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Thread: April 7th - New Orleans Pelicans @ Sacramento Kings - 32-48

  1. #201
    Someone needs to tell the Kings their pick is going to Boston this year. There is no point in them trying to tank by losing to the lowly Pelicans.

  2. #202
    Too late now

  3. #203
    We can’t lose, we can’t win... what can we actually do? I’m actually not even THAT arsed that we are winning. I’m arsed by how poorly we have handled the youth prior to last night. Giving the likes of Randle 40 minutes per game while maybe throwing 10-20 minutes Okafor and Diallo’s way. I like Randle, but there is no excuse to deliberately ruin the tank.

    As a side note, not much you can do about Clark and Hill going off.

  4. #204
    Quote Originally Posted by Erose View Post
    A coaches job is to win as many games as he can. No coach worth their salt is going out on any night with the intention to loose the game. There is no difference between coaches and players on that matter. Both should do what they can within the rules to put a “W” up.

    The front office handcuffed Gentry enough to loose this game. There was not a single starter quality player at Gentry’s disposal tonight, and yet this team won. That IMO is a reflection on how bad Sacramento is than anything else.

    It sucks that we won, but blame it on Sacramento and their crappy play/players, and not on our players and coaches.

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    I agree with this we had all of our scrubs and beat an up and coming ( supposedly) team that’s been tanking for years. I hate the that we won but the golden ticket is gonna be who we get from the AD trade that’s the key not the guy we’re taking 6th or 9th

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  5. #205
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    Oh but Mythrol, didn't you hear? Brett Brown won less than 20 games every year on purpose, and now he can't find a job!

    Oh wait, he's head coach of the back to back 50 win Sixers still, because he did was he was asked to do and tanked properly.
    They’ve been tanking for ten years and still haven’t won anything significant.

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  6. #206
    A Soulful Sports Fan Contributor Eman5805's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mythrol View Post
    First, this is a game thread. Where we are actively discussing the game. Where has anyone said or implied that anything they say in one of these threads will amount to anything? No one thinks that because they post they are mad at how Gentry handled these things anything will change.

    Should that mean we don't discuss anything at all since nothing we do here will matter? That's just silly. No one is attempting to accomplish anything other than venting about an absolutely idiotic situation.
    Good. Then you know I'm venting as well.

    Second, You don't believe the Pelicans Organization wanted totank games and told Gentry as much? Exactly what do you think they were trying to do when they shut down Randle for tonight? What reason do you think they told Gentry when they walked up to him and say, "BTW Al, Randle isn't playing tonight"?

    What exactly do you think they were trying to do when they held AD out for "back spasms"? Trading Niko for picks? You're going to seriously sit here and pretend since the moment AD announced he wanted to be traded we haven't done things as an organization to try and make the team worse and lose games? Cut it out. There is a mountain of proof showing exactly what the Pelicans Organization is trying to do.

    You might not want to believe it, it might fly in the face of your opinion of how things should happen, but there's a ton of proof of exactly what the Pelicans are doing. Mrs B isn't stupid either. She knows what it means when Randle is a non injured dnp and AD sits games due to "back spasms". If at any point she was against it she'd have put an end to it.
    And yet we've played Payton, as you've complained about. Let Clark run wild. Etc. Hell, the way things are with this team, I'd say our chances of losing could've improved with AD playing. We show more of an offensive identity. The ball is moving. We're pushing pace consistently.

    The issue here is the mindset you claim is we're trying to lose. I conjecture that we don't care about winning anymore. And the distinction is important. Half full, half empty. Whatever you decide on, it's still reality.

    You want to talk about evidence and proof...the proof supports me more than you. Because if we were directly trying to lose, we'd be doing things like benching hot players. We'd play Stanley Johnson at point instead of Payton and way more Solo.

    This team was never T-wording if it means "Lose at any cost to get draft picks." It explains everything that's happening perfectly well.

    Third, this organization is rudderless and has no character, so does that mean we should not care? Should we just give up and not even watch games? Heck why are we even fans of this team then? I'd argue because of how crappy our organization is we need all the extra help we can get to try and right the ship. It's really the only hope we have since management seems to be grossly incompetent. That includes trying to get the highest possible draft pick.
    Management is about to change wholesale. THAT is what I'm talking about. That is what I'm saying we should all care way more about.

