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Thread: Uh oh? New York Times Reports - Davis Likely to Refuse Hornets' Offer

  1. #126
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Houston, Republic of Texas
    Oh my God! I did not know the monkey had been broken out! This may be more serious than I thought...

  2. #127
    Reason a person from New Orleans could be bitter to Charlotte

    1. How many years did it take New Orleans to get another team? How many years did it take Charlotte?

    2. The warning of Shinn and Woolridge from charlotte have come true. Not in the way you think though. We warned how many players do not want to play for this orginization because of the way they treat players, such as bogues and mourning etc. Now players such as Baron do not want to sign with them or deal with that, no matter how much money is being thrown at them. Everybody just thought we meant they were cheap.

    Other than that you will have to explain it to me because I have no idea why New Orleans continues to attack Charlotte posters. I am not a fan of the owners you have, but I definately do not have anything against New Orleans.

  3. #128

    He is always ready to serve when needed!

  4. #129
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by originalbugs
    Reason a person from New Orleans could be bitter to Charlotte

    1. How many years did it take New Orleans to get another team? How many years did it take Charlotte?

    2. The warning of Shinn and Woolridge from charlotte have come true. Not in the way you think though. We warned how many players do not want to play for this orginization because of the way they treat players, such as bogues and mourning etc. Now players such as Baron do not want to sign with them or deal with that, no matter how much money is being thrown at them. Everybody just thought we meant they were cheap.

    Other than that you will have to explain it to me because I have no idea why New Orleans continues to attack Charlotte posters. I am not a fan of the owners you have, but I definately do not have anything against New Orleans.
    I can handle this...
    1. Who cares.
    2. Who cares. The PERCEPTIONS and WARNINGS from the CLT people mean nothing to us.

    Other than that, I have nothing to explain. Do you feel like you have been attacked or that I just simply told you the truth?
    Last edited by Harvey Hornet-x; 07-03-2002 at 03:43 PM.

  5. #130
    Going away.... Contributor West Coast Hornet's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Harvey Hornet
    Oh my God! I did not know the monkey had been broken out! This may be more serious than I thought...
    Harvey, you were so choo rouged that you missed it. Man, how can you miss da monkey?

    And Grand, love the idea about da squirrel!

    OB, you had your chance, but you blew it. You did not convince any of us with your arguments about why we are bitter towards you. We are LOAO at you! Be reasonable, some, many, most, all of you are bitter towards us because you lost your team and they relocated to our filthy, poverty-ridden, ho/crack town. Just learn to deal with it like a man instead of crying like a woman. Back to the ignore list you go, coullion! Not gonna let you get your jollies here. That's all you are trying to do. Hey, where's the chicken? We need a chicken and a choker!
    Last edited by West Coast Hornet; 07-03-2002 at 03:46 PM.

  6. #131
    Harvey, why think about Charlotte when they are going to get owners dedicated to winning a CHAMPIONSHIP. When you have owners that are happy with first round and second round exits in playoffs. Too painful to think about, probably.

  7. #132
    I said it might apply, Harvey. I was hoping New Orleans can tell me why they are so bitter.

  8. #133
    Originally posted by originalbugs
    Reason a person from New Orleans could be bitter to Charlotte

    1. How many years did it take New Orleans to get another team? How many years did it take Charlotte?

    2. The warning of Shinn and Woolridge from charlotte have come true. Not in the way you think though. We warned how many players do not want to play for this orginization because of the way they treat players, such as bogues and mourning etc. Now players such as Baron do not want to sign with them or deal with that, no matter how much money is being thrown at them. Everybody just thought we meant they were cheap.

    Other than that you will have to explain it to me because I have no idea why New Orleans continues to attack Charlotte posters. I am not a fan of the owners you have, but I definately do not have anything against New Orleans.
    1. a) It took too many years to get a team back here. But, some of it was our city's fault. We chose to deal with the wrong individuals in the T-Wolves case.
    b) Charlotte is very fortunate that Stern thinks highly of you to get this new team. But, the world will be watching. And if Charlotte messes this one up, it could be Goodbye and So Long to the NBA permanently.

    2. Baron not signing has nothing to do with the owners or New Orleans. Baron was going to make this play either way IMO. It was convenient for him to do it now since they relocated. New Orleans is not looked upon any less than Charlotte. That's a crock of bs that Charlotte posters keep inferring.

  9. #134
    Originally posted by originalbugs
    Reason a person from New Orleans could be bitter to Charlotte

    1. How many years did it take New Orleans to get another team? How many years did it take Charlotte?

    2. The warning of Shinn and Woolridge from charlotte have come true. Not in the way you think though. We warned how many players do not want to play for this orginization because of the way they treat players, such as bogues and mourning etc. Now players such as Baron do not want to sign with them or deal with that, no matter how much money is being thrown at them. Everybody just thought we meant they were cheap.

    Other than that you will have to explain it to me because I have no idea why New Orleans continues to attack Charlotte posters. I am not a fan of the owners you have, but I definately do not have anything against New Orleans.

