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Thread: Zion: “I want to stay with Pelicans my whole career”

  1. #1

    Zion: “I want to stay with Pelicans my whole career”

    Well... I liked the kid a lot already... I think I’m falling in love with statements like these.


  2. #2

    The quote originally comes from this piece that came out today in Complex. Here's the full quote, and some more pieces of information from the interview.

    Question: The NBA is so fluid now, and this free agency period proved that things can change quickly. What do you say to NBA fans, and Pelicans fans, more specifically, who think, “Eh, Zion will probably play here for a few years, then leave at some point, like all the other stars”?

    Answer: ''I’m gonna try to give you the best answer I can give. Personally, I’ve always told myself I want to stay with one team. Growing up, I loved what Kobe did and Dirk did, and I think if anybody’s a Michael Jordan fan, they kinda erase the Wizards thing. He still did very well there, but at the end of the day, I don’t think people look at it from the business point of view. Some people want to stay with one team but they get traded. My intentions are to stay with the Pelicans my whole career, but if something happens, I wouldn’t leave because I hate the place. It’s just the business.''

    Question: One of your new teammates, Lonzo Ball, is somebody that you’ve raved about in the past. You said he was a great point guard. There are some people out there starting to question whether he can be an elite player in the league. What do you see as his potential?

    Answer: ''I’m expecting Lonzo to come into his own. I’m not saying he wasn't himself in L.A., but now he’s in a scenario where he can truly be himself. We’re about to play a super-fast-paced game. I think we all trust him with the ball and all trust him to make the right read. You’ve seen it, I’ve seen it. He’s a playmaker. He makes the right plays.''

    Q: Do you think he can be the best point guard in the league? Could that be in his future?
    A: ''That is in his future.''

    Q: You've got a promising group of young talent playing for the Pelicans this year, between you, Lonzo, Brandon Ingram, and Jaxson Hayes. What do you think this team’s ceiling is?
    A: ''Me being confident in my teammates, I would say I think the ceiling is [a] championship. But I have to be realistic about this. I have high expectations for us, but you gotta see how we’re gonna work. I think we are going to work, but it does take time to adjust to each player—knowing what they like to do, finding out their tendencies. So I think the quicker we find out those things, I think we have a very high ceiling.''

    Q: So you think legitimately, this year, you guys can be that surprise team? The Raptors who came out of nowhere?
    A: ''Yeah, we can win it. I think everybody has that on their minds. View it as just one ball—whoever can put the ball through the hoop more times will get the most points, and that’s who wins. Get the most stops—just gotta see who wins. I try to look at it from that point of view and not from who’s on which team. Any given night, I learned it in college, you can lose a game.''

    Q: And anyone can win a game.
    A: ''Exactly.''

  3. #3
    Exhibit C Nola3's Avatar
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    Coming from a rookie who hasn't played an NBA game yet, these answers mean literally nothing. But I still love that the kid is responding perfectly to everything thrown at him so far.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Nola3 View Post
    Coming from a rookie who hasn't played an NBA game yet, these answers mean literally nothing. But I still love that the kid is responding perfectly to everything thrown at him so far.
    The way I look at it, at this point, is just about whether he's messing up already.

    Maybe he really does want to stay with us for his whole career. I can totally understand that perspective, and he's right, people do generally see something special about a player staying with one team forever like Dirk or Kobe or Stockton, and if a legend does happen to spend a few years elsewhere, we tend to try and erase it from our memories, like MJ and Wade.

    He's only 19. If he DOES truly wish to stay with us for his entire career, that could be a completely honest and whole-hearted answer that still changes by the time he's 26. 7 years is a long time, a lot can be different.

    But you'd much rather him be saying this than have him already be out the door

  5. #5
    The Voice of Reason Contributor RaisingTheBar's Avatar
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    I like it, but let's see how he feels in 7 years.

  6. #6
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! kinglio21093's Avatar
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    AD's said this the majority of his NBA career, and then that narrative stopped when he went to Klutch. Let's wait until he's elite and the Pels are struggling to make the playoffs. If he re-ups with us after his 2nd contract, then I'll at least buy it.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by kinglio21093 View Post
    AD's said this the majority of his NBA career, and then that narrative stopped when he went to Klutch. Let's wait until he's elite and the Pels are struggling to make the playoffs. If he re-ups with us after his 2nd contract, then I'll at least buy it.
    The thing is, this kind of scepticism is obviously totally understandable and makes sense, but you have to consider it from his perspective.

