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Thread: November 18th - New Orleans Pelicans vs Minnesota Timberwolves - 6-6

  1. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by Mrakar View Post
    We played fast and with energy 3 quarters. Why we have to slow things down in the 4th? These loses grind my geers. We had this one, we played good and i would say we even deserved it. And then we let it go.
    A zone defense slows the game down if you can't shoot them out of it.

  2. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by PaKwAn View Post
    At least our 23yr old player is well rested.......
    Let him rest, he would have been exploited tonight. He sat out the last Minnesota game too.

  3. #78
    Figuring out that zone will be our next step. Having Dyson make his looks inside helps and Naji is capable of a little dribble drive penetration. There is a light. We do have to do a better job of freeing up BI when the traps come and teams try to play him out of the game. Overall I’m satisfied. Annoyed as hell, but we played ball.

  4. #79
    Willie count the Green Fedupfan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJackisangry View Post
    I understand the frustration but I would gladly take a healthy Zion to the postseason. That is more important. I think all in all we are in a really good position as our schedule has been fairly tough and we are keeping afloat. When things get easier and bodies come back, we need to take advantage.
    You think Willie Green can coach this team to the post season?

  5. #80
    Willie count the Green Fedupfan's Avatar
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    I feel like they needed this cause they have no answer for Sacramento.

  6. #81
    I mean. If you're going to go into the 4th up by 10 you might as well win the damn thing.

    This one bites.

  7. #82
    Willie count the Green Fedupfan's Avatar
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    Having a losing record with this roster is insane.

  8. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by As I See It View Post
    Let's trade him and DD for Zach Levine. That's the ticket. LOL
    At least DD was a rookie, what's BI's excuse

  9. #84
    Willie count the Green Fedupfan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djrnno View Post
    At least DD was a rookie, what's BI's excuse
    BI has no excuse. He’s been losing them games in the clutch for 5 years.

  10. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by djrnno View Post
    At least DD was a rookie, what's BI's excuse
    I said that think we should trade him both, don't you? What else do you want from me? To buy # 197's jersey?

    BTW: Know your basketball; DD is not a rookie.


  11. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by Fedupfan View Post
    BI has no excuse. He’s been losing them games in the clutch for 5 years.
    I'd really like to know why people type so much false stupid *** about this one player?

    The last couple years he's been one of the better clutch players in the league.

    He literally sent Minnesota home on a walk off 3 just a couple years ago. Why so much false vitriol on this guy?

    This wasn't even that long ago.

  12. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by luckyman View Post
    I'd really like to know why people type so much false stupid *** about this one player?

    The last couple years he's been one of the better clutch players in the league.

    He literally sent Minnesota home on a walk off 3 just a couple years ago. Why so much false vitriol on this guy?
    Because he's not fat enough, Lucky.

  13. #88
    Anyway, tough loss but better than expected while very short handed.

    Good news is the Kings will be coming in on a back-to-back since they play tomorrow. Hopefully Zion and Jose can play.

    Nobody has posted the videos but Trey looks like he is very much on schedule. Already moving and dunking on that knee..

  14. #89
    I’ve been one of BI’s biggest critics on here, and I thought he had a good game. He had a good look at the end, and it just came up short. Shrug. I thought we played a tough game, and if we have a couple more of our guys for that game, I think we win.

    I was a little disappointed with some of Dyson’s turnovers near the end, but hopefully he’ll learn from that. Herb has to realize how important he is to the team, and watch his foul count. We need him on the court in the end. I’m beginning to become convinced that Herb is the leader of this team, number of points a game be damned.

  15. #90
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    its was a good game that we should have won....

    the last 2 possessions killed it for me.......on defense we went small with robinson -earl as the center... dyson got stuck on Kat and kat drove to the rack and scored......if willie didnt want to play jonas then he should have played zeller to match up with Kat.....zeller had a good game and is more agile than jonas, plus zeller would have gave Kat more size to score over smdh...

    the last play i wish ingram would have shot the 3 to win or loose because to me that was the best shot to take instead of dribbling to get the 2pt over a bigger defender....

