Welcome to pelicansreport.com.
We'd like to say hi and welcome all of the new board members to our family. We hope that you will enjoy your time on our boards. It is our goal to maintain our status as the #1 site for Pelicans news and fan information and we look forward to your participation.
We here are diehard Pelicans fans and all we want to do is express our opinions as fans. Our goal is to foster a friendly, neighborhood playground type atmosphere. Differences of opinion are expected and encouraged - we're not looking to turn our board members into a flock of kool-aid drinking sheep

, all we ask is that if you disagree with something that is posted that you
respond civily and respect the right of each boardmember to post their opinion - even if you think it's the dumbest thing ever said in the world.
If you need anything please feel free to contact any of the Admins or Moderators via the board's Personal Message system.
Once again. Welcome to PelicansReport.com
The following are the rules that apply to our forums. These rules were established to provide an enjoyable environment for all our members and guests (who should register

). The rules are subject to change. Please follow the guidelines set forth so that these forums may be enjoyed by everyone.
Forum Rules
These rules are applicable to every forum except the Smack Board. The rules in that forum are more relaxed but that doesn't mean that there are no rules in the Smack Board.
If you have a problem with moderation, a moderator or an admin take it up with them in a PM or e-mail. You can e-mail me at [email protected] and I will work with you on a resolution.
- Please remain civil. Disagreements are bound to occur, and discussions may become heated at times, but personal attacks, flames, mean-spirited or hateful messages, name calling or other inferred insults to your fellow posters will not be tolerated. If someone attacks you, report the post and we will take the appropriate action.
- This is a family oriented board, please watch your language. Obscene, racial or sexual comments, and religious or ethnic slurs will not be tolerated. Additionally, veiled cursing (spelling curse words by replacing certain letters with other characters) will not be allowed either, sh!t is not allowed but $@#% or **** is.
- Watch the SMACK. While good natured ribbing may be acceptable based on the context of the thread/post, smack is not allowed outside of the Smack Board. No threads calling people to battle or throwing down the gauntlet with the intent to start a flame war - threads such as “To All the Player Z Bashers Out There …” or “To All You People That Think Such and Such …” will not be allowed.
- Don't be a troll. Messages, which in the opinion of the moderators, serve no purpose other than to mislead, shock, annoy, enrage, incite or bait board members to engage in unnecessary arguments will not be tolerated. If you're only here to cause trouble, you will be banned. We will check all of your previous messages if your intentions come into question and will make a decision based on your past actions in this forum.
- Please keep your posts on topic. Whether posting a new thread in a forum or a reply to an existing thread, please stay on topic. No one wants to sort through numerous off-topic posts and/or threads to follow the forum discussions. During the off-season, there is more leniency with regards to posting off-topic threads in the Hornets Nest but during the season this rule will be enforced more strictly.
- No spamming of the boards will be tollerated. If you don't know what spam is, click here. If you put your personal website in your signature and it only shows up when you post, that's perfectly fine, but threads with the sole intent of plugging another website, service, or good will be deleted immediately and the offender subject to immediate banning.
- Please do not post or request links to unofficial game streaming sites. This includes posts asking people to PM you for such links.
- Please do not post email exchanges between third parties. You may post emails that you send and the responses thereto.
If you were previously banned and attempt to circumvent the ban by registering under another nickname, you will be banned and your IP block will possibly be banned as well. If you would like to come back to the board from a previous ban, e-mail me here and you will most likely be allowed to resume posting under your previously banned nickname except in the most extreme of circumstances. Once you circumvent a previous ban, you are no longer welcome on this site.