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Thread: Moving to PelicansReport.com & a few other site notes

  1. #1
    Gerrity Joe Joe Gerrity's Avatar
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    Breaking News Moving to PelicansReport.com & a few other site notes

    Things have been pretty smooth here in the past couple years. I just want to thank everyone for being part of the community, keeping the conversations lively and entertaining, and being so respectful of your fellow posters. Sometimes it's hard to keep in mind that there are actual people, with feelings and stuff, on the other end of the internet. We do a pretty good job of remembering, in my opinion at least.

    We've been through a lot of turmoil and drama in regard to the Hornets organization, and it would have been easy for a lot of us to give up hope for the future, to become enraged at the team, or simply to lose interest. Some have, and it's been tough to lose them. Fortunately they've largely been replaced by new fans, eager to be part of the beginning of what could be the next great basketball dynasty.

    Thinking back, it's hard to say exactly how many less fans would have meant that we lost our basketball team, but make no mistake-- there was a number. That number might have been 5 less great fans from 2007-2012 or 5000, but that a number exists in indisputable. I tend to believe that the number was on the low side, and I also tend to believe that if not for a community like this one, the Hornets would have had a much harder time surviving long enough to draft someone like Anthony Davis, to find an owner like Tom Benson, and to be rebranded as the Pelicans.

    I look west to Sacramento, a city that has long supported an inferior product, and wonder how it is that we came to survive a fate such as that.

    I tend to believe that it's largely because of you.

    Thanks to all the guys and girls who were here in the beginning (saywhat, ian, harvey, grandadmiral, and the rest) for creating something that in my opinion truly made a difference in the world of sports, and in New Orleans as a whole.

    Thanks to all the posters who hated Jeff Bower, and those those who defended him.

    Thanks to everyone who think Anthony Davis will lead us to the promiseland.

    That should cover everybody, right?

    All the mods deserve a lot of praise. HunnyB in particular deserves a ton of credit for moderating the heck out of this board. Thanks to her specifically for all the work she does keeping this place clean. If you've never said thanks to her before, or if you've cursed her name after she deleted your cuss-filled post, this might be the time to say... something.


    In the next day or three we'll be moving over to PelicansReport.com and officially rebranding to Pelicans Report. It's going to be a whole big thing. It's possible the site will be down for a few hours and that a few posts will be swallowed up by the internet.

    Our email issues will also be sorted out in the next day or two. If you've had a problem registering because you never received your confirmation email, I've manually approved you. You're good to post. This applies to anyone who has registered in the last 750 days unsuccessfully.

    If it's been longer than that you'll have to register again. I deleted your previous unsuccessful registration, you so can re-register with any email or username. If you do it in the next two or three days, shoot me an email at [email protected] and I'll get you approved manually.

    For the rest of you, say goodbye to Hornets Report while you still can.
    audaci favet fortuna (Thanks, Harvey)- Fortune favors the bold.
    R.I.P. to HunnyB/FlyGirl
    Bourbon Street Shots

    My Real Estate Brokerage--WeSellNola.com
    My Vape Stores-- Crescent City Vape

  2. #2
    Thanks for all your work. I'm a newbie here and looking forward to being part of the new PelicansReport.com. Getting in on the ground floor!
    The pelican may be the world's best designed killing machine. ~ Deadspin

  3. #3
    The Franchise Big-EZ's Avatar
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    Big News. Pelicansreport here we come!
    Formally known as WhoDatMan504

  4. #4
    No White Flags Soundwave's Avatar
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    Do we have to change the address we type in or will it automatically re-direct us?

    In other words, do I have to change all my bookmarks?
    Quote Originally Posted by Conroy View Post
    I feel like I'm wasting my time compared to Sound.
    Quote Originally Posted by NOLa. View Post
    I think Sound just upped the standards in the league.
    GM of the Year

  5. #5
    I wrote this about you Mr. West's Avatar
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    Woohoo! Great work Joe and everyone else.

  6. #6
    Byeeeee Hornets Report!

