Hey guys! Congrats on the lease extension. Y'all can finally breathe easy on that front.
Anyway this little nugget has been making the rounds over the last 24 hours amongst B**Cats fans:
I know, I know...internet rumors are worth about as much as the pixels they consist of. But this one seems at least a little legit, especially considering the timing of things (y'alls' announcement Friday, this leaking out Monday)...if a new owner is in line on y'alls' end, and he had intentions of rebranding.......I don't know. I do feel a little crackpot-conspiracy-theorist-ish as I try to piece all this jive together, but what the heck; it's fun
So yeah, just wondering if anybody had heard any more Brass/Krewe/etc. stirrings on y'alls' end. Thanks for indulging me, and congrats again!