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Thread: I'm sorry Mr. Bristow (the I was wrong thread)

  1. #1
    I'm all out of bubble gum Contributor Harvey's Avatar
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    I'm sorry Mr. Bristow (the I was wrong thread)

    Alan, I mean Mr. Bristow, I'm sorry.

    I've been your harshest critic here. I thought you were a coullion and a horrible hire. Today sir, you've earned your stripes. For now at least.

    No more from me! In a season which started horribly, I didn't think you could possibly do anything with this roster to make our rebuilding situation better. The odds were stacked against you.

    While Dan Dickau, Boki Nachbar, Casey Jacobsen, Lampe and Vroman were certainly good return for DW and Armstrong, I doubted you could do anything more than improve the bottom half our our roster.

    Today, after dealing Mash, RR and BD, you've placed the Hornets in a position to be very active this summer. Looking at where you started, with the condition of the roster you inherited, I'm impressed with where we are today.

    Now, lets finish the fine job you've started. While I'm willing to eat crow and humble pie based on what you've been able to accomplish, the final grade will be driven by what you do with the flexibility, cap space and options you've created. Please don't let us down!

    I thought your appointment as GM was a severe blow to this team. I likened it to the hiring of Tim Floyd. Unlike most folks, I'll admit when I'm wrong. I don't mind being wrong in situations like this. I don't have an agenda to protect. I don't mind putting my pride aside for the betterment of my favorite professional sports team. If only BD, Mash and a few others could have done what you are about to do. You've almost done it. Don't stop now.



  2. #2
    Desk jockey Contributor Defuz's Avatar
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    Basically, yeah, he's done real good so far.....but why the bucket filling soppy stuff Harv? ................................

  3. #3
    I'm all out of bubble gum Contributor Harvey's Avatar
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    Fuz, it's OK to be wrong. Anyone else out there wrong about something this week? It's OK. I know a lot of people said "there will be no trade", "one might get traded, but not both", etc. It's OK. It's OK to say you were wrong. It's easier than having to go back and delete all the posts... You might miss one too! I'm just trying to set a good example here. There's a lot of evidence floating around here. Anyone else wrong about any of the things that have transpired with the Hornets?

    Seriously, I have been wrong about Bristow, so far.

  4. #4
    momentary lapse of re-brand NYKF Hornet's Avatar
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    I was wrong this week . . . I said there was no way we were trading Baron before the deadline. I also didn't think we could trade Mash before the deadline either.

    You know, in all of this we haven't had the time to really enjoy the fact we finally got Mash out of here. Can you believe it? He is off the books! I really feel fans never considered how drastic that situation was for us and why we could never live up to expectations, basically we lost an all star player for nothing. He didn't even hang out with the team.

    So I was wrong on few things this week, it doesn't bother . . . everything worked out in the end.

    Bristow . . . the real test will be in the offseason. I give this rebuilding project 3 years. If we are not at playoff level by then, I say we find a new GM, coach, and start yet another rebuilding phase. Anyway, I think it is going to work. Bristow did a better job than most are giving him credit for.

  5. #5
    3 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! R U kidding me. As much as i liked his trades yesterday and have bene his biggest fan there is no way i would give him three years. With BD gone some of the fan base is now gone. The national media is killing us. I was watching some Canadian sports channel and they said the hornets are the worst frnahise in sports. 3 years of this and we're done. This team will be in realy jepordy of losng Smith. They have to be contenting for a position next year and make it the year after that!!!!!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Harvey Hornet
    Fuz, it's OK to be wrong. Anyone else out there wrong about something this week? It's OK. I know a lot of people said "there will be no trade", "one might get traded, but not both", etc. It's OK. It's OK to say you were wrong. It's easier than having to go back and delete all the posts... You might miss one too! I'm just trying to set a good example here. There's a lot of evidence floating around here. Anyone else wrong about any of the things that have transpired with the Hornets?

