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Thread: Who has a better Career? AD vs KAT?

  1. #1

    Question Who has a better Career? AD vs KAT?

    Listening to the best Pelicans podcast out atm, Locked on Pelicans by Bret Dawson, him and is guest discussed the KAT is the real once in a generation player. The guest mentioned that KAT will be more durable, is already more polished, better leader, and vocal.

    I'm sure soon when the ESPN rankings and season start we will hear this debate already, but will KAT have a better career then AD?
    CAW CAW!!!

    -Founder and valuable member of the Caw Caw Boyz-

  2. #2
    A Soulful Sports Fan Contributor Eman5805's Avatar
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    How on earth can someone, with total seriousness, say if a player will be more durable? You can't project health like it's an attribute on NBA 2K.

  3. #3
    It was mainly based on AD never playing over 72 games ever and KAT played every single game this season. Also, his frame is bigger and appears more durable.

  4. #4
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    He has already played 82 games in a season.
    Let's see if he can maintain that.

    Still has that over AD.

  5. #5
    KAT is much more skilled at a younger age, and has a larger more NBA ready frame, but AD is more athletic. If you look at KAT he has a better team long term than AD. I mean, they will have a core of Wiggins, Lavine, KAT, and now Dunn for at least another six years. And after that the oldest one is like 27.

    KAT is more likley to have success looking at it now becaus his teams should be better, and tthat is what determines the best career.

    AD impacts the game at a different level than any player, including KAT, because of his combination of size, length, athleteciam, and skill, but if he never harnesses the ability to control the game then KAT has more skills and similar enough everything else. This, in that case KAT would be better.

  6. #6
    I think that although Towns looks great, he has only had one season and I worry about people's overreactions to it. He did look phenomenal though and it's definitely a legit question. The main thing that worries me about AD is his desire. It improved throughout last season but I can't forget just yet how disintrested he plaid at the start of last season. I watched plays where he barely gave an effort on help defense except to block shots. That's the most concerning thing to me. If he checks out then the door's open for KAT to be superior, which is strange to say about a dude who, a year ago, looked like may be in the top 4 best players in the world.
    Quote Originally Posted by zakzak View Post
    that dumb Gentry killing Asik morale seriously man he is been good when you compare last season then suddenly he sits whole damn first half barely gets minutes what an idiot we need muscle wee need rebound he took of asik jones,ajinca they got no place on this team play Diallo at least he is decent.
    .......if healthy


  7. #7
    The idea that KAT and the TWolves will be better makes me sick. I guess I'm just a loyal Homer. Btw I'm loving Locked on Pelicans podcast and how consistent it is.

    My main gripe with BSS podcast is the inconsistency and overall semi-pesimistic tone from them. I really miss the one two punch of MM and Schwann

  8. #8
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! pelicanchamp's Avatar
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    AD has evolved every season. He is a mutant. AD has leadership skills and he makes everyone better. Our team will beat Minnesota this year because we're better.

    Towns has incredible footwork and reminds me of Duncan and Hakeem. I don't think he will be as good as either but he's definitely going to be awesome. I think my problem with AD is his defense. He's a great defender but he makes too many mistakes. He's apathetic at times and I don't think he's very good defending one on one in the post. Towns can beat AD in the post up game anytime.

    If AD continues to develop he will go deep into the playoffs sooner than later. I think AD is ultimately more talented and explosive than Towns. AD>KAT

  9. #9
    I'd like to also point out that Towns was older when he came in as a rookie, AD was 19 and was/is still filling out. If you compare AD's second season he suddenly looks alot better, since the age points are a bit closer
    Quote Originally Posted by Eman5805 View Post
    Impossible. The octopus that lives in my brain hasn't squibbered anything about it to me.

    Also, that's how octopi talk. They squibber. Yes, it's a word. Shut up.

  10. #10
    Just to play Devils advocate, the injury issue is a huge part of the discussion. Now add to his normal missed games a procedure on his knee and that has to be worrisome.

    If AD played 75+ games every year, I think most would pick AD easily, since he's already shown he can add new elements to his game and he can dominate, but he hasn't done that so it will make some people skiddish to pick him.

