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Thread: Kendrick Perkins Is Having a Meltdown

  1. #1

    Kendrick Perkins Is Having a Meltdown

    I know this is kind of off-topic, but Kendrick Perkins is currently having a very bizarre Twitter tantrum. It talks about Gentry, AD, and the trade, so there's some relation to us, but really it's just very weird.

    It's all just very bizarre. First of all, regardless of what you think of Dell in retrospect, a lot of the picks he traded weren't terrible moves in isolation. Obviously the Asik move was, but there's a really strong argument that trading the firsts that acquired Jrue, Boogie, and Niko were all at least acceptable moves.

    Secondly: surrounded AD with mediocre talent? Perk, one year we surrounded him with YOU. Also, all that ''mediocre talent'' we surrounded him with is currently surrounding him in LA. They've got Rondo, Boogie, Quinn Cook, and they've even hired off some of our training staff. If you're gonna curse out NOLA for surrounding him with poor talent, then you've gotta give the same heat to LA for signing the same guys.

    Thirdly: Mark Jackson isn't blackballed for ''what he believes'', he's blackballed because he's a moron and a psycho. He's a homophobic idiot who told his team that one of the players (I believe it was Barnes?) was possessed by a demon. He refused to let assistant coaches talk to the media because he believed they were all trying to get his job, told the players that the front office didn't WANT them to win because they wanted Jackson to look bad, banned Jerry West from practises (!!!!), told the team that Festus Ezeli wanted them to lose while he was injured so he looked better, and a lot of this is not just rumours. Some of this has been reported by Zach Lowe, for example. He's just a nutjob nobody wants to hire because he's insane.

    Perk needs to cool off the Twitter fingers and go have a smoothie or something.

  2. #2
    The summer heat may be getting the best of him.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Sometimes you need to spew insignificant things to seem significant.....KP.

  4. #4

    I just had to google it to check, but yes, apparently this is true.

    I thought I had already collected all of the Crazy Mark Jackson events, but apparently I missed a BIG one. Wow.

  5. #5
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    It amazes me that someone as irrelevant as Perkins got a job on network TV. He is almost impossible to understand and has a very weak ability to speak the English language.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by PELICANSFAN View Post
    It amazes me that someone as irrelevant as Perkins got a job on network TV. He is almost impossible to understand and has a very weak ability to speak the English language.
    It's the cult of the Player.

    For some reason, there's this idea out there that if you played in the NBA, you have hallowed insight. That there's some key spark of knowledge that players have, but which nobody else can: that their analysis is always de facto superior than anyone else's regardless of what they base it on, or how good they actually were. Players are just given this special perception by the media.

    There are actual players who are perfectly fine analysts. Richard Jefferson, for example, during his time on TV was really good. Tracy McGrady is actually not too bad either, overall. Whenever Vince Carter makes his appearances, it's always good, and although it's not in an analytic role, whenever Lou Will or Pat Beverley get interviewed they are pretty articulate and have interesting things to say.

    But the Cult of the Player does not discriminate. And so we get Ryan Hollins and Kendrick Perkins trotted out on the television 10 times a week to make it clear that being a player doesn't excuse you from being a clueless idiot.

  7. #7
    Let’s not be to hard on him. He defended the Pelicans hiring Griff.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by 13 - 3 View Post
    Let’s not be to hard on him. He defended the Pelicans hiring Griff.

    That was something that never needed defending. Everyone knew it was a good thing pretty much the moment it happened. Half this board was hoping Griff would get the job the minute names came out, and those people who didn't have him as number 1 generally had him as number 2. You're essentially saying we should give Perkins credit for only being 99.9% braindead instead of 100%.

  9. #9
    Perk has been supportive of Pelicans since hiring of Griff and yes Perk was right on assessment of Demps.

  10. #10
    I have to agree with Perk . Isn’t what Kerr is complaining about EXACTLY the same thing Kerr did? Buying Durant after losing to Cavs in Finals! Buying Cousins.Fair argument also Mark Jackson built the team.
    Last edited by 13 - 3; 07-24-2019 at 06:52 PM.

