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Thread: The State of The Hornets, The Media, & US Fans

  1. #1

    The State of The Hornets, The Media, & US Fans

    The Media:
    Today's Media is all about controversy & sensationalism, this is WHAT SELLS. The Times Picayune is the Media.
    --Do I think The TP has an agenda RE The Hornets?? NO.
    --This week there was a Controversy with the Hornets & The TP reported IT. That is their job!

    The State of The Hornets:
    It starts @ The Top.
    Can Mr. Shinn "right" the ship??
    Is Alan Bristow the best person for the GM Job??
    ---Chad Ford(ESPN Insider 10-7-2004) says: The NBA has it's eyes on Shinn b/c Shinn ran the team into the ground in Charlotte because Shin has the "REPUTATION" as being another Donald Sterling(owner of the LA Paper Clips/Clippers). This is what Chad Ford said. YIKES!!!

    BD & Mags are upset because The Hornets did not any sign any Big Time FAs this summer.
    ---in my opinion: this is "code talk" for WE do not think Bristow & Shinn can bring Big Time Free Agents to The Hornets. HISTORY supports this. The Hornets have NEVER signed a Big Time Free Agent to come to the Hornets from another team. NEVER.
    1) Why is this such a Big Issue?? Now, that Jamal Mashburn is DONE, signing a Big Time Free Agent seems imperative.
    2) However, because of Mash's unique injury situation, The Hornets "hands were tied" this summer. IF Mash could have played, a Big Time FA would not have "Fit" into the Hornets Salary Cap....so, really....there was NOTHING The Hornets could do this summer to try to sign a Big Time FA. Unless, they were willing to Pay the LUX TAX. Only 7 of the 29 NBA teams reached that level last year.
    ---I studied this summer's FA's closely. The Big Timers were: Kobe(The Hornets already traded him), Steve Nash, K Martin, Q Richardson, R Wallace, & M. Ginobili...had the Hornets had the $$$$, could they have signed any of these guys?? I highly doubt it. Q Richardson, maybe. I do like him. Q works very very hard!

    Can The Hornets make the Playoffs this year??
    -Yes. WE all know The West is loaded. The Spurs, T-Woves, Mavs, & Rockets are my top 4 in the West. I think the SAC Kings will fall this year..they are to thin @ PF & Center. The Grizz, Nuggs, Lakers, Blazers, Jazz, Sun, Kings, & Hornets will battle for the last 4 Playoff Spots.
    -J Mags needs to score 16-18ppg. BD HAS to stay healthy. IF so, B-Scott can lead this team to the Playoffs.

    How to improve The Hornets...NOW.
    -I would try to trade BJ Brown. I love PJ, however he currently does still have some trade value.
    -Trade PJ Brown to the Lakers for Caron Butler, D George, & B Cook(works @ RealGM.com). The Lakers need help @ the PF & Center spots & they are overstocked @ the Small Forward.
    -Why would I do this?? Stromile Swift is a Free Agent next summer. 2005-06 starting 5: J Mags, Swift, Butler, JR Smith, & Baron. Bench: West, Andersen, Wesley, Lynch. Do y'all like that starting 5?? I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    US Fans:
    I am a transplant to NOLA. I think New Orleans is a GREAT GREAT Sports Town. I think the New Orleans Sports Fans are AWESOME!!!!! Some people may believe that New Orleans is not an NBA Town, I think IT IS. However, WE NEED A WINNER!!!!
    --this will be my 3rd season as a Season Ticket Holder.


    Last edited by BatDude; 10-08-2004 at 10:22 AM.

  2. #2
    In Time Out say-what-x's Avatar
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    Way to go BatDude.

    I may be disappointed with the offseason, particularly the recent shenanigans by BD and JMags and the hiring of Bristow, but as a fan I'm willing to give things a chance to see how the season plays out.

    I did the same with Floyd - didn't like the hire, didn't think he was a good fit, but was willing to see how things would transpire on the court. That didn't work very well. Bristow is another Floyd-type hire, I'd like for it to work out and I understand his hands were tied this year by the salary cap, but he seemed to lack the creativity to even pull off one mid-tier FA acquisition. He get's an incomplete grade this year and next offseason will be the one that really tells what Bristow is capable of doing.

    Scott isn't going anywhere anytime soon. He's a big name coach, has cred, has skins hung on the wall and will not succumb to "Jason Kidd-like" behavior this go round. I only hope BD and JMags shape up because I don't want to see them ship out.