    Seriously, I have been wrong about Bristow, so far.
    I was wrong, I came out right before all the stories came out and said there wouldn't be any major trades. I really didn't see why the hornets and philly waited to the last second to announce that trade if it was known already, I don't even see how that would give them leverage with other trades or anything and N.O. had no reason to keep it hush.

    As for Baron, I'm still amazed that Golden State is putting so much faith in Baron after the reputation he's earned. Changes of scenery can sometimes work wonders for players and i hope baron learns his lesson and grows up but................? I never did buy that Toronto rumor that came out and agreed we were just being used in that one. God Bless Golden State and God bless me that i was wrong!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by hornetstime
    With BD gone some of the fan base is now gone. The national media is killing us. I was watching some Canadian sports channel and they said the hornets are the worst frnahise in sports.
    Baron was losing his local fan base quickly! He was overrated to begin with and now we can get a true team star in here! And all of this media stuff, they've been looking for reasons to hate us from day 1, thats no surprise! I kind of like the "us against the world mentality"! I think it helps the coach develop chemistry with the players and rally together.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Harvey Hornet
    It's OK to say you were wrong.
    I just hope that those who are saying we can't attract decent FAs are wrong...........my sense right now is that they are not wrong and that it will be very difficult to compete for the relatively few attractive FAs out there. I hope that I am wrong about THAT. As HH has pointed out, there are---at least in theory---other things you can do with the cap money and flexibility, but those would seem unlikely here due to the lack of much left to give in order to make a trade for a top contract-type guy. Anyway I was never one down on Bristow (mainly b/c I have been around enough to know what I don't know, and I know that I have no basis for judging a FO guy on how he is doing his job), and so I can only say "Good job Alan, and good luck completing it!"

  9. #9
    The jury is still out on yesterdays trades. Historically the hornets have gotten rid of their best players but in the past have always gotten good players in return. This is how they have been able to substain their winning seasons. I hope everyone has patience because it may be a long road back to winning. Hopefully the fan base understands this.

  10. #10
    I'm not ready to anoint as GM of the year over this much less pat him on the back. Sure he's done a fine job rebuilding the bench, but then again that wasn't exactly a difficult task considering the state of our bench the last few years. And I applaud him for getting Mash's contract off the books and freeing up that cap space.

    But dropped the ball on the entire BD situation. At the very least we should have received one of the 1st round Dallas picks that GS holds. Sure you have to sound positive about a future with Dickau and Speedy sharing time at PG, because the way talks about free agency, we're not going to see many substantive changes for a couple of years. But a Dickau/Speedy combo at PG is not the answer. They're both servicable PG's and would both compliment any legitimate starter coming off the bench, but we're in trouble if this is the combo sees at PG long-term. Judged on it's own and as of this date, this trade deserves an F - it was a bad trade made out of necessity because BD backed us into a corner, those never work out well in and of themselves for the team on the short end (us). But because the full ramifications won't be realized for at least another year, you earn an incomplete . Finish the job you started and find that mix of veterans and youngsters who will return us to winning and you will earn your passing grade, blow it and you keep the F.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by say-what
    I'm not ready to anoint as GM of the year over this much less pat him on the back. Sure he's done a fine job rebuilding the bench, but then again that wasn't exactly a difficult task considering the state of our bench the last few years. And I applaud him for getting Mash's contract off the books and freeing up that cap space.

