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Thread: Rank Thes Outcomes

  1. #101
    Easy to forget now, but a year ago Kuminga was thought of as way too raw to play in year 1. And if he went to a bad team, I wouldn’t have played him. But with the Warriors, he could just play with energy and was never one of the top 3 guys the defense was focused on so he could just attack. Perfect example of a raw guy going to a good team and it making his transition so easy.

  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    Easy to forget now, but a year ago Kuminga was thought of as way too raw to play in year 1. And if he went to a bad team, I wouldn’t have played him. But with the Warriors, he could just play with energy and was never one of the top 3 guys the defense was focused on so he could just attack. Perfect example of a raw guy going to a good team and it making his transition so easy.
    Mac, I can't see anyone convincing Griff to take a flyer on Sharpe if he is there. Im hoping we draft him and redshirt him for a year, but man I can't see Griff pulling the trigger.

    Only longshot is the FO showing Griff the collaborative efforts worked when selecting Willie Green as a coach, but this will need for the FO to really lockstep in on taking Sharpe and idk if he has that many supporters.
    CAW CAW!!!

    -Founder and valuable member of the Caw Caw Boyz-

  3. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    And to be clear, I would be really surprised if it were Sharpe. Partly because I would still be surprised if he is there and partly because I just dont think Griff pulls the trigger if he is. He is so scarred by 'camps' - from Lebron to Kyrie to Zion - that I just would bet on him passing unless something changes. Then again, the camp was part of why he had Kira over Maxey and look how that turned out. Just take the talent, man, and if you dont like the camp, the dude will have insane trade value. Also, what is the point of coaches and having all these locker room leaders if not to take a talent and help mold him into a professional?
    Yea, sounds like Griff is choosing "character," humility, work ethic over "star potential" if the talent level is close. But if Sharpe falls to 8, that likely means Ivey, Daniels, Murray, and Mathurin went 4-7, in some order. Unless someone else jumps up. Then it would come down to Sharpe vs. Griffin / Sochan / Duren / Branham / Dieng / J. Davis.

    Picking Murray, Daniels or Mathurin over Sharpe -- the fanbase could talk themselves into it. But if they take A. Griffin over Sharpe, that could cause some fan rioting. I could get behind taking Sochan over Sharpe. The irony of Griff literally choosing defense/will/heart/BBIQ over star potential w/ camp - would be great theater.

  4. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by Silverfoxx View Post
    Mac, I can't see anyone convincing Griff to take a flyer on Sharpe if he is there. Im hoping we draft him and redshirt him for a year, but man I can't see Griff pulling the trigger.

    Only longshot is the FO showing Griff the collaborative efforts worked when selecting Willie Green as a coach, but this will need for the FO to really lockstep in on taking Sharpe and idk if he has that many supporters.
    Griff definitely wouldn’t take him. Only chance he is a Pel is if he gets outvoted

  5. #105
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    Griff definitely wouldn’t take him. Only chance he is a Pel is if he gets outvoted
    Is this conjecture or being presented as known information? If it's known that Griff (or any other decision maker) definitely wouldn't take Sharpe, that's pretty big news given that everyone is updating their mock drafts and podcasts with new information. Other GM/Presidents would value that info as well.

    For instance, if he's not likely to get drafted by Pels, Pacers, or Blazers... Pistons could easily trade down, pick up assets, and still get a guy that would be a great fit for them next to Cade.

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by NMThreeMVP View Post
    Is this conjecture or being presented as known information? If it's known that Griff (or any other decision maker) definitely wouldn't take Sharpe, that's pretty big news given that everyone is updating their mock drafts and podcasts with new information. Other GM/Presidents would value that info as well.

    For instance, if he's not likely to get drafted by Pels, Pacers, or Blazers... Pistons could easily trade down, pick up assets, and still get a guy that would be a great fit for them next to Cade.
    I like Turtles

  7. #107
    I think I am very clear when something is my opinion vs when its something I get from very reliable sources.

    People dont fully understand Griff and I know that his "good human" stuff comes off as cult-ish and hokey sometimes, but he really believes it. One of his favorite books is The Alchemist and he is a big believer in the sum of the parts being greater than the whole, and conversely, a team performing less than the sum of its parts when the fit isnt right. And that isn't basketball fit as much as "human fit"

    He hated the way they won in Cleveland. Felt it was a necessary evil, but not the way he wanted to win again. He wants to win the San Antonio Duncan way. With humility, loyalty, guys who buy into the team concept, etc. He has hated the last few years with Zion but now feels like Zion and his camp are finally coming along. The last thing he wants to do is walk on eggshells with another camp. The team is good enough to where he doesnt feel like he has to sacrifice principles for anyone any more. He can actually say the "you're all in or all out" line and back it up by trading literally anyone if they arent all in and still have enough talent regardless.

