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Thread: We need a POINT GUARD!!

  1. #26
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    Jrue was averaging 17ppg 8 asts before he got here. He went on to average 14ppg 8 asts and 14ppg 7 asts while shooting a higher FG% and 3pt% both seasons in NOLA. He did a lot of this while having a nagging injury where he wasn't fully 100% also playing on a system that didn't fit him best. This was all before he was 25 which he is now. He is just entering his prime and if healthy the best years are clearly ahead of him. No reason he shouldn't play at the level if not better. If Jrue just gives us what he did with Philly and when he got here we have a damn good PG. Like most players he should improve his play from when he was 21-24 years old. But yea he has been terrible according to you. Nothing about Jrues play has been bad or average except him not being able to be on the floor because of one injury. He is looking like he ha turned the corner on that injury and when 100% we will have a damn good PG. He is playing good right now and that's while being on a practice and game restriction with a summer of no practice but rehab.

  2. #27
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    I love how saying a player we have should be good and I have confidence in that is any different then the same people that want to continually bash him when no evidence supports their claims either except he has been injured. When I saw this thread I thought to myself the same free Jrue haters would be here wishing we had Payton, Burke, or Noel. Oh wait though they will only act like they wanted Noel because he is the only one showing any ability of being an average NBA player. Go back to your dreams of Burke lol you guys were on point there. What is your solutions besides Jrue at PG? Burke? Payton? Reke? LoL! Give me another realistic solution we had....??? I'll be waiting. Cause trading for a 22 year old all star was a bad one. Injuries have slowed him down being the only reason you even have an argument which is about to slowly start fading away. That restriction being lifted his a few of you nervous having to eat some words.
    Last edited by GuardianAngel25; 12-08-2015 at 04:27 PM.

  3. #28
    Turnovers, consistency, unwillingness to attack the rim. They have been Jrues achilles heel.

  4. #29
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by N.O.Bronco View Post
    Turnovers, consistency, unwillingness to attack the rim. They have been Jrues achilles heel.
    I won't argue that at all. I also think a player that isn't even in his prime with an injury that stopped us from being able to see improvement has to be factored in also. Those negatives you said are very correctable and usually come with a player maturing. Jrues main problem has been an injury that allows you to do nothing basketball wise. Those same things can be said for almost all PGs that were his age. If he never grows out of that then sure it will be a problem but I don't see why he wouldn't.

  5. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by GuardianAngel25 View Post
    I love how saying a player we have should be good and I have confidence in that is any different then the same people that want to continually bash him when no evidence supports their claims either except he has been injured. When I saw this thread I thought to myself the same free Jrue haters would be here wishing we had Payton, Burke, or Noel. Oh wait though they will only act like they wanted Noel because he is the only one showing any ability of being an average NBA player. Go back to your dreams of Burke lol you guys were on point there. What is your solutions besides Jrue at PG? Burke? Payton? Reke? LoL! Give me another realistic solution we had....??? I'll be waiting. Cause trading for a 22 year old all star was a bad one. Injuries have slowed him down being the only reason you even have an argument which is about to slowly start fading away. That restriction being lifted his a few of you nervous having to eat some words.
    cut it out and stop whining....the same thing you are saying that those posters do to jrue,,, you do the same to ish so please cut the whining out smh.......

    Me I think jrue was a perfect fit in monty system whenever he could get on the floor......I hope he can be the leader in this system....I just want him to stop the turnovers and score 15 a game so he can play more minutes and stay in the game.....im ready for them to take the ropes off of him and turn him loose......

  6. #31
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6warddude View Post
    cut it out and stop whining....the same thing you are saying that those posters do to jrue,,, you do the same to ish so please cut the whining out smh.......

