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Thread: Shinn puts foot in mouth again (Times Picayune Story)

  1. #51
    momentary lapse of re-brand NYKF Hornet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pistol #7
    as long as they come back I don't care. I love the team not the owner. BTW it almost seems like Shinn it trying to posin the market like benson always does. He doesn't say it directly but says he wants to move and lets it leak out. Just around the time the Hornets are coming to NO for a game. Sounds like he wants to hurt ticket sales and tell the league .. see they can't even sell out 3 games
    I agree . . . support the team not the owner. However I don't think Shinn allowed this to leak out, it doesn't seem like a smart PR move (even if he does want to be in OKC).

  2. #52
    The Franchise
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    Quote Originally Posted by HORNETSFAN
    ...he hides behind his false spiritual claims.
    Bear with me here, guys! As a Christian, the last thing I would ever want to be guilty of is defaming another man. That in itself is a sin! This much I will say:

    Of all the things George Shinn does, his claims and professing of being a Christian while being blatant at times(the "WISHING it was two women chasing him" fiasco), and deceitful at other times, is just, well, not good. Now, I know we ALL have been guilty of these things in our lives at some point, so as not to throw any stones, but this, by no means, is any way to live! George SEEMS to revel in this way of LIVING. Only God the Father is the judge, so I'll leave that to HIM, but to say God is not pleased by this REPRESENTATION of HIMSELF is an understatement!

    I believe if Shinn thinks he HAS to do these types of things to get ahead in the business world, then 1) he's failed to TRUST God, which is a lack of faith and 2) he needs to find another line of work, because it's corrupting his own character. But, that's just the half of it! Misleading people near and far in his influence is just as bad, MAYBE worse!

  3. #53
    I'm all out of bubble gum Contributor Harvey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rogerdorn1
    there are some good people that are within the Organization still, and I can tell you they are thoroughly confused right now.
    Thats exactly right. He's been using them and lying to them too!

  4. #54
    it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. wonder if George remembers that passage from Scripture. One truly sees a man's character when the chips are down. Imagine screwing over a city in which nearly 1500 people were killed from a storm just to make a few extra bucks. Anyway new orleans has hosted 9 Super bowls, 4 Final Fours , at least 10 college football games which decided a national championship,the No mas fight etc

  5. #55
    I'm all out of bubble gum Contributor Harvey's Avatar
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    Amen bandogo.

    Adversity doesn't build character, it reveals it!

  6. #56
    Unconscious Contributor 504fan's Avatar
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    Well Charlotte did try to warn us. If I was OKC I would really have to think hard about wanting him in my town.

  7. #57
    We'll be back!!!
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    Shinn is the poorest owner in the NBA, it wouldn't surprise me on bit if he were behind project Bee Keeper. He doesn't want any part of NO, playing second fiddle to the Saints. This makes it hard to support an organization that wants no part of your city.

  8. #58
    Looking back to the Future BayouBaller23's Avatar
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    this is getting freaking rediculous...i thought mott was at the top of the ******* totem pole..but i guess there are a few more rungs...keep the updates coming...btw, hh..i love the pic...i made some quick mods..

  9. #59
    New FULL ssn ticket holder! Hornet-Saint's Avatar
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  10. #60
    Shinn never did want to come to New Orleans to begin with. Woolridge was the one who wanted this team here and he convinced Shinn to come here. I believe Shinn's choice at the time was Norfolk,Va. From what he said at that meeting he has convinced me even more that he never wanted to touch New Orleans to begin with. What a Scum Bag CLT was right...

  11. #61
    Banned Trueblood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RENFO
    Bear with me here, guys! As a Christian, the last thing I would ever want to be guilty of is defaming another man. That in itself is a sin! This much I will say:

    Of all the things George Shinn does, his claims and professing of being a Christian while being blatant at times(the "WISHING it was two women chasing him" fiasco), and deceitful at other times, is just, well, not good. Now, I know we ALL have been guilty of these things in our lives at some point, so as not to throw any stones, but this, by no means, is any way to live! George SEEMS to revel in this way of LIVING. Only God the Father is the judge, so I'll leave that to HIM, but to say God is not pleased by this REPRESENTATION of HIMSELF is an understatement!