    This is a league of have's and have not's. You either have a superstar or you're trying to get one. It's absolutely naive to assume any team is above tanking. It's absolutely naive to assume the same quality of player will be there at 9th that is there higher. The studies have been done, the evidence has been reviewed. The higher the draft pick the higher the odds of hitting a superstar player. This isn't a matter of just drafting better. If there isn't a star available when you pick, then that truly doesn't matter.
    It's not naive. It's about a higher expectation. When I say beyond tanking, that's not what is going to save us. None of this matters until the right captain is in charge of the ship. Unless our direction is clear with excellence demanded from every level. From development, to scouting, to training, to medical, nutrition, everything.

    Even the damn Warriors didn't just magically apparate from the ether. That team was perfectly constructed. Even if Steph and Klay shot closer to the mean, and weren't otherwordly, that team would do nothing but win. We had a sniper elite player and it didn't matter because the rest of the team couldn't stay healthy, and we subverted the process of building a contender by going after young vets instead of developing young vets of our own.

    Getting Zion won't change anything by himself. It'd be another 7 years of competing for the 8th seed and early playoff exits.

    You want to live in some fantasy world where not playing a player is somehow different than sitting a player down during the game. That's fine, enjoy the contradictions. As for me, I'm going to live in the real world where because of some stupid person wanting a moral victory the future of the Pelicans being successful gets harder. A meaningless win at the end of the season hurts the long term future of the team. Congrats, we saved ourselves a few karma points. Let's see how well karma pays us back.
    Generally. Fine. Yogurt.

    It's not fantasy. It's happening. There was never a t-word effort. Shutting players down had the added benefit of more losses. But we were never going beyond that to lose. Truth be told, we did enough to lose to the Kings. Problem is, they sucked worse. We beat them with friggin' Ian Clark.

    If you would stop talking down to people who have a different opinion for five seconds, maybe you could see that.

  7. #207
    If there was never a tank, exactly why did a healthy Randle get benched?

    You seem to keep drawing a distinct between benching a player before the game or during the game. There is none. BOTH are trying to tank. Benching a player for an entire game is an even more egregious form of it.

    Let's not pretend Gentry hasn't done stuff during games earlier to get the loss. The whole Phx fiasco of multiple times calling a time out while not having one was a pretty good example. This isn't some solemn rule Gentry is unwilling to delve into. Clearly the team has no issue with it either, since you know, they've shut down half the team.
    Last edited by Mythrol; 04-08-2019 at 09:28 AM.

  8. #208
    Basketball Guru
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    blame the kings for us winning...

  9. #209
    Quote Originally Posted by 6warddude View Post
    blame the kings for us winning...
    I agree the Kings have fault in this. If they had played anywhere near decent they should have beat a team full of scrub players. But Gentry doesn't get a pass either because there was plenty he could have done to affect the outcome.

  10. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mythrol View Post
    I agree the Kings have fault in this. If they had played anywhere near decent they should have beat a team full of scrub players. But Gentry doesn't get a pass either because there was plenty he could have done to affect the outcome.
    lol he couldnt do the timeout thing again this time lol...i think the nba would have fined the org. or something wild the way they been treating us...

    so will yall be mad if we trade our first in this draft?.....if we are 8th or 9th, i think we will trade it for a vet or try and get another pick in the next draft...

  11. #211
    I would make the trade as this draft is top heavy. After the first 4 picks it’s really anyone’s guess as to who will be in the league in 3 years.
    If you Jimmer it, they will come.

  12. #212
    Quote Originally Posted by 6warddude View Post
    lol he couldnt do the timeout thing again this time lol...i think the nba would have fined the org. or something wild the way they been treating us...

    so will yall be mad if we trade our first in this draft?.....if we are 8th or 9th, i think we will trade it for a vet or try and get another pick in the next draft...
    It would depend on the trade. I wouldn't say I'm 100% against any trade.

    For example if we ended up with the 9th pick and NYK said that he'd give us the No. 1 pick, DSJ, Knox, etc and a future 1st for AD and No. 9 I'd probably do that.

    I don't think I'm interested in trading the pick by itself for a vet though. I'd have to see who.

  13. #213
    Quote Originally Posted by MistaWhoDat View Post
    They’ve been tanking for ten years and still haven’t won anything significant.

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    That's absurd to say. They have just locked in their second consecutive 50 game season and look poised to make a conference finals run on the back of their 4 all-star level players.

    We would KILL to be that good two years in a row.

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