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Thread: Gentry & Staff Safe?

  1. #1

    Gentry & Staff Safe? UPDATE: Yes!

    Last edited by Hoochican; 04-18-2019 at 09:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Gentry & Griffin worked together in Phoenix . Sort of makes sense now.

  3. #3
    Basketball Guru
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    Quote Originally Posted by 13 - 3 View Post
    Gentry & Griffin worked together in Phoenix . Sort of makes sense now.

    fletcher mackel is this true?,,do you feel gentry is staying?...

    i dont mind keeping gentry..like i said just give him the players he need and we will be high scoring and with AD gone and jrue leading the team,,we will play hard defense like jrue want....like jrue said after AD trade demand,,win or loose we will play hard and teams will feel us and they did play hard until AD came back with his minutes restriction....

  4. #4
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Not a huge fan of keeping Gentry around as I do not see that he has shown anything since coming here, but it is what it is. Would have hoped Griffin had a plan for a new coach when he accepted the job.

  5. #5
    I’m just not a fan of his leadership style from what i see. Too passive for me. I want a Popovich type of coach that can light a fire under the team when underperforming and get in the refs face from time to time. I just can’t get past his Oh shucks type of demeanor after so many poorly officiated games. He lost total control of AD and Boogie. Sure some players like him because he looks stoned half the time. Who knows though. I am not in the locker room , huddles, or practice with them. Just from what i have observed watching games and interviews.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #6
    So this rebuild won’t start for another year. Expect another down year, Gentry will move on, and we hire a new guy next summer.

    Who wants season tickets on some of that action?
    If you Jimmer it, they will come.

  7. #7
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UNO Gracias View Post
    So this rebuild won’t start for another year. Expect another down year, Gentry will move on, and we hire a new guy next summer.

    Who wants season tickets on some of that action?
    That's what I do not like. Why have a lame duck coach handling a rebuilt roster?

  8. #8
    Fletcher has been wrong before. He was wrong about Ferry. Let us hope the trend continues.

  9. #9
    I'd like to retain Gentry as an OC. Not a head coach.

  10. #10
    Keeping Gentry makes sense to me. I've said it before, he had a good run in the 2017-2018 season. Boogie and Rondo deals were mismanaged by Demps. Elf came in and got quickly injured. This team never gelled before AD pulled the fire alarm. If Gentry can't field a good team with the help of a top notch GM, then of course it's time to move on but I have no issue letting him coach next year. This is not a bad staff, defense needs to be improved but I believe the upcoming roster moves will address that.

  11. #11
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! kinglio21093's Avatar
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    Gentry has the guys play hard. But man, some of his decision making just rubs me the wrong way. I was hoping for something new, but whatever.

  12. #12
    Not happy about this if true.

  13. #13
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmontySwilliams View Post
    Keeping Gentry makes sense to me. I've said it before, he had a good run in the 2017-2018 season. Boogie and Rondo deals were mismanaged by Demps. Elf came in and got quickly injured. This team never gelled before AD pulled the fire alarm. If Gentry can't field a good team with the help of a top notch GM, then of course it's time to move on but I have no issue letting him coach next year. This is not a bad staff, defense needs to be improved but I believe the upcoming roster moves will address that.
    Meh, he had 4 years and managed 1 winning season. Time for change IMO.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by PELICANSFAN View Post
    Meh, he had 4 years and managed 1 winning season. Time for change IMO.
    I'm not saying your wrong. I'm also not shocked looking at those rosters and injuries. Monty had 2 winning seasons over 5. Scott had 2 over 5. Gentry said he was making the playoff this year, so it will be his 2 out of 5.

  15. #15
    We shall know more tomorrow

  16. #16
    Lame duck quack quack. Not a fan of him particularly in a scenario where we will need to develop the young players. It is what it is. They want to save money until his contract runs out.

  17. #17
    Hollygrove 4 Life DroopyDawg's Avatar
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    I like Gentry I don't like the rosters of slightly-better-than G-Leaguers that he had to put on the court. Aside from Randle and Jrue (and AD I guess) the entire rest of the roster wouldn't get many if any minutes on most other teams.