    But dropped the ball on the entire BD situation. At the very least we should have received one of the 1st round Dallas picks that GS holds. Sure you have to sound positive about a future with Dickau and Speedy sharing time at PG, because the way talks about free agency, we're not going to see many substantive changes for a couple of years. But a Dickau/Speedy combo at PG is not the answer. They're both servicable PG's and would both compliment any legitimate starter coming off the bench, but we're in trouble if this is the combo sees at PG long-term. Judged on it's own and as of this date, this trade deserves an F - it was a bad trade made out of necessity because BD backed us into a corner, those never work out well in and of themselves for the team on the short end (us). But because the full ramifications won't be realized for at least another year, you earn an incomplete . Finish the job you started and find that mix of veterans and youngsters who will return us to winning and you will earn your passing grade, blow it and you keep the F.
    Very well said SW

  12. #12
    Odd question i noe, but when one rants about people in the 1st person perspective whom does one talk to? lol SW u seem to be talking to Bristow lik a little schoolboy, i feel as if we're all a little on the crazy side here at HR.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by cool_hand_luke
    Very well said SW
    Oh no, looks like this officially marks my passage to the dark side...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tin_Food
    i feel as if we're all a little on the crazy side here at HR.
    I know I'm a little on the crazy side .... ask anyone, they'll tell you I lost my mind ages ago.

  14. #14
    Long off season Contributor killah's Avatar
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    This is a great thread. I am with HH on this one, this guy Bristow has my respect. He took a team that was too slow for the East last year and made it into a fast paced Western Confernce team, in less then a year.

    He is not the second coming of Red Auerbach, but he has done a good job thus far. His real test will be this Summer. He needs to bring in free agents and work the phones dealing with agents like a man posessed. I am excited by the prospects of our ablitlies to get new blood into our organization. By the looks of this site the past couple of days, I would say many of us here are excited. This site has NEVER had som much traffic.

  15. #15
    Well you know wat they say , say-what...hmm, haha. The 1st step to rehabilitation is admitting u have the problem. Unless of course in your case where u are embracing it, in which i will practise the duck and cover game . Now continue on ur madman rampage

  16. #16

    As much as I love the moves this year ...

    I can't help but be a little worried about the real motive for them. If you read Chad Ford's ESPN Insider on the winners and losers from the trade period, he really rips on the organization. The inference is that he thinks the NBA has no business being in New Orleans.

    Specifically, he says the moves are all cost-cutting help for Shinn's bottom line while the league figures out what to do. In other words, he's not convinced the Hornets will do anything with the cap room. Now, I realize it's easy for these guys to take shots at our city and team, but they also cover the sport for a living and in many cases know what they are talking about. Given Shinn's history in Charlotte, and the declining ticket sales (yes, related to winning %, but no excuses in this league), I'm concerned.

    So the question is, why would any FAs want to come here? I think the biggest selling point is Byron Scott, a champion player with a proven track record as a coach. We also have NBA vets in the front office and a hall of famer in Willis Reed. That's a lot of credibility; the Hornets aren't a bunch of guys from a bar in Mid-City trying to run a pro franchise.

    So, I will allow myself to be excited for now. I truly hope the Hornets are making a good-faith effort to improve the club, and that the fans can look forward to a competitive team. It's time to show the country that a pro team from the Big Easy can win.

  17. #17
    I'm all out of bubble gum Contributor Harvey's Avatar
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    The Hornets are about to build a new practice facility next to the Arena and exercise an EXTENSION on their lease. It's just more uninformed jibberish from the normal suspects.

  18. #18
    They keep ripping the city but they wonder why nobody "possibly" wants to come play here. Its because of these ######## that keep talking ####!

  19. #19
    Desk jockey Contributor Defuz's Avatar
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    Well Harv, well done for having the gumption to stand up and admit when you're wrong. Not many do. My history on this board is brief, so I don't have much to say about previous posts, yet. Time will tell there.

    On the trades by themself yesterday, I have to give incomplete grade for the BD deal, and an A for the one with Mash and RR. Getting rid of Mash and freeing up his salary is not a good move, it's great. Throwing in (or up !) RR is a real bonus.

    As for the BD deal, it's incomplete. I'm delighted we're rid of BD, but like everyone else, I'd would of liked more in return. But that was a reflection of BD's perceived value, not Bristow's inability to get what wasn't offered. That's what I feel so many people are missing. BD is to blame for his low value as opposed to the Hornets organization.