  16. #91

    This is exactly the moment when i thought to myself, yes, here we go again, another meltdown. I can't understand that no one out of 4 players didn't think that they should pick up the ball, and that non of the coaches saw that happening and screamed at them or called time-out.
    - We played one of the best quarters since i watch the Pelicans in the first. Fast, decisive, without single iso possession, great passing, great decision making. That is how we need to play even when Zion and CJ are there.
    - We still have 5 minutes holes in the game where we turn the ball over 5-6 times and get outscored by 10/15. Yes we don't have a point guard but it still shouldn't be happening.
    - I love what i saw from Jordan Hawkins especially, but Dyson also. Dyson had some really bad turnovers which i can't really understand since he usually takes care of the ball and makes good decission but he still had a good game. Hawkins is a killer, i think we can as soon as next year, maybe one after put CJ on the bench.
    - In game coaching/adjustment needs to be better. We strugled against the zone and it shouldn't happen in 2023 with so many shooters out there. Also they need to make it clear to other players they cant stay put if opponent is doubling teammate. BI went 2 times out of bounds in the 4th because he didn't have clear pass availible. It's also a bit on him, but more on the rest of the guys.
    - BI doesn't need to take every last shot. Yes he is great at making though shots, but it is also what other teams are expecting and preparing. Even if he made it i would say it is a bad shot. I actually wrote before the play that it will probably be a turnover if we go for him. It wasn't but still they had whole team focusing on BI. He actually had a pass to Valanciunas at some point because both Mcdaniels and Gobert were on him. Finch probably told them BI is not passing. We didn't even manage to get Mcdaniels of him. Don't get me wrong, it's the shot he is making like 50% of the time which is a good option, but i just think we could drew a better shot for someone else, and if it is not there, BI can always pull-up from the middle.
    - And guys, we still have solid 5 that is injured. Alvarado/CJ/Murphy/Zion/Nance. Imagine if those guys got the minutes of Ryan, Zeller and Earl-Robinson. I like this loss more then first 4 wins where we played like crap but still somehow won.

    For the future: Limit turnovers, better in-game adjustements, play our game whole 48 minutes and don't slow it down if we have a 10pt lead(unless its under 2 minutes to the end).

    And i have to add one things, i don't like to talk about refs, especailly after we killed ourselves, but that Towns 3 shouldn't happen since Gobert clearly made a foul(moving screen) on Herb.
    Last edited by Mrakar; 11-19-2023 at 04:26 AM.

  17. #92
    Both teams shot 41% from 3pt

    They took 3 more three pointers

    they shot 53,8% from the field
    we shot 51%

    they won by one

    shame on the BI haters. He's not our problem

  18. #93
    Willie count the Green Fedupfan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fullcourtpress View Post
    Both teams shot 41% from 3pt

    They took 3 more three pointers

    they shot 53,8% from the field
    we shot 51%

    they won by one

    shame on the BI haters. He's not our problem
    The problem is really simple. WILLIE GREEN

  19. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by Fedupfan View Post
    The problem is really simple. WILLIE GREEN
    To be fair, that was a really tough game to play missing so many bodies on a back to back and we almost took it. If I blame Green for anything it’s maybe not adjusting during that stretch where they started harassing BI and zoning is out of the game, but we were almost always going to be against it and it came to the last second. We need to get everyone healthy then he will have no excuses.

  20. #95
    How good is JHawk for a rookie though? At this rate we will have two Trey Murphy’s on the court and that is exciting.

  21. #96
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    Let me give my boy jonas some love...on a back to back he had to deal with jokic,,kat and gobert and jonas added more then he gave up........

    i also kinda enjoyed watching dyson and herb guarding all-star centers last night...kat was settling for most of the game and shooting outside shots but at the end of the game kat did put his head down and took dyson to the rack and scored the game winning shot which imo was a bad coaching rotation by having a smaller dyson on kat on that last play .......

  22. #97
    Irrational Optimist Contributor neworleanshoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fedupfan View Post
    You think Willie Green can coach this team to the post season?

  23. #98
    Quote Originally Posted by As I See It View Post
    I said that think we should trade him both, don't you? What else do you want from me? To buy # 197's jersey?

    BTW: Know your basketball; DD is not a rookie.

    I'm talking about last yr when he missed 2 FT's at the end of the game

  24. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by djrnno View Post
    I'm talking about last yr when he missed 2 FT's at the end of the game
    Yeah that was obvious. LOLOLOL

  25. #100
    If anything they should have had Herb on Kat since he has a longer reach and has a penchant for blocking/bothering shots. Dyson is more of a steals guy.

    Herb can also handle so they should have let him control the offense and played BI off ball when they started blitzing him.

    This one really sucked. Watch the Pelicans end up one game from a higher seed.

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