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Thread: Who would take a pay cut?

  1. #1
    SKOL! SKOL! SKOL! SKOL! Imnos 2's Avatar
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    Who would take a pay cut?

    Which combination of guys (2 or 3) below do you think would take a pay cut to team up with Boogie and AD?

    Sergio Rodriguez
    JJ Reddick
    Tim Hardaway Jr
    Bojan Bogdanovic
    Rudy Gay

    Also, what other combination of guys could you realistically see coming here on a discount this off season?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Imnos 2 View Post
    Which combination of guys (2 or 3) below do you think would take a pay cut to team up with Boogie and AD?

    Sergio Rodriguez
    JJ Reddick
    Tim Hardaway Jr
    Bojan Bogdanovic
    Rudy Gay

    Also, what other combination of guys could you realistically see coming here on a discount this off season?
    The only player from that list I can possibly imagine taking a "paycut" is Rudy Gay.

    And that has nothing to do with playing for our team. We haven't accomplished anything significant before or after acquiring Boogie, not to mention our core players are perennial losers. The Pelicans aren't at a point where players will forgo other better paying/winning opportunities for the sake of pairing up with Boogie and the Brow.

    Now that Gay is on the wrong side of 30 and coming off a torn achilles injury, I can see a scenario where he may take a 1 yr prove it deal at a discounted price in order to secure what's likely to be his last shot at a reasonably paying long term contract. The problem is achilles injuries are really difficult to get over, particularly for older players. And players who have been able to rebound from that sort of injury in the past have usually take at least one additional season of play to do so. As a result, that's going to hurt his asking price to the point investing in him may be perceived as a "discount" from his prior market value, when in reality, it probably would not be given his likely decline in play next season.
    Last edited by PelsFan2313; 03-20-2017 at 11:23 AM.

    "I'm not going to allow my putative owner to answer that question, this is an NBA related press conference. Paul Tagliabue and Roger Goodell have collectively sung their praises of Tom and if uh ESPN has a problem with that tell Mr. Skipper to call me at my office."

  3. #3
    This team doesn't have to do squat in these little 30 games AD and Cousins are together this year. With hardly any practice time and a roster in scramble mode to finish the season.

    No player could be so dumb as to not see the potential in playing with those two. There is a reason so many players reacted when that trade happened. I can remember when David West signed with Indiana. They hadn't done squat yet, but they had PG and he saw the potential, and he was right.
    Last edited by luckyman; 03-20-2017 at 11:39 AM.

  4. #4
    Justin Holiday to play with his brother.

    I'm fine with a starting 5 of Jrue, Justin, Solo, AD & Boogie if you can use the rest of your money on making a deep wing bench. Most notably a backup, offensive minded SF. If they could trade for Wilson Chandler somehow that'd be ideal as a super sixth man who can play the 2-4 for you. Or try and sign Gallo and figure out what to do with Solo.

    Jrue/Free Agent/Tim
    Solo/Free Agent/DC
    Boogie/Ajinca or DMo/Diallo
    Last edited by AD23nEG10; 03-20-2017 at 12:04 PM.

  5. #5
    I like Justin Holiday a lot as our 2 guard. He should be low enough cost that he won't break the bank but plays defense and hits 3s.

    Out of the OPs list I'm not sure who if any would take a pay cut though.

  6. #6
    SKOL! SKOL! SKOL! SKOL! Imnos 2's Avatar
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    I honestly could see an older vet as well trying to come over. Like a Rudy Gay. I have always said every good team needs an old head. They play smarter in critical situations.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Imnos 2 View Post
    I honestly could see an older vet as well trying to come over. Like a Rudy Gay.
    Quote Originally Posted by Imnos 2 View Post
    I have always said every good team needs an old head. They play smarter in critical situations.
    These statements are inconsistent. There's a difference between saying (1) X team values a certain class of players and (2) X team is appealing to said certain class of players. My issue with this post is that the term "older vet" is so ridiculously broad and vague. Does the fact that J.J. Reddick and Udonis Haslem are both older players that have played in the league for a number of years mean that they are equally likely to come over next season? No. So the answer to your question, like most questions, is it depends. It depends on the player, what he's accomplished, what he values, what his value is in the open market, and what teams are open to signing him.

  8. #8
    SKOL! SKOL! SKOL! SKOL! Imnos 2's Avatar
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    Of course it does. I'm just having a convo. Not trying to read minds or determine market values right now. But if we can build a nice roster this off season, could I see a player who may want to win, take a pay cut to chase a ring? Yes. Many of the past elite teams have had these types of situations. How cool was it to see Richrad Jefferson not only contribute but ultimately win a title last year. I don't remember but I'm sure he wasnt a priority free agent signing. Probably just filled a roster opening.

    So, I pose a question that is a matter of opinion. Do you think this team is attractive enough bring decent to good players at a cheaper cost?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Imnos 2 View Post
    Of course it does. I'm just having a convo. Not trying to read minds or determine market values right now. But if we can build a nice roster this off season, could I see a player who may want to win, take a pay cut to chase a ring? Yes. Many of the past elite teams have had these types of situations. How cool was it to see Richrad Jefferson not only contribute but ultimately win a title last year. I don't remember but I'm sure he wasnt a priority free agent signing. Probably just filled a roster opening.