    I'm glad to have Speedy on board. From some accounts he's a quality character and can probably share time equally at the point with DD. I like this combo. Don't know how well it will work yet, but we'll soon see. In time, if this combo doesn't get it done, I believe that we're in a good enough position now to plan for that eventuality in the future.

    Then, when we see who we get with BD's money, we'll know how good the trade was or was not. So, grade wise, I like to say B for now, but it's really incomplete.

  20. #20
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Good thought out posts on all parts. Although I think I will see burgers flipping in my sleep.

  21. #21
    Fans who know a lot about basktball and the hornets will love the BD deal or atleast like it enough to see what comes out of it. youre everyday fans are gonna hate this because BD is gone and now they dont no what to do with theire Davis jersys. love this deal and i think it shows that Bistrow is one of the NBA's premier GM's. A lot beter then Gerry West(they guys who has selected more draft busts then anyone else)

  22. #22
    I'm all out of bubble gum Contributor Harvey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hornetstime
    Fans who know a lot about basktball and the hornets will love the BD deal or atleast like it enough to see what comes out of it. youre everyday fans are gonna hate this because BD is gone and now they dont no what to do with theire Davis jersys. love this deal and i think it shows that Bistrow is one of the NBA's premier GM's. A lot beter then Gerry West(they guys who has selected more draft busts then anyone else)
    FINALLY we agree on something, but not everything...

    You are exactly right about the fans part.

    I can't buy into the "premier GM" theory or "better than West". He's done a good job so far, but lets not get crazy.

  23. #23
    Desk jockey Contributor Defuz's Avatar
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    We've also got to make sure that we don't rush into free agency. I don't think we will. Just because we have the money, it doesn't mean we have to spend it.

    I hope they bring in some good free agents and get a good draft, concentrating on the C/PF/SF spots. I'd love Bogut.

    I also hope we are able to pick up an extra (1st round) draft pick or two as time progresses. I know opponents of the BD trade will scream as I say that, but we have to remember that we can't get what wasn't offered, assuming that that was the case as I've heard.

    The media is all hype. So many of these folks are jumping on the bandwagon of New Orleans bashing. We should all be used to it by now. The media in C A N A D A thinks we're the worst franchise in any sport? Yeah, they have a front row seat. What a joke. We're down now, so it's fun to laugh at and kick someone there.

    As we have the worst record, any reporter who criticizes us simply points to our record as justification of them being correct. It's an easy way for them to inflate their own ego & reputation at our expense. It's crap. When we start playing better, which we will, I beleive that they'll jump on the 'up and comer' bandwagon. What they're calling terrible moves by Bristow today will quietly be re-labelled as shrewd cap moves a year from now.

    So many reporters simply reflect the current conditions of what's going on and posture like they're some leading authority on what they talk about. Hey, morons, if I start saying how good San Antonio, Miami or Seattle are doing right now, does that make me a savy expert? No, I'm simply a parrot who can keep my eyes open.

    Keep it up Bristow and Scott, I have faith in you.

    G O - H O R N E T S !!!!!!!

  24. #24
    I'm all out of bubble gum Contributor Harvey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by defuz
    Well Harv, well done for having the gumption to stand up and admit when you're wrong. Not many do.
    Based on the responses on this thread, I guess I was one of only a couple of guys who were wrong. You are right, "not many do". Reading this forum for the past 2 days, I've read so many opinions and predictions that would seem flat out wrong, but maybe I misread them...

    If you are going to hold others accountable, starting with yourself isn't a bad idea (not talking to you Fuz, just a general comment).

  25. #25
    momentary lapse of re-brand NYKF Hornet's Avatar
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    I guess the real test will be in a few years. Who here will be willing to admit they were wrong when they said this BD trade was a huge mistake. I know if it doesn't work out, I'll admit that it might have been a mistake . . . but considering the situation with BD, we had to do something. It's not like he wanted to play here or considered this his "franchise".

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