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Thread: Demps is Gone Pecan! {merged}

  1. #101
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    My answer: until he's shown that his understanding has changed. I would add that we are probably not in any position to judge whether that has occurred or not, hence my comment saying that the people who's opinions matter most are those directly attached to the comments. I would want to know what Luol Deng, Thon Maker, Masai Ujiri, Joel Embiid, Cheick Diallo, Dikembe Mutombo, Serge Ibaka, Luc Mbah a Moute, Emmanuel Mudiay, and Gorgui Dieng (just to name a few) think.
    I mean he showed he recognized his mistake immediately after when he apologized for his actions. That in and of itself should indicate his understanding has changed.

    So in your scenario then if those people in closest contact with him accept him then that is indication that he is good now? So the Pelicans appointing him as Interm GM should be a resounding endorsement of his change ans people shouldn't have issue with him going forward?

  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    Don't be silly.

    If you say someone has ''a little African in him'', as if that's an indicator of anything meaningful, and then go on to immediately say that he's like a guy who would defraud you, what do you think the link is?
    I didn’t know about the “defraud” comment. I still think it’s ridiculous to judge Ferry or Deng over one inappropriate comment. I am sure Ferry isn’t some cross burning racist. The society we live in is becoming more absurd by the day.

  3. #103
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mythrol View Post
    How long should he be punished for making this mistake?
    Forever. If not being punished means he gets one of 30 jobs in the world running an NBA team.

    He’s been in the NBA the last few years as a consultant. Sign me up if that’s punishment.

    If he had a clear and distinct record of turning a franchise into a perennial playoff team, I might feel differently. But there are a lot of guys who could be given the shot that Ferry was given and not screw it up the way he did. I would never even consider Ferry unless he was clearly head and shoulders above any other candidate. Life is too short, NBA jobs are too few, and IMO the candidate pool of smart people is too deep to consider someone who made this sort of mistake. He can be a consultant, but the GM is the forward facing head of the franchise.

  4. #104
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkhorse985 View Post
    I didn’t know about the “defraud” comment. I still think it’s ridiculous to judge Ferry or Deng over one inappropriate comment. I am sure Ferry isn’t some cross burning racist. The society we live in is becoming more absurd by the day.

    Is cross burning racist the standard now? What if he’s a less menacing variety of racist or bigot?

    And who’s judging Deng?!

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by Mythrol View Post
    I mean he showed he recognized his mistake immediately after when he apologized for his actions. That in and of itself should indicate his understanding has changed.

    So in your scenario then if those people in closest contact with him accept him then that is indication that he is good now? So the Pelicans appointing him as Interm GM should be a resounding endorsement of his change ans people shouldn't have issue with him going forward?
    Not really. Anyone can apologise for anything without it actually meaning anything. PewDiePie apologised for being racist, and then was racist again like 6 months after. There's a difference between claiming you understand what was wrong, and actually understanding it.

    Not really that either, unless the Pelicans have African-born higher ups that I don't know about (perfectly possible). My point isn't that Ferry's best buddies should be the arbiters. My point is that the people whose opinions matter the most ''are those directly attached to the comments''. By that, I mean: African people. That's why I listed all those players/ex-players/executives that I did. All of them were born in Africa, and all of them will have some experience related to living in the West as an African. The people who were insulted should be the people who get to decide.

    If Ferry's apology and subsequent action hasn't proven itself satisfactory for the people who were targeted by his comments in the first place, I'm not in a position to tell them they're wrong. I don't get to decide if people who actually have to deal with that anti-African sentiment should be over it or not. They do.

    I'm also fully willing to accept that this could have already happened: for all we know, Pels insiders have dealt with, say, Masai Ujiri, since the comments and Ujiri has no problem with Ferry and everything is forgiven. That's totally possible, and there's no guarantee we would know about that, and if that's the case, then sure it's fine. What I wouldn't want is a bunch of people who are viewing the situation entirely from the abstract, with no actual skin in the game, deciding that it's been long enough and he's probably just fine. That's not right, because it's not the place of Americans, or Brits, or Canadians, to be deciding whether or not people from Africa should be upset over anti-African racialisation.
    Last edited by Pelicanidae; 02-16-2019 at 12:03 PM.

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkhorse985 View Post
    I didn’t know about the “defraud” comment. I still think it’s ridiculous to judge Ferry or Deng over one inappropriate comment. I am sure Ferry isn’t some cross burning racist. The society we live in is becoming more absurd by the day.
    If the only racism you're concerned with is overt, KKK style racism, then I don't think we're discussing things on the same level anyway.

    You can be racist without burning a cross, you can be anti-semitic without wearing a swastika, etc etc.

    Also: not judging Deng. He's innocent in all of this.

  7. #107
    When did this thread turn into 3 Billboards Outside Missouri?

  8. #108
    Quote Originally Posted by NMThreeMVP View Post
    I'm sure you'd hate to be held to the same standards you are trying to hold Ferry to.

    You say I lack "empathy" when discussing Lebron using race as a means of negating criticism and then you sit here and say that Ferry should be punished *forever* because of reading the words of another person and apologizing for it 5 years ago...

    I'm going to have to walk away from this.
    Last edited by Mythrol; 02-16-2019 at 12:16 PM.

  9. #109
    I would love to continue this discussion but it will just degress from here so I will excuse myself from the thread.