    So, I pose a question that is a matter of opinion. Do you think this team is attractive enough bring decent to good players at a cheaper cost?
    There is no universe where our team as currently constructed turns into a title contending team in one offseason. If you're not a title contending team, then no, you lack the capability of signing good-decent players (again broad and vague) under market value outside of taking a chance on unproven/troubled/injured players.
    Last edited by PelsFan2313; 03-20-2017 at 02:06 PM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by PelsFan2313 View Post
    There is no universe where our team as currently constructed turns into a title contending team in one offseason. If you're not a title contending team, then no, you lack the capability of signing good-decent players (again broad and vague) under market value outside of taking a chance on unproven/troubled/injured players.
    You'd have to know the psyche of said player to know if they think this team is or just a piece away from title contending or not, or even if the team being "title contending" is important.

    If I'm a starting guard or wing player, I sure as hell would think adding myself to AD and Cousins (and Jrue to a lesser extant) is title contending. Even Kenny Smith, and ex guard, said he thought this team will win the west in a couple of years. You think his thoughts are an outlier?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by luckyman View Post
    You'd have to know the psyche of said player to know if they think this team is or just a piece away from title contending or not, or even if the team being "title contending" is important.

    If I'm a starting guard or wing player, I sure as hell would think adding myself to AD and Cousins (and Jrue to a lesser extant) is title contending. Even Kenny Smith, and ex guard, said he thought this team will win the west in a couple of years. You think his thoughts are an outlier?
    That's one person. That's like me saying Kenny Smith views the team as one piece away from title contending, so every other player in the league must think the same thing. You think his thoughts are the norm?

    But again that's what drives me crazy about this question, and you alluded to this, is that it's so open to interpretation as to both the type of player we'd be pursuing in this hypothetical and somewhat relatedly his personal biases/preferences.

    If we're talking about bonafide ring-chasers, ala the David West and Shane Battiers of the world, which I think the OP eventually settled on, I would be more than willing to bet that an overwhelming majority of those players would much rather choose other teams to chase a ring with, mainly Cleveland and Golden State.
    Last edited by PelsFan2313; 03-20-2017 at 02:23 PM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by PelsFan2313 View Post
    That's one person. That's like me saying Kenny Smith views the team as one piece away from title contending, so every other player in the league must think the same thing. You think his thoughts are the norm?
    Where did I say that? Show me? I simply said you have one ex guard that thinks so. I think so and ASKED if you think he's an outlier. Other players reacted to the trade with amazement.

    Given all that, which one do you think? They just look at this team the same way they do Detroit or Portland? To sit there and act like it's some far fetched idea is wierd to me.

    With what's already here, there's no doubt in my mind there are possible top players out there that could sign here for a slight discount. It's not something far fetched at all. Doesn't mean it will happen, but I'm sure it crossed some players minds already.
    Last edited by luckyman; 03-20-2017 at 02:28 PM.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by luckyman View Post
    Where did I say that? Show me? I simply said you have one ex guard that thinks so. I think so. Other players reacted to the trade with amazement.

    Given all that, which one do you think? They just look at this team the same way they do Detroit or Portland? To sit there and act like it's some far fetched idea is wierd to me.

    With what's already here, there's no doubt in my mind there are possible top players out there that could sign here for a slight discount. It's not something far fetched at all.
    To sit there and act like it's not some far fetched idea is much weirder to me. It's about being realistic. Look at the ownership group. Look at our lack of success as a franchise. Look at the lack of success of each of our core players throughout the entirey of their careers. Look at our underwhelming performance as a team since acquiring Boogie, and how he's been misused. There are so many better options out there if we're limiting the conversation to older vet ring-chasers. To think otherwise is absurd in my eyes. Team culture matters. Stability matters. Think of it this way. If you take the team we currently have and place it in last summer's FA period. David West is looking at what team to jump ship to. Can you honestly tell me a player like David West would even consider going to a team like New Orleans over staying in San Antonio or going to Cleveland/Golden State? Absolutely not.
    Last edited by PelsFan2313; 03-20-2017 at 02:32 PM.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by PelsFan2313 View Post
    To sit there and act like it's not some far fetched idea is much weirder to me. It's about being realistic. Look at the ownership group. Look at our lack of success as a franchise. Look at the lack of success of each of our core players throughout the entirey of their careers. Look at our underwhelming performance as a team since acquiring Boogie, and how he's been misused. There are so many better options out there if we're limiting the conversation to older vet ring-chasers. To think otherwise is absurd in my eyes.
    Well, that seems like your own opinion and your own "realism". I don't know how other players view this franchise right now and neither do you. I do have one example on my side as to what someone who's played the game might think. That's a little more than my own personal opinion.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by luckyman View Post
    Well, that seems like your own opinion and your own "realism". I don't know how other players view this franchise right now and neither do you. I do have one example on my side as to what someone who's played the game might think. That's a little more than my own personal opinion.
    Of course it's an opinion. You asked me a question of opinion. I feel strongly about one side, you feel strongly about the other. It's whatever. I just happen to think you're very, very wrong.