    So, no conjecture. Not a Sharpe fan unless he and his camp prove he has that competitive hunger and willingness to do anything for the good of the team.

  8. #108
    And not that my opinion matters but I disagree. You take the player and believe in your infrastructure to get him on board. Writing a 19 yr old off because he is a little self centered is like writing off a tortoise because it’s a little slow. The job is to mold these young men, not just take the ones who were already molded for you. Patriots and Spurs sustained dynasties because they frequently took in talented “problem guys” into their locker room and got them to buy in

  9. #109
    The Franchise
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    I like what Grif is trying to put together. This year turned around in a good way and gave him a little more leeway. I still like talent but I don’t want a player that either doesn’t want to play here or at least try to play team ball. When you defend, it has to be with a hive mentality and you can’t do that being a loner. Offensively, there’s a little more flexibility. Of the 3 players I think Pels fans want (Maturin, Daniels, and Sharpe), I hope the one we might get turns out to be a star. Either way this is the most confidence I’ve had going into the draft in a long time.

  10. #110
    I don’t know how confident I am. Hayes wasn’t the right pick. Either was NAW or Kira. Trey looks good, but they had some guys higher on their board that could have been the pick last year (like Kispert). They would have traded Haliburton if he fell one more spot because they didn’t love him. On the plus side, they LOVED Mobley last year and saw his full potential. Also really loved Ja too.

    Either way, I don’t have full confidence in this staff evaluating top prospects. But hoped this is the year they crush it in the first round. Lot of swings and misses (and some foul balls) so far

  11. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    I don’t know how confident I am. Hayes wasn’t the right pick. Either was NAW or Kira. Trey looks good, but they had some guys higher on their board that could have been the pick last year (like Kispert). They would have traded Haliburton if he fell one more spot because they didn’t love him. On the plus side, they LOVED Mobley last year and saw his full potential. Also really loved Ja too.

    Either way, I don’t have full confidence in this staff evaluating top prospects. But hoped this is the year they crush it in the first round. Lot of swings and misses (and some foul balls) so far
    For what it’s worth, I heard their board was Trey, Kispert, Duarte in that order prior to the draft

  12. #112
    Kispert was above Trey. It doesn’t matter much, they took someone good. But there have still been more misses than hits. Hopefully, they have learned and mail this year. I just don’t think we can objectively say they are good, or even above average, as a regime. But if they nail these next few drafts, it can make up for the 19 and 20 drafts

  13. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    Kispert was above Trey. It doesn’t matter much, they took someone good. But there have still been more misses than hits. Hopefully, they have learned and mail this year. I just don’t think we can objectively say they are good, or even above average, as a regime. But if they nail these next few drafts, it can make up for the 19 and 20 drafts
    AJ Griffin is about to be next best 21# jersey since ...

  14. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    I don’t know how confident I am. Hayes wasn’t the right pick. Either was NAW or Kira.
    The Jaxson pick just stings to me because going from #4 to #8 is a dramatic drop. Garland would have been an interesting fit with this team.

  15. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by rocketfox View Post
    The Jaxson pick just stings to me because going from #4 to #8 is a dramatic drop. Garland would have been an interesting fit with this team.
    Then again, Garland had signed with Klutch Paul agency, right off the heels of the AD / Rich Paul saga, and Griffin also had to deal with their influence over his team in Cleveland. How much did that factor in to passing on Garland?

    We haven't had a Klutch client on the roster since Bledsoe and Ball. Does Griff have a no-Klutch policy now? Who will be the next Klutch client the Pels add...

  16. #116
    Quote Originally Posted by Rheem654 View Post
    Then again, Garland had signed with Klutch Paul agency, right off the heels of the AD / Rich Paul saga, and Griffin also had to deal with their influence over his team in Cleveland. How much did that factor in to passing on Garland?

    We haven't had a Klutch client on the roster since Bledsoe and Ball. Does Griff have a no-Klutch policy now? Who will be the next Klutch client the Pels add...