    Me I think jrue was a perfect fit in monty system whenever he could get on the floor......I hope he can be the leader in this system....I just want him to stop the turnovers and score 15 a game so he can play more minutes and stay in the game.....im ready for them to take the ropes off of him and turn him loose......
    LoL where am i whining? Ish isn't near the level of Jrue and comparing that isn't even close. The difference between my argument and peoples with Jrue is I like Ish and having him on our team while they can't stand Jrue and having had him picked over a few other players they wished we had gotten that they won't admit now. Ish is perfect where he is as a 3rd string PG playing spot minutes for matchups. So your completely wrong with what I say about Ish. Try again.

  7. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by GuardianAngel25 View Post
    LoL where am i whining? Ish isn't near the level of Jrue and comparing that isn't even close. The difference between my argument and peoples with Jrue is I like Ish and having him on our team while they can't stand Jrue and having had him picked over a few other players they wished we had gotten that they won't admit now. Ish is perfect where he is as a 3rd string PG playing spot minutes for matchups. So your completely wrong with what I say about Ish. Try again.
    stop it...I quoted you on game threads about nit picking on ish and told you to practice what you preach about what you say to the posters that point out jrue faults......just stop it...

    now some time from today to next Tuesday you will be on a game thread and bring up ish when someone comment about getting jrue out the game....you nit pick ish and then be slick and give back handed compliments to him lol.....now posters like you just cant help themselves and you will do it again and that's the sad part.....so when I quote you and point it out to you, just own up to it and don't tell me to try again......ok?

  8. #33
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    LoL ok mom. Keep following every comment I have like some fan boy stalker. You literally wait for me to post and try to attack it and it's kind of funny. I have given Ish credit when it has been deserved and criticized him when deserved. He has been vastly over rated by this board and you are one of them. He is what he is plain and simple. A good end of the bench PG who can bring s little spark with his passing. He has had a few good games followed by quite a few bad ones. Am I not allowed to criticize Ish for his play but be silent and only praise him when he does good? The difference between the Jrue criticism from people is that he will never do crap and we need to move on. It's not criticizing his play or anything. It's having a hate for Jrue ever since he got here because people wanted Burke or Noel and it's pure bias. Jrue has played decent while playing bad at times and and really good at others showing flashes that he has the potential to be what we traded for. I have been one of Jrues biggest critics and right now I don't really see a fair criticism of someone on a minute restriction not even healthy. When he has played bad I'll be right there saying Jrue was terrible. So go follow someone else and act like their mom because I have no intent to comment back on anything you say constantly trying to start stuff.
    Last edited by GuardianAngel25; 12-08-2015 at 05:36 PM.

  9. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by 6warddude View Post
    stop it...I quoted you on game threads about nit picking on ish and told you to practice what you preach about what you say to the posters that point out jrue faults......just stop it...

    now some time from today to next Tuesday you will be on a game thread and bring up ish when someone comment about getting jrue out the game....you nit pick ish and then be slick and give back handed compliments to him lol.....now posters like you just cant help themselves and you will do it again and that's the sad part.....so when I quote you and point it out to you, just own up to it and don't tell me to try again......ok?
    I am not trying to pile on to you GA, but I completely agree with 6th ward. Rather you realize you are doing it or not, you are always dismissing any other guard's accomplishments to try and make Jrue look better. Before you disagree, realize that I am stating it, and I have just quoted another poster who stated it. I would also imagine that there are many other posters who agree, but simply haven't thrown their opinion on the topic yet. Whether you choose to dismiss this information or self reflect upon it is up to you.

    I am not sure what your deal is with Jrue, but it is .... dedicated. You seem like a fan of the New Orleans Jrue's.