    He just signed his rookie deal with this team. For better or worse, he's here for the next 4 years. What's he supposed to say when they ask him that question? It's not like he can reasonably say ''Oh, I don't care about the Pelicans, I'm out of here the first chance I get.''

    The answer he gave, I think, was very mature and about as reasonable as you can expect from anyone. He said he recognises the special legacy that players who stick with one team their whole career get, that he wants that same legacy, that he plans to stay with the Pelicans but that '' if something happens, I wouldn’t leave because I hate the place. It’s just the business.''

    That's all you can ask for.

    Perhaps because we as fans have been burned multiple times by stars now, with CP3 and AD, we're super sceptical about these kinds of comments, and I get that. But every comment is given within a context.

    With Zion, what reason do we have to doubt? He's already signed multiple endorsements, and is guaranteed $90m before he even steps foot onto the basketball court. He has a team with plenty of assets and promising talent. He's coming into a situation with quality vets. Sure, if in 5 years time we aren't making the playoffs and Ingram is gone and Lonzo never improves then we're looking at a different world where he might be inclined to change his mind, but as of right now, what he's saying fits completely, and that's all you can ever expect.

    The way this has to work is just taking each thing on a case by case basis. Every time he gets asked about this kind of thing is a new challenge he has to pass. He passed this one. That's worth celebrating. The next challenge is exactly that: the NEXT one. Circumstances for that next challenge will be different: there will have been roster changes, maybe coaching changes, actual NBA experience and win/loss records to consider, so you can't caveat the answer he gave today with the warning that he may give a different answer on another day, because that other answer would be made in a different context.

    Just be happy he's saying the right things now. Cross that next bridge when we come to it.

  8. #8
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! kinglio21093's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    The thing is, this kind of scepticism is obviously totally understandable and makes sense, but you have to consider it from his perspective.

    He just signed his rookie deal with this team. For better or worse, he's here for the next 4 years. What's he supposed to say when they ask him that question? It's not like he can reasonably say ''Oh, I don't care about the Pelicans, I'm out of here the first chance I get.''

    The answer he gave, I think, was very mature and about as reasonable as you can expect from anyone. He said he recognises the special legacy that players who stick with one team their whole career get, that he wants that same legacy, that he plans to stay with the Pelicans but that '' if something happens, I wouldn’t leave because I hate the place. It’s just the business.''

    That's all you can ask for.

    Perhaps because we as fans have been burned multiple times by stars now, with CP3 and AD, we're super sceptical about these kinds of comments, and I get that. But every comment is given within a context.

    With Zion, what reason do we have to doubt? He's already signed multiple endorsements, and is guaranteed $90m before he even steps foot onto the basketball court. He has a team with plenty of assets and promising talent. He's coming into a situation with quality vets. Sure, if in 5 years time we aren't making the playoffs and Ingram is gone and Lonzo never improves then we're looking at a different world where he might be inclined to change his mind, but as of right now, what he's saying fits completely, and that's all you can ever expect.

    The way this has to work is just taking each thing on a case by case basis. Every time he gets asked about this kind of thing is a new challenge he has to pass. He passed this one. That's worth celebrating. The next challenge is exactly that: the NEXT one. Circumstances for that next challenge will be different: there will have been roster changes, maybe coaching changes, actual NBA experience and win/loss records to consider, so you can't caveat the answer he gave today with the warning that he may give a different answer on another day, because that other answer would be made in a different context.

    Just be happy he's saying the right things now. Cross that next bridge when we come to it.
    I'm not saying he's full of ****. I love his enthusiasm, and feel blessed that we have him on our side. I think my initial post was for the people who think he's staying no matter what. Because the quote "I intend to stay for the duration of my career," sounds like he's never leaving no matter how bad it gets.

  9. #9
    AD never said anything like that. So theres that.

    But also this is a 19 year old kid. Once the ESPN/sports tabloids get rolling things can change quickly. Even Jrue holiday admitted that when you hear things constantly, it has an affect on you physically and mentally, and I'm certain he was talking about AD when he said that.