    A bounce back season this year will go a long way in quieting people.

  11. #11
    I'm hoping that replacing some of the guards on the team will reduce AD's injury risk. I feel like a lot of the lobs I've seen over the last couple of years were really poorly placed. AD is like a puppy and will go up to get them regardless of the implications for his health.

  12. #12
    Different positions not to mention when they actually went against each other A.D dominated him it was when asik or someone else was on him that Kat started going off

  13. #13
    How is this argument the T Wolves have a better team long term? Have Wiggins, Lavine, and Dunn (yet to play a minute of NBA basketball) shown that much? Do we know what their injury situation will be? Will they even stay together? I could definitely see the Wolves moving Lavine and/or Wiggins if it suits their needs.

    Saying the Wolves are better long term cap wise is one thing. On the court? There's really nothing factual to back that up until the Wolves can at least show some competitiveness.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by luckyman View Post
    How is this argument the T Wolves have a better team long term? Have Wiggins, Lavine, and Dunn (yet to play a minute of NBA basketball) shown that much? Do we know what their injury situation will be? Will they even stay together? I could definitely see the Wolves moving Lavine and/or Wiggins if it suits their needs.

    Saying the Wolves are better long term cap wise is one thing. On the court? There's really nothing factual to back that up until the Wolves can at least show some competitiveness.
    This is a simplistic way of breaking it down but I think you could look at it like this:
    KAT = AD - for the reasons listed above but mainly because projections of the future can only be made based on results from the past which, until disproven seem to lend themselves to the notion that AD is more of an injury risk than Towns.
    Wiggins > Jrue - I think if you were to poll NBA fans they would overwhelmingly choose Wiggins.
    Dunn = Hield - again I think most people would put Dunn ahead of Hield, especially since they had the ability to choose between the two but it's probably semi-close,
    Lavine = Hill - I again think people would choose Lavine as the better option but here I would really disagree as I'm not a big fan of Lavine's game.

    As far as "the future" goes, I think people are projecting based off of age.
    AD is 23, Jrue is 26, Hield is 22, Hill is 25, for a total of 96. Average age is 24.
    KAT is 20, Wiggins is 21, Dunn is 22, Lavine is 21 for a total age of 84. Average is 21.

    So if the argument that they are in a better long term position broken down into two qualifiers, that they are A- better and B- younger then I would say that B is proven correct and that A is unprovable and although there are arguments to be made either way, most people without rose colored glasses would side with the Timberwolves.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by luckyman View Post
    How is this argument the T Wolves have a better team long term? Have Wiggins, Lavine, and Dunn (yet to play a minute of NBA basketball) shown that much? Do we know what their injury situation will be? Will they even stay together? I could definitely see the Wolves moving Lavine and/or Wiggins if it suits their needs.

    Saying the Wolves are better long term cap wise is one thing. On the court? There's really nothing factual to back that up until the Wolves can at least show some competitiveness.
    Thibs should factor in as well

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Silverfoxx View Post
    Thibs should factor in as well
    Yeh he will play KAT 45 minutes a game leading to countless injuries thus making AD the better player haha

  17. #17
    KAT is going to be great but I've seen players like him. I've never seen an Anthony Davis. As someone else said his combination of skills, size and athleticism is unparalleled, unprecedented, unmatched. In his prime AD can be a near 7 foot Kobe Bryant.
    KAT has HOF potential. AD has GOAT potential.

  18. #18
    Back Door Man RUFshreve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by luckyman View Post
    How is this argument the T Wolves have a better team long term? Have Wiggins, Lavine, and Dunn (yet to play a minute of NBA basketball) shown that much? Do we know what their injury situation will be? Will they even stay together? I could definitely see the Wolves moving Lavine and/or Wiggins if it suits their needs.

