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Thread: Brandon Ingram No Showed At Week Long Voluntary Minicamp

  1. #26
    Hollygrove 4 Life DroopyDawg's Avatar
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    I think the problem with dealing BI has more to do with the fact that teams know that BI wants a max, and they're not willing to trade away assets for a one-year rental, because everyone except BI believes he's a non-max player.

    If BI didn't have the whole "I want max" demands... he would have been traded already IMO. Its not that BI is a trash player, and that he has zero value. His contract demands are why he's still a Pel, and I don't even think Griff would be willing to sign BI at 45 mil/yr. I don't think they feel he's in the long term plans, but he needs to come off those demands.

  2. #27
    The Franchise
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    Quote Originally Posted by hornetsrebirth View Post
    What's his other option? Pout and be a cancer in a contract year?
    So you're advocating for creating conditions under which you agitate tensions unnecessarily.. While at the same time depressing his trade value even more so.

  3. #28
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! donato's Avatar
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    It's not out of the question he plays better off-ball with this group, shoots the quantity of threes we want, and has a little bit of health luck. I can totally see him justifying a max contract this year. We'll see.

  4. #29
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nichols View Post
    So you're advocating for creating conditions under which you agitate tensions unnecessarily.. While at the same time depressing his trade value even more so.
    I reject the idea that basketball decisions should be made based on not hurting BI's feelings or maybe increasing his trade value. If he's not in this teams future then we don't need to sacrifice anything to make him happy. The decisions should be made based on what produces the best level of play for the New Orleans pelicans. Brandon Ingram started every game last year and his trade value is what it is now... so by what logic does starting next year increase his value? That's just speculation on your part, and speculation based on literally nothing. If he comes off the bench and leads the offense in a very productive way that would increase his value more than he's not fitting in well to the starting lineup.

  5. #30
    The Franchise
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    Quote Originally Posted by hornetsrebirth View Post
    I reject the idea that basketball decisions should be made based on not hurting BI's feelings or maybe increasing his trade value. If he's not in this teams future then we don't need to sacrifice anything to make him happy. The decisions should be made based on what produces the best level of play for the New Orleans pelicans. Brandon Ingram started every game last year and his trade value is what it is now... so by what logic does starting next year increase his value? That's just speculation on your part, and speculation based on literally nothing. If he comes off the bench and leads the offense in a very productive way that would increase his value more than he's not fitting in well to the starting lineup.
    There's so much wrong with what you said..

    It's not about making Ingram happy. You gain nothing but contention by bringing him off the bench. His trade value has nothing to do with his on-court play. You should know this. It's been explained by me, and others on this site. There is no speculation on my part. Benching a starter level player that you're trying to move reduces his value because teams know you're desperate to move him and the environment is hostile. Think about what you're saying please. And do it objectively, without considering the dislike you have for Ingram. Him not fitting in with the starting line-up is bogus. Considering how he led this team into the playoffs a season ago, and was the best player on the floor while they were in the playoffs. It even got Zion excited to return.

    Some of you are allowing your dislike for Brandon to lead you into some odd commentary. Good thing the front office isn't driven by emotion, primarily.

  6. #31
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nichols View Post
    There's so much wrong with what you said..

    It's not about making Ingram happy. You gain nothing but contention by bringing him off the bench. His trade value has nothing to do with his on-court play. You should know this. It's been explained by me, and others on this site. There is no speculation on my part. Benching a starter level player that you're trying to move reduces his value because teams know you're desperate to move him and the environment is hostile. Think about what you're saying please. And do it objectively, without considering the dislike you have for Ingram. Him not fitting in with the starting line-up is bogus. Considering how he led this team into the playoffs a season ago, and was the best player on the floor while they were in the playoffs. It even got Zion excited to return.

    Some of you are allowing your dislike for Brandon to lead you into some odd commentary. Good thing the front office isn't driven by emotion, primarily.
    I have thought about what I'm saying, it makes sense on every level. Think about what you're saying because there's no logic in it at all. BI has been a starter the entire time here, and as of now he has literally zero trade value. The idea that the Pelicans should make a basketball decision based on what might possibly increase the trade value value of somebody who is not in the team's future is already a dumb idea. But combined with the fact that starting Brandon Ingram has proven to do nothing for his trade value, it's a really really dumb idea.

    I don't dislike Brandon Ingram at all. Not sure where you got that out of my post. I think the best way to maximize his impact is bringing him off the bench, he can still play roughly the same amount of minutes per game. The reason he doesn't fit in the starting lineup is obvious. He's a ball dominant player with a mid range based game. Murray is the point guard and Zion is Zion. Those are the two primary ballhandlers. Brandon Ingram doesn't shoot enough threes and is not an off ball player, and those are the two things we need from somebody in the starting lineup at his position. Coming off the bench allows him to be the type of player that he wants to be. In the starting lineup he's gonna be relegated to an off ball guy and he definitely wont be happy about that. Maybe I just have more respect for him than you do and I think he'll accept a role that is best for the team, and you think he's a diva who can only think about himself?

  7. #32
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Talking about what BI did in the playoffs two years ago just proves my point. He is at his best when he can be "the guy", when he is the focus of the offense and everything flows through him. On the 2nd unit he can be exactly that. In the starting lineup when everyone is healthy, what is Brandon Ingram's role? Because it's definitely not that.

  8. #33
    The Franchise
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    Quote Originally Posted by hornetsrebirth View Post
    Talking about what BI did in the playoffs two years ago just proves my point. He is at his best when he can be "the guy", when he is the focus of the offense and everything flows through him. On the 2nd unit he can be exactly that. In the starting lineup when everyone is healthy, what is Brandon Ingram's role? Because it's definitely not that.
    I'm sorry, I stopped at "he literally has no trade value". Didn't read the rest of what you wrote. We can agree to disagree and leave it there boss. Good day sir.

  9. #34
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nichols View Post
    I'm sorry, I stopped at "he literally has no trade value". Didn't read the rest of what you wrote. We can agree to disagree and leave it there boss. Good day sir.
    That's a weird place to stop reading. What, you're just gonna pretend like they haven't been trying to trade Brandon all off-season long without finding a single team interested?

  10. #35
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!!
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    For people that insist on BI starting, I do think small ball lineup is intriguing. That's the only way it makes sense to me. Murray/BI/Herb/Trey/Zion, on offense it checks all the boxes to be a great fit, and defensively I think it would be fine too. Even though Zion is undersized at center he is strong and we haven't seen him get bullied in the NBA. The main concern is rebounding, but I'd be interested to see if that weakness is offset by everything else.

  11. #36
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 13 - 3 View Post

  12. #37
    Last edited by 13 - 3; 09-26-2024 at 10:22 PM.

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