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Thread: 2024 Offseason Thread

  1. #426
    Quote Originally Posted by RobertM320 View Post
    Seems like this would preclude anyone choosing to go to New York
    Yep and that's one of the main reason why New York franchises are struggling to attract Big Time FA despite the big market aspect.
    Last edited by Blattman; 06-11-2024 at 12:42 AM.

  2. #427
    Quote Originally Posted by djrnno View Post
    Not to be disrespectful but Americans are really not concerned about how popular our sport is with the rest of the world.That's why we call it the NATIONAL football league or the NATIONAL basketball association. I truly doubt that South Africans worry about how popular cricket is in the US
    You may be right but both leagues needs fans outside of the US in order to complete their growth. They all look at the money the Premier League get for international rights and know that's where they need to be headed. The media rights on the US market are pretty much on a bubble with stable or decreasing viewership and a skyrocketing price. They need that international money to compensate once the bubble will burst.

  3. #428
    The Franchise
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    Quote Originally Posted by P_B_&_G View Post
    This is one of the things that makes me think the league is fixed. You regularly see guys traded to the Lakers below market value. The question is why?
    This is totally untrue. There's actually what's referred to as a Laker tax. Where they have to overpay to get a deal done.

  4. #429
    Quote Originally Posted by Nichols View Post
    This is totally untrue. There's actually what's referred to as a Laker tax. Where they have to overpay to get a deal done.
    Who is using Laker tax except Lakers media and fans ?

    Like most fanbase, they tend to overvalue their own assets so they feel they have to pay more but just look at the history of trades made and you'll see it doesn't exist and more often than not, Lakers tends to take advantage of delfated value of players asking for a trade to them.

  5. #430
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    This is absolutely the case.

    I really think most Americans don't understand exactly how insular a phenomenon the NFL is. From what I can gather, it's basically a nigh-omnipresent God-sport in the US, and almost completely non-existent outside of it.

    Sure, games sell out when they go international, but that's not because it has legions of fans here, it's because they're novelties and we've all heard of the NFL because we watch American TV and American movies, so when it comes up as a once in a lifetime event, people will go. That doesn't mean that the sport itself is actually popular. I have never met anyone in the UK who actually watches the NFL, and absolutely Gisele Bundchen is more well known in Europe than Tom Brady is.
    I disagree I think most Americans understand that football is something that's only popular in the United States. Like another poster said most Americans are just not concerned if other countries watch our sports leagues or not. If people in other countries watch basketball good for them, but we don't actually care.

  6. #431
    Quote Originally Posted by djrnno View Post
    1st Kansas City is not a big market team. 2nd they just happen to have a very good HC and QB. It's not that KC is in the SB a lot lately, it's the fact that The NFL has set it up that EVERY team has an equal chance of obtaining success. Unlike the NBA
    Sure, there's less of a big market appeal in the NFL than the NBA (not that that's helped the Clippers/Nets/Knicks...meanwhile the Nuggets won the championship last year and this year's conference finalists included Indiana and Minnesota) but you either have parity or you don't, and the myth of the NFL is that a league completely dominated by the Patriots and now the Chiefs has some sort of equal fortune.

  7. #432
    Quote Originally Posted by hornetsrebirth View Post
    I disagree I think most Americans understand that football is something that's only popular in the United States. Like another poster said most Americans are just not concerned if other countries watch our sports leagues or not. If people in other countries watch basketball good for them, but we don't actually care.
    Sure but the point I'm making isn't about the fans, it's about the leagues themselves.

    The NFL seems happy to have a complete stranglehold on American sports with basically zero imprint outside of it. That works for them, obviously they make money from it just fine, and the fans are happy.

    The NBA isn't following that model. It seems happier to take a smaller chunk of the domestic market but is very actively trying to cultivate fanbases outside of the US. It makes sense, because basketball in general is more of a global sport even it's not exclusively the NBA.

    So when people argue that the NBA should change its business model to be more like the NFL's because ''the NBA will never be number 1'' and ''the NFL got it right'' and the NBA ''won't ever sniff the popularity of the NFL'' et cetera et cetera, they're missing the point. They have different goals. The NBA is more popular than ever and, globally speaking, it's the far more culturally relevant sport, which brings its own benefits. That's why noting that the NFL is an insular sports culture with extremely limited reach is important.