  10. #110
    This thread has turned more toxic than the Klutch Sports usurping of Anthony Davis' sympathetic nervous system

  11. #111
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    I think it's more about the ones arguing than the actual points, at the moment.

    Quote Originally Posted by AusPel View Post
    When did this thread turn into 3 Billboards Outside Missouri?
    Remember when like every thread did? We had a nice few month run.

  12. #112
    Reading through this thread I realize people never actually followed the Danny Ferry “racist comment” story.

    But here for those interested.

    If you Jimmer it, they will come.

  13. #113
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mythrol View Post
    I'm sure you'd hate to be held to the same standards you are trying to hold Ferry to.

    You say I lack "empathy" when discussing Lebron using race as a means of negating criticism and then you sit here and say that Ferry should be punished *forever* because of reading the words of another person and apologizing for it 5 years ago...

    I'm going to have to walk away from this.
    I’m transparently biased (against racism). That’s not quite the definition of irony.

    I completely understand your defense of Danny Ferry. It’s understandable. And like I said, if it’s clear he’s the best candidate I’m cool with it. But for me, he hasn’t done anything to be owed an opportunity for redemption and a 2nd chance, when there are other worthy candidates who haven’t even been given their first chance.

  14. #114
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mythrol View Post
    I'm sure you'd hate to be held to the same standards you are trying to hold Ferry to.

    Not really. I hold myself and those around me to a pretty high standard when it comes to racism/bigotry and that sort of thing.

  15. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by NMThreeMVP View Post
    Not really. I hold myself and those around me to a pretty high standard when it comes to racism/bigotry and that sort of thing.
    You hold them and yourself to the standard of one slip up in reading words from another person and they are penalized forever? Really?

    Please don't quote me so I don't see the notification on this.

  16. #116
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by UNO Gracias View Post
    Reading through this thread I realize people never actually followed the Danny Ferry “racist comment” story.

    But here for those interested.

    Pretty clear to me that Ferry should have fired the scout and not read the report. His accountability is different as GM/leader than a lower level employee. The tolerance of bigotry/racism from the top, is no different than actively participating in it. Or at least that’s my view and the view of many institutions and organizations that I’ve worked with.

  17. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by UNO Gracias View Post
    Reading through this thread I realize people never actually followed the Danny Ferry “racist comment” story.

    But here for those interested.

    With all due respect, I think that article doesn't really prove much of anything.

    I do like that little part though where it says ''Taylor, who is black,'' as if black was identical to African in this context. Which it isn't. There are plenty of black people in the US, and in the UK, who are highly judgemental and biased against people born in Africa.

    ''Based on the materials reviewed within the scope of the investigation, we did not uncover facts indicating that your repetition of words contained within a scouting report was improperly motivated by race, ethnicity, or country of origin.”

    Part of the problem in this, and in wider discussions of racism in general, is the idea that what really matters is what someone feels in their heart, rather than what they do. Frankly, it doesn't actually matter whether Ferry is, deep in his soul, a racist, or whether he was just accidentally doing racism for a little while. The actual action remains the same. His motivation only matters if you're Immanuel Kant, and I'm not. It's the action that has to be atoned for, not his innate nature.

  18. #118
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Not jumping back to the head of the job line for one of the exclusive and limited opportunities to run and NBA franchise is not the same as being penalized.

    I really wish people recognized the absence of privilege is not the same as presence of penalty.

  19. #119
    Let’s quit discussing race. It is getting nowhere on this forum. Now how much longer does Gentry have? Assuming if we hire this GM from Cleveland that Lebron liked?

  20. #120
    Quote Originally Posted by 13 - 3 View Post
    Let’s quit discussing race. It is getting nowhere on this forum. Now how much longer does Gentry have? Assuming if we hire this GM from Cleveland that Lebron liked?
    I thought Gentry should have gone before Dell but whatevs

  21. #121
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by AusPel View Post
    I thought Gentry should have gone before Dell but whatevs
    Depends on how long the contract is for the GM, what their impression of other candidates is, and how Gentry finishes the year. We want them to tank, but if Jrue’s Krewe finishes with a nice run, how does ownership and GM interpret that.

    If the new guy retains Gentry, he could theoretically pivot to his own guy if it doesn’t work out and buy himself more time to demonstrate his chops as GM, because you always want to see how it works out with a coach of the GMs choosing before moving on. That’s what they allowed Demps to do.

  22. #122
    and yet most people are totally cool giving second chances to dudes who beat the ******** put of their gfs/wives lol god this whole thing turned into a dumpster fire

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  23. #123
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by bahmamamba View Post
    and yet most people are totally cool giving second chances to dudes who beat the ******** put of their gfs/wives lol god this whole thing turned into a dumpster fire

    Sent from my SM-S903VL using Tapatalk
    Most people are? What do you base that on?

  24. #124
    Quote Originally Posted by NMThreeMVP View Post
    Most people are? What do you base that on?
    Not sure.

    I specifically said I didn't want Jason Kidd because he drunk drives and beat his wife. So I'm very much NOT cool with giving a dude who beat his wife a second chance.

  25. #125
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    Not sure.

    I specifically said I didn't want Jason Kidd because he drunk drives and beat his wife. So I'm very much NOT cool with giving a dude who beat his wife a second chance.
    I don’t think anyone here has supported abusers.

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