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Thread: Jaxson Hayes

  1. #1
    Last edited by MistaWhoDat; 06-21-2019 at 07:04 PM.

  2. #2
    I got you bro

  3. #3
    Thanks for looking these up

  4. #4
    I have to say, a lot of people are worried about needing shooters around Zion for spacing, but with the way Gentry wants to play, I think a lot of our points will be in transition. Watching some of those videos above of Jaxson Hayes had me thinking of CP3 to Tyson Chandler and Jrue to AD. With the court vision Lonzo has, I can see him finding Hayes a lot, especially since teams wouldn't be able to focus on him with Zion in the game. I think the more we're able to run, the better this team can be.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by RobertM320 View Post
    I have to say, a lot of people are worried about needing shooters around Zion for spacing, but with the way Gentry wants to play, I think a lot of our points will be in transition. Watching some of those videos above of Jaxson Hayes had me thinking of CP3 to Tyson Chandler and Jrue to AD. With the court vision Lonzo has, I can see him finding Hayes a lot, especially since teams wouldn't be able to focus on him with Zion in the game. I think the more we're able to run, the better this team can be.
    Agreed, with time we will be able to add shooting or they can develop their own shot for when things bog down and you get into a half court game in the playoffs

  6. #6
    Was he at presser?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by 13 - 3 View Post
    Was he at presser?
    He isn't technically a Pelican yet until the trades are finalized, that's why none of the new guys from the Lakers have been introduced yet

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by RobertM320 View Post
    I have to say, a lot of people are worried about needing shooters around Zion for spacing, but with the way Gentry wants to play, I think a lot of our points will be in transition. Watching some of those videos above of Jaxson Hayes had me thinking of CP3 to Tyson Chandler and Jrue to AD. With the court vision Lonzo has, I can see him finding Hayes a lot, especially since teams wouldn't be able to focus on him with Zion in the game. I think the more we're able to run, the better this team can be.
    In playoff basketball, it matters a lot. In the regular season we can run everyone out of the gym and this is where quality depth will come into play. When the space closes drastically, we have struggled with Gentry, and part of that is because our 3 point shooting has always been inconsistent. We have kind of sucked in half court offense the past couple of years.

    We can right the wrongs if we bring in the right guys- we still have time. Best of luck to Jacky Hayes

  9. #9
    I honestly think that people should be way more excited about the Hayes draft than they are. I've seen a few people kind of mention that there were other players they would have preferred at that spot, which is fine because obviously people have preferences, but I've also seen a couple of people kind of imply that he's kind of a whatever prospect, which just isn't true.

    - The dude is massive. 6'11.5'' with a 7'4'' wingspan. 10.75'' hands.
    - His hands are super soft and reactive, he can catch anything. Comes from his American Football training.
    - Has real touch around the rim. People say he dunked everything, but that's not quite true: around 35% of his shots in college weren't dunks, and he showed a variety of hook shots out to around 8 feet, and some great layups around defenders and off the glass.
    - Has fast feet, and agile, fluid hip movement. He needs to work on his fundamentals defensively but he has legit promise to guard 1 through 5.
    - Good shooting mechanics. He was 6'5 only around 18 months ago, so his actual shot needs a lot of work to be brought back to success but his FT stroke hit at 75%, which is very good for a guy of his size, and the mechanics on it are sound. Combined with his touch, I'd be surprised if he didn't at least end up with a nice 18 footer within a year or two. Could project to the 3 after a couple of years.
    - Super fluid and agile, runs the floor like a champion.

    He does have downsides, but I don't think they're huge problems long term.

    - He isn't a great ballhandler at all. That will come, and in fact it progressed even just during his college season, but it's clear he has to get some more work back in on that.
    - Isn't a fantastic passer in the short roll. He's very willing to pass, and showed good signs at college but it's clear he's not really used to it yet. Needs more practice.
    - He is raw offensively, that's true. Not as cookie-dough-raw as some people like to act, but he does have a lot of work to be done there.
    - Not a very good defensive rebounder at this point. Has all the tools, but hasn't been taught big-man fundamentals yet: still boxes out like a guard.