    Too many distractions right now with this team, the players need to focus and it looks like Scott commands enough respect to demand and gain that focus.

    The season can't start soon enough. Let's just hope the guys come to play - if they do, we'll be competitive and exciting.

  3. #3
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    Originally posted by say-what
    Way to go BatDude.

    I may be disappointed with the offseason, particularly the recent shenanigans by BD and JMags and the hiring of Bristow, but as a fan I'm willing to give things a chance to see how the season plays out.

    I did the same with Floyd - didn't like the hire, didn't think he was a good fit, but was willing to see how things would transpire on the court. That didn't work very well. Bristow is another Floyd-type hire, I'd like for it to work out and I understand his hands were tied this year by the salary cap, but he seemed to lack the creativity to even pull off one mid-tier FA acquisition. He get's an incomplete grade this year and next offseason will be the one that really tells what Bristow is capable of doing.

    Scott isn't going anywhere anytime soon. He's a big name coach, has cred, has skins hung on the wall and will not succumb to "Jason Kidd-like" behavior this go round. I only hope BD and JMags shape up because I don't want to see them ship out.

    Too many distractions right now with this team, the players need to focus and it looks like Scott commands enough respect to demand and gain that focus.

    The season can't start soon enough. Let's just hope the guys come to play - if they do, we'll be competitive and exciting.
    Wow! The best post yet on the subject of the offseason. Someone who is actually disappointed with Baron and Mags for their behavior, who is concerned about the hiring of Bristow, who is concerned about the FA acquisitions (or lack thereof), who optimistic about Scott's performance, who wants BD and Mags to stay, and who can't wait for the season to start. Somebody actually feels all of these things at the same time! Balance has finally come to the board on this subject.

    say-what and BatDude, you guys are a rare breed indeed, but I am right there with both of you. I do, however, feel that the personal trainer patrol needs to take a rest. The negative media coverage needs to stop. This will only serve to anger the players and anger the fans. In light of that, and considering the broader picture, what good does the sensationalism do? The trade talk is fruitless because BD and Mags will not be traded, at least not this season.

    If BD says or does something that the TEAM does not like, he will be dealt with. If he or Mags winds up being traded, then the team will have to deal with that. But right now, these guys play for the Hornets. They have to play well in order for the Hornets to do well. That's all I am really concerned about.
    Last edited by akshun; 10-08-2004 at 11:19 AM.
    telling it like it is -- akshun

  4. #4
    In Time Out say-what-x's Avatar
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    Oh, my emotions ebb and flow day-by-day. A few days ago I was ready to wash my hands of the entire mess and dreading the start of the season. Weird, but as pessimistic as I may seem at times, I really only want one thing - for my team to win and deep down that is the force that drives me as a fan and anxiously awaiting each new game.

  5. #5
    The Franchise Contributor luigi modelo's Avatar
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    I like this post. I, too, am going into my 3rd year with season tickets and feel as though I have a personal stake in this team, even if it is only emotional. Personally, I can't stand what B.D and Mags are doing right now. I like these guys, but their actions are inexcusable. They are undermining Shinn, the fans, and more importantly, themselves. Although the verdict is still out on Shinn, I do feel bad for him in this case. I don't want B.D. and Mags to cry when their aren't people in the stands, because they only have themselves to blame. "We don't look good on paper" - well what does that say about our All-Stars ability to make those around them better? That is a bull-**** attitude and a slap in the face to their teammates, and it doesn't sell tickets. I mean, how many teams in the league have two all-stars? What ever happened to optimism and the "we''ll work as hard as we have to" approach. That sells tickets. I'd be ****ed if I were Shinn. I think Scott will right this ship. We have the ability to make the playoffs. And yes, this is a great sports town and a winner will show that.
    P.S. I think that I like the trade idea - let me think about it a little bit further.

  6. #6
    Ultimate Hornet fan Contributor acemic's Avatar
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    i agree good read on all post couldnt said it better.

  7. #7
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    I had not read the TP before I posted earlier in this thread, but I see that Coach Scott has also grown very weary with the pettiness of the coverage on this issue. Jimmy Smith has delivered again. He reports to us that Baron was dropped off by his trainer, his trainer left, and that Baron went inside to be stretched by a Hornets employee (inside of the facility), yet the title of his article reads "Driving home a point? Just stay tuned." Perhaps it should have read "Baron Davis and Jamal Magliore Comply with Personal Trainer Policy". Not sexy enough, I guess.