    As soon as the losing starts even if just year 2 or 3, this type of stuff will be in full force with constant "Zion doesn't want to be there" rumors.

    Last edited by luckyman; 07-30-2019 at 07:05 PM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by kinglio21093 View Post
    I'm not saying he's full of ****. I love his enthusiasm, and feel blessed that we have him on our side. I think my initial post was for the people who think he's staying no matter what. Because the quote "I intend to stay for the duration of my career," sounds like he's never leaving no matter how bad it gets.
    That's fair enough, I've just seen a lot of people coming out in response to these comments with complete negativity and to me, it's just being pessimistic rather than realistic.

    The stuff that will actually decide whether Zion stays or goes hasn't happened yet. Anyone claiming they know for certain what will happen in the next 4 years is lying to you. We can make reasonable guesses and extrapolate from some stuff, but the truth is that there's no way for any of us to guarantee the course of the franchise, not even someone like Griff. So all you can really do is take what you have and see where you're at, and move forward a day at a time. Zion's comments right now are great! Sure, it's totally true that things can change, and maybe 3, 4, 5 years from now his mind has changed, but it's equally possible that it won't have changed.

    If Zion says he wants to stay for his entire career, I believe it. I think we have to also understand that he probably wants some other stuff TOO (rings, for example) and maybe one day he'll have to decide which one he wants more if the franchise isn't going in the direction he would prefer, but the kind of cynical readings people have been doing where they just assume he's lying immediately is kind of disappointing.

    Like, I get that the media WANTS us to look at things badly, but that doesn't mean you have to do it.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by kinglio21093 View Post
    AD's said this the majority of his NBA career, and then that narrative stopped when he went to Klutch. Let's wait until he's elite and the Pels are struggling to make the playoffs. If he re-ups with us after his 2nd contract, then I'll at least buy it.
    This feels a lot different than AD. And I like to think Drew recognizes winners as well.

  12. #12
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    It’s absolutely not a given Zion is going to stay just because he stated this franchise is where he wants to stay his whole career. I think every single player would say the exact thing before they ever even played a game for the franchise that just drafted them. The thing that is different for me is Zion comparing other players like Kobe and Dirk that he admires in a way for staying with their team and acknowledging that leaving is often a dud for even the great of all time in MJ. I think with Zion we will get that 3 signing and 5 year deal that AD never committed to. I think had AD started with the same culture and attitude along with talent we have put around Zion it would be very likely AD signs another deal. I see Zion and his step dad staying loyal to their agent and not signing with Klutch as well.

    Their is one huge advantage I believe we will have that will give us a great chance at keeping Zion for as long as we want him.. When the new CBA is finished you can guarantee their will be a new contract that will be available for franchise players like Zion to have incentives players just simply can’t ignore. They tried to do it in the last CBA with the 5th year and a higher annual average the player would receive by staying with its original team. It didn’t quite work out like they had hoped so I can see something where 6 years and a higher % of many paid to a designated franchise player. I think it’s possible in the new CBA they make it so teams can even have huge incentives to keep a 2nd player around by maybe allowing a 5th year along with a higher % of $ paid. I really believe the NBA is going to make it so a player just has to be flat out stupid to give up whatever the new incentive may be shall a team decide to designate a player for it.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by GuardianAngel25 View Post
    It’s absolutely not a given Zion is going to stay just because he stated this franchise is where he wants to stay his whole career. I think every single player would say the exact thing before they ever even played a game for the franchise that just drafted them. The thing that is different for me is Zion comparing other players like Kobe and Dirk that he admires in a way for staying with their team and acknowledging that leaving is often a dud for even the great of all time in MJ. I think with Zion we will get that 3 signing and 5 year deal that AD never committed to. I think had AD started with the same culture and attitude along with talent we have put around Zion it would be very likely AD signs another deal. I see Zion and his step dad staying loyal to their agent and not signing with Klutch as well.

