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Thread: Updated team salary (according to hoops hype) 7-19

  1. #1
    The Voice of Reason Contributor RaisingTheBar's Avatar
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    Updated team salary (according to hoops hype) 7-19

    right now without davis and rivers our total team salary is $45 million (this is counting the miller contract as 5 mil not 900k, wont change until he officially retires)

    Also was surprised that anderson's deal wasnt 9 mil/year like previously reported.

  2. #2
    Hall of Famer Pelicans23's Avatar
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    What i don't get is why Miller hasn't decided to retire yet officially.

    I mean it feels like its holding up our cap to sign a center or whatever leftovers we need to finish the roster

    So whats the deal here? If he's not retired yet i don't understand why we did the trade. I know we scored 2 extra picks in that deal but its weird to me that we traded for a player who's retiring who's holding a spot on our roster still. Maybe i'm just impatient.

  3. #3
    No White Flags Soundwave's Avatar
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    By my math, if the cap goes up to $60 next year like it is reported, we would have $20 mil available after we decline the option on X.

    I love how Anderson's contract is lowest next two years.
    Quote Originally Posted by Conroy View Post
    I feel like I'm wasting my time compared to Sound.
    Quote Originally Posted by NOLa. View Post
    I think Sound just upped the standards in the league.
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  4. #4
    If it's truely a team option then why not decline it, unless we just want him to fill out a spot on the bench.

    "I don't know if people know — I dislocated my pinkie finger. And [Tyreke] told me, 'You wanna go home or you wanna be here?' I want to be here. And he said, 'All right, then go tape it up and let's play. Let's go. We not stoppin' at no stores. Straight gas. That's what we do, just keep going.'"


  5. #5
    I know it's been discussed but I highly doubt X is on the team next year unless he breaks out this year.

  6. #6
    No White Flags Soundwave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hornets05 View Post
    What i don't get is why Miller hasn't decided to retire yet officially.

    I mean it feels like its holding up our cap to sign a center or whatever leftovers we need to finish the roster

    So whats the deal here? If he's not retired yet i don't understand why we did the trade. I know we scored 2 extra picks in that deal but its weird to me that we traded for a player who's retiring who's holding a spot on our roster still. Maybe i'm just impatient.
    Maybe we are keeping it like it is in case of a trade? I'm not sure how quickly we are allowed to flip that contract, but it could be an asset for someone else.

    We now have plenty of second rounders, a retiring contract, and a euro stash all as assets.

  7. #7
    The Franchise bustah's Avatar
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  8. #8
    No White Flags Soundwave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soundwave View Post
    By my math, if the cap goes up to $60 next year like it is reported, we would have $20 mil available after we decline the option on X.

    I love how Anderson's contract is lowest next two years.
    Never mind, did my math wrong. The team options are not included in that salary figure. $14 is what we would be looking at.

  9. #9
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soundwave View Post
    Never mind, did my math wrong. The team options are not included in that salary figure. $14 is what we would be looking at.
    Correct. Miller is not in the team total cap number in that presentation.

  10. #10
    The Voice of Reason Contributor RaisingTheBar's Avatar
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    a little off topic but does anyone know usually when the draft picks get signed? i have heard of a couple already getting done, just wondering what is taking so long with AD and AR's

  11. #11
    Jimeert Freedet 4 Prez IamQuailman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaisingTheBrow View Post
    a little off topic but does anyone know usually when the draft picks get signed? i have heard of a couple already getting done, just wondering what is taking so long with AD and AR's
    This. I wonder why it takes so long... esp when wages are already determined. It's not like that have to negotiate much

  12. #12
    For...ev...er... The JNR's Avatar
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    I'm not positive but I think it is either signing them to 100% or 120% of the scale. I've seen that tossed around but never confirmed, so I could be wrong.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by IamQuailman View Post
    This. I wonder why it takes so long... esp when wages are already determined. It's not like that have to negotiate much
    Probably following the line of Mickey Loomis... he doesn't like signing players early. He wants to wait as long as possible so that they're in a structured environment before they sign a big contract.

  14. #14
    Mostly Harmless 42's Avatar
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    Not sure I agree with characterizations above.

    Max decline in first offseason, then increases back to average.

    Mini-collison effect, more likely to extend since it's at average value at the end of the deal.

    Use the cap space now to help later seasons. Smart.

    Also, don't forget cap holds restricting our moves. This deal restricts us more this year given our small cap room. Another sign of big moves being unlikely.
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  15. #15
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The JNR View Post
    I'm not positive but I think it is either signing them to 100% or 120% of the scale. I've seen that tossed around but never confirmed, so I could be wrong.
    Probably it. They will get 120% if signed, but currently the extra 20% not counting against cap. No need to sign and use up extra cap space yet.

  16. #16
    Mostly Harmless 42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaisingTheBrow View Post
    a little off topic but does anyone know usually when the draft picks get signed? i have heard of a couple already getting done, just wondering what is taking so long with AD and AR's
    We are under the cap, so signing them affects our ability to make moves. The difference is like $1m+ between 100% scale and 120% scale for our guys. This may not seem alot compared to a $58m cap, but it's alot when we have next to no room, and only $5m or so when Miller goes, less if we are embracing our bonguaranteed deals.

    There is no negotiation effectively, so the Loomis thing above does not apply by a sight.

  17. #17
    Does not signing rookie 1st round picks have anything to do with retaining cap flexibility? I am not overly familiar with the CBA, but if we sign Rivers and Davis wouldn't they count towards the cap and eliminate any space we have left? However if we use up our cap space to sign someone else first, we can still sign Rivers and Davis under the rookie exception?

    So is the team just waiting until the last minute to sign those guys to retain cap space?

  18. #18
    The Voice of Reason Contributor RaisingTheBar's Avatar
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    for what its worth, McNamara ‏said that miller IS retired, and the hornets are just holding his contract in case a trade pops up. im not sure of the restrictions of trading a recently acquired, retired player, just relaying what i saw on twitter.

  19. #19
    Mostly Harmless 42's Avatar
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    It's all a salary game. Retired players are owed salary, and we can get out of nost of his because of his contract not being guaranteed.

    We can reduce his salary in an instant, but we can use the larger salary in a trade and move his nearly $1m away, in the process, converting dead salary (Lewis) to something useful.


    Mike is right. More detail is all.

  20. #20
    No White Flags Soundwave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 42 View Post
    It's all a salary game. Retired players are owed salary, and we can get out of nost of his because of his contract not being guaranteed.

    We can reduce his salary in an instant, but we can use the larger salary in a trade and move his nearly $1m away, in the process, converting dead salary (Lewis) to something useful.


    Mike is right. More detail is all.
    Can we do this now? Or is there an amount of time we have to wait?

  21. #21
    Pistol Pete Would Be Proud!! Spaniard's Avatar
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    From the Coon:

    "In addition, teams cannot trade players under the following circumstances:

    •For two months after receiving the player in trade, if the trade aggregates the player's salary with the salaries of other players. However, the team is free to trade the player immediately, either by himself or without aggregating his salary with other salaries. This restriction applies only to teams over the salary cap. (Also see question number 85.)"

    If I'm understanding this correctly, we can definitely trade Miller now as long as it is by himself. But "I think", because we are technically under the salary cap, we can even package him immedialtely. But don't hold me to that one.

    The long and short of it is, YES, we can trade Miller's deal. And not only did Demps bring in two seconds, but he also got a pretty handy trade chip in the process to a team looking to cut costs.

  22. #22
    No White Flags Soundwave's Avatar
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    I read that as in we can trade him right away as well.

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