    He actually pairs well with Zion. No, he can't shoot yet, but him and Zion combine immediately to become a top 5 big man combo in the NBA in terms of running the floor and getting out in transition. They immediately become one of the top interior defensive duos, and once Hayes gets some more practice guarding on the perimeter, they'll be a fantastically switchable duo, one through five. Playing Zion at the 4 and Hayes at the 5, we will be immune to mismatch exploitation on the perimeter. That's huge.

    Zion's biggest issue is that he is a little undersized for the 5 and while his wingspan is good, it's not crazy. Hayes immediately covers that, because he has outlier length and height. His 9'2.5'' standing reach was tied 5th in the entire draft class, and two of the only 4 guys who outclassed him there were ridiculous giants in Bol Bol and Tacko Fall. At the same time, Hayes' biggest weakness coming into the NBA is that he isn't a very good defensive rebounder at this point in his career. Well, Zion is going to be one of the most ferocious defensive rebounders the moment he steps into the NBA. Hayes will have time to develop that without us having to deal with a gigantic hole on that end of the floor.

    It's a good pairing immediately, with the potential to become a fantastic pairing over time. I think as long as Hayes puts the work in (and all reports seem to imply he's a good, hard worker) he will be a fantastic player in a couple of years, and a good player quicker than that.

  10. #10
    Good analysis. First, he fits what Griff and Gentry want to do with the team. I loved Goga as a prospect. I think he'll be a quality center in the NBA for a decade or more. But he didn't fit the vision for the club G&G want to construct around Zion. Ditto for a point guard like Garland. Good skills, fine prospect. Not the kind of lead guard Griffin wants for the team he's building. Long, active defenders who can play with pace, are long, can run + jump and like playing defense. We can add/develop shooting. But it's worth noting the Pels were top three in scoring but middle of the pack (barely) in both 3 point attempts and 3 point %. More than one way to get there and defense certainly travels in the playoffs.

  11. #11
    Hayes was always very high on my wish list for all of the reasons Dae laid out. I am not as concerned about his offensive game, since that wasn't his focus at Texas. Smart didn't run the offense through him and he wasn't a primary source for points. He picked up almost all of his points on putbacks and dunks. But when he did get the ball inside, he went up strong and played through contact. While I am sure that the coaching staff will work on Hayes' shooting and try to expand his range, he will probably get most of his points in transition and tip ins. I am OK with that.

  12. #12
    Hayes isn't going to play much right away I think. The whole team could learn to shoot by the time he becomes a significant contributor (hopefully year 2 like caplea)

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    I honestly think that people should be way more excited about the Hayes draft than they are. I've seen a few people kind of mention that there were other players they would have preferred at that spot, which is fine because obviously people have preferences, but I've also seen a couple of people kind of imply that he's kind of a whatever prospect, which just isn't true.

    - The dude is massive. 6'11.5'' with a 7'4'' wingspan. 10.75'' hands.
    - His hands are super soft and reactive, he can catch anything. Comes from his American Football training.
    - Has real touch around the rim. People say he dunked everything, but that's not quite true: around 35% of his shots in college weren't dunks, and he showed a variety of hook shots out to around 8 feet, and some great layups around defenders and off the glass.
    - Has fast feet, and agile, fluid hip movement. He needs to work on his fundamentals defensively but he has legit promise to guard 1 through 5.
    - Good shooting mechanics. He was 6'5 only around 18 months ago, so his actual shot needs a lot of work to be brought back to success but his FT stroke hit at 75%, which is very good for a guy of his size, and the mechanics on it are sound. Combined with his touch, I'd be surprised if he didn't at least end up with a nice 18 footer within a year or two. Could project to the 3 after a couple of years.
    - Super fluid and agile, runs the floor like a champion.

    He does have downsides, but I don't think they're huge problems long term.

    - He isn't a great ballhandler at all. That will come, and in fact it progressed even just during his college season, but it's clear he has to get some more work back in on that.
    - Isn't a fantastic passer in the short roll. He's very willing to pass, and showed good signs at college but it's clear he's not really used to it yet. Needs more practice.
    - He is raw offensively, that's true. Not as cookie-dough-raw as some people like to act, but he does have a lot of work to be done there.
    - Not a very good defensive rebounder at this point. Has all the tools, but hasn't been taught big-man fundamentals yet: still boxes out like a guard.

