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Thread: Milwaukee Bucks Press Conference

  1. #1
    Jimeert Freedet 4 Prez IamQuailman's Avatar
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    Milwaukee Bucks Press Conference

    GM Ian Quailmen: Welcome to the Annual Pre-Season Press Conference, everyone! Standing back at this podium last season, we had high hopes for the season. Little did we know what highs and lows would be in-store for our organization. We again stand here today looking forward at a bright future for this team, with our cornerstones of Gilbert Arenas and Brian Grant leading us to another successful season.

    GM: First things first, before moving on to new acquisitions, I would like to make a couple statements. I would like to thank all players who dawned the colors of Milwaukee last season, those still present and those who have moved on to new endeavors. I would especially like to express my best wishes to Gerald Wallace on his future with our rival, the Detroit Pistons. While it is disappointing that we were not able to retain Gerald, I personally want to ensure the fans that we made a concerted effort to let him know he was more than welcome to rejoin this team at almost any cost. We appreciate his dedication to defensive excellence and look forward to testing his prowess four times a season. We also would like to state that while we appreciate his enthusiasm for our team we do not endorse the actions of Buck Nation's Will Maukie against Gerald Wallace at the Pistons press conference. We, as an organization, would like to highly discourage any kind of physical actions towards any player any time, despite their displeasure with said player's decision.

    GM: Last season, we made many moves in order to try to compete now. We regret no move, as every signing and acquisition... regardless the turnout... is a learning experience. However, I truly do believe that every transaction made last year will greatly impact our future in a positive way. For example, Tony Allen has been working extensively in the offseason with 4-time All-Defensive 1st Team-er Joe Dumars on his defense, and it clearly shows. He could easily be pushing for the starting shooting guard spot.

    GM: Another couple of moves made last offseason and mid-season were acquiring Marc Jackson and Rasheed Wallace, while also having to part ways amicably with Vlade Divac. Deciding to move in a different direction, we opted to not re-sign Rasheed, and made a move for one of the best up-and-coming defensive centers through a sign-and-trade: Tyson Chandler. We expect Tyson to be the defensive anchor of our team; he's also been known to make some of those highlight reel plays you see on SportsCenter Top 10. Nothing wrong with a small market getting some exposure, am I right? But I digress... Tyson came in and has instantly developed a raport with his front court mate Brian Grant and the man feeding them those alley-oops, Gilbert Arenas.

    GM: Another player we have high hopes for is Channing Frye. We moved back into the draft when we saw Channing dropping lower and lower. We couldn't resist the opportunity to get such great value in such a promising young prospect like Channing. He'll be coming in to provide some offense off the bench behind both Tyson and Brian. With his training camp, it would be hard to keep him on the bench.

    GM: With the departure of Gerald Wallace and trading Latrell Sprewell for future cap relief, we were in immediate need of depth at the 2 and 3. Our options were pretty limited with only having our MLE at our disposal, and we were fortunate to have Mike Miller see enough promise in this franchise to play for us. Mike brings outside shooting to our wing positions, as he can play both the shooting guard spot and small forward spot. We haven't decided as to who will start at the 3 between Mike and incumbent bench-glue guy Corliss Williamson. However, regardless who starts, the will both be logging heavy minutes as we see both Mike and Corliss as both bringing something viable to the table.

    GM: Additional depth was brought in, in the form of Larry Johnson, the ageless Charlie Ward, Scott Pollard, and Milt Pilacio. We look forward to all the experience these veterans bring to the organization.

    GM: That said, we like to shift to the part of the session we like to call "Open Season", where we open the podium up to you guys. Any questions?

  2. #2
    The Franchise LoCo89's Avatar
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    Hey they're offering you the nets on the other league. Go say yes to that ****

    Mod over at reddit.com/r/NOLAPelicans

  3. #3
    Jimeert Freedet 4 Prez IamQuailman's Avatar
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    Not at a computer atm... Can someone copy and paste this as my AWWWWW YEAH!

  4. #4
    SportsGuy Bill Simmons here, I always love coming to Milauwakee I'm always in a good mood here I don't know why, but my question concerns Channing Frye what are you expectations of him this year your young team are all on their second contracts now and considered veterans how will the young guy fit in?