    "I'm not going to allow my putative owner to answer that question, this is an NBA related press conference. Paul Tagliabue and Roger Goodell have collectively sung their praises of Tom and if uh ESPN has a problem with that tell Mr. Skipper to call me at my office."

  7. #7
    RIP HunnyB iNolaNightmare's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Really have grown to love this site. I spend lots of my days on here. There are lots of absolutely great members committed to this site. Ready for Pelicans Report!

  8. #8
    Great job guys! I'm really excited for the new forum. Fare the well, HornetsReport.

  9. #9
    Draft Pick BumbleBee's Avatar
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    Daily Ritual reading Hornets Report. Thanks.

  10. #10
    A Soulful Sports Fan Contributor Eman5805's Avatar
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    I'm gonna lose all my hard earned posts and have to start anew as a forum noob.

    Da well.

  11. #11

  12. #12
    I assume Hornetsreport.com will automatically forward to PelicansReport.com? at least at first?
    Just wondering.

  13. #13
    Just really a lurker. But thanks for all the work everyone puts into this site.

    Definitely one of my go to forums.

    Excited for the Pelicans era!

  14. #14
    On a permanent Holiday! Purple Haze's Avatar
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    Thanks for all that you do guys!

    And thanks HunnyB

    And sorry for my cuss filled post you had to delete, PELICANFAN

  15. #15
    On a permanent Holiday! Purple Haze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eman5805 View Post
    I'm gonna lose all my hard earned posts and have to start anew as a forum noob.

    Da well.

  16. #16
    Pretty sure posts are not starting over Eman5805.

  17. #17
    RIP HunnyB iNolaNightmare's Avatar
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    Moving to PelicansReport.com & a few other site notes

    Quote Originally Posted by Eman5805 View Post
    I'm gonna lose all my hard earned posts and have to start anew as a forum noob.

    Da well.
    I don't anything will be lost. It'll just redirect you to here.

  18. #18
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! wuggie's Avatar
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    Awe man this soooo awesome. This board has been through its share of ups and downs and I'm glad to witness and be apart of it all. I've been never been on a board like it and it'll be hard to find it, talk about class. Anyone else is kinda sad that hornets will be no more?

    R.I.P. to HunnyB/FlyGirl

  19. #19
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! NOLa.'s Avatar
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    Remember when I was a kid and we got the Hornets to come to the city. We loved watching Baron Davis and Wesley, PJ and Jamal. Great memories.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by wuggie View Post
    Awe man this soooo awesome. This board has been through its share of ups and downs and I'm glad to witness and be apart of it all. I've been never been on a board like it and it'll be hard to find it, talk about class. Anyone else is kinda sad that hornets will be no more?
    Not one bit actually. The hardest part will be saying Pelicans when talking basketball now.

  21. #21
    Good bye hornets report.. Good to know ya might still be able to go the hornets report for the bobcats... Any who thank you all

  22. #22
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! kinglio21093's Avatar
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    Damn this is crazy! Feels like everything has gone so fast.

    Been a good ride HR. Let's get an even better one on PR!!!

  23. #23
    Gerrity Joe Joe Gerrity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eman5805 View Post
    I'm gonna lose all my hard earned posts and have to start anew as a forum noob.

    Da well.
    Nope. Same names and history, just different domain name. One day it will just say PelicansReport and look a little different.

    There will be a redirect from HornetsReport to PelicansReport

  24. #24
    Hall of Famer Contributor pjk481's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the hard work you guys do! Looking forward to a great new era of Pelicans basketball in NOLA! I've always enjoyed getting my Hornets fix from HornetsReport!

  25. #25
    Band of Skulls & Neon Trees ramsters60's Avatar
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    Joe....y'all do a great job and provide a top notch avenue for people like me to express themselves.....I sincerely want to thank you and the others for providing us with this opportunity....I have to believe that Hornets Report by any other name................................
    "we might make dollars, but we don't necessarily make sense"

    "always be sincere....whether you mean it or not"

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