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Thread: Uh, oh

  1. #1
    "Primetime" Radio Host
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    Uh, oh

    I hope you fine folks enjoyed Jim Nantz' remarks about New Orleans and your support of basketball in Wednesday's USA Today.

    It was a riot to listen to Darren Rovell on PrimeTime yesterday.

    Or how about Pat Croce's comments about Nawlins, Shinn and Wooldridge on Tuesday's show.

    My buddy Mark Cuban thinks the world of your city....but not as a NBA destination.

    I read today that Seattle's owner, Howard Schultz, seems very impressed with George and Roy (Sorry, Buddy D.).

    By the way, I actually caught the interview with Buddy D and "Roy" Wooldridge....that was quality entertainment...you should feel very proud of your local sports radio.

    By the way, Harvery Hornet, why are you working so hard in denying being on the show and sending me emails....your conscious must be bothering you ?

    Keep up the good work Nawlins...Roy keeps digging that hole a little deeper every day.
    Last edited by Mark Packer; 03-14-2002 at 07:38 AM.

  2. #2
    Starter Elric's Avatar
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    Pack!! Nice names you've mentioned but this is the quote I
    liked the most:

    Colangelo acknowledged significant opposition to the move.

    "I think it's a hot button for a lot of people in the league," he told Sports Business Daily. "I've heard from a number of people who are very strongly opposed to a move, but our committee will weigh all the plusses and make the recommendation to the board."

    The big dog himself....

  3. #3
    Here we go again!

    Everytime some good news comes out about New Orleans steeping up like yesterday's signing of Hibernia Bank, Packer and the rest of the unbelievers start clawing away for any negativity and ill comments against our city. This has become an obvious trend on this board. Just goes to show how you are backed into a corner and know there is no way out. Of course, some of the owners such as the Seattle Supersonics man is going to speak there opinion, and if that gets you fired up thinking Charlotte's chances just got better-Forget It! However I dont blame you. If I thought my NBA team was leaving for good in a few months, I would probably do the same thing. The vote will not be slam dunk, but New Orleans will get the majority votes needed to win approval.

    Keep on dreaming!

  4. #4
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    Everyone should just put this troll on their ignore list and not give him the pleasure of responses. He did not come back until he could find something negative to say and he offers NOTHING to the discussions over here.

  5. #5
    Hard to argue the truth!

  6. #6
    In Time Out say-what-x's Avatar
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    First off, I am only posting in this thread because it is the most likely post to be read by our visitors from Charlotte. In light of the recent article published in your paper and the comments made in this thread and those duplicates that popped-up this morning like weeds, I just want to make a few points:

    1) The 2 votes of Cuban and Schultz do not a majority make,

    2) Pat Croce does not get to vote so we don't care (in fact he is not exactly loved by the majority owners of the 76'ers, is he, after his failed power struggle which resulted in his removal as team president),

    3) Neither Cuban or Schultz actually said they would vote no, just that they are not very pleased with the situation, either could actually vote for the move and justify it by saying that once the committee presented the evidence the move was justified,

    4) Cuban's comment on Charlotte keeping the Hornets "Your chances are better than you think" is no guarantee - a 10% chance is better than ZERO, 20 better than 10, 30 better than 20; I think you get the picture. No where does he say the team is Charlotte's to lose, nor does he say the team is New Orleans to win; and

    5) Jerry Colangelo has said nothing during this process that could be interpreted as favoring one city over the other - his comments balance out (that is each city can gleam a little bit to think the decision is leaning one way or the other) but his basic statement is that they will undertake the evaluation process and after completing their due dilligence, make a recommendation to the league.