    It's also why the claim that parity is important for top level success doesn't work when you examine it on a global level. It may be true in the NFL that parity brings popularity (I wouldn't know, I don't watch the NFL and I'll take other people's word on it) but the NBA draws more inspiration from international soccer/football in that respect, which is heavily imbalanced by design and which is the most popular sport out of all three mentioned.

    Clearly, the NBA doesn't mind having a star-driven league where certain teams languish because clearly that doesn't hurt their bottom line, and arguing that the NFL does it right and is more popular so the NBA should adopt the principles of things like a franchise tag doesn't work if you take the global market into consideration because the NFL isn't globally more popular and the most popular sports have even less parity. Parity is not integral to league success.

    That said, the NBA is about to crown its 6th different champion in 6 years, the last 6 MVPs have been international players, the last ROTY is French and the number one pick of the upcoming draft is likely to be French, and their TV deals are worth more than ever, so it looks like the NBA has achieved precisely what it wanted in terms of international reach and money while also delivering parity at the top end. Anyone can win a chip; Toronto, Denver, Milwaukee have all done it recently.

  8. #433
    Quote Originally Posted by RobertM320 View Post
    Seems like this would preclude anyone choosing to go to New York
    New York just kind of sucks. There are a lot of good reasons to visit and live there short term, but it isn?t somewhere you?d want to stay. Too cramped, smelly, high taxes, crime and too political. It?s never really been much of a sports hotspot despite being a massive market.

  9. #434
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nichols View Post
    This is totally untrue. There's actually what's referred to as a Laker tax. Where they have to overpay to get a deal done.
    Yeah. The Lakers can get anyone they want because basketball players, while celebrities, aren't on the top tier with rappers and movie stars, they're mostly B list celebs.....but being one of the top three or so players in the league or playing for the Lakers vaults you up rubbing elbows with the A listers.

    Someone could make an argument that the movie and music industries have dropped down a bit in American celebrity status but the appeal of playing for LAL is that you get invited to more A list parties and get to upgrade your entourage playing there. So as long as that holds true they will always be able to attract the Lebrons and ADs of the world and by having those guys you'll always attract the role playing ring chasers. It's how they rebuilt so quickly after Kobe with LeBron and it's why they will only be down two to three seasons tops after LeBron when other franchises would take a decade to rebuild.
    Last edited by msusousaphone; 06-11-2024 at 06:15 PM.
    BI, Zion, and CJ had a net rating of +3 when on the court together. BI and Zion had a +13.4, BI and CJ had a +13.2, Zion and CJ was just +5.4.

    BI and Zion worked. BI and CJ worked. It was CJ and Zion and all three together that didn't work.

  10. #435
    The Franchise Contributor luigi modelo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJackisangry View Post
    New York just kind of sucks. There are a lot of good reasons to visit and live there short term, but it isn?t somewhere you?d want to stay. Too cramped, smelly, high taxes, crime and too political. It?s never really been much of a sports hotspot despite being a massive market.
    This is a seriously comical take. NYC is the capital of the world for a reason and you certainly don’t get it. Your summation of NY comes straight from the Fox News sound bites. “It’s never been much of a sports hotspot” Oy vey!! Too funny!!

  11. #436
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    Quote Originally Posted by msusousaphone View Post
    Yeah. The Lakers can get anyone they want because basketball players, while celebrities, aren't on the top tier with rappers and movie stars, they're mostly B list celebs.....but being one of the top three or so players in the league or playing for the Lakers vaults you up rubbing elbows with the A listers.

    Someone could make an argument that the movie and music industries have dropped down a bit in American celebrity status but the appeal of playing for LAL is that you get invited to more A list parties and get to upgrade your entourage playing there. So as long as that holds true they will always be able to attract the Lebrons and ADs of the world and by having those guys you'll always attract the role playing ring chasers. It's how they rebuilt so quickly after Kobe with LeBron and it's why they will only be down two to three seasons tops after LeBron when other franchises would take a decade to rebuild.

  12. #437
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blattman View Post
    Who is using Laker tax except Lakers media and fans ?

    Like most fanbase, they tend to overvalue their own assets so they feel they have to pay more but just look at the history of trades made and you'll see it doesn't exist and more often than not, Lakers tends to take advantage of delfated value of players asking for a trade to them.
    No.. just no. lol. Many team execs have asked more from the Lakers than they would from other teams for role players. A little research would clear that up for you. Paul George wanted to be traded to the Lakers, his team execs resented the idea, and over asked to get the deal done. Even the Pel's execs resented the prospect of sending AD to the Lakers and resisted. It's not just a Lakers issue.