    I love the Pelicans, and I love who ever helps them win. I am not a fan of Jrue, for many reasons. 1) I did not like the trade. 2) Since the trade, Jrue has done LITERALLY NOTHING to justify it. We don't know who or what what have happened, but WE DO KNOW, that Jrue has played in less than half the games, and when he has played, it has been average to below average. I have to assume that without the trade we would have gotten at the very least the same level of production -- which is 50% of ZERO production and 50% of average production. 3) I don't think he is a fit for this style. Jrue is a scoring PG who doesn't actually score. (strange) He has never played with pace, and so far has not had a great pace this year. He has certainly had moments, but all in all he is not pushing the rock like I would imagine Gentry wants. 4) The constant free pass this guy has gotten has irked me. Because EG said his heart was in Phoenix, he was slaughtered for being injured. Jrue pulled the wool over our eyes, yet until the last few weeks, he was still receiving a get out of jail free card. Does anyone even care that Jrue has missed a lot more games then EG? EG is still "just waiting to get injured" while Jrue (who has played less over the last 3 years) is "100% fixed and healthy" Why? It irks me. His performance and game availability have not warranted this exception. IMO it is amazing what a few positive blogs from BSS will do to this forum's mindset. 5) and most importantly ---- WINNING.. Before the start of this year, we had a better record without Jrue then in the games he has played. Everyone has always praised Jrue's skills, and this and that, but whatever it is that he brings, has not actually translated in to WINS --- so what good is it?

    With all of this being said, I like him as the backup PG. He has looked MUCH BETTER off of the bench to me. For whatever reason, he has been pushing the pace a lot more the last 2 games off of the bench. I have no idea why that would be, but that is what my eyes tell me. Jrue has been actually running the last two games versus his normal jog.

    Keep him as a backup PG, and change of pace. sure. But for his salary? With his ACTUAL production and injury history, and actual games played.... I still can't believe he is so highly regarded on these forums.

    Here is to hoping that I one day eat crow and Jrue becomes an all-star.... but I have been making these claims for years now, and yet we are still seeing "Jrue is about to turn the corner".

    It is a really really big corner...
    Last edited by Bongzilla; 12-08-2015 at 05:58 PM.

  10. #35
    Jrue is the only true two way guard we have on this team. Also the closest we have to a true PG. He is 25 and hasn't really ever had a chance to settle in a good system yet.

    So I think for those reasons there is room for optimism. But also pessimism. His early going in this system has been rough at times. And there is a concern that the bad Philly system, the injuries and the large break in development time because of it may have permanently stunted his growth trajectory. Or perhaps, wha he was in Phlly was the best he was ever gonna get.

    Point is, its too early to say. Just like I am not gonna write off Evans in this system after some ruts in his first couple games and then a bad game and some choice comments last night.

    I think both you and GA go a bit far in opposite directions while also both having some valid points in between. But there just isnt enough evidence to definitively write the book on Jrue and that is part of the frustration.

  11. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by GuardianAngel25 View Post
    LoL ok mom. Keep following every comment I have like some fan boy stalker. You literally wait for me to post and try to attack it and it's kind of funny. I have given Ish credit when it has been deserved and criticized him when deserved. He has been vastly over rated by this board and you are one of them. He is what he is plain and simple. A good end of the bench PG who can bring s little spark with his passing. He has had a few good games followed by quite a few bad ones. Am I not allowed to criticize Ish for his play but be silent and only praise him when he does good? The difference between the Jrue criticism from people is that he will never do crap and we need to move on. It's not criticizing his play or anything. It's having a hate for Jrue ever since he got here because people wanted Burke or Noel and it's pure bias. Jrue has played decent while playing bad at times and and really good at others showing flashes that he has the potential to be what we traded for. I have been one of Jrues biggest critics and right now I don't really see a fair criticism of someone on a minute restriction not even healthy. When he has played bad I'll be right there saying Jrue was terrible. So go follow someone else and act like their mom because I have no intent to comment back on anything you say constantly trying to start stuff.

    SMH LOL like I said before,you are something special lol..so now your feeling are hurt....please cut the whining out........so I'm a stalker fan boy from pointing out what you said 2 games ago?....you are the one who has called out posters from commenting something last year or when pre season started so who is the stalker smh?.....I clearly told you that I want jrue to score 15 a night and have the restriction off of him so he can be in the game over the other guards so how am I over rating ish?......