    Saying the Wolves are better long term cap wise is one thing. On the court? There's really nothing factual to back that up until the Wolves can at least show some competitiveness.
    You obviously didn't watch many T'Wolves games last year. Yeah, they lost a lot of games, but their core is extremely young. They got better as the season progressed and they flashed greatness, from time to time. Now they've added a top 5 coach in the league, to mold their young core. The rest of the league should be worried. Their core is MUCH better than ours currently and they're much younger. They have more potential, based on age, athleticism and raw talent. KAT is a sure fire future all-star, Wiggins and Lavine have both flashed the potential to be future all-stars, Dunn is a great prospect for Thibs to mold and that's not even mentioning Rubio, Dieng, Shabazz, etc... I'd trade rosters with them everyday of the week, and so would every other team in the league, with the exception of Golden St and Cleveland. They're going to be a defensive powerhouse. Add a great shooter to that roster, give them 2-3 years to grow together and they'll be a top 3 team in the league, for quite some time.

    As far as AD vs KAT, I'll take AD everyday and that's not me being a homer. I truly think AD has the potential to be the best player in the league someday, while KAT has the potential to be a top ten player. AD just has to stay healthy.

  19. #19
    Back Door Man RUFshreve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jabberwalker View Post
    Lavine = Hill - I again think people would choose Lavine as the better option but here I would really disagree as I'm not a big fan of Lavine's game.
    Let me start out by saying, that I agree with most of your posts. They're usually well thought out and informed. With that said, you are crazy if you think Hill is even in the same stratosphere as Lavine. Lavine is a freak of nature. He's one of the most athletic players in the league, he's made huge strides every year and he's much younger than Hill. Lavine has all-star potential, Hill has starter potential. Lavine vs Hill isn't even close and it's laughable to even compare the two.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by RUFshreve View Post
    Let me start out by saying, that I agree with most of your posts. They're usually well thought out and informed. With that said, you are crazy if you think Hill is even in the same stratosphere as Lavine. Lavine is a freak of nature. He's one of the most athletic players in the league, he's made huge strides every year and he's much younger than Hill. Lavine has all-star potential, Hill has starter potential. Lavine vs Hill isn't even close and it's laughable to even compare the two.
    Thanks for the compliment and for disagreeing with me without resorting to hostility. It is too common that disagreements of opinion here are met with personal attacks or rudeness. Recognizing that it is okay to not share the same opinion is probably one of my favorite traits in people anymore lol.

    In regards to Zach Lavine, I didn't watch a lot of last season. My personal life was busy and given the Pels' season I needed a sanity break from the NBA. So I didn't see a lot of him last year. The year before though I remember thinking that although he had all the athleticism in the world, he wasn't particularly skilled elsewise and tried to do more than he was capable of which ended up hurting his team more than helping. All the while I saw people drooling about dunks that were mainly breakaways or in practice or dunk contest which is great, but a fast break layup and a fast break dunk both have the same effect but one just looks more appealing. However, any player with that level of elite athleticism definitely has the potential to be a great player, and as I said, I barely saw him last year outside of the dunk contest so maybe I'm grading a player based on his rookie year, which is never a good idea. I'll definitely pay attention to him this year though to see if he has begun to either put his skills together, or accepted not being a main option (especially since he will likely be playing a lot with Dunn, KAT, and Wiggins which should all be considered the first, second, and third options on the team.

    Now that I said that, I think that is another good point for which team has the brighter future. Who is our third offensive option? Reke may not play this season, Jones is coming off of an injury that some wonder if he'd play again, Hield is probably a spot up shooter until his ball handling improves, Hill is limited offensively. Who is our third best option on offense this year? Moore? Gallo? I think that Dunn, Rubio (for his playmaking not shooting), KAT, Wiggins, Muhammad, Dieng, and Lavine would all be considered in our top three offensive options if on our team. That is another point as to why they look to have the brighter future right now.

  21. #21
    Unstoppable! GuardianAngel25's Avatar
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    AD a 7' Kobe? Wait what?!

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by GuardianAngel25 View Post
    AD a 7' Kobe? Wait what?!
    Yeah man, it sounds crazy but look how much their skill sets are identical. If his handle keeps improving they're identical players besides the size and selfishness.

  23. #23
    A Soulful Sports Fan Contributor Eman5805's Avatar
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    When AD pulls up from mid-range all I see is a giant, one eyebrow'd Kobe...

