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Thread: Gayle might stick with Danny Ferry?

  1. #101
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Tinman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    I'm well aware of that, but if Ferry wasn't in NOLA at the time, which is perfectly reasonable (I think Mythrol said he wasn't here full time, right?) then why would he think that kind of contract is just going out? He gets a call from Dell, Dell says he's going to sign Solomon Hill. Ferry just thinks to himself, oh okay, that's fine, and doesn't for a moment suspect that Dell is going to give him big money. Why would he think Dell would do that?

    Again, I'm just playing Devil's Advocate here. For all we know, Ferry was the one who convinced Dell to give Hill that contract, who knows?
    Yeah, I gotcha- but I'm curious to know how Mythrol knows when or even IF Ferry ever expanded his role? It was certainly never made public. Sounds like a scenario to fit the outcome. You know- Like--> well, early on, Ferry wasn't technically involved. BUT, as soon as Dell made a few arguably Correct moves, well Ferry is now involved. See what I'm sayin? It seems like convenient truths to fit the narrative.
    Nobody that I've talked too at games certainly has no idea when Ferry became the so-called Demps Whisperer ?
    So, if Mythrol knows when Ferry ARRIVED, he knows more than any STH that I know.

  2. #102
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Tinman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mythrol View Post
    Well we know for sure Ferry expanded his role at the least when he was named the interim GM.

    I think his role for Dell was as a sounding board when he first signed on as an advisor and slowly evolved as people started hearing what he had to say and thought it sounded good. How fast that happened, I don't know, but it clearly happened because the organization thought enough of him to make him the interim GM and consider him for the full job.
    1) he was an advisor to the GM w/GM experience . It's obvious that he would be interim .
    2) we truly do NOT know if he is in consideration.

  3. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by Tinman View Post
    1) he was an advisor to the GM w/GM experience . It's obvious that he would be interim .
    2) we truly do NOT know if he is in consideration.
    Well, we do know he's in consideration. They gave him an interview. They've considered him at least a bit. Considered him more than they've considered, say, you or I.

  4. #104
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Tinman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    Well, we do know he's in consideration. They gave him an interview. They've considered him at least a bit. Considered him more than they've considered, say, you or I.
    That's what they say. We truly don't know. Could be just part of the program.
    With all of this being said , he is my 2nd choice. I am on the Griffin train.
    Even more so today after listening to Lock on Pels (Jake Madison).
    He explained how when Griffin took over in Cleveland that Cleve was already so CapStrapped that it was almost impossible to build around LeBron. But, Griffin did. He found a way to finagle money to bring in specialty pieces for that team.
    I don't dislike Ferry, I would just truly prefer something NEW, but experienced .
    And I would prefer in-house & experienced (Ferry) over any of the other never were GM candidates.
    This 1 Trade is a decade trade & we can't get fleeced !

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by Tinman View Post
    1) he was an advisor to the GM w/GM experience . It's obvious that he would be interim .
    2) we truly do NOT know if he is in consideration.
    Right. So we know for sure that he was given an expanded role at some point. We know he wasnt brought in to be an Interim GM but he got to that point. The question is what was his involvement with the team over the years and how did it evolve to the point that they trusted him enough as interim GM? Only the organization knows that part of it. This is why I think it's best to judge him on how he handled things when he was the GM in Atl because we cannot know how much involvement or influence he had within the Pels, especially early on.

    That's rather silly. We know he is being considered for the job. We don't know if he will get the job. All the reports are how much the organization likes Ferry. I simply can't believe Mrs B would tell him he has a shot if she didn't mean it.

  6. #106
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! kinglio21093's Avatar
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    Ferry was a Spurs front office guy, and he GMed the Cavs when LeBron was there the first time. So he's had a lot of success as an executive. Still would not be opposed to be keeping him.

  7. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by kinglio21093 View Post
    Ferry was a Spurs front office guy, and he GMed the Cavs when LeBron was there the first time. So he's had a lot of success as an executive. Still would not be opposed to be keeping him.
    >GM of the Cavs in Lebron's first tenure

    >Success as an executive

    Pick one.

  8. #108
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! kinglio21093's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    >GM of the Cavs in Lebron's first tenure

    >Success as an executive

    Pick one.
    Say what you want, but those Cavs teams were great. And yes, LeBron was a main part of that, but he put together those teams.

  9. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by kinglio21093 View Post
    Say what you want, but those Cavs teams were great. And yes, LeBron was a main part of that, but he put together those teams.
    LeBron was THE reason those teams were worth anything.

    2009-10 Cleveland Cavaliers: LeBron James, Mo Williams, Anderson Varejao, Anthony Parker, J J Hickson, Delonte West - 61 win team.
    2010-11 Cleveland Cavaliers: J J Hickson, Anthony Parker, Mo Williams, Anderson Varejao, Antawn Jameson, Ramon Sessions - 19 win team.

    In exactly the same way that last year's Cavs team was a finals team, this year's is bottom 3. LeBron James MADE those teams. Without him, they were hot garbage. Nobody should want those roster constructions on their resume.

  10. #110
    All that does is tell me just how lacking AD is. For all the stats he puts up, he's simply not a leader.

  11. #111
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Tinman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinglio21093 View Post
    Say what you want, but those Cavs teams were great. And yes, LeBron was a main part of that, but he put together those teams.
    Say what you want, but if Ferry's Cavs were "Great" then Griffin's Cavs were Super Duper Great. They have a ring.