    Coach Scott has indicated that the team will not talk about trainers anymore (after being asked about the issue by reporters again yesterday) because both players are now fully in compliance with the rule. This is a definite step in the right direction on the part of the players and the coach. Scott goes on to say that both players have been nothing but professional and have done everything asked of them. Kudos to all. I would like to think that trainer patrol will follow suit. But let's be realistic. In all likelihood, they won't.

    I wonder what tomorrow's headline will be.

  8. #8
    "BD & Mags are upset because The Hornets did not any sign any Big Time FAs this summer.
    ---in my opinion: this is "code talk" for WE do not think Bristow & Shinn can bring Big Time Free Agents to The Hornets. HISTORY supports this. The Hornets have NEVER signed a Big Time Free Agent to come to the Hornets from another team. NEVER."

    There is hope on this:

    1. They did sign BD to max, and even if not free agent, they did keep him.

    2. Maybe no big free agent over years, but that wasn't at a total sacrifice for winning. Team generally won over years, and that Gm is now gone anyway.

    3. Kind of unfair to harp on this Summer. They did "gut" and replace whole front office and did have salary issues due to Mash problem. Scott and company have been here 5 months or so?

    4. They left Charlotte due to money issue and could have been factor on free agents. Team may be able to spend more if properly supported here.

    5. I think a lot of NBA players would like New Orleans. It's not NY, LA, Chi, Miami, but stacks up pretty well against the rest of the cities.

    6. BD needs to shut mouth. How does he expect to attract free agents in future bad mouthing organization. Public comments only make sense if he is already set to leave.

  9. #9
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    I am not a Hornets fan, but I am a fan of the NBA, and I live in New Orleans. All the talk from Davis and Magloire is really bothering me. How can Davis cry about not bringing in free agents, when the biggest draw for free agents is money and the Hornets has less financial fexiability since he has a max contract. Also Magloire was an all-star, but he's pretty much an average player. I'm sure he will never be an all-star in the west unless he upgrades his game. So instead of whining about who the Hornets didn't sign, upgrade your game. 13.6 points and 10.3 rebounds doesn't make you a superstar, therefore it doesn't afford you to the right to trash your teammates. And isn't Magloire interested in going to Toronto? If the quality of your teammates is your problem, why would you favor Toronto over New Orleans.

    But my main point was that even though I am not a Hornets fan, I am a fan of the NBA, and I was planning buying tickets to individual games. Especially since they will be playing so many quality teams in their division, like the Spurs, Mavs, Rockets, and Grizz. Tix for the Spurs game in December go on sale tommorow. I want to go to the game, however, I know the $100 plus bucks a lay down on a couple of tickets would be going to pay the salaries of Davis and Magloire. Ok I can deal with them saying it once, but repeating it should not be allowed by management and ownership, if they want people to come to the new orleans arena. The ticket sales aren't up to par to began with, and they can't be helped by this crap. I love basketball and I love the NBA, but at this point I would prefer to drive to Houston or Atlanta to see a game just so I'm not putting money in the pockets of these babies.

  10. #10
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Which centers in the west are better than Magloire other than Yao? I think Magloire has to batter Miller for the backup spot on the All-Star team. He is far from an average center. Look at the contract centers like Dampier and Foyle got. You say that you will drive to Houston so as to not put money in New Orleans' players pockets. Yet, you condone what TMac did to Orlando in order to force a trade to Houston? What does that say?

  11. #11
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    Fine, I might be looking at "big dudes" and not centers, but Webber, Brad Miller, Dirk, Abdur-Rahim, Malone(if he signs with a west team), Gasol, KG, Yao, Duncan, Kenyon Martin, Brand, Odom, Zack Randolph, Stoudemire, Boozer. I know some of these guys are listed as power forwards, but these are the guys that he will be matched up against during games.

    And yes I know T-Mac forced a trade in Orlando, but in that situation I don't take it personally. I take it personally when people who are getting paid millions say that they would prefer not to be in your city, for whatever reasons. Silly, I know. Driving 400 miles would be overly dramatic and I probably wouldn't do it anyway, but i just wish they would shut up and play basketball. I have no good defense for what I said, because it all was said out of emotion. I hope the Hornets provide this city with a good product, and I am not opposed to being a die hard Hornets fan, I actually want to be one, but comments like these from your best 2 players don't help.

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