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Thread: Keep the Hornets Petition!

  1. #1

    Keep the Hornets Petition!

    While I know I am going to catch a lot of flak from the pro Peli's and believe me I already have, I've started a petition for those of us who do not agree with the rebrand.If you don't like the petition that's fine I can respect that and your point of view..I just ask the same from you in your response's. Please spare me the "if you don't like it get the hell out or your not a real fan" arguments. I would have posted this a lot sooner and responded to a lot of the other posts about the rebrand but I haven't been able to post here before now. Anyhow here's the link:


    Let's keep this civil shall we?

    Geaux Hornets!

  2. #2
    Max Contract Contributor AD23forMVP's Avatar
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    What exactly is the point? It's done.

    If it's a name and colors people are fans of, just follow the brand to Charlotte.

  3. #3
    The Franchise LoCo89's Avatar
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    You do realize that no matter what, the one name this team will not be moving forward is the Hornets right? Tom Benson (the guy that paid money for the team) doesn't like the name Hornets. He said it means nothing

    Mod over at reddit.com/r/NOLAPelicans

  4. #4
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! wuggie's Avatar
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    Where are the majority of fans who dislike the name? And Benson bought the team and didn't name it after himself so I'm good lol

    R.I.P. to HunnyB/FlyGirl

  5. #5
    Possibly but without trying we will never know.At least I can say that I tried and live with myself with that

  6. #6
    From my experience the majority of fans who do not like it are in New Orleans and are going to the games.I talk with them every game. I've also talked with a lot of people around town who aren't at the games who do not like it either.

  7. #7
    The Franchise LoCo89's Avatar
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  8. #8
    I know people believe that Charlotte will take on the hornets brand as is, but I think they won't have creole blue and mardi gras gold, nor will they keep the fleur De bee, just saying those are nola things, Charlotte will probably revert back to the teal and purple. I personally the changes to the brand made in nola were enhancements, those changes won't go to Charlotte though, they will just die. The petition is cute though, just look at the thousands of people who signed petitions to secede, that worked out splendidly

  9. #9
    All World Contributor FlyGirl's Avatar
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    Why didn't you do this a few weeks ago before the league ok'd the name and started printing merchandise to be sold, some, mind you, that has already been sold? Was this week your first time hearing about the Pelican name? I don't know if it would've made any difference but people usually try this stuff BEFORE it becomes official.

  10. #10
    AD23forMVP, the point is to give those of us who do not like it a chance to show that and voice our displeasure to Mr.Benson in a positive respectful way. i would have started this earlier but until Tom Benson formally announced it the name change was nothing but rumors and I had to wait until he went public.

  11. #11
    i'm sure Benson would be pleased to undo all his work and throw millions away from the rebrad because of a petition.

  12. #12
    All World Contributor FlyGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harleyrider105 View Post
    AD23forMVP, the point is to give those of us who do not like it a chance to show that and voice our displeasure to Mr.Benson in a positive respectful way. i would have started this earlier but until Tom Benson formally announced it the name change was nothing but rumors and I had to wait until he went public.
    You didn't really have to wait though. Everyone, that follows this team, significantly or even casually, knew Benson wanted a name change. He said it the day of the press conference announcing him becoming the new owner. If not Pelicans, it would have been something else. I'm sure word got back to Benson that the name was being frowned upon. He still did it though. The league obviously ok'd it and I'm sure someone there heard at least a smidgen of something about the name being frowned up. They still ok'd it.

  13. #13
    Benson went out of his way when he bought the team to say his displeasure with the name. i dont see thing changing his mind even if this had been started earlier.

  14. #14
    Yeah Soundless1 I know how well those petition worked out for those causes but if nothing else the petition at least brought those issues out to the forfront and got noticed.

  15. #15
    Hunny B, that may be the case but for me until it became official it wasn't fact and nothing more than a rumor. I was also hoping someone else might step up but I never saw that which is why I am doing it now.

  16. #16
    LousianaPride...then he should have done surveys to see how the fans really felt about it before spending all that money. He never even bothered to ask not even an informal poll among season ticket holders. Is going to make him feel any better if the fans don't take to the name and we end up with an apathetic fan base like Charlotte who doesn't like their teams name?