    Their is one huge advantage I believe we will have that will give us a great chance at keeping Zion for as long as we want him.. When the new CBA is finished you can guarantee their will be a new contract that will be available for franchise players like Zion to have incentives players just simply can’t ignore. They tried to do it in the last CBA with the 5th year and a higher annual average the player would receive by staying with its original team. It didn’t quite work out like they had hoped so I can see something where 6 years and a higher % of many paid to a designated franchise player. I think it’s possible in the new CBA they make it so teams can even have huge incentives to keep a 2nd player around by maybe allowing a 5th year along with a higher % of $ paid. I really believe the NBA is going to make it so a player just has to be flat out stupid to give up whatever the new incentive may be shall a team decide to designate a player for it.
    There would need to be a portion of it that does not count against the cap. Otherwise its pointless in terms of building a winning team.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by GuardianAngel25 View Post
    It’s absolutely not a given Zion is going to stay just because he stated this franchise is where he wants to stay his whole career. I think every single player would say the exact thing before they ever even played a game for the franchise that just drafted them. The thing that is different for me is Zion comparing other players like Kobe and Dirk that he admires in a way for staying with their team and acknowledging that leaving is often a dud for even the great of all time in MJ. I think with Zion we will get that 3 signing and 5 year deal that AD never committed to. I think had AD started with the same culture and attitude along with talent we have put around Zion it would be very likely AD signs another deal. I see Zion and his step dad staying loyal to their agent and not signing with Klutch as well.

    Their is one huge advantage I believe we will have that will give us a great chance at keeping Zion for as long as we want him.. When the new CBA is finished you can guarantee their will be a new contract that will be available for franchise players like Zion to have incentives players just simply can’t ignore. They tried to do it in the last CBA with the 5th year and a higher annual average the player would receive by staying with its original team. It didn’t quite work out like they had hoped so I can see something where 6 years and a higher % of many paid to a designated franchise player. I think it’s possible in the new CBA they make it so teams can even have huge incentives to keep a 2nd player around by maybe allowing a 5th year along with a higher % of $ paid. I really believe the NBA is going to make it so a player just has to be flat out stupid to give up whatever the new incentive may be shall a team decide to designate a player for it.
    Why would Zion ever go to Klutch? Dude has a million dollar deal with Nike and now NBA2K. I’m sure he’ll do a movie way before Lebron. Especially with his “let’s dance” trademark.

    Meanwhile AD is on a PR tour showing the beta he is and has a deal with Ruffles. Sure he’ll show up in Space Jam 2 and a few rap videos that most of the population won’t see.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Sleeper View Post
    Why would Zion ever go to Klutch? Dude has a million dollar deal with Nike and now NBA2K. I’m sure he’ll do a movie way before Lebron age wise. Especially with his “let’s dance” trademark.

    Meanwhile AD is on a PR tour showing the beta he is and has a deal with Ruffles. Sure he’ll show up in Space Jam 2 and a few rap videos that most of the population won’t see.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  16. #16
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by P_B_&_G View Post
    There would need to be a portion of it that does not count against the cap. Otherwise its pointless in terms of building a winning team.
    That’s something I was thinking if for example we can only max out with a $40 million cap hit but can offer $50 million.. I know the numbers would be different but I think that’s how they should do it and like you said will have to do it that way.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by luckyman View Post
    AD never said anything like that. So theres that.

    But also this is a 19 year old kid. Once the ESPN/sports tabloids get rolling things can change quickly. Even Jrue holiday admitted that when you hear things constantly, it has an affect on you physically and mentally, and I'm certain he was talking about AD when he said that.

    As soon as the losing starts even if just year 2 or 3, this type of stuff will be in full force with constant "Zion doesn't want to be there" rumors.

    These clowns don't go away if you keep sharing their videos.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by SmontySwilliams View Post
    These clowns don't go away if you keep sharing their videos.
    but you just shared it...think about it.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by luckyman View Post
    AD never said anything like that. So theres that.

    But also this is a 19 year old kid. Once the ESPN/sports tabloids get rolling things can change quickly. Even Jrue holiday admitted that when you hear things constantly, it has an affect on you physically and mentally, and I'm certain he was talking about AD when he said that.

    As soon as the losing starts even if just year 2 or 3, this type of stuff will be in full force with constant "Zion doesn't want to be there" rumors.

    kellerman just straight up pulled that out of his ****** surprised no one called him out in it

    Sent from my SM-S903VL using Tapatalk

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by SmontySwilliams View Post
    These clowns don't go away if you keep sharing their videos.
    They were there long before I shared it. They'll be there long after. So there also this.

  21. #21
    Ad if that isnt enough..part 2. And it shouldnt be called just NBA players lying. There some aggregious front office fibs in there too.

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