    I believe if Shinn thinks he HAS to do these types of things to get ahead in the business world, then 1) he's failed to TRUST God, which is a lack of faith and 2) he needs to find another line of work, because it's corrupting his own character. But, that's just the half of it! Misleading people near and far in his influence is just as bad, MAYBE worse!
    This is correct. I've said it time and time myself in phone conversations with other members. It's wrong for me to be judgmental of others. Magloire was one that I spoke of negatively and I apologized to one of our members. The bible clearly states it when talking about us not talking about a spec of dust in someone else's eye when we have a plank in our own.

    HOWEVER, your 2nd paragraph is what I've been getting at and why I talk about "Man of faith" more often than simply "Christian". His lack of faith is obvious and is what has dissapointed me greatly from the time Katrina hit. When you are one of faith, you do things and make decisions without things like maximum financial gain as your guiding force.

    You just never know how the spirit will guide you. You do the right thing instead of the wrong thing and great things will ensue. When you do the wrong thing, the dominoes start to fall.

    Paul with a torn ACL?

    No playoffs as a result?

    Player scandal?

    When the last domino falls, you wind up with less than originally thought. Tortoise and Hare at it's finest. NO as the tortoise and OKC as the Hare. Let's hope Shinn realizes this and turns things around.

  12. #62
    New FULL ssn ticket holder! Hornet-Saint's Avatar
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  13. #63
    I'm all out of bubble gum Contributor Harvey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BayouBaller23
    btw, hh..i love the pic...
    Gotta give credit to the very talented CoCajun for photoshopping that for me!

  14. #64
    The Franchise
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    All I can say is that we were warned by Charlotte fans of what type of person Shinn really was. I personally think he was drunk when he made his speech and the alcohol reveal his true feelings. Anyway,I like our situation. We've got a binding lease that basically means we have him by the *ALLS and he has to come back! It's the Benson fiasco all over again.

  15. #65
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    Hey Hornets execs.

    Have fun working at Burger King in 2008.

  16. #66
    Hall of Famer Contributor Ry4598's Avatar
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    I never knew anybody could make Benson look "good." For any Hornets execs looking, I plead you to do what is right. You don't just abandon a city that has been through hell and back...the people of NOLA will come.

  17. #67
    All-Star greenparrot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYKF Hornet
    Wow, what a shame. Not really sure what to say other than it doesn't really surprise me. Shinn has everything he wants in OKC and he has everything he lost in CLT . . . in okc he is a god again, the sole bearer of pro sports. In NO he is 2nd to Benson and the Saints.
    That is so true...in a city that goes into a frenzy when a Jimmy Buffet Marraritaville Restaurant opens....now that's the bigtime.

  18. #68
    momentary lapse of re-brand NYKF Hornet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ry4598
    I never knew anybody could make Benson look "good." For any Hornets execs looking, I plead you to do what is right. You don't just abandon a city that has been through hell and back...the people of NOLA will come.
    Well said!

    This kind of thing can happen to anybody. Fans need to be assured that if their city is hit with a natural disaster of Katrina's size that their franchises will not pull out. It's important because people will not want to fund sports owner welfare or new stadiums and arenas, that is what the leagues are talking about when debate the PR angle of the Saints and Hornets.

  19. #69
    New Orleans' Teams Avatar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by greenparrot
    That is so true...in a city that goes into a frenzy when a Jimmy Buffet Marraritaville Restaurant opens....now that's the bigtime.

    I hate Jimmy Buffett.

  20. #70
    momentary lapse of re-brand NYKF Hornet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avatar

    I hate Jimmy Buffett.
    Most people do.

    How about a Hard Rock Cafe or Planet Hollywood? Nothing says a city has reached an elite statis like a Hard Rock Cafe and Planet Hollywood.

  21. #71
    New Orleans' Teams Avatar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYKF Hornet
    Well said!

    This kind of thing can happen to anybody. Fans need to be assured that if their city is hit with a natural disaster of Katrina's size that their franchises will not pull out. It's important because people will not want to fund sports owner welfare or new stadiums and arenas, that is what the leagues are talking about when debate the PR angle of the Saints and Hornets.
    You mean like

    Hurricanes for Miami, Orlando, Tampa and Charlotte (Dolphins, Marlins, Panthers (hockey), Magic, Buccaneers, Devil Rays, Lightning, Bobcats, Hurricanes and Panthers (football)?


    Earthquakes for Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, Anaheim, Oakland, San Jose and San Diego (Lakers, Clippers, Dodgers, Angels, Galaxy, Kings (hockey), Mighty Ducks, Kings (basketball), Padres, Chargers, Raiders, Warriors, 49ers, Giants (baseball), Chivas, Sharks and Athletics)?


