a team make the finals at all, let alone win rings, is a huge change in expectations.

    Every team wants a ring, sure, but different fanbases view the journey different. LA has won over a dozen titles, so for much of the Lakers fanbase, a season is meaningless unless it adds to the banners in the rafters. New Orleans is a team that, like you said, gets beyond hype over making it to the second round of the playoffs, because we haven't had that journey so many times that it feels banal yet.

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