Pelicans Report
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  1. #26
    Jimeert Freedet 4 Prez IamQuailman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    I'm down!

    New Orleans as a city is a special place that takes in people from all walks of life. Never a dull day in a city with festivals around the clock and food from like none other. You don't have to look far in professional sports who enter this community a stranger and become a part of its heart and soul. Some may never leave.

    What can Zion be for this city? Lemme give you a microcosm what's about to happen. My wife was never a huge basketball fan, maybe casual at best. For some reason Anthony Davis as a superstar never did much for her. However the last couple of years she started to get more into it. She would attend games with me occassionally (season ticket holders, wazzzupppp), but with this past season and how it unfolded, it took alot of the interest out of it for her. But suddenly, after seeing Zion's electric play and charismatic personality non stop on ESPN all year, it's like a breath of fresh air for her. He is the spark she needed to pull her back in. The thing to make her look forward to going to Pelicans games again.

    Just like for her, Zion is that spark for this franchise and this city, something to usher in a new generation of basketball fans and bring back those who may have soured on the demoralizing nature of this past season.

    Can't wait to hear his name called on draft day!


    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

  2. #27
    I down! I would say to Zion will you be better than AD?

  3. #28
    I have to go visit family this weekend.

    Wish I could run up the bill on ESPN. I love to eat! LOL
    Actual proof Greivis Vasquez can throw Anthony Davis an Alley-OOP on an (kinda) fastbreak!

  4. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by roberthgrove View Post
    Zion King as King Zulu on Mardi Gras

    unofficial informal offer

  5. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by roberthgrove View Post
    My message to him would be that he has a chance to be even bigger than Brees. He has the personality on top of being a freak. He can absolutely be the king of the gulf coast region .The city loves the players and the players love the fans . Look at Reggie Bush when he first came in league. The fans absolutely loved him even though he didn't perform up to expectations of being an all time great.
    lol, winning a superbowl was a let down

  6. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by SmontySwilliams View Post
    lol, winning a superbowl was a let down
    Hell no it wasn't a let down I'm saying we all expected Reggie to be Barry Sanders and he wasn't. We didn't let him not being that great of a player stop us from loving him. We still yelled Reggie Reggie Reggie as if he was the best rb of all time.

  7. #32
    You have all been great! I look forward to meeting all of the winners on Saturday! I will private message you all with location and time you will each get two tickets to the event.

    Drawing Winners:

    I will reach out to you all soon!

  8. #33
    Wow i finally won something ������

  9. #34
    All-Star AD-AT's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Fun! Looking forward to it!

  10. #35
    Congratulations to everyone who won! Hope you have a great time, and keep us updated on how it goes.

  11. #36
    Hall of Famer WildlifeAirGrp's Avatar
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    Jul 2017
    New Orleans/Kenya
    Couldn't make the gig anyway, but the biggest effect Zion, maybe more David Griffin has had on the Pels so far...it's June and the Pels are getting equal time on all sports talk and even the evening news. There is a real buzz around town. Maybe not since the Hornets hey days.
    Tanking since 2009

    Wildlife Aviation Group

  12. #37

  13. #38
    Enjoyed myself meeting Pels fans today
    Me and my son were even interviewed by Marty Smith

  14. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by roberthgrove View Post
    Enjoyed myself meeting Pels fans today
    Me and my son were even interviewed by Marty Smith
    That's awesome! Glad you had a good time

  15. #40
    All-Star AD-AT's Avatar
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    Apr 2018
    It was a fun day. Had a great time talking pels and all things NBA with a great group of people. The trade news dropped while we were there and they filmed us all talking about it. Airs on sport center on Tuesday apparently. Not sure what time.

  16. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by AD-AT View Post
    It was a fun day. Had a great time talking pels and all things NBA with a great group of people. The trade news dropped while we were there and they filmed us all talking about it. Airs on sport center on Tuesday apparently. Not sure what time.
    I have my dvr set for every sportscenter on Tuesday lol

  17. #42
    Anyone knows which Sportscenter timeslot the segment will be on yet

  18. #43
    No idea, sorry

  19. #44

  20. #45

  21. #46

  22. #47
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Kenner, LA
    Great job!

  23. #48
    Me and my son interview didn't make cut but he'll be happy to just see himself on tv lol

  24. #49
    Max Contract Pelicans78's Avatar
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    Feb 2009
    Lake Charles, LA
    Quote Originally Posted by IamQuailman View Post
    I'm down!

    New Orleans as a city is a special place that takes in people from all walks of life. Never a dull day in a city with festivals around the clock and food from like none other. You don't have to look far in professional sports who enter this community a stranger and become a part of its heart and soul. Some may never leave.

    What can Zion be for this city? Lemme give you a microcosm what's about to happen. My wife was never a huge basketball fan, maybe casual at best. For some reason Anthony Davis as a superstar never did much for her. However the last couple of years she started to get more into it. She would attend games with me occassionally (season ticket holders, wazzzupppp), but with this past season and how it unfolded, it took alot of the interest out of it for her. But suddenly, after seeing Zion's electric play and charismatic personality non stop on ESPN all year, it's like a breath of fresh air for her. He is the spark she needed to pull her back in. The thing to make her look forward to going to Pelicans games again.

    Just like for her, Zion is that spark for this franchise and this city, something to usher in a new generation of basketball fans and bring back those who may have soured on the demoralizing nature of this past season.

    Can't wait to hear his name called on draft day!


    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
    If you're gonna be there, you can me out!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Emeka Okafor - Joe Smith - Carmelo Anthony - Manu Ginobili - Jason Williams

    Al Jefferson - James Posey - Aaron McKie - Shaun Livingston

  25. #50
    Great job representing Pelicans Report!

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