  13. #438
    Well Klay Thompson has purged everything GS related on his social media accounts. Also unfollowed GS


    Would you give Klay a shot here if you are Grif or you think he is done after multiple injuries? I believe we have enough injury prone players on our team so I would pass on him.
    Last edited by 13 - 3; 06-15-2024 at 12:02 AM.

  14. #439
    Off topic: BI has every single attribute that Jayson Tatum has...He just refuses to be "it"

  15. #440
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    Last edited by msusousaphone; 06-15-2024 at 01:16 AM.

  16. #441
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhyHornetsWhy View Post
    Off topic: BI has every single attribute that Jayson Tatum has...He just refuses to be "it"
    I see that. I always remember when Jrue Holliday was the most hated player on the Pels roster. BI has a great work ethic. He'll improve. If I were betting, I'd put money down that he stays. It'll all come down to injuries. If the team stays relatively healthy, we'll contend and everyone will change their minds about him like they have with Jrue and so many other players. If the injuries continue, keeping him will be considered the worst move and the beginning of the end for the Griffin/Green era.

    Klay would be really interesting if we move BI or CJ and end up with Garland or Allen. Would be a bit redundant if we hold pat.

  17. #442
    The fact that our staff is all bolting to Detroit of all places is somewhat concerning. The front office board (Gayle & Dennis, Griff) might actually be okay with our mediocrity. There are some rumblings they are having second thoughts on moving Ingram now that they know his stock is higher than first thought.
    Last edited by 13 - 3; 06-15-2024 at 04:57 PM.

  18. #443
    Quote Originally Posted by Nichols View Post
    Even the Pel's execs resented the prospect of sending AD to the Lakers and resisted.
    Which had nothing to do with it being the Lakers and was entirely because of Lebron/Klutch meddling in the middle of the season.

  19. #444
    Are we getting these two back together in a reunion tour?

  20. #445
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    That would be interesting. It certainly never worked in Portland but they also didn't have Zion. Not the most exciting for me but intriguing.

    Quote Originally Posted by 13 - 3 View Post
    The fact that our staff is all bolting to Detroit of all places is somewhat concerning. The front office board (Gayle & Dennis, Griff) might actually be okay with our mediocrity. There are some rumblings they are having second thoughts on moving Ingram now that they know his stock is higher than first thought.
    Jake Madison had a pretty good quote on this today. Something along the lines of 'staff leaving to take equal or less than positions elsewhere is the sign of a bad franchise. Staff leaving to take more money or a better position (which Trajan and Fred did) is the sign of a healthy one'.

  21. #446
    Quote Originally Posted by msusousaphone View Post
    That would be interesting. It certainly never worked in Portland but they also didn't have Zion. Not the most exciting for me but intriguing.

    Jake Madison had a pretty good quote on this today. Something along the lines of 'staff leaving to take equal or less than positions elsewhere is the sign of a bad franchise. Staff leaving to take more money or a better position (which Trajan and Fred did) is the sign of a healthy one'.
    Jake trying to spin it the best he can. Meanwhile Jrue Holiday is about to get another ring. So I guess Jrue wanted to leave here because the Pelicans were in a good position.

  22. #447
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 13 - 3 View Post
    Jake trying to spin it the best he can. Meanwhile Jrue Holiday is about to get another ring. So I guess Jrue wanted to leave here because the Pelicans were in a good position.
    Jrue wanted to leave to win a ring. I think everyone knew he would not get it here.

  23. #448
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by PELICANSFAN View Post
    Jrue wanted to leave to win a ring. I think everyone knew he would not get it here.
    Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't remember Jrue asking for a trade. I recall that trade happening because the Pelicans wanted to make a move. We needed to acquire assets for rebuilding and knew that we could not be competitive with Jrue being the best player on our team.

  24. #449
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hornetsrebirth View Post
    Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't remember Jrue asking for a trade. I recall that trade happening because the Pelicans wanted to make a move. We needed to acquire assets for rebuilding and knew that we could not be competitive with Jrue being the best player on our team.
    The story that came out was that he requested a trade but did it the right way (behind the scenes) as he thought a rebuild could take too long. Could have been speculation.

  25. #450
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    can jrue come back and help us now

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