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Thread: NBA finalizing flopping procedures/Fine system has been announced

  1. #26
    Rollin' Contributor Smirk's Avatar
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    Flopping fines have been announced

    Any player who is determined to have committed a flop during the regular season will be subject to the following:

    Violation 1: Warning
    Violation 2: $5,000 fine
    Violation 3: $10,000 fine
    Violation 4: $15,000 fine
    Violation 5: $30,000 fine

    If a player violates the anti-flopping rule six times or more, he will be subject to discipline that is reasonable under the circumstances, including an increased fine and/or suspension.

    The league will announce at a later date a separate set of penalties for flopping that will apply during the playoffs.

  2. #27
    I like that they are trying to "stop the flop" but thats not enough.
    An NBA player will laugh at a $5,000 fine.
    I feel you should get a foul called on you during the game. Maybe if it starts costing teams points / games it'll change.
    1 warning, 2nd flop in the game your opponent gets 2 shots.

  3. #28
    Fining after the fact does not stop them from flopping. If it effects the game they will keep doing it regardless. They need the refs to call in DURING THE GAMES for it to have any chance of it actually changing for the better.

  4. #29
    I agree. I see nothing wrong with reviewing a play to make sure it was a "flop" during the game. If they review and find it was indeed a flop call a foul! That's the only thing i think that will curb it.

  5. #30
    All World Contributor FlyGirl's Avatar
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    Not a huge change
    The worst thing about these rules changes is that they are unlikely to change much. It's a very timid step, which is welcome news for those nervous about the rules existing at all. These rules aren't designed to change much.

    To understand, consider the league's position. The problem the NBA needs to solve is not how to eliminate every flop from the game. The problem they're trying to solve is how to keep the league from looking foolish in the media and online day in and day out. They acted on this issue once that became a daily reality, through Jeff Van Gundy's routine rants on game broadcasts, #FlopoftheNight, and a growing class of "wow that was a whopper of a flop" chatter.

    The flop talk didn't just get people talking about something embarrassing. It got people talking, and showing video of, something where the league was both blatantly in the wrong and entirely impotent to do anything about it.

  6. #31
    All World Contributor FlyGirl's Avatar
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    NBPA to file grievance, labor charge over flopping fines

    The National Basketball Players Association said Wednesday it will file a grievance and unfair labor practices charge against the NBA over new disciplinary guidelines aimed at curtailing flopping.

    "The NBA is not permitted to unilaterally impose new economic discipline against the players without first bargaining with the union," executive director Billy Hunter said in a statement.

    Earlier Wednesday, the NBA announced a new fine schedule for flopping, the practice of tricking the official into calling a foul by exaggerating contract. Under the guidelines being challenged by the union, the league said players would receive a warning for the first flop, followed by fines of $5,000 for the second offense, $10,000 for the third, $15,000 for the fourth and $30,000 for the fifth. Beyond that, players would be subject to increased discipline at the league's discretion, including higher fines and/or suspension.

    Hunter called the new rules "without precedent in our sport or any other sport," and characterized the penalties as "a vague and arbitrary overreaction and overreach by the commissioner's office."

    Larry Coon ‏@LarryCoon
    Today the NBA announced there will be fines for flopping. In related news, Vlade Divac was retroactively fined $100 trillion.

  7. #32
    All World Contributor FlyGirl's Avatar
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    Mark Cuban unsure about new rule

    Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, an often vocal critic of NBA officiating over the years, believes the league's new plan to fine repeated floppers could have "unintended consequences."

    The plan calls for players to get a warning the first time the league determines they flop in an attempt to influence a foul call, then be fined $5,000 for a second violation. The fines increase to $10,000 for a third offense, $15,000 for a fourth and $30,000 for the fifth. Six or more could lead to a suspension.

    Cuban is uncertain whether the fine system will improve the on-court product.

    "It depends on whether or not it changes how flopping in game is called," Cuban replied in an email from Berlin, Germany, where the Mavericks are playing an exhibition game this weekend. "If it just causes the refs to give floppers the benefit of the doubt knowing the league can deal with it after the fact, it could have some unintended consequences.

    "A big question is going to be how much depth of explanation is going to be given when a fine is [assessed] and whether or not the league will enforce teams paying the fines for the players who get caught flopping."

