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Thread: Should we tank and become sellers at the deadline?

  1. #126
    Max Contract Pelicans78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bee-Fense View Post
    Slightly off topic - but man, I miss Rondo.
    Yeah his loss hasn't been replaced overall though I think a healthy Payton could have done well.

    The defense has been a mess for whatever reason.

    Emeka Okafor - Joe Smith - Carmelo Anthony - Manu Ginobili - Jason Williams

    Al Jefferson - James Posey - Aaron McKie - Shaun Livingston

  2. #127
    Mac’s social intelligence is incredibly low. Leave the pompous little man to himself. His pretentious walls of texts and close minded views speak for themselves.

  3. #128

    Should we tank and become sellers at the deadline?

    Jesus Mac why do you insist on being so unlikeable?? A lot of us have benefitted from your input over the years. But man are you spiraling out of control here. FYI people with real superior intelligence have an ability to step outside of themselves and see how they are coming off to others. You are successfully alienating people you don’t even know. So you can’t possibly predict if a positive relationship with members might benefit you at some point in the future. Big picture buddy, show some humility. We are all on this board following a mediocre team in a small market.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #129
    Quote Originally Posted by RhythmNathan View Post
    Jesus Mac why do you insist on being so unlikeable?? A lot of us have benefitted from your input over the years. But man are you spiraling out of control here. FYI people with real superior intelligence have an ability to step outside of themselves and see how they are coming off to others. You are successfully alienating people you don’t even know. So you can’t possibly predict if a positive relationship with members might benefit you at some point in the future. Big picture buddy, show some humility. We are all on this board following a mediocre team in a small market.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I don’t mean to stick the knife in, but the guy is the definition of a toxic human being at times. Nobody gives a crap what dodgy MassComm/Philosophy degree you finished college with. Show some restraint like you would in a professional environment as any adult would.

    Not to mention the guy is rude to people that actually agree with him. I’ve seen scenarios where he’d argue with someone simply to take a contrarian stance or because he had to be “more right” than the other poster.

    And finally, I’ll be the first to admit I’m a scatterbrained poster. Sometimes things come up in the heat of the moment and I’ll say whatever comes to mind. My reading comprehension is usually sound, but unlike Mac, I realize I’m on an Internet forum and not writing a speech for the nobel peace prize. Grow the hell up man.

  5. #130
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Would the Bucks do Donte and Thon for Julius? That's the kind of deal the Pelicans should be pursuing over the next 2 weeks. IMO, it would be worth throwing in the Pelicans 2nd round pick if necessary.

  6. #131
    Quote Originally Posted by JJackisangry View Post
    I don’t mean to stick the knife in, but the guy is the definition of a toxic human being at times. Nobody gives a crap what dodgy MassComm/Philosophy degree you finished college with.

    Ouch, very harsh to people with Philosophy degrees there

  7. #132
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    Ouch, very harsh to people with Philosophy degrees there
    Lol. There are many great philosophers (some that have inspired me as well), but that is no excuse to lord your “intelligence” over anyone. Intelligence has many different faces. I have met great mathematicians that can’t operate a DVD player. It doesn’t mean I respect them any less.

  8. #133
    Quote Originally Posted by JJackisangry View Post
    Lol. There are many great philosophers (some that have inspired me as well), but that is no excuse to lord your “intelligence” over anyone. Intelligence has many different faces. I have met great mathematicians that can’t operate a DVD player. It doesn’t mean I respect them any less.
    I meant the implication that MM might be a philosopher. That's a bitter pill to swallow.

    You are though, of course, totally right. There is not quantifiable and reliable measure of intelligence. *insert Einstein quote about judging a fish by its ability to climb a tree*

  9. #134
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    I meant the implication that MM might be a philosopher. That's a bitter pill to swallow.

    You are though, of course, totally right. There is not quantifiable and reliable measure of intelligence. *insert Einstein quote about judging a fish by its ability to climb a tree*
    It was a mischievous line

    Hopefully he takes it to heart and chills with some of the condescending passive-aggressive dross. If push comes to shove, I can be pretty vile.

    He can be friendly and informative. Otherwise I wouldn’t have given him the time of day.

  10. #135
    The Franchise
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    This AD news answers that question whether we should become sellers. Now please, please, please, start trading everyone not named Jrue for young assets (not Conley).

  11. #136
    Quote Originally Posted by tdcreator View Post
    This AD news answers that question whether we should become sellers. Now please, please, please, start trading everyone not named Jrue for young assets (not Conley).
    No..I answered the question weeks ago..some just chose not to listen and remain in denial.

    Perhaps moving forward, others won't make that mistake again.

  12. #137
    The Franchise
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    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    No..I answered the question weeks ago..some just chose not to listen and remain in denial.

    Perhaps moving forward, others won't make that mistake again.
    Mike, I understood all you said but I wasn't willing to give up on Davis until he said he wants out. Now that he's made intentions known we can move on.

    Now I'm praying Dell doesn't try the old vets to make the playoffs. Where I think your wrong is Dell (I believe) has had control over this team most of the way. He was came out of the Spurs system that built and competed with Vets and thats the only way he knows and keeps trying to do the same thing. I do think it could have worked but my problem is when the season was over (like now) because of injuries, he never traded some of those good grabs for younger players or picks.

  13. #138
    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    No..I answered the question weeks ago..some just chose not to listen and remain in denial.

    Perhaps moving forward, others won't make that mistake again.
    I'll do you one better I answered that question half a decade ago. None glamor teams need to use every advantage that rookie contract provide. So and steady was as was the most logical path.

  14. #139
    Signing Melo would be tanking for sure, we should do it.

  15. #140
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    He is a hack. It was proven years ago he has no connections. He never sees an actual trade coming and his predictions never stick. He has been harping this AD leaving thing for like five years, now. It's like denouncing the Patriots; keep doing it and one season you actually get to tell people you were right all along. Don't respond to him and he really will go away. Or win some games and he disappears, too.

  16. #141
    Quote Originally Posted by msusousaphone View Post
    He is a hack. It was proven years ago he has no connections. He never sees an actual trade coming and his predictions never stick. He has been harping this AD leaving thing for like five years, now. It's like denouncing the Patriots; keep doing it and one season you actually get to tell people you were right all along. Don't respond to him and he really will go away. Or win some games and he disappears, too.
    It's nothing to be right about. This has been on everyone's tongue since AD switched agents.

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