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Thread: General Offseason News

  1. #201
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! donato's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Butters View Post
    If Charlotte takes Miller and Portland offers Simmons and the number three, which would be Scoot, does Zion pack his bags?
    I would hope we could make a bigger package and pry Shaedon Sharpe. Portland wants to win now, so...

    Adjusting that trade to something like this:

    Last edited by donato; 06-20-2023 at 11:00 AM.

  2. #202
    Quote Originally Posted by donato View Post
    Who cares if the media hammers us? That's what they've usually done anyway. At this point I couldn't care less about their criticism.
    Which is why I said that if there's a can't-say-no haul, then you take the criticism. But why invite it for a subpar return? That's what I was saying.

  3. #203
    I will yet again reiterate my belief that we'll probably keep both Zion and Ingram this summer and any major moves that happen will be pick based, probably involving JV as cash may be needed, and will probably involve us trying to awkward thread the needle between youth movement and contention, because that is the Griff special.

  4. #204
    Quote Originally Posted by DaFranchise80 View Post

    I have no clue how to embed tweets. Someone help me out please

    You click the three dots in the top right of the tweet, which gives a drop down menu. Select 'embed tweet'. It then takes you to a page with a link you copy - paste that link in to embed it.

  5. #205
    Windhorst: ''Zion has no relationship with the team, no relationship with his teammates.''

    CJ: ''It's the offseason and me and Zion are working out together, he looks great''
    Zion: constantly doing youth events at the Pels facility in the offseason

    I'm not trying to act like Zion is best friends with everyone employed by the Pels, that's just not likely at all - and who would expect it? - but he clearly has at least a reasonable relationship with some teammates and parts of the FO.

  6. #206
    Snarky Optimistic Guy msusousaphone's Avatar
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    Yeah. That definitely doesn't sound like no relationship.

    My take on backlash if something did happen, from how things have played out over the past few years and with this side boo drama, my wager is we would be seen as the victims and Zion would get most of the negativity UNLESS he has some dirt on the FO that he unloads.
    Last edited by msusousaphone; 06-20-2023 at 01:04 PM.
    BI, Zion, and CJ had a net rating of +3 when on the court together. BI and Zion had a +13.4, BI and CJ had a +13.2, Zion and CJ was just +5.4.

    BI and Zion worked. BI and CJ worked. It was CJ and Zion and all three together that didn't work.

  7. #207

  8. #208

  9. #209
    Quote Originally Posted by msusousaphone View Post
    Yeah. That definitely doesn't sound like no relationship.

    My take on backlash if something did happen, from how things have played out over the past few years and with this side boo drama, my wager is we would be seen as the victims and Zion would get most of the negativity UNLESS he has some dirt on the FO that he unloads.

  10. #210
    I see it as highly unlikely that the Pels come out looking the victim.

    All Zion has to do is say ''I rehabbed in Portland instead of New Orleans because they hired a completely incompetent training staff - who they have since fired because he's clashed with me, Gentry, SVG, and Ingram - and I had zero trust in them to help me through another injury. My rookie year I got injured and they kept me out an extra 6 weeks trying to re-teach me to walk when I was ready to play. How could I have any faith in that garbage fire of a front office?''

    And then the media storm is ''New Orleans is a poorly run franchise, with a spending averse owner, in a terrible arena, who has had two consecutive number one picks fumbled, run by Griffin who has fumbled #1 picks before elsewhere, and now they're trying to throw the blame on to the 22 year old when these problems pre-date him and will continue after he's gone.''

    New Orleans is already a team they hate. You think that they're going to give the franchise the benefit of the doubt over Zion? When his ''side boo drama'' is no different from what most of the league already does? Bogut was in the media saying as much the other day. Bogut's coming out to say it's not unusual, KG is now in the media telling the franchise to calm down because he's a young man who makes mistakes, and you're saying the media is going to cast us as the victim when they already want us moved from the city? Come on, now.

  11. #211
    Buying high and selling low is just bad business. If Z and BI can play 65 games each we're probably in the WCF

  12. #212

  13. #213

  14. #214

  15. #215
    Willie count the Green Fedupfan's Avatar
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    Zion is generational, but the Pels have several factors to consider. If Zion gets another bad injury, they have his salary and a guy who not many would trade for at that point. This is a serious roll of the dice. He could also figure out his body and reach his ceiling.
    The Pels have the leverage with Portland. It is much more in their interest to acquire Zion in order to make Dame happy, than the Pels trading Zion for Scoot. It’s just the smoke they are trying to cover this up with is non sense. The Pels are in the driver seat right now. I don’t care what any media pawn decides to lie about. Blazers want Zion more than Pels want Scoot.

  16. #216
    Quote Originally Posted by Fedupfan View Post
    Zion is generational, but the Pels have several factors to consider. If Zion gets another bad injury, they have his salary and a guy who not many would trade for at that point. This is a serious roll of the dice.
    I know this has been said a million times but it somehow keeps not influencing the discussion.

    Zion's contract is set up with a bunch of non-guaranteed money in it that relies on both him hitting weight/body fat %age numbers, and games played. If Zion is injured severely enough going forward (this is the first year of the new contract) to legitimately impact winning, his money owed drops precipitously to the point where, if it's truly apparent that he will never be healthy, he could even conceivably be just cut without that much salary drama.

    This is why it's not a serious roll of the dice. If you keep Zion, and he plays, you have an MVP talent. If you keep Zion and he never gets it together you can cut him for basically nothing. If you trade him while his value is low and then he plays, you just gave up an MVP level talent for crumbs. It's very little risk, very high reward to keep him.

  17. #217

  18. #218

  19. #219
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    Yes please!!!

  20. #220
    New Orleans wants Scoot.

    Scoot wants New Orleans.

    Griff, make the deal.

  21. #221

  22. #222
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! pelicanchamp's Avatar
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    We need a big man and a point guard. Get Scoot and add a shot blocker big. I don?t want to trade Zion unless we know he?s not going to change. We could regret it so bad. Gotta keep that in mind.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  23. #223
    Quote Originally Posted by pelicanchamp View Post
    We need a big man and a point guard. Get Scoot and add a shot blocker big. I don?t want to trade Zion unless we know he?s not going to change. We could regret it so bad. Gotta keep that in mind.
    As far as I'm concerned, the only reason you move Zion is if you're convinced his injury problems will never come around.

    But surely, you'd want your new training staff/people to make that evaluation, and we haven't even hired them yet (at least not publicly). So it's hard to imagine a move there unless someone just offers the world for him, imo.

  24. #224

    A little more info on this move

  25. #225
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post

    A little more info on this move
    Clippers make out like bandits.

    pays to be opportunistic i guess.

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