  5. #5
    Jimeert Freedet 4 Prez IamQuailman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conroy View Post
    SportsGuy Bill Simmons here, I always love coming to Milauwakee I'm always in a good mood here I don't know why, but my question concerns Channing Frye what are you expectations of him this year your young team are all on their second contracts now and considered veterans how will the young guy fit in?
    GM Ian Quailmen: Welcome, Bill. Always a pleasure to have you in. Channing Frye was someone that drew a lot of interest from our team when looking at the draft prospects this year. We are always looking to get bigger, whether it's our starters or bench guys, and Channing helps us just do that. As a 22 year old rookie... that's 1 year younger than the "veteran" Tyson Chandler... we expect him to bring his patience and understanding of the post game to our team. We need more power and ammunition from the bench down low; so we can turn to Channing for his post scoring, along with his defense and gradual rebounding improvement. Obviously we aren't expecting starter minutes. Brian Grant is our starting 4, but we do forsee Channing coming off the bench at the power forward spot and maybe even at the center spot (as his rebounding improves).

    Let's grab some beers sometime; it's on me. Lord knows a Bostonian like you can't afford much these days (or for the foreseeable future).

  6. #6
    Max Contract Pelicans78's Avatar
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    Clyde Drexler, Fox Sports Houston

    Last season Arenas came out guns blazing along with the rest of the team. The team started to stall a little before you made massive turnover to the roster. What made you make all the moves and do you think your current roster will prevent you from making another roster turnover? Also, what's your gameplan gonna be like? More of the helter skelter from the first half of last season?

    Emeka Okafor - Joe Smith - Carmelo Anthony - Manu Ginobili - Jason Williams

    Al Jefferson - James Posey - Aaron McKie - Shaun Livingston

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by IamQuailman View Post
    GM Ian Quailmen:
    Let's grab some beers sometime; it's on me. Lord knows a Bostonian like you can't afford much these days (or for the foreseeable future).
    I'm remembering why I like Milwaukee so much you pay for the beer and I celebrate victories...I kid, I kid...Seriously though when you pay for beers next time can we get some apps too I'm tired of the Ramen Noodles they serve at the Garden's Media room for Celts home games...they literally have no money left.

  8. #8
    Bill Plaschke: Bill here from the L.A. Times. Gilbert Arenas seems to be progressing every year to the point of where he could be a first team all league player this year. How do you view his growth as a point guard? No team has won a championship with a shoot first point guard in this league, what makes you think you can break that trend?

    "I don't know if people know — I dislocated my pinkie finger. And [Tyreke] told me, 'You wanna go home or you wanna be here?' I want to be here. And he said, 'All right, then go tape it up and let's play. Let's go. We not stoppin' at no stores. Straight gas. That's what we do, just keep going.'"


  9. #9
    Joe Detroit, SomeWebsiteAboutSports.net beat writer,


    (stares intently for 30 seconds)

    so needless to say your relationship with the Detroit GM has taken a nose dive. honestly, you hold the only playoff victory in the series and have visited the show a few more times. history is in your corner, but the tide seems to be turning. would you say this rivalry is more 2pac v. Biggie or Cheese Nips vs. Cheez-Its?

  10. #10
    Jimeert Freedet 4 Prez IamQuailman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conroy View Post
    I'm remembering why I like Milwaukee so much you pay for the beer and I celebrate victories...I kid, I kid...Seriously though when you pay for beers next time can we get some apps too I'm tired of the Ramen Noodles they serve at the Garden's Media room for Celts home games...they literally have no money left.
    GM Quailmen: I'll get some appetizers... and this time try not to choke within the first 6 bites.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicans78 View Post
    The team started to stall a little before you made massive turnover to the roster. What made you make all the moves and do you think your current roster will prevent you from making another roster turnover? Also, what's your gameplan gonna be like? More of the helter skelter from the first half of last season?
    At the beginning of last season, we knew we had a good team, but we didn't expect to be THAT good. If there was an evaluation for the first half of the season, it would be "Exceeds Expectations". We've never been in a position like that before as a franchise; so it was uncharted territory. To the extent that when things started to unravel a bit around, we were so used to "keeping up with the Jones'" that we didn't realize we WERE the Jones' and that other teams were trying to get better to match up to us. So our inexperience showed a little in that we thought our only option was to make moves. Turns out, sometimes the best move is one not made.

    As for the gameplan, we are going back to our roots in that we will try to recreate last season's gameplan in the beginning and tweak from there. Our personnel is slightly different, but I think the adjustments we'll have to make will be apparent to us within the first few weeks of the season.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicans78 View Post
    Clyde Drexler, Fox Sports Houston

    Last season Arenas came out guns blazing along with the rest of the team.
    Quote Originally Posted by BallSoHard View Post
    Bill Plaschke: Bill here from the L.A. Times. Gilbert Arenas seems to be progressing every year to the point of where he could be a first team all league player this year. How do you view his growth as a point guard? No team has won a championship with a shoot first point guard in this league, what makes you think you can break that trend?
    Where do I start with Gilbert? When we drafted him, we knew he was a great scorer. He can shoot the deep 3 then next possession drive into the paint and get that hard fought "And ONE". What we weren't necessarily expecting from him was for his defense to improve so much so fast. He's growing into one of the premiere defensive point guards in the league.