    How can you link NO not having a team to having bitterness towards Charlotte? First of all you had nothing to do with it. Secondly, I guess we hate every other city that's been awarded a franchise too including Orlando, Toronto, and Memphis (via Vancouver). That's really a stupid statement.

    We have said this and will continue to say this...

    We don't give a :999999996 @$$ what Charlotte thinks of S & W. If that's the case, let's send Benson and the Saints packing as well, because there's no one as despised as he is when it comes to personnel decisions.

    I think I've figured it out. You have no life. The only thing you have time for is to stir the pot with your everybody there hates us here routine. Get over it. May 10, has come and gone. You should have more important things to do until Charlotte gets their own team. Let us celebrate in peace.
    Last edited by GrandAdmiral-x; 07-03-2002 at 03:53 PM.

  10. #135
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by originalbugs
    Harvey, why think about Charlotte when they are going to get owners dedicated to winning a CHAMPIONSHIP. When you have owners that are happy with first round and second round exits in playoffs. Too painful to think about, probably.
    Thanks for proving our point about who is being negative and bitter. Your hatred toward the owners has caused you to come here and post this garbage (not against us of course) so you can get some self validation. Sorry, you won't find it here. I know this may be difficult for you to understand, but let me try again and this is not personal. It is just factual. WE DON'T GIVE A FLYING F*** ABOUT YOU , YOUR CITY, YOUR POTENTIAL TEAM OR YOUR POTENTIAL OWNERS. We are simply discussing OUR business and you butted in. Understand that you are posting CLT basketball news at a New Orleans based site. Wonder why we don't care, or should I explain. WE DON'T GIVE A FLYING F*** ABOUT CHARLOTTE. Understand this and contribute to New Orleans Hornets talk or just take a flying leap.

  11. #136
    West Coast, I will say the same then. WHy would we be bitter we are getting a new team without shinn or woolridge?

    CC, good post. I hope we can do well with this new team too. Its hard to ignore so many years of sell-out crowds and that was when the team sucked. I blame our city council just as much as SHinn. It takes them forever to make a decision and our Mayor continues to think we need this hard image of my way or the highway. We have idiots in the council.

    You might be right about baron. It was just my opinion from what I read. I said I didnt think he would sign with a small market team rather its charlotte or New Orleans.

  12. #137
    Your assuming Harvey. I put blame just as equally on our city council. Dont hate me harvey if I am trying to show you the truth. And let me remind you that I had to read millions of post from New Orleans on a Charlotte board for months and I enjoyed hearing their opinion even if I disagreed. If you dont want to be open-minded thats fine but I have a feeling that plenty of intelligent New Orleans posters do.

  13. #138
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by originalbugs
    Your assuming Harvey. I put blame just as equally on our city council. Dont hate me harvey if I am trying to show you the truth. And let me remind you that I had to read millions of post from New Orleans on a Charlotte board for months and I enjoyed hearing their opinion even if I disagreed. If you dont want to be open-minded thats fine but I have a feeling that plenty of intelligent New Orleans posters do.
    You better learn what truth means before you try to teach me about it. Don't try to show me a damn thing other than how fast you can get lost. Don't talk down to me either. WTF do you think you are? I may not be as intelligent as you geniouses (sp) in CLT, but I am not stupid enough to run my team out of town over the Baron Davis issue or any other. I also don't give a rats @$$ about if you get another team or not. HAS THAT SUNK IN? You don't post opened minded facts. You wreak of disdain for Shinn and Wooldridge. Are YOU NOT INTELLIGNET enough to realize that your perception of the truth is totally driven by your hatred? Why waste time here trying to tell us about your team and city when WE DON'T CARE. Are you f***ing brain dead? What part of we don't care about what you have to say do you not understand? STF up already. I don't care who you blame. I don't care where you live. I don't care if you like Baron Davis. I don't care if you hate Baron Davis. I don't F***ING CARE!!!! GET THAT THRU YOUR THICK F***ING SKULL and maybe you will take the hint. Talk about the New Orleans Hornets if you will, but STF up about CLT, their team and your lousy misguided, jaded opinions about our owners. I wish CLT still had a board full of coullions like you where you could all self validate and leave us alone. Welcome to my ignore list. You may get away with talking down to your coullion friends in CLT, but don't do it here. You are the ultimate example of the word COULLION.

    ps. I didn't forget to put the smiling face next to that comment. I meant it.
    Last edited by Harvey Hornet-x; 07-03-2002 at 04:33 PM.

  14. #139
    Sorry Harvey, if I came off talking down to you. I was trying to compare situations. And by the use of all of your caps I can tell you care about something I had to say. And your constant insults to charlotte in other threads, such as shots at attendance show you are still have interest in charlotte. Want you care when we have a team facing off against each other in 2003? I would hope so. This team has very good chance of facing off against the lakers this year. Even if they have to trade baron for somebody. Too bad you cant see this post Harvey. Once again I would hope you would have good wishes for charlotte and their quest to get a championship team because I hope the Hornets go all the way this year. And they have a very good chance.
    Last edited by originalbugs; 07-03-2002 at 04:40 PM.