    You have diss ish on a game day thread when the dude didn't even play in that game lol to me that shows hate for ish.........they are multiple posters that have ask you the same question and that is,,,what have ish personally done to you lol smh....and you got some nerve to say posters hate jrue smh.......

    You say,you don't see a fair criticism of someone on a minute restriction not even healthy but yet you criticize ish on a game thread in a game where he didn't play lol ..now was that fair of you to do that?...but you whine when someone say take jrue out of the game.......I mean come on,you have criticize ish saying he has 7 assist and if cole was in this system, no telling how many assist he would have..like everyone would make their shots if cole was passing to them...is this fair criticizing that you are doing or is it nit picking?......

    I get it,when you reply to a poster then its fair game but when I reply to you then I'm being mom lol....like I said,you are something special smh.....

  12. #37
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by N.O.Bronco View Post
    Jrue is the only true two way guard we have on this team. Also the closest we have to a true PG. He is 25 and hasn't really ever had a chance to settle in a good system yet.

    So I think for those reasons there is room for optimism. But also pessimism. His early going in this system has been rough at times. And there is a concern that the bad Philly system, the injuries and the large break in development time because of it may have permanently stunted his growth trajectory. Or perhaps, wha he was in Phlly was the best he was ever gonna get.

    Point is, its too early to say. Just like I am not gonna write off Evans in this system after some ruts in his first couple games and then a bad game and some choice comments last night.

    I think both you and GA go a bit far in opposite directions while also both having some valid points in between. But there just isnt enough evidence to definitively write the book on Jrue and that is part of the frustration.
    This is exactly this how I feel that there is not enough to write him off yet. I'm not some huge Jrue fan but I will defend a player who gets criticized like he can't ever be anything when we haven't even had time to see. He has shown he can be great while also at times showing he can be bad. He hasn't had a fair chance to really show his play and that's going to take time before we get a fair judgement on his play. Most of the people that really criticize Jrue are completely bias because they went bonkers he might we didn't draft Noel or Burke. I'm not calling him some great PG but he definitely has potential to be exactly what we need from the position. I'm not writing off Reke either like you said but IMO I would much rather a true SF over him which is why I don't think he's the best fit here. He does a lot of good things but IMO we need a two way SF who is not a tweeter like Reke who can play PG but can't guard PGs, can play SG but can't shoot, can play SF but is not quite a natural position for him and tougher on him guarding while he also can't shoot. He is the type of player you have to put certain people around him to get the most out of him and even then it will be in consistent. I like Reke a lot I just think he could be a better fit somewhere else in terms of what we need. I want to replace Gordon and Reke with their $ on a SG and SF. Like I said I would be happy with QPon and a stud SF. I just think that would be a much better fit and give us 2 way players. Ideally I would want 2 replacements but one really good 2 way player along with another QPon type is a much better fit for us to have.

  13. #38
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    It's very easy to sit there and whine and complain about Jrue not being what you want. What other options do we have coming up? There are no stud PGs being let go and teams that have one are not letting them go. Were Burke and Payton better options? Definitely not when Jrue is better then having both of them. Since y'all want to criticize getting an all star 22 year old PG what were your other options for us at PG? Like I said Burke or Payton? Tyreke Evans? LoL the only guy who was even possible at the time was Bledsoe and Jrue was easily the better player then and still has potential to be the better player when he's healthy. So we do what you want and get rid of Jrue then what? Not that easy to just say oh we get rid of him and we'll just go grab Lillard or Wall and maybe even Curry if we would like. I mean seriously what other options do we have that are even close to his potential?

  14. #39
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! donato's Avatar
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    He hasn't been that great (agreed not terrible by any means, but not a significant difference maker). The real issue I have is I don't feel he'll ever be consistently healthy.

  15. #40
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Spaniard's Avatar
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    This was TWO years ago, and nothing has changed. It's as plain as day. In their defense, they at least tried with Rondo. But they didn't even get a backup PG, much less a third. This team will continue to flounder without a Pg.