    So, to all of you in Charlotte I say, keep looking for that silver lining, it may be there. The NBA owners are the wild card. But until the full vote is in, this means nothing. Remember, despite these comments that you see so much promise in, these come from some of the same people that also said this:
    Croce, now a co-host for the NBA on NBC studio show, also understands that the league cannot and will not force Shinn and Wooldridge to sell their team Croce backs Charlotte fans
    Jerry Colangelo: current Hornets’ owners George Shinn and Ray Wooldridge have an inherent advantage. "They’re (the NBA owners) not thrilled about them wanting to move," Colangelo said. "But there’s not anything they can really do about it."NBA starts to act on Hornets
    A straw poll conducted by The Gazette with beat writers of the other 28 NBA teams over the weekend proved inconclusive. Most seem to think their ownership groups would be inclined to approve a move, if for no other reason than the fact that the NBA has long been an owners’ league.
    Even ownership groups who think Shinn and Wooldridge are bad for the league and/or think New Orleans isn’t a good market seem to be thinking that way. Stern blames Charlotte leaders
    And for those of us in New Orleans, remember, don't underestimate your opposition, our business and government leaders will learn what they can from their opponents actions and words to prepare an effective counter offensive. Storm clouds may be brewing on the horizon, but that does not mean that they will have enough energy to sustain themselves once the relocation committee completes its investigation and renders a report on New Orleans.
    Last edited by say-what-x; 03-14-2002 at 10:00 AM.

  7. #7
    Charter Member Southpaw's Avatar
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    Very good post, say-what.

    Cuts through the BS and focuses on the issue.

    There will be opposition. No one in New Orleans believes that this is a done deal or that it would be a unanimous vote for the move.

    But at this point we simply have the public acknowledgement of that opposition.

    That was there all along. The Hornets owners and the New Orleans team that will make presentations to the relocation committee are likely to be well aware of that opposition and are prepared for it.

    At this point it's difficult to say for certain which way the vote will go.

    But to say that we should start getting worried is silly of our CLT friends. The more reasonable of us have been worried (to some extent) about this all along and these articles from the Observer don't change anything.

    All we can do is see how this plays out. Despite the worry, I'm pretty optimistic.
    A football game can't stop hurricanes.

    It can't fix levees.

    Or rebuild houses.

    But it can let a city know...

    That it's a city once again.

    Welcome back, New Orleans.

  8. #8
    In Time Out say-what-x's Avatar
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    Let me just add this:

    As for Colangelo's comment regarding significant opposition - Uh, what does significant opposition mean? Is it a majority of owners or just a very vocal minority as it so often turns out. Just depends on how you want to spin it, doesn't it.

    Until the actual report of the relocation committee is presented to the owners for a vote and said vote takes place, all of our interpretation of comments made is meaningless. Just as meaningless as any opposition or support of the move voiced by the other 28 owners prior to hearing the full report and recommendations of the relocation committee.

    As for me - I believe, yes I believe!

    (sorry for double posting this in two threads, but better said twice than not at all)
    Last edited by say-what-x; 03-14-2002 at 10:01 AM.

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Slidell Hornet
    There will be opposition. No one in New Orleans believes that this is a done deal or that it would be a unanimous vote for the move.
    Have you forgot about the "How many yes votes will there be?" thread? It seems there are many people from NO who think it will be. Sorry, just had to point that out.

  10. #10
    In Time Out say-what-x's Avatar
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    CLT HORNETS FAN and izzydean - While there are many comments made by we, the New Orleans Hornets fans, that it will be 29-0 in favor, there are also many opinions expressed by that same group that there will be opposition. Also, opposition or not, there are those of us who believe that the actual tally may never be revealed, just the ultimate decision and why.

  11. #11
    Charter Member Southpaw's Avatar
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    Originally posted by CLT HORNETS FAN

    Izzy, thanks for catching that also. I thought I might have just dreamed that or something.
    Guys...I guess I'm talking about off the message board. In general (in the real world) most folks want it to happen...think it will happen...but are cautiously optimistic about it. Make no mistake...we are excited about it. But most folks here know how it feels to be burned by the NBA. So the caution is there.

    If you notice...I rarely take part in any of the threads that become NOLA vs. CLT bash-fests. So I guess I gloss over a lot of the "done deal...sorry CLT" or "start worrying NOLA...it's not gonna happen" stuff.

    I think we can all agree that the rantings on a message board hardly reflect the general feeling of any city.

  12. #12
    Charter Member Southpaw's Avatar
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    Originally posted by CLT HORNETS FAN
    Very true Slidell. Sorry about that, I was not bashing, flaming or attacking you, just wanted to disagree with you. I usually try to look over things like all the city bashing also. You guy's must forgive, me I'm in a very good mood today, and most of my wise cracks today are only in fun. If any of you feel that I have went over the line let, me know. I think we can all admit that it has been a long drawn out ordeal. Let's keep some fun in this, minus the city bashing.
    I still think that it's anybody's ball game. We won't know what the truth is until the vote.
    I hear'ya CLT. I know you weren't taking a shot. You guys just seemed surprised at what I said...and I didn't want anyone to think I was the crazy one! (Just kidding!)