    As for being a "shoot first" point guard: There have been plenty of point guards who can light it up, like Steve Francis and Stephon Marbury to name a couple. But each season Gilbert has been on his court vision. He's always had great court vision, but he would sometimes get a little "excited" and not always connect. But as his assist totals have been increasing each season, his turnovers have been DECREASING simultaneously.

    In fact, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Gilbert will still be scoring 20 per game, but dishing out 8-9 assists per game. This is the year when he let's the NBA know he's not playing around anymore, and we have complete and utter confidence in him.

  11. #11
    Jimeert Freedet 4 Prez IamQuailman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrayWithAnA View Post
    Joe Detroit, SomeWebsiteAboutSports.net beat writer,


    (stares intently for 30 seconds)

    so needless to say your relationship with the Detroit GM has taken a nose dive. honestly, you hold the only playoff victory in the series and have visited the show a few more times. history is in your corner, but the tide seems to be turning. would you say this rivalry is more 2pac v. Biggie or Cheese Nips vs. Cheez-Its?
    The rivalry is deeply rooted back to the first season after the NBA Redraft, where we took the series to Game 7 against the Pistons. In fact, I believe we were down 1-2 and came back to win 4-3. Great series. We took a nose dive into the rebuild direction the next season, and the Pistons continued their excellence. Just when they started to decline is when the Bucks began to rise. However, we don't see that trend continuing, as we do not foresee this team declining as the Pistons improve. It will re-ignite a fierce rivalry that, I truly think, is great for the league as a whole. As for your comparisons, I would say Cheese Nips vs. Cheez-Its. Mainly because I don't listen to that hippity hop.

    As for the relationship between the Pistons GM and myself, please let him know he's more than welcome to share a beer over here in Milwaukee with me after we beat them on Day 8.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by IamQuailman View Post
    The rivalry is deeply rooted back to the first season after the NBA Redraft, where we took the series to Game 7 against the Pistons. In fact, I believe we were down 1-2 and came back to win 4-3. Great series. We took a nose dive into the rebuild direction the next season, and the Pistons continued their excellence. Just when they started to decline is when the Bucks began to rise. However, we don't see that trend continuing, as we do not foresee this team declining as the Pistons improve. It will re-ignite a fierce rivalry that, I truly think, is great for the league as a whole. As for your comparisons, I would say Cheese Nips vs. Cheez-Its. Mainly because I don't listen to that hippity hop.

    As for the relationship between the Pistons GM and myself, please let him know he's more than welcome to share a beer over here in Milwaukee with me after we beat them on Day 8.
    I'll put a beer on that game. (offers hand to shake on it)

  13. #13
    Jimeert Freedet 4 Prez IamQuailman's Avatar
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    Done (shakes) Friday?

  14. #14
    ....(eyes him up, nods)....(walks out the room with his fist held in the sky)

  15. #15
    Mike Wilbon of ESPN here. How are you going to replace the production and elite defense of Gerald Wallace? And how great is that Lebron James kid? Chicago is just the absolute best city in the world!!!! Go Bulls!!!! and cubs.........
    HR Sim League Orlando Magic

    PG: Luke Ridnour, Delonte West, Greg Minor

    SG: Andre Iguodala, Mickael Pietrus

    SF: Shareef Abdur-Rahim, Boris Diaw

    PF: Charlie Villanueva, Ian Mahinimi, Amir Johnson

    C: Eddy Curry, Mamadou Ndiaye, Adam Parada

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by coltsguy510 View Post
    Mike Wilbon of ESPN here. How are you going to replace the production and elite defense of Gerald Wallace? And how great is that Lebron James kid? Chicago is just the absolute best city in the world!!!! Go Bulls!!!! and cubs.........
    (overheard question, walks back in room)

  17. #17
    Jimeert Freedet 4 Prez IamQuailman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coltsguy510 View Post
    Mike Wilbon of ESPN here. How are you going to replace the production and elite defense of Gerald Wallace? And how great is that Lebron James kid? Chicago is just the absolute best city in the world!!!! Go Bulls!!!! and cubs.........
    GM Ian Quailmen: Gerald Wallace was a big piece of this team's core; there's no denying th--


    GM: *sigh* Someone get that lunatic out of here... Anyway, we plan to make up for his defense with a more complete back court defensive scheme. Between Corliss, Mike, Tony, and Gilbert, I think we'll be just time. Lebron will be great, but he'll never be as good as Jordan until he starts to win some rings.

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