  16. #41
    The Franchise PolishFan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spaniard View Post
    This was TWO years ago, and nothing has changed. It's as plain as day. In their defense, they at least tried with Rondo. But they didn't even get a backup PG, much less a third. This team will continue to flounder without a Pg.
    I almost got killed for saying we need a PG on the bench. I was told that we have Moore etc

  17. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by N.O.Bronco View Post
    Turnovers, consistency, unwillingness to attack the rim. They have been Jrue Achilles Heel.
    Close to Spot On !!!

  18. #43
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Spaniard's Avatar
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    Sorry to bring up an old thread again. But this was now THREE years ago. And I brought it up last season again. I have been a Dell defender in a lot of ways, but why has this not been taken care of? It took two entire seasons for them to realize something I could see from the stands(Jrue should not play Pg). And now two more seasons where we are suffering from the lack of PG play.

    Rondo missed almost a quarter of the season, played limited minutes, and we had no true backup. Yet the guy looked like a godsend because he was an actual PG. Do the Pelicans really not understand the problem?

    Again, we talk about coaching, effort, defense, depth. And I’m not saying they are wrong to question. But if you have a PG that sets the pace, hustles, and gets the ball where needed, all those things start to disappear. No different than how Drew Brees can make a lot of coaches and players look great. Am I crazy here?

  19. #44
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    Dell should trade for Elfrid Payton.

    Har har har.

    Actually. That isn't a joke. Last year we got Rondo, this year we got Payton. It's not inactivity that is slowing us down. It's an injury. Really two. So this bump was a stretch last year and it's even more of a stretch now. Yeah. Depth would be nice but even the Warriors have no depth at some spots. And Frank hasn't lit up like we wanted.

    However, amazing job calling the issue for what it was back in 2015. You even brought up Payton. That's pretty impressive.

  20. #45
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    im lmao at the comments from back in the day.....since the move was made to move jrue to off guard, we never address the backup PG spot with a strong player that can start if an injury happens or just lead the second unit....it seems like the plan was jrue will be the backup PG and start if an injury happens......that plan work last season but it has caught up with us this season....

  21. #46
    I posted this trade and got killed for it. Apparently some have stock in Jrue but Wall is better and is for sale. Sometimes you got to let go on things you like if you want to improve.

    Last edited by AstroFire; 12-05-2018 at 12:38 PM.

  22. #47
    The Franchise IVAN_NOH's Avatar
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    We need a PG, a starting SF, a true C and some bench, to try to keep AD here.

  23. #48
    The Franchise IVAN_NOH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AstroFire View Post
    I posted this trade and got killed for it. Apparently some have stock in Jrue but Wall is better and is for sale. Sometimes you got to let go on things you like if you want to improve.

    I do really like this trade.But Wiz will not do it.

  24. #49
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IVAN_NOH View Post
    I do really like this trade.But Wiz will not do it.
    Wiz would certainly do it. They certainly would not pause with regards to Wall. Their only pause could be Oubre. Wall is not better than Jrue and he costs a whole lot more. He also has bad knees and a terrible attitude.

  25. #50
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Spaniard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by msusousaphone View Post
    Dell should trade for Elfrid Payton.

    Har har har.

    Actually. That isn't a joke. Last year we got Rondo, this year we got Payton. It's not inactivity that is slowing us down. It's an injury. Really two. So this bump was a stretch last year and it's even more of a stretch now. Yeah. Depth would be nice but even the Warriors have no depth at some spots. And Frank hasn't lit up like we wanted.

    However, amazing job calling the issue for what it was back in 2015. You even brought up Payton. That's pretty impressive.
    That actually was the exact point I brought up last year. We went into the season with only Rondo. We went into this season with only Elfrid Payton. That’s not good enough. I don’t think saying that is an outlandish statement. Injuries happen. And neither were/are guarantees to be even good. You can have all the Calvin Johnson’s and Larry Fitzgerald’s you want. It won’t matter if we continue to play without a QB.

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