  17. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    And not that my opinion matters but I disagree. You take the player and believe in your infrastructure to get him on board. Writing a 19 yr old off because he is a little self centered is like writing off a tortoise because it’s a little slow. The job is to mold these young men, not just take the ones who were already molded for you. Patriots and Spurs sustained dynasties because they frequently took in talented “problem guys” into their locker room and got them to buy in
    Your Spurs example might not be a good one. They selected "problem guys" Indeed but I don't remember any player with a camp except Kawhi and we all saw how it played out. The problem with players with an entourage is that they are not self aware and entitled because their camp never offer them objectivity. To me to truly succeed you need to be able to handle criticism without blaming others.

    So yeah, I'm team Griffin on this one. Wost case if the pels are in position to draft Sharpe and their higher ranked players are gone, they work a trade down, I wouldn't be mad with Branham or Dieng plus assets.

  18. #118
    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    Griff definitely wouldn’t take him. Only chance he is a Pel is if he gets outvoted
    Who would be the ones voting and how often does he get outvoted?

  19. #119
    Back Door Man RUFshreve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AusPel View Post
    Needs subtitles.

  20. #120
    It would be interesting if Sharpe falls to 7 what Portland would do. The best fit for their team would seem to be Daniels. A big guard can that can guard 1's or 2's which would take the pressure of Dame. And Daniels weaknesses fall directly into Dame's strengths. I know they've worked him out and are supposedly interested. (Personally I can see Daniels fitting on the Blazers much more than him fitting with us.) I've also heard that they wouldn't mind trading the pick. So if Sharpe falls to them I wonder if they start getting calls from a lot of teams and if they pull the trigger.

  21. #121
    Quote Originally Posted by Blattman View Post
    Your Spurs example might not be a good one. They selected "problem guys" Indeed but I don't remember any player with a camp except Kawhi and we all saw how it played out. The problem with players with an entourage is that they are not self aware and entitled because their camp never offer them objectivity. To me to truly succeed you need to be able to handle criticism without blaming others.

    So yeah, I'm team Griffin on this one. Wost case if the pels are in position to draft Sharpe and their higher ranked players are gone, they work a trade down, I wouldn't be mad with Branham or Dieng plus assets.
    Is the argument here that Kawhi was a bad pick for them because of how it played out?!!?

    Also, it was not just draft picks. Guys like Stephen Jackson helped them win titles. Point is, why build this supposed strong infrastructure if not to use that to bring in talented guys who might go the wrong way without good leadership? This is a 19 yr old kid who was the #1 prospect in his class. Every girl, every grown man in a basketball profession, etc has given him whatever he has wanted, told him whatever he wanted to hear, etc. if that happened to my 19 year old self, I might not be the most humble either. Doubt any of us would be. But that’s why you have a CJ, a Jonas, a Willie, a Trajan, etc.

    Can’t build dynasties off all choir boys

  22. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by Freyfamilyreuni View Post
    It would be interesting if Sharpe falls to 7 what Portland would do. The best fit for their team would seem to be Daniels. A big guard can that can guard 1's or 2's which would take the pressure of Dame. And Daniels weaknesses fall directly into Dame's strengths. I know they've worked him out and are supposedly interested. (Personally I can see Daniels fitting on the Blazers much more than him fitting with us.) I've also heard that they wouldn't mind trading the pick. So if Sharpe falls to them I wonder if they start getting calls from a lot of teams and if they pull the trigger.
    Something like J. Grant and Olynyk for #7 makes sense. Pistons take Murray at 5 and Sharpe at 7. Blazers roll out Dame, Simons, Hart, Grant quartet next year. Would make sense for both teams.

    Pacers probably take Daniels in that scenario, Pels get Mathurin.

  23. #123
    Quote Originally Posted by RUFshreve View Post
    Needs subtitles.
    Such a ubiquitous meme needs no subtitles

  24. #124
    Hollygrove 4 Life DroopyDawg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMcNamara View Post
    This is a 19 yr old kid who was the #1 prospect in his class. Every girl, every grown man in a basketball profession, etc has given him whatever he has wanted, told him whatever he wanted to hear, etc.
    Sounds a lot like the guy on our roster now that got paid a full salary to not play a game.

  25. #125
    Yup. But that dude is singing a new tune because the Pels are winners, because of Willie, because of CJ, etc

    If I am Sacto, no chance I take a shot on Sharpe. Pels? Yes, please

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