    Give this man a roster worth a damm and let's see what he can do.

  18. #18
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    AD killed this season playoff run..some of yall cant blame gentry for this season...i believe AD made it known to the players that he wanted out this season way before he made his demand public to be traded and that killed the team because players didnt know if they would be traded or be on the team.....AD killed this season...

    if griffin can get his young star and proven vet out of the AD trade and we make some good FA moves then we should be in the playoff this coming season...jrue leading the team will be good...

  19. #19
    I’m indifferent to him coming back or being let go. This season was kind of a wash due to the AD saga. So if Gentry is retained for the sole purpose of being a goodwill ambassador to the incoming players from the AD trade then I’m fine with it. At least he has some history with Griffin.

  20. #20
    Don't like him as a coach in general, and the few things I DO like about him as a coach are not the things I'm concerned with during a rebuild.

    Gentry can run an offense, great. Do I care much about having a top 5 offense when I'm rebuilding and bringing in rookies and stuff? Not really. What I want, with rookies and young guys, is a coach who is disciplined, focuses on fundamentals and defense, teaches grit and communication. Can Gentry do those things? No.

  21. #21
    From all the indicators coming out after the Griffin hire, my gut tells me we aren't going to be trying to develop a ton of youth.

    I think Gentry was serious after the last game when he said they were going to be a playoff team. As much as it pains me that this organization is stupid enough to do the exact same thing over again... I think that's exactly what they are going to do.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Mythrol View Post
    From all the indicators coming out after the Griffin hire, my gut tells me we aren't going to be trying to develop a ton of youth.

    I think Gentry was serious after the last game when he said they were going to be a playoff team. As much as it pains me that this organization is stupid enough to do the exact same thing over again... I think that's exactly what they are going to do.
    Listened to today's Locked On Pelicans podcast and frankly, they're pretty sure Gentry's coming back as well. The guy (can't remember his name right now, forgive me for being stupid) was trying his best to make Gentry sound at least salvageable as a coach and it just sounded kind of weak and lame.

    Good Traits Gentry has:
    - Can run a good offense
    - Seems to be a nice guy by all accounts
    - Is from Louisiana
    - Players seem to like him

    Bad Traits Gentry Has:
    - Awful, awful, awful rotations, all year every year
    - Terrible out of time-out plays, just terrible
    - Cannot develop youth whatsoever
    - Cannot build or sustain a good defense
    - Cannot seem to keep players disciplined
    - Cannot improvise mid-game to change strategies
    - Doesn't adjust schemes based on players he has, just tries to fit square pegs into round holes

    Yet somehow, we're going to keep this guy. I get it, continuity is one thing and he isn't a toxic coach but come ON.

  23. #23
    Can’t believe we might be running it back with a coach that has a 480-553 .465 record, but who knows, maybe we are going for that low key “trust the process”.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by UNO Gracias View Post
    Can’t believe we might be running it back with a coach that has a 480-553 .465 record, but who knows, maybe we are going for that low key “trust the process”.
    Listened to todays In the N.O. pod, and from what Shamit and Mason were saying, not only are we probably keeping Gentry, but Gentry was also a major topic of discussion during interviews. Apparently the ownership are very fond of him (which we kinda knew anyway) and are pretty in favour of keeping him barring anything extreme changing. Shamit went as far as to speculate that some of the disagreements ownership had with Ferry were over Ferry's plans to kick Gentry to the curb.

  25. #25

    Team: We want to be a playoff team and can't afford time to rebuild with a young roster.

    Also team: We want to keep a coach with 20 years of coaching and a losing record, including only 1 winning season since he's been here, because he's "nice".

    I'd love to be able to point and laugh at Wolves, Suns, Lakers, Bulls, Memphis as dumpster organizations but we literally have no leg to stand on when our organization is just as freaking stupid as those others.
    Last edited by Mythrol; 04-17-2019 at 10:03 AM.

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