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Jabberwalker View Post
    Thanks for the compliment and for disagreeing with me without resorting to hostility. It is too common that disagreements of opinion here are met with personal attacks or rudeness. Recognizing that it is okay to not share the same opinion is probably one of my favorite traits in people anymore lol.

    In regards to Zach Lavine, I didn't watch a lot of last season. My personal life was busy and given the Pels' season I needed a sanity break from the NBA. So I didn't see a lot of him last year. The year before though I remember thinking that although he had all the athleticism in the world, he wasn't particularly skilled elsewise and tried to do more than he was capable of which ended up hurting his team more than helping. All the while I saw people drooling about dunks that were mainly breakaways or in practice or dunk contest which is great, but a fast break layup and a fast break dunk both have the same effect but one just looks more appealing. However, any player with that level of elite athleticism definitely has the potential to be a great player, and as I said, I barely saw him last year outside of the dunk contest so maybe I'm grading a player based on his rookie year, which is never a good idea. I'll definitely pay attention to him this year though to see if he has begun to either put his skills together, or accepted not being a main option (especially since he will likely be playing a lot with Dunn, KAT, and Wiggins which should all be considered the first, second, and third options on the team.

    Now that I said that, I think that is another good point for which team has the brighter future. Who is our third offensive option? Reke may not play this season, Jones is coming off of an injury that some wonder if he'd play again, Hield is probably a spot up shooter until his ball handling improves, Hill is limited offensively. Who is our third best option on offense this year? Moore? Gallo? I think that Dunn, Rubio (for his playmaking not shooting), KAT, Wiggins, Muhammad, Dieng, and Lavine would all be considered in our top three offensive options if on our team. That is another point as to why they look to have the brighter future right now.
    But you and the other poster are forgetting something. Who on that roster has shown the defensive potential of AD, Jrue, Hill, Moore, a healthy Qpon & a healthy Asik? Basketball is played on both ends not just the sexy scoring, dunking offensive end. How come the potential on that end isn't worth a mention? It's the side that's obviously being overlooked and Thibs can't go on the court and play D for them. At least Dunn has shown some in college but what of the others?

    Second thing, for anyone that has paid attention to Minnesota (not speaking to you here Jabber), they'd know not to include Rubio in their future plans. Another defensive liability.

    Last, I think folks are not giving Hill any benefit of growth as a 3rd option. Perhaps because he's 25 instead of 21 (a "huge" difference). Or again, more because he is a role player that happens to play on both ends, but just doesn't dunk enough? I dunno but from what I've seen, he can easily be a, 3rd or fourth option.

    I'm all for thinking Minnesota is going in the right direction, but they are being severely over hyped here. Specifically on one end of the floor.
    Last edited by luckyman; 08-08-2016 at 02:35 PM.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by luckyman View Post
    But you and the other poster are forgetting something. Who on that roster has shown the defensive potential of AD, Jrue, Hill, Moore, a healthy Qpon & a healthy Asik? Basketball is played on both ends not just the sexy scoring, dunking offensive end. How come the potential on that end isn't worth a mention? It's the side that's obviously being overlooked and Thibs can't go on the court and play D for them. At least Dunn has shown some in college but what of the others?

    Second thing, for anyone that has paid attention to Minnesota (not speaking to you here Jabber), they'd know not to include Rubio in their future plans. Another defensive liability.

    Last, I think folks are not giving Hill any benefit of growth as a 3rd option. Perhaps because he's 25 instead of 21 (a "huge" difference). Or again, more because he is a role player that happens to play on both ends, but just doesn't dunk enough? I dunno but from what I've seen, he can easily be a, 3rd or fourth option.

    I'm all for thinking Minnesota is going in the right direction, but they are being severely over hyped here. Specifically on one end of the floor.
    Rubio a defensive liability? To when I watched Rubio he's one of the better perimeter defender on top of getting a lot of steals. Not sure what the advance metrics say, but for me Rubio is a top ten defender at his position. His biggest issue unfortunately is where the league is moving and that's his lack of ability to space the floor.

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