  12. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by Mythrol View Post
    All that does is tell me just how lacking AD is. For all the stats he puts up, he's simply not a leader.
    Sure, but on the other hand is "AD isn't as good a leader as arguably the best player of all time, who has regularly taken subpar teams to the finals" really that much of an insult? That's true for most players.

  13. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    Sure, but on the other hand is "AD isn't as good a leader as arguably the best player of all time, who has regularly taken subpar teams to the finals" really that much of an insult? That's true for most players.
    When the player himself says he *is* the best player in the league I think it's a fair criticism.

  14. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by Mythrol View Post
    When the player himself says he *is* the best player in the league I think it's a fair criticism.
    Sure, it's just a fair criticism which isn't exactly damning.

    That said, don't ALL great players say they're the best in the league at some point? Pretty sure Giannis has said it, pretty sure Durant has said it, for example.

  15. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    Sure, it's just a fair criticism which isn't exactly damning.

    That said, don't ALL great players say they're the best in the league at some point? Pretty sure Giannis has said it, pretty sure Durant has said it, for example.
    I dont remember either saying they were the best player in the league but I don't really pay attention to either. I do know AD made an entire press push to talk about being the best player in the league, and I'm pretty sure neither of those other players did the same thing.

    My point however is people talk about AD being an all time great and you look at what an actual all time great did and it's not even close. AD puts up stats but doesn't carry teams. He simply doesn't have the fire in his belly. We've seen glimpses of it like after Cousins got hurt but until he learns to bring that fire constantly he will struggle to even be the best player in the league.

  16. #116
    Quote Originally Posted by Mythrol View Post
    I dont remember either saying they were the best player in the league but I don't really pay attention to either. I do know AD made an entire press push to talk about being the best player in the league, and I'm pretty sure neither of those other players did the same thing.

    My point however is people talk about AD being an all time great and you look at what an actual all time great did and it's not even close. AD puts up stats but doesn't carry teams. He simply doesn't have the fire in his belly. We've seen glimpses of it like after Cousins got hurt but until he learns to bring that fire constantly he will struggle to even be the best player in the league.
    Some players just don't have that particular mentality. I think it's unfair to judge people's position as an all-time player on that kind of thing. By contrast, you could just as easily argue that Kobe had the all-time great ''fire in his belly'', and yet without Shaq he did nothing for basically as long as AD has been in the league (7 years or so), and then when he finally started winning again, there's a strong argument that says Gasol was the real soul of those teams. There's just a limit to what you can do in certain circumstances, and it's easy to say these things but honestly it's hard for me to take them seriously.

    Not trying to put any words in your mouth here, and it's not even about you in particular as it's more generally applicable to the Pelicans fanbase overall, but there seems to have been a lot of weird switcheroos since AD requested a trade. Before that, a lot of people would swear up and down about AD's ability. Now he's requested a trade, suddenly everyone seems to have taken on a critical stance about his play that didn't exist before (not saying that nobody criticised him ever before, they did, but it seems a lot more wide-spread and a lot more damning now than then), and it's hard to look it and not just see an entire vineyard of sour grapes.

  17. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by Mythrol View Post
    I dont remember either saying they were the best player in the league but I don't really pay attention to either. I do know AD made an entire press push to talk about being the best player in the league, and I'm pretty sure neither of those other players did the same thing.

    My point however is people talk about AD being an all time great and you look at what an actual all time great did and it's not even close. AD puts up stats but doesn't carry teams. He simply doesn't have the fire in his belly. We've seen glimpses of it like after Cousins got hurt but until he learns to bring that fire constantly he will struggle to even be the best player in the league.

    Giannis isn’t the type to brag on himself. He just wants to shut up and play for his team.

  18. #118
    Thanks for the correction there: Giannis didn't say it, I was mistaken.

    Embiid can easily replace him in my statement though, and my point stands. A lot of players say that about themselves.

  19. #119
    No one has questioned AD's abilities. At least not for a long time. However even before he requested a trade people have been questioning his leadership/fire.

    ANY player that claims they are the best are up to the same level of criticism. You simply have to ask yourself where do they rank? They are the ones initiating the conversation.

    I understand AD's playoff runs were both shut down by arguably the best team ever in the Warriors. So I don't think it's valid to criticize AD for not making a finals or a WCF. However the regular season stuff is where AD's lack of fire and leadership has really shown.

    It's a shame too because with the amount of talent he possesses he could be an all time great. If you put Kobe's fire in AD's body the team this season is a 60+ win team.
    Last edited by Mythrol; 04-06-2019 at 06:59 PM.

  20. #120
    Just back on topic for a second, I guess THIS is what happens when you don't use the Search Firm:

  21. #121
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Tinman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    Just back on topic for a second, I guess THIS is what happens when you don't use the Search Firm:

    Oh my. Well, that should jump start a garbage franchise! O lord !

  22. #122
    Lol, God help Zion Williamson if Phoenix ends up with the first pick.

  23. #123
    Phoenix blows so hard, I don't know how their fans haven't rioted yet

  24. #124
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! donato's Avatar
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    It's hard for me to think it shouldn't be Ferry's job or at least a promotion to a higher position. At worst he's a great checks and balances guy.

  25. #125
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Tinman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by donato View Post
    It's hard for me to think it shouldn't be Ferry's job or at least a promotion to a higher position. At worst he's a great checks and balances guy.
    And what would this position be that Ferry would be interested in that is not a GM position?

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