    I don't mind the fun or some harmless ribbing. The problem right now is that we are so far into this mess...with still a long way to go before the decision...that it's easy for the fun to turn ugly...not from you or me...but there are tons of flamers. I've seen reasonable discussions go south fast...as you have too. It's kind of a shame, because I enjoy the debate. But I just stay out of it for the most part now...only a comment here or there.

    Anyway...I agree with your last comments completely. We won't know the truth until the vote.


  13. #13
    Starter Elric's Avatar
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    I stay away from the city vs city mudfest myself. I've never been
    to NO so I can't have any opinion on whether it's the greatest
    city in the world or the worst. Naturally the truth lies somewhere
    in between. I would like to thank LA for Britney Spears though.
    I may not think she has a thimble full of talent but she does rest
    easy on the eyes.

  14. #14
    Font of Sports Knowledge B-Rich's Avatar
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    Packer wrote:

    "By the way, Harvery Hornet, why are you working so hard in denying being on the show and sending me emails"

    I think it's HARVEY Hornet, Pack... who is this HARVERY Hornet?

    Packer also writes "....your conscious must be bothering you ?"

    Hey Pack, what's a "conscious"? I thought that was when someone was awake, or lucid? Oh, you mean "CONSCIENCE"!!!

    Packman, my advice to you is to stick to radio and avoid print journalism. Confidentially, I wish Buddy D had done the opposite....


  15. #15
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Re: Uh, oh

    Originally posted by Mark Packer
    By the way, Harvery Hornet, why are you working so hard in denying being on the show and sending me emails....your conscious must be bothering you ?
    Have never been on your show or e-mailed your pathetic @$$. Just more lies from you. Is that what your show is all about? I did PM you twice and give you the chance to get to the real Harvey. You obviously don't have the grapefruits.

  16. #16
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    To use a quote from Adam Sandler (Billy Madison) I think the Packman is really pooping his pants right now . He can't believe we met the goals. He will not believe it when the owners love the city and the deals we have stuck (sponsors, lease agreement, TV, Radio etc) and he will be in total shock when the NBA votes for NEW ORLEANS as the new and permanent home of the HORNETS. Its ok to admit you were wrong Packman, Oh thats right we will not see you around here after April 9th huh?

    You are a MORON


    LSU Fans, Check out our LSU Site, BAYOUBENGALS.COM , Sister site of SR and NOH.

  17. #17
    Hall of Famer Contributor Hopeful Hugo's Avatar
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    But Daddy said the Hornets would stay!!! He had all of his friends come on my show and put down New Orleans!!! I wont quit or I will become Daddy's stat boy again and he is mean to me when I screw up!!!:announce:
    Geaux Pells!

  18. #18
    Saywhat...you put alot of effort into your post and I admire that...but you have to admit...you blame or criticize CLt for reaching...seems most of your post is doing the same thing...let me point out a few instances.

    [QUOTE]Originally posted by say-what
    3) Neither Cuban or Schultz actually said they would vote no, just that they are not very pleased with the situation, either could actually vote for the move and justify it by saying that once the committee presented the evidence the move was justified,[QUOTE]

    Now....you may be right...but where in your thinking is it for SURE that they will vote YES...Ahhh you don't know for sure...then why put it in here...it is reaching...Bring the truth...

    4) Cuban's comment on Charlotte keeping the Hornets "Your chances are better than you think" is no guarantee - a 10% chance is better than ZERO, 20 better than 10, 30 better than 20; I think you get the picture. No where does he say the team is Charlotte's to lose, nor does he say the team is New Orleans to win; [QUOTE]

    Nice one...well the City of CLT is 75% positive that we will keep the team so by your statistics, that would mean that a 76% chance was better than 75, or a 85% is better than a 75 or a 100% is better then a 75...see what I mean...How do you know what CLT posters think when it coms to our chnaces of keeping the team?