  17. #17
    All World Contributor FlyGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harleyrider105 View Post
    LousianaPride...then he should have done surveys to see how the fans really felt about it before spending all that money. He never even bothered to ask not even an informal poll among season ticket holders. Is going to make him feel any better if the fans don't take to the name and we end up with an apathetic fan base like Charlotte who doesn't like their teams name?
    Charlotte doesn't like their team name but I don't think a lot of them like their TEAM. When they were in the playoffs, the fans were there. Surveys are nice and considerate, but I still think he would've named the team what he and/or his wife wanted to name the team.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Harleyrider105 View Post
    LousianaPride...then he should have done surveys to see how the fans really felt about it before spending all that money. He never even bothered to ask not even an informal poll among season ticket holders. Is going to make him feel any better if the fans don't take to the name and we end up with an apathetic fan base like Charlotte who doesn't like their teams name?
    are you against the rebrand or the name itself?

    i just dont see how you can say that Hornets should stay as the team reeks of shinn and the city has been indifferent to the organization for the most part.

    i was hoping he could aquire the rights to the Voodoo and i firmly believe he inteded too but what can you do

  19. #19
    Hunny B
    Your are correct in saying that a lot of them do not like their team but that started with the fan base not liking the name from the get go and being unable to get behind it.Then it just snowballed from there with the bad decisions the owners and management were making.

  20. #20
    Hmm, those petitions were a waste of time, secession is not legally possible, I don't know why people believe that, but to the point, Benson was going to change the name, I am sure he tried to get the jazz and probably looked into getting the voodoo. Ultimately I am sure he tried a few options, and hey didn't work out, he went with the easy choice. I don't mind the name, it isn't perfect, but no name is perfect, literally all team names have flaws in some way. The hornets will probably find its way back to Charlotte and this convo will be moot. Lastly, a vote for the name would have been a waste, we have been conditioned to accept majority rule, but it doesn't mean people are satisfied in the end. If that were the case we would all vote for any and everything, and not complain when our side loses.

  21. #21
    All World Contributor FlyGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harleyrider105 View Post
    Hunny B
    Your are correct in saying that a lot of them do not like their team but that started with the fan base not liking the name from the get go and being unable to get behind it.Then it just snowballed from there with the bad decisions the owners and management were making.
    Frankly I don't know if they'd like ANY name besides Hornets. They love the brand. It's gotta be the brand because those Hornets teams that they loved back then are not coming through that door. I'm not crazy about the Pelicans name either. It's probably not the name I would've chosen. I'm supporting the team on the court though, not the name/brand. That's just lagniappe for me.

  22. #22
    LousianaPride, I am against both the name and rebrand. The team has come a long way since the Shinn ownership and I do not agree that the city has been indifferent to the organization.The Hornets are not lacking sponsors and the city and state have stepped up big to support them as well. The fans have always responded and played a huge part in keeping them here specifically in buying season tickets... I must admit tho i do like the Vodoo name if it has to be absolutely changed.

  23. #23
    Soumdless1, you may very well be right and I would like to believe that Tom Benson tried to at least look into those names but I am not sure he did. I also have a problem with name going back to Charlotte as well in the immediate future.There should be a moratorium of at least 10 years before a name could be used again especially in a case like this. As far as the vote goes it would make it a lot easier to swallow knowing that the majority actually favored this and wasn't being force fed it.

  24. #24
    i would think that you loving the hornets brand, you'd want to see the brand stick around in some capacity. after all it is their brand to begin with.

    as for the rebrand, with as with every other name in sports, people will get over it. ive already seen a good amount of people go from hating it, to ok with it, to loving it.

  25. #25
    No White Flags Soundwave's Avatar
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    If it makes you feel any better I have heard from a pretty reliable source that "Krewe" with a K was originally the favorite. Apparently it was taken off the table because someone had found that it had a correlation in some way, shape, or form to the KKK.

    I've never thought of that, and I'm sure most in N.O. wouldn't associate it with anything but Mardi Gras. But I guess it is possible for someone elsewhere to associate the two.
    Quote Originally Posted by Conroy View Post
    I feel like I'm wasting my time compared to Sound.
    Quote Originally Posted by NOLa. View Post
    I think Sound just upped the standards in the league.
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