  11. #11
    Perk not the only one that feels like this,


  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by 13 - 3 View Post
    Perk not the only one that feels like this,

    But Iguodala’s most explosive comments involved the role of president and chief operating officer Rick Welts in Jackson’s ouster. Welts, who Iguodala says started NBA All-Star weekend, is an out gay man and his views apparently did not vibe with Jackson’s views on homosexuality. Iguodala said the conflicts within the organization as they pertained to this issue were “widespread.”

    Perhaps because Jackson couldn’t “play the part,” as Iguodala put it, of someone who accepted homosexuality, the relationship between him and the organization ripped beyond repair. But some may consider that reference to “playing a part” also may apply to Jackson literally preaching one thing but doing another — specifically, having an affair with a former stripper who then attempted to extort him.

    In taking a diplomatic approach, Iguodala’s message isn’t entirely clear on who’s more at fault — whether the Warriors didn’t accept Jackson’s practice of religion at work or whether Jackson was outspoken about not accepting Welts’ homosexuality. Either way, he does believe Jackson was blackballed from the NBA following his time in Golden State.

  13. #13
    Didn't realise Perk had an account on here

    I literally responded to the entire point about Mark Jackson in the original post.

    There's a difference between being ''blackballed'', which implies that you're unfairly being held out of a position due to interpersonal reasons, and being justifiably unhired because you're a bigot who creates unpleasant and unprofessional working environments and doesn't respect his co-workers. It's not like Jackson just didn't agree with ownership's view on tax rates or something, he literally refused to allow people to do their jobs due to his paranoia, and several of his actions either add up to physically endangering his players (getting Curry to hop up and down on a sprained ankle to prove Jesus had healed it), or workplace bullying (claiming Barnes was possessed by a demon and spreading lies about Festus Ezeli to the point that the man broke down in tears during a players meeting).

    Perkins is going beyond implying, he's just flat out stating that Mark Jackson is being barred from NBA jobs because he's a Christian. No. Mark Jackson is not being hired because he's a cancerous locker room presence, a horrible human being who sabotages players, creates interpersonal distress, is a bully, endangers his player's health, and much more. And if Iguodala thinks that's ''blackballing'' then Iguodala's wrong as well.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by 13 - 3 View Post
    I have to agree with Perk . Isn’t what Kerr is complaining about EXACTLY the same thing Kerr did? Buying Durant after losing to Cavs in Finals! Buying Cousins.Fair argument also Mark Jackson built the team.
    No lol Infact Kerr actually makes sure that isn’t his argument in his statement.

    He’s just stating that a player - who signs on the dotted line — has an obligation to play out their contract.

    The real elephant in the room is that what he’s stating should be done by players and ridiculing them for is actually what teams are allowed to do when they want to dissolve a contract with a player...aka trading a player. That’s where Steve Kerr is wrong for in my opinion...not taking that into consideration. Either you give all players no trade clauses or he’s being hypocritical in that sense.

    But what he’s complaining about isn’t exactly what he did. No.

  15. #15
    One down side to Davis playing his contract out here. We would have gotten nothing in return when he left.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    Didn't realise Perk had an account on here

    I literally responded to the entire point about Mark Jackson in the original post.

    There's a difference between being ''blackballed'', which implies that you're unfairly being held out of a position due to interpersonal reasons, and being justifiably unhired because you're a bigot who creates unpleasant and unprofessional working environments and doesn't respect his co-workers. It's not like Jackson just didn't agree with ownership's view on tax rates or something, he literally refused to allow people to do their jobs due to his paranoia, and several of his actions either add up to physically endangering his players (getting Curry to hop up and down on a sprained ankle to prove Jesus had healed it), or workplace bullying (claiming Barnes was possessed by a demon and spreading lies about Festus Ezeli to the point that the man broke down in tears during a players meeting).