    He actually pairs well with Zion. No, he can't shoot yet, but him and Zion combine immediately to become a top 5 big man combo in the NBA in terms of running the floor and getting out in transition. They immediately become one of the top interior defensive duos, and once Hayes gets some more practice guarding on the perimeter, they'll be a fantastically switchable duo, one through five. Playing Zion at the 4 and Hayes at the 5, we will be immune to mismatch exploitation on the perimeter. That's huge.

    Zion's biggest issue is that he is a little undersized for the 5 and while his wingspan is good, it's not crazy. Hayes immediately covers that, because he has outlier length and height. His 9'2.5'' standing reach was tied 5th in the entire draft class, and two of the only 4 guys who outclassed him there were ridiculous giants in Bol Bol and Tacko Fall. At the same time, Hayes' biggest weakness coming into the NBA is that he isn't a very good defensive rebounder at this point in his career. Well, Zion is going to be one of the most ferocious defensive rebounders the moment he steps into the NBA. Hayes will have time to develop that without us having to deal with a gigantic hole on that end of the floor.

    It's a good pairing immediately, with the potential to become a fantastic pairing over time. I think as long as Hayes puts the work in (and all reports seem to imply he's a good, hard worker) he will be a fantastic player in a couple of years, and a good player quicker than that.
    You have sold me on him a good bit from where I originally was, that and going back to watch him more. My question would be why is he a better prospect than Claxton specifically? I just don’t see that, and I know your high on Claxton as well.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by bogiesfedora View Post
    You have sold me on him a good bit from where I originally was, that and going back to watch him more. My question would be why is he a better prospect than Claxton specifically? I just don’t see that, and I know your high on Claxton as well.
    Claxton is shorter, has a smaller wingspan, shot far less efficiently from the floor, averaged a solidly lower steal percentage at the same age (one of the best and most consistent metrics for predicting NBA defensive success: 1.9% for Hayes, 0.5% for Claxton), averaged a lower block percentage (10.5% for Hayes, 8.0% for Claxton). Claxton is also a year older, and has all the same offensive issues as Hayes but without the excuse of the massive sudden growth spurt and the relatively new basketball background.

    I do like Claxton, but I liked him as a late first rounder or a high second rounder, whereas I think Hayes deserves his top ten spot. They share a lot of the same technical advantages and disadvantages, but Hayes is just bigger, longer, bigger hands, younger, more efficient, more fluid, etc.

  15. #15
    Interesting tid-bits about Hayes that may end up being relevant...

    -His hands are bigger than Khawi Leonard's

    -Before his growth spurt, he was a star wide receiver for traditional Ohio football powerhouse Archbishop Moeller

    -His Dad played Tight End for the Chiefs in the NFL and his Mom averaged 50 points a game as a high school basketball player and went on to star at Drake University

    -Like AD, he started off as a 6'1" guard his freshmen year of basketball and played on the JV

  16. #16
    Reminds me of Myles Turner athletically. I hope the Pels can get him confident to take an open 3.he'll be awesome.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by RobertM320 View Post
    I have to say, a lot of people are worried about needing shooters around Zion for spacing, but with the way Gentry wants to play, I think a lot of our points will be in transition. Watching some of those videos above of Jaxson Hayes had me thinking of CP3 to Tyson Chandler and Jrue to AD. With the court vision Lonzo has, I can see him finding Hayes a lot, especially since teams wouldn't be able to focus on him with Zion in the game. I think the more we're able to run, the better this team can be.
    I think people also forget Gentry's teams lately have been top 3 points in the paint. For a short while year before last, they were #1 by a nice margin.

    I also tihnk next year might be a red shirt type year. He could also spend a lot of time in PA with the g-league team.

  18. #18
    You know, I keep talking about how athletic Hayes is, and I can't believe I've been hyping him up as an athlete this entire time and yet I somehow missed the video where he does a windmill dunk from the free throw line.

  19. #19
    - Not a very good defensive rebounder at this point. Has all the tools, but hasn't been taught big-man fundamentals yet: still boxes out like a guard.
    I thought this was a very good point also, Pelicandae. If you've grown up most of your life playing in the backcourt, you've really never been taught big-man skills, because you weren't a big-man. That 6.5" growth spurt in the last 18 month means he's now got to learn new skills, and he seems to have the aptitude to do so. And if he's already 6'11.5", suppose he's not finished growing yet? He could end up a 7'1" big with huge hands and a soft touch. The upside could be tremendous.