  15. #140
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by originalbugs
    Sorry Harvey, if I came off talking down to you. I was trying to compare situations. And by the use of all of your caps I can tell you care about something I had to say. And your constant insults to charlotte in other threads, such as shots at attendance show you are still have interest in charlotte. Want you care when we have a team facing off against each other in 2003? I would hope so. This team has very good chance of facing off against the lakers this year. Even if they have to trade baron for somebody. Too bad you cant see this Harvey.
    I told you not to patronize me!!! You just won't stop. Sometimes we post serious comments and sometimes we kid around. I think you will see that MOST of my posts, are kidding around. And, I do it with some very intelligent CLT visitors. This would be difficult for you to understand. I do have to thank you though. You have DEMONSTRATED how to act like a pompous jack @$$. I will pass on acting like you, but thanks for the lesson. Today I have learned that if I ever want to give the USA an enima, I should stick the pump in your house. Adios coullion. You have just hit the ignore list. WTF do you think you are to patronize anyone on this site?
    Last edited by Harvey Hornet-x; 07-03-2002 at 04:48 PM.

  16. #141
    ...we get to go McDonalds
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    New Orleans
    Maybe some of you can understand this:

    We live in New Orleans. If we theoretically tried to get the Tampa Bay Lightning, would you care? Probably not. If you want to talk about the Hornets, that's fine, but no one on this board cares about a POSSIBLE Charlotte expansion team.

    We'll be interested in your situation when you have a team and they play each other on the basketball court. Just like we'll be interested in the Atlanta Hawks situation when we play them.


  17. #142
    I apologized. I dont know what else to say. If you read my posts you would know that I am one of those intelligent posters. If you cant handle the facts I bring, it might be best that you dont read my posts.

  18. #143
    Sorry. I refuse to read words that are in full caps. Could you repeat that? If you read some of my other posts you would notice that I have been talking about the New Orleans Hornets. I also fitted in some comparisons to Charlotte. I cant help it if I am excited about our New Team. But I want mention it anymore. Just hornet talk. Ok?

  19. #144
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by originalbugs
    I am one of those intelligent posters.
    Self dilusion runs amuk in CLT. At this time, as I prepare to use the ignore option on this fine web site which will ensure that I never have to read your self serving garbage again, I ask one last favor... {edited - vulgar} . Have a nice day.

  20. #145
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Harvey Hornet
    At this time, as I prepare to use the ignore option on this fine web site which will ensure that I never have to read your self serving garbage again, I ask one last favor... {edited - vulgar} . Have a nice day.
    It's not like I used the real "F" word...

  21. #146
    momentary lapse of re-brand NYKF Hornet's Avatar
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    Whatever, I read this whole thing and wanted to post several times but the points would be lost now.

    Face it CHT is bitter about this. They lost a team, felt that they were treated unfairly, and believe they are the only people in the country that have had to deal with mean owners. New Orleans has been supporting pro sports long before CHT jumped into the game. I don't care about attendance records because they don't mean anything in basketball since the mid 80's (too much corporate involvment and fudging of attendance figures). The Hornets did what you expect a NBA team to do: They posted a good record, made the playoffs, and stayed competive. You don't just luck out and win a title, it takes chemistry, hard work, and real effort from all involved. These owners might have been run out CHT, but they survived and appear to want to win and do well more than ever. This is getting the CHT people. Every new move these guys make, is being studied harder now in CHT than ever before. They feel slighted, and want the Hornets to fail without question. The general feeling in CHT is that they deserve a Title Team, and nothing else will do. Fans who care more about owners than players are doomed to repeat the past failures that drove the team out in the first place. They desperately want us to cry about the owners, to feel there pain and give them sympathy. No matter what happens with Baron, CHT will view it in a negitive light. They even found fault in the donation made by owners to the city. They will always be bitter about this, and maybe they should. But we are sick of hearing it: the warnings, the pleading for sympathy, and the general hate spewed about NO.

    One day we look back into this and people will wonder why the Hornets move to New Orleans. The answer will be b/c CHT drove them out of town, that will be the general impression. Much like the way CHT people keep bring up the Jazz situation. Good luck with your new team CHT, you will need it. The only place in the country where the owners actions dictate fan turn out and team support. Well done CHT, you earned your reputation.

  22. #147
    this is a Hornets forum. Havent you read our other posts? Quit posting about charlotte NYKnicks fan.

  23. #148
    momentary lapse of re-brand NYKF Hornet's Avatar
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    Exactly this is a Hornets forum, orgin, stop posting about CHT!!!!!

  24. #149
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Originally posted by nyknicksfan
    Exactly this is a Hornets forum, orgin, stop posting about CHT!!!!!
    Sounds like THE Coullion from CLT is still posting. For being as intelligent as he has told us he is, do you think he will ever get tired of p!ssing up a rope?

  25. #150

    A) I dont want the hornets to fail. I hope they succeed and I think they will. Otherwise I wouldnt be posting here. The only time I would want them to fail is if Charlotte gets a expansion team and they are facing one on one.

    I want go into the other details I disagree with you about because as we agreed this is a hornets board.
    Last edited by originalbugs; 07-03-2002 at 08:52 PM.

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