    Perkins is going beyond implying, he's just flat out stating that Mark Jackson is being barred from NBA jobs because he's a Christian. No. Mark Jackson is not being hired because he's a cancerous locker room presence, a horrible human being who sabotages players, creates interpersonal distress, is a bully, endangers his player's health, and much more. And if Iguodala thinks that's ''blackballing'' then Iguodala's wrong as well.
    I don’t think that I mean Gentry sat next to the guy during Summer League. Perhaps Skip explains it better


  17. #17
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 13 - 3 View Post
    Let’s not be to hard on him. He defended the Pelicans hiring Griff.
    Did that need to be defended?

  18. #18
    Explained perfectly


    See this is tough because on the surface Steve Kerr makes a good point. What Anthony Davis did to the Pelicans was ********ed up and everyone knows it. He wasn’t injured, he just got bad advice from Rich Paul and made his trade demand public which tanked the Pelicans season. We all knew he wanted to find his way to LA and he did it by being kind of a dick. There was the flipping the bird incident to Pelicans fans, and then the “That’s All Folks” t-shirt ordeal where he said with a straight face he as a grown man doesn’t dress himself, the whole thing was a disaster and I don’t think anyone really disagrees with that.

    But here’s the thing. Why leave out what Paul George did? That was a player who had more years left on his deal than Davis, had supposedly talked about how happy he was in OKC and then boom he demanded a trade after his first season. If Kerr is so adamant about guys signing the dotted line and then being committed to playing for that team, well there really isn’t that much of a difference between what Davis did and what George did. Plus, the Clippers are way more of a threat to the Warriors than the Lakers are anyway. Now I will say, the biggest difference is that George played hurt for OKC, his shoulders were messed up and he still went out there and suited up despite not really wanting to be there. So in that regard he differs from AD, but the premise of guys who are still under contract demanding a trade is basically the same thing.

    The reality is in this era of the NBA where star players have all the power, this is most likely only the beginning. It’s become the norm where it doesn’t matter how many years your star has left on his deal, there’s a chance you may have to deal with a trade demand because they want to go play with a buddy. Teams do what’s in their best interests all the time despite contracts (see Andre Iguodala) and players are starting to do the same and now it’s a problem for the league? We may never get a situation like Davis where he was completely healthy and the team had to hold him out because they couldn’t risk losing value in a trade if he got hurt, and again Steve Kerr isn’t wrong in what he says, it’s just weird that he’s only focused on Anthony Davis when Paul George pulled something pretty similar.

    Also, if Anthony Davis wanted to find his way to GS, I’m thinking Steve Kerr wouldn’t have a problem with anything he did in NO but that’s just me. He didn’t seem to have a problem with his players recruiting Durant while he was still under contract in OKC and hadn’t officially hit free agency yet. I love Steve Kerr for the most part, but he comes off super salty here in my opinion.

  19. #19
    As so many here have said, most folks didn't have any problem with Davis asking for a trade. If he'd just quietly notified the team at the conclusion at the season that he wasn't going to sign his extension, his wishes could have been accommodated and he would have been doing the team a favor by letting them receive compensation instead of just walking at the end of his contract. The problem was him trying to force his way on to the Lakers in the middle of the season, essentially holding a gun to the head of the Pels organization.

    Of course, as things turned out AD's demand might have been the best thing that ever happened to the Pelicans as it was the catalyst for a complete culture change in the organization which was the underlying problem all along. So often the "disasters" in our life turn out to be a blessing in disguise. In so far as players are notifying teams of their intention not to resign heading into the last year of their deals, I don't think that's exactly "forcing" your way off the team and to that extent I think Kerr is wrong. But asking out with multiple years left or folding up on your team in the middle of a season is damaging to the league.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by new city champ View Post
    As so many here have said, most folks didn't have any problem with Davis asking for a trade. If he'd just quietly notified the team at the conclusion at the season that he wasn't going to sign his extension, his wishes could have been accommodated and he would have been doing the team a favor by letting them receive compensation instead of just walking at the end of his contract. The problem was him trying to force his way on to the Lakers in the middle of the season, essentially holding a gun to the head of the Pels organization.
    Exactly. If all Davis had done was decide he wanted to move on, and had quietly told the front office ''Look, guys, I won't be signing any extensions. I'm planning to leave when my free agency hits. I'm not going to change my mind, so you should just move me now and get the best deal you can for me. I prefer the Lakers as a destination, if possible, so if you could try that avenue first for me, I'd appreciate it'', then nobody would mind. Sure, it would hurt for your franchise superstar to ask out like that, but nobody would blame him, and the reasons would be clear, and he would have handled it maturely and sensibly.