    [QUOTE]So, to all of you in Charlotte I say, keep looking for that silver lining, it may be there. [QUOTE}

    Practice what you preach brother....look for that silver lining...Oh I forgot...Ray TOLD you they were coming...I almost forgot that he runs the NBA.

    Now seriously....I do think you will win and you will get the Hornets and I will pull them then like i do now...NEVER...I have not been a hornets fan at all...Just not a Pro BB fan...college yes, but not for the pros. Congrats on the ticket sales...not sure if they are legit, but as Harvey hornet told me once...it doesn't matter how you get them, as long as you get them...

  19. #19
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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    You are relying on Cuban's comments from such a reliable source as a Charlotte restauranteur. Also, Cuban refused to confirm it. I am not sold on the comment.

  20. #20
    Originally posted by HORNETSFAN
    You are relying on Cuban's comments from such a reliable source as a Charlotte restauranteur. Also, Cuban refused to confirm it. I am not sold on the comment.
    I'm not relying on anything and never said I was, thanks for letting me know what I was supposed to be thinking though...No one knows until the vote...I was simplying trying to prove that CLT is not the only city reaching for the the silver lining and making up things. the post was about CLT making assumptions while at the same time the poster was making assumptions of his own...

  21. #21
    In Time Out say-what-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by SouthernTater
    I was simplying trying to prove that CLT is not the only city reaching for the the silver lining and making up things. the post was about CLT making assumptions while at the same time the poster was making assumptions of his own...
    No reaching involved in the post - a hint of sarcasm maybe, but no reaching (O.K. a lot of sarcasm). I was simply pointing out that what CLT seems to take as fact, is nothing more than an opinion based on assumptions - obviously my doing the same seems to have proven the point - is either view right or wrong, or are they both right or wrong, don't ponder it too long though, you may develop a migraine. I never said Cuban or Schultz would vote yes or no, you just assumed I said they would vote yes. As for my remark about Charlotte's chances being better than they think - you obviously missed the sarcasm hidden in the truth of that statement. Take it as you want, it makes no difference to me.

    I do agree that we will not know for certain the outcome of this relocation effort until after the league informs us of the results of the ownership vote following the recommendation of the relocation committee. Until then, here's to a little fun speculating, opining and postulating otherwise.

    Last edited by say-what-x; 03-14-2002 at 10:31 PM.

  22. #22
    Originally posted by say-what

    No reaching involved in the post - a hint of sarcasm maybe, but no reaching (O.K. a lot of sarcasm). I was simply pointing out that what CLT seems to take as fact, is nothing more than an opinion based on assumptions - obviously my doing the same seems to have proven the point - is either view right or wrong, or are they both right or wrong, don't ponder it too long though, you may develop a migraine. I never said Cuban or Schultz would vote yes or no, you just assumed I said they would vote yes. As for my remark about Charlotte's chances being better than they think - you obviously missed the sarcasm hidden in the truth of that statement. Take it as you want, it makes no difference to me.

    I do agree that we will not know for certain the outcome of this relocation effort until after the league informs us of the results of the ownership vote following the recommendation of the relocation committee. Until then, here's to a little fun speculating, opining and postulating otherwise.

    I did see the sarcasm Say-Waht...you must have missed it from my post...I never said that you knew for a fact that Cuban would vote YES or No..Go back and read my post...i simply stated a fact...everytime a CLT poster posts a thread it is met with cliams of being an assumption or a DREAM...your post, sarcastic or not was the same.

    I also saw the sarcasm with regards to the 10 is better than zero, 30 is better then 20...

    I did take your post for what is it worth...that is why I posted...I tried to show it's worth which is not much more than a bunc hof assumptions and it was met with praise by other NO posters as if your post was factual.

    Will the ticket sales honetsly be met, who konws until tomorrow but either way, I don't care...will the move be denied, I don't care...if it is denied, will there be a lawsuit, who knows but i hope not as there are more important things to worry about than a pro NBA team.

    As both uof us stated, no one knows until the vote comes in and event then it may not be final...If NO gets the team, congrats and I will even be happy to go and help them pack, no hard feelings, if they stay, fine, I still won't go see them, not even under new ownership if that happens (yes, I said if, because like the other "what-if's", no ones truely knows.

    Get some sleep Say-what...we all have been here to long...

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