  16. #16
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mythrol View Post
    I like Justin Holiday a lot as our 2 guard. He should be low enough cost that he won't break the bank but plays defense and hits 3s.

    Out of the OPs list I'm not sure who if any would take a pay cut though.
    I agree Justin Holiday is a great fit. 3 and D wing player
    that won't break the bank. The fact that he and Jrue know each other's game inside and out makes it even better.

  17. #17
    SKOL! SKOL! SKOL! SKOL! Imnos 2's Avatar
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    If you look at my original post I really only mentioned one older player. In not trying to fill this team with old guys. But you have some free agents out there that are young and on really bad teams. Do you think a guy like Sergio wouldn't consider NO as an upgrade over Philly? Certainly GS and Cleve and SA may be more attractive options to many players But to say we have no shot or slim chances isn't necessarily true. I think, in my opinion, we could bring in one or two guys who may have left money on the table to come to the Pels. Especially if we make a coaching change. This team has a ton of potential. Without Boogie we were just waiting until AD left. Now we have a chance. And I think that could be attractive to future FA's. If you don't think so, I respect that. You could be right

  18. #18
    "I think, in my opinion, we could bring in one or two guys who may have left money on the table to come to the Pels."

    Yeah, there's nothing outlandish about the idea. We don't know if it will happen - but the pairing of AD and Boogie could absolutely effect who might want to come here and at what price. It doesn't mean we are now destination #1 or anything, and sure, a team like Cleveland or Golden State still has a leg up, but let's not act like this is some crazy notion...

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by PelsFan2313 View Post
    There is no universe where our team as currently constructed turns into a title contending team in one offseason. If you're not a title contending team, then no, you lack the capability of signing good-decent players (again broad and vague) under market value outside of taking a chance on unproven/troubled/injured players.

    lebron went to Miami and back to the cavs and made them title contenders that same year.........its only 12 active roaster spot available and ring chasers cant all go to one team so yes we have a shot with boogie and AD......

    dont know how players in the league value jrue as a big 3 with boogie and AD but if they value jrue high then yes we have a chance to contend next season with ring chasers looking to play here..........everybody cant go to GS,,the cavs or SA so the potential here with boogie and AD looks real good as a next stop to take GS and SA out...we held our own against GS this season in 3 games....we play SA good...houston is the only team that scare me because when the 3 ball is on for them then they are hard to beat but if the defensive game plan is to let harden score 60pts and shut everyone else down works majority of the time then the rockets wont be a problem for us either....

    Hell we dont need ring chasers imo,,all we need is a strong bench and depth to go with our starting 5 and imo we can go toe to toe with the top 3 in the west.....put some shooters around AD and boogie plus someone who can get to the rim at will like reke can do plus i still think we need a true PG then i think that team will be a contender.....

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by hornetsrebirth View Post
    I agree Justin Holiday is a great fit. 3 and D wing player
    that won't break the bank. The fact that he and Jrue know each other's game inside and out makes it even better.
    Yea other than the pay cut part, Justin Holiday is actually just the kind of player the Pels should be looking to add this offseason, and him being the brother of Jrue is an added bonus. Patty Mills would be an awesome addition, as well as Iguodala if for some reason he leaves GS.

  21. #21
    Or Maybe on Pelicans? This would actually be great.


  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Imnos 2 View Post
    I honestly could see an older vet as well trying to come over. Like a Rudy Gay. I have always said every good team needs an old head. They play smarter in critical situations.
    In our situation I agree. I always liked what Washington did that year they found some success in the post season where they coupled their young core with a not-yet-geriatric Paul Pierce and Andre Miller.

    I have said for a while this team needed either a strong disciplinarian that can structure them into a playoff team, or they need to find some veterans that can earn respect by both teaching AND by example on the court night in and night out, how to become a playoff team.

  23. #23
    I could see jj reddick doing it. He isn't gonna win a title in LA, and he would be the perfect fit here. Sharpshooter who plays gritty defense. Plus AD is better than griffin, and cousins better than deandre.

    Not saying it's gonna happen, but with him not being a superstar, i can see there being a chance.

  24. #24
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! pelicanchamp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HornetGuru View Post
    I could see jj reddick doing it. He isn't gonna win a title in LA, and he would be the perfect fit here. Sharpshooter who plays gritty defense. Plus AD is better than griffin, and cousins better than deandre.

    Not saying it's gonna happen, but with him not being a superstar, i can see there being a chance.
    I doubt we could afford him and I would be surprised if he took a pay cut. I love the idea though.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  25. #25
    As I was saying. Any player that sees a team with two players that can easily put up 40+ any given night. They've got to be drooling at the chance and would take less than some other team can give pay wise.

    And players really don't give two craps about franchise history or who the owner is. It's the top of the roster, the city itself, and the ability of the franchise to sell those two things.

    Not saying it will happen or if it's even necessary at this point, but impossible?

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