    Wildfires in Texas? Snowstorms in Colorado or New England? Terrorist attacks pretty much anywhere?

    Gee, I wonder if, by prefacing their statements with all sorts of clauses, the NBA isn't really shooting itself in the foot by reminding folks that there's other things that they should be spending their money on?

  22. #72
    momentary lapse of re-brand NYKF Hornet's Avatar
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    Exactly Avatar.

  23. #73
    Going away.... Contributor West Coast Hornet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harvey Hornet
    Guys, I'd love to say an AWFUL lot right now, but I'm going to keep quiet a day or two more (at most). I've been biting my tongue for a few days now...

    I have a feeling a lot more will be exposed. I'll wait to see what the media reports before I share my thoughts.

    While Shinn has maintained and preached that it's his honest desire is to return to New Orleans, he's been duping people. He's a bold faced liar. I've maintained that the Hornets will return and they will. BUT, it's not for the reasons I initially thought. More to come. Stay tuned!

    How are you guys going to feel about taking Shinn back under similar circumstances that we had to take Benson?

    Why do you think I posted that poll in the Nest about the Hornets and who would support them AS LONG AS THEY WERE IN NO.

    I hope everyone voted. The poll coincidentally closed just tonight.

    Quote Originally Posted by rogerdorn1
    for the good Christian, man of faith comment. This guy is far from it, and would be a Muslim if his team was in Saudi Arabia (just as long as he could sell tickets). That being said, there are some good people that are within the Organization still, and I can tell you they are thoroughly confused right now.
    Roger, I don't think they are that confused at all. Those in the org know what is going on. There is a struggle within. Those not high up are having to deal with it on a day-to-day basis and let it play out. From time to time, some of these people do something about it, and on both sides. (You people know who you are .) I think the confusion is more about their long-term plans. Is it with the org in OKC or NOLA? Is it with the org at all? The org has lots of problems, and whether the higher-ups realize it or not, they have people who are very unhappy with the situation.

    Quote Originally Posted by NYKF Hornet
    Well said!

    This kind of thing can happen to anybody. Fans need to be assured that if their city is hit with a natural disaster of Katrina's size that their franchises will not pull out. It's important because people will not want to fund sports owner welfare or new stadiums and arenas, that is what the leagues are talking about when debate the PR angle of the Saints and Hornets.
    I heard a clip of this tonight via a Portland media site from a Portland radio station regarding the Blazers. All of a sudden, those people are saying the same thing. That the Blazers cannot just walk out on a binding lease because if they could, teams would just up and leave at any given whim!

    Ya think? It's funny, no one really thinks about this until their *** is on the line.

    I have a couple of more things I want to say about this.

    First, it's ok to be angry and vent your frustrations, but I will tell you now, barring a major change in circumstances, none of this doo doo will change the fact that the team will return here full-time in 2007.

    If you guys remember, some of us here have talked about how Shinn would probably prefer the ease of a move to OKC instead of dealing with New Orleans recovery, all things being equal. (Of course, all things are not equal, which is why they will be back.) It is not surprising to some of us that Shinn has this desire to get out of New Orleans and may be looking for some wiggle-room to see to it that he can escape.

    Also, Shinn is not interested in selling his team. I want to make that clear. And it is clear that Stern is not going to reward Shinn with the OKC market given Shinn's history in CLT and how that relo went down. The existence of the valid lease in La. gives Stern cover to nix any possible move. So there was no chance of a move, at least before this story broke and future stories will certainly break. What we don't know is how the city will react. Will we react like we did with the Saints (how dare you screw with us, we support our team, not the owner), or will the fans want to kick the owner and the team out of here? I think it will be like the Saints, but only time will tell.

    In the meantime, get ready for the ride. The Hornets spin machine will kick in.

    Time for some football!!!

  24. #74
    I'm all out of bubble gum Contributor Harvey's Avatar
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    I can't wait to see the way the Hornets spin all of this. I know they are franticly trying to keep the damage to a minimum. Shinn isn't making it easy for you guys huh?

  25. #75
    I'm all out of bubble gum Contributor Harvey's Avatar
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    I agree WCH. I know the NBA and Hornets organization are focused on damage control right now. I wouldn't be surprised to see the '08 AS game OFFICIALLY rewarded very soon. They'll be looking for any possibly way they can promote someting positive while hoping to sweep the facts that are starting to come out under the rug. The fans and the press can't let them get away with it. Don't let them change the topic(s) folks.

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