  20. #20
    Basketball Guru
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    imo with time and some weight, he can be our ibaka on defense and better on offense so i have hope he will that type of player in time....

    i dont think these kats will be on the 12 man active roster and will sharping their skills in the g-league...

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by RobertM320 View Post
    I thought this was a very good point also, Pelicandae. If you've grown up most of your life playing in the backcourt, you've really never been taught big-man skills, because you weren't a big-man. That 6.5" growth spurt in the last 18 month means he's now got to learn new skills, and he seems to have the aptitude to do so. And if he's already 6'11.5", suppose he's not finished growing yet? He could end up a 7'1" big with huge hands and a soft touch. The upside could be tremendous.
    Very true. He is also developing a sweet little jump hook reminiscent of Kareem that looks unstoppable. I am seriously stoked to see his development over the next few years.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Zombiewoof View Post
    Very true. He is also developing a sweet little jump hook reminiscent of Kareem that looks unstoppable. I am seriously stoked to see his development over the next few years.
    I wouldn't quite compare it to Kareem's. Hayes' hook looks promising, but it doesn't have anything like the height of release that the skyhook had. Still, it looks very promising and the touch that it shows off bodes well for developing his shot further away from the basket.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by RobertM320 View Post
    I thought this was a very good point also, Pelicandae. If you've grown up most of your life playing in the backcourt, you've really never been taught big-man skills, because you weren't a big-man. That 6.5" growth spurt in the last 18 month means he's now got to learn new skills, and he seems to have the aptitude to do so. And if he's already 6'11.5", suppose he's not finished growing yet? He could end up a 7'1" big with huge hands and a soft touch. The upside could be tremendous.
    I think his first year should be spent doing a lot of work in the weight room, putting on muscle mass, and doing big man fundamental drills with the training staff. He has so much potential with his mobility, athleticism, and feel, but that will go to nothing unless the training staff really focus on getting him disciplined and maturing his game. I choose to believe in them: I don't think Griff would have made this pick unless he believed that his training staff could bring him up to snuff.

    AD was a more polished defensive player coming into the league, but think about how Davis' offensive game was so raw entering the NBA. He had some moves, he wasn't useless, but he was NOTHING like he is today. Instead, he worked hard, got good training, and added something every summer. Hayes should be looking to do that too.

    He's 19, so I suppose it's possible he could pick up another inch or two in height, yeah. I wouldn't bet on it, but it's totally possible.

  24. #24
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6warddude View Post
    imo with time and some weight, he can be our ibaka on defense and better on offense so i have hope he will that type of player in time....

    i dont think these kats will be on the 12 man active roster and will sharping their skills in the g-league...
    Okafor may have a lot to do with that, too. He played really well last season and is only 23. It's weird because he had been in a negative spotlight so long I forget he isn't even near his prime. Add in all this excitement, Zion's infectious hustle, and a contract year, Okafor is primed to have a monster season.

    Don't get me wrong, I am all aboard the Hayes Train. I'm just ready for Okafor to have a great year, Hayes to have a few growing pains, and naysayers to pop in. Jaxson is going to develop into something spectacular.
    BI, Zion, and CJ had a net rating of +3 when on the court together. BI and Zion had a +13.4, BI and CJ had a +13.2, Zion and CJ was just +5.4.

    BI and Zion worked. BI and CJ worked. It was CJ and Zion and all three together that didn't work.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by msusousaphone View Post
    I'm just ready for Okafor to have a great year, Hayes to have a few growing pains, and naysayers to pop in. Jaxson is going to develop into something spectacular.
    That's the bonus. I think Okafor can be good and it won't hurt Hayes at all.

    For me, Hayes' first year should look a lot like how Diallo was used towards the end of last season. Comes in against primarily backup bigs for maybe 20, possibly 25 minutes a game depending on how he looks, and just gets run. Learns to play the NBA game, gets a chance to go head to head with NBA players, but without getting absolutely hammered by star bigs all the time or being murdered as an amateur by star guards.

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