    It was the absolute car crash disaster tour he went on that soured everyone on him entirely.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    It's the cult of the Player.

    For some reason, there's this idea out there that if you played in the NBA, you have hallowed insight. That there's some key spark of knowledge that players have, but which nobody else can: that their analysis is always de facto superior than anyone else's regardless of what they base it on, or how good they actually were. Players are just given this special perception by the media.

    There are actual players who are perfectly fine analysts. Richard Jefferson, for example, during his time on TV was really good. Tracy McGrady is actually not too bad either, overall. Whenever Vince Carter makes his appearances, it's always good, and although it's not in an analytic role, whenever Lou Will or Pat Beverley get interviewed they are pretty articulate and have interesting things to say.

    But the Cult of the Player does not discriminate. And so we get Ryan Hollins and Kendrick Perkins trotted out on the television 10 times a week to make it clear that being a player doesn't excuse you from being a clueless idiot.
    Paul Pierce is pretty bad on TV too. Jalen Rose is amazing to listen to.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Wowowowow View Post
    The real elephant in the room is that what he’s stating should be done by players and ridiculing them for is actually what teams are allowed to do when they want to dissolve a contract with a player...aka trading a player. That’s where Steve Kerr is wrong for in my opinion...not taking that into consideration. Either you give all players no trade clauses or he’s being hypocritical in that sense.

    But what he’s complaining about isn’t exactly what he did. No.
    False equivalence. When a player is traded his contract isn't dissolved, its still in effect. All the team has done is swap that asset (the contract) for other assets (player contracts, picks, cash).
    Last edited by RobertM320; 07-25-2019 at 09:59 AM.

  23. #23
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pelicanidae View Post
    Exactly. If all Davis had done was decide he wanted to move on, and had quietly told the front office ''Look, guys, I won't be signing any extensions. I'm planning to leave when my free agency hits. I'm not going to change my mind, so you should just move me now and get the best deal you can for me. I prefer the Lakers as a destination, if possible, so if you could try that avenue first for me, I'd appreciate it'', then nobody would mind. Sure, it would hurt for your franchise superstar to ask out like that, but nobody would blame him, and the reasons would be clear, and he would have handled it maturely and sensibly.

    It was the absolute car crash disaster tour he went on that soured everyone on him entirely.
    Agreed. Instead he tried to blind side the Pelicans and force them into a trade 10 days before the deadline. And then, when he did not get his way, he became an immature little punk and acted like a spiteful child. He was terribly unprofessional.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by PELICANSFAN View Post
    Agreed. Instead he tried to blind side the Pelicans and force them into a trade 10 days before the deadline. And then, when he did not get his way, he became an immature little punk and acted like a spiteful child. He was terribly unprofessional.
    This. The PG and AD situations are extremely different in my eyes because PG went in private to OKC and nothing leaked. AD went in public with his demand, then his agent and father went on active campaigns to publicly tank other destinations than the one AD preferred, killing the Pelicans ability to get fair compensation from any team other than his preferred choice.

    It was absolutely disgusting behavior and he continued with it not only until the trade deadline but also through the entirety of the rest of the season. He had the entire goodwill of the state and fans all over with him, heck, if he had done like PG I think almost all fans would even understand the trade demand and still be behind him.

    Instead he burned every bridge and village on his way out all the while acting like he wasn't doing anything with the gas can and matches still in his hand.

  25. #25
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Whats bizarre about what he said? It seems logical to me.

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