  8. #33
    Banned Kurgan's Avatar
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    Wow, people earning millions in a year will really be scared of losing 5 grands. Reeeeeeeeeeally. Why don't they take away the ridicolous fines and start suspending players for multiple games - without pay. I'm sure that'd work much better

  9. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Jujube View Post
    Wow, people earning millions in a year will really be scared of losing 5 grands. Reeeeeeeeeeally. Why don't they take away the ridicolous fines and start suspending players for multiple games - without pay. I'm sure that'd work much better
    Some one else did some math (can't vouch for accuracy cuz I'm lazy) and found that if a guy gets fined for flopping every fourth game, he will amass $500,000 in fines. That is a ton of money.

  10. #35
    I like it, hit them hard. First fine 10k, 2ND 25k, 3Rd 40k, 4th offense 40k and a suspension. I bet that would finally rid that {mod edit-unnecessary} from the league.

  11. #36
    The Voice of Reason Contributor RaisingTheBar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jujube View Post
    Wow, people earning millions in a year will really be scared of losing 5 grands. Reeeeeeeeeeally. Why don't they take away the ridicolous fines and start suspending players for multiple games - without pay. I'm sure that'd work much better
    Did you read the whole thing? It starts at 5k and then increases each time up to 30k, Even to millionaires 30k is $$$ they do not want to give back too frequently. 6 or more could lead to suspensions. I think everyone would agree that players like CP3, Manu and Reggie Evans flop (very blatantly) way more than 6 times a year. This is a good step in the right direction.

  12. #37
    All World Contributor FlyGirl's Avatar
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    "I never looked at myself as a big flopper," Nowitzki told the Dallas Morning News while the Mavericks are practicing in Germany. "If you play me physical then, obviously, I've got to sell the call and get to the (free throw) line. That's just part of the game. We'll have to see how they enforce that.

    "I think it's a bunch of crap to be honest with you. Are they going to come back after a game and fine you for flopping? That's tough to do, to me."
    "Hey, sometimes they put in new rules, and you look and you say, 'Hey, this rule really helped our sport,'" Nowitzki told the Morning News. "And some rules don't and they get thrown out pretty quick because they're not enforceable.

    "We'll see how it goes and how guys adjust. I don't think it's a big deal. We'll just play the regular game like we always have. I'm not really worried about anything. I'm just going to go out there like I always play."

  13. #38
    Says the man that caused a "STOP THE FLOP" chant in the arena during the playoffs......

  14. #39
    All-Star PennStatePelican's Avatar
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    Pretty funny instructional video to the NBA refs .
    "Davis is gonna be the best Basketball Player Ever. ......Please quote me." -Silverfoxx

  15. #40
    its not ideal but its a start...you have to figure if the NBA doesnt see this changing the flopping they will revamp it and make it more harsh. its a start

  16. #41
    correct me if i'm wrong but doesnt the NBA PA have to approve it as well? you cant just start at 50K fines a flop, they'd never agree to it..... start off small and see where it goes from there

  17. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by da ThRONe View Post

    I guarantee if the refs only call for sure fouls these guys would stop behaving like they are made of feathers.
    That's the real heart of the issue. There is far too much ticky-tack officiating, which has led to guys playing the officials as much as their opponents.
    Old fan. Tired fan. I want to believe.

  18. #43
    All World Contributor FlyGirl's Avatar
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    Jarrett Jack, you have been WARNED!

  19. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by LouisianaPride View Post
    correct me if i'm wrong but doesnt the NBA PA have to approve it as well? you cant just start at 50K fines a flop, they'd never agree to it..... start off small and see where it goes from there
    Since the punishments are fines rather than fouls, I could see that being the case. Although I personally don't think the NBPA really has any issue with fines for flopping... they would just clearly want to bargain for something else in return.

    We'll see, but obviously something has to be done about the blatant flopping. The video even showed that most flopping won't be penalized since it's not flopping that is the issue, it's the theatrics involved with some of the flopping. It's just a major annoyance and has to be removed from the game.

  20. #45
    Hornets fan from NJ! Vinny6420's Avatar
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    Elizabeth NJ?? LOL thats literally 5 minutes from my house

    And im glad they are doing something for this crap, i hate flopping
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