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Thread: New Name For Hornets

  1. #1

    New Name For Hornets

    I will not feel like the Hornets are truly our team until we have a name that is more fitting and one which we have chosen ourselves. I know that there is some sentiment for the name "Jazz" but personally I feel that "Jazz" now carries too much baggage for me. While I'll never forget watching Pistol Pete perform his magic, the name simply refers to an era that I would rather put to bed and start anew with a fresh, new approach for the team. "Jazz" was then. This is now.
    Since we are the epitome of a gulf coast area, and I know we would all like a fast moving, exciting brand of b-ball I would like to suggest the name of
    "The New Orleans Breakers".
    On another subject, I have read every post on the Charlotte Hornets board and the Charlotte Observer board since the talk of the move to NOLA began and I think there is one thing this board should avoid duplicating. Certain posters there developed an attitude that they controlled the board and seemed to think that their opinion ruled on every subject that came up. I hope that we all remain open minded on all subjects and give everyone the respect that they deserve. I was reading recently that in the wild, parrot flocks have no leader, every member of the flock is on an equal footing and is considered the equal of any other member of the flock. I like that attitude. Lets think like parrots.

  2. #2
    Banned Trueblood's Avatar
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    Re: New Name For Hornets

    Originally posted by Hawkeye
    I will not feel like the Hornets are truly our team until we have a name that is more fitting and one which we have chosen ourselves. I know that there is some sentiment for the name "Jazz" but personally I feel that "Jazz" now carries too much baggage for me. While I'll never forget watching Pistol Pete perform his magic, the name simply refers to an era that I would rather put to bed and start anew with a fresh, new approach for the team. "Jazz" was then. This is now.
    Since we are the epitome of a gulf coast area, and I know we would all like a fast moving, exciting brand of b-ball I would like to suggest the name of
    "The New Orleans Breakers".
    On another subject, I have read every post on the Charlotte Hornets board and the Charlotte Observer board since the talk of the move to NOLA began and I think there is one thing this board should avoid duplicating. Certain posters there developed an attitude that they controlled the board and seemed to think that their opinion ruled on every subject that came up. I hope that we all remain open minded on all subjects and give everyone the respect that they deserve. I was reading recently that in the wild, parrot flocks have no leader, every member of the flock is on an equal footing and is considered the equal of any other member of the flock. I like that attitude. Lets think like parrots.
    Interesting. I don't know how many of you know it but the Breakers USFL franchise played in New Orleans for one year after relocating from Boston before going to Orlando or Portland in the next season. I guess that was an example of a relocation name fitting in rather than looking out of place.

  3. #3
    Travis Bickle Contributor cab694's Avatar
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    Re: New Name For Hornets

    Originally posted by Hawkeye
    I will not feel like the Hornets are truly our team until we have a name that is more fitting and one which we have chosen ourselves. I know that there is some sentiment for the name "Jazz" but personally I feel that "Jazz" now carries too much baggage for me. While I'll never forget watching Pistol Pete perform his magic, the name simply refers to an era that I would rather put to bed and start anew with a fresh, new approach for the team. "Jazz" was then. This is now.
    Since we are the epitome of a gulf coast area, and I know we would all like a fast moving, exciting brand of b-ball I would like to suggest the name of
    "The New Orleans Breakers".
    On another subject, I have read every post on the Charlotte Hornets board and the Charlotte Observer board since the talk of the move to NOLA began and I think there is one thing this board should avoid duplicating. Certain posters there developed an attitude that they controlled the board and seemed to think that their opinion ruled on every subject that came up. I hope that we all remain open minded on all subjects and give everyone the respect that they deserve. I was reading recently that in the wild, parrot flocks have no leader, every member of the flock is on an equal footing and is considered the equal of any other member of the flock. I like that attitude. Lets think like parrots.
    :2Drool: Maybe Shinn & Woolridge will have a name the team contest. New Orleans definitely needs a more local flavor name than Hornets. Hornets is OK, but we can do better. We'll need our own identity.

    Chairman Of The Bored

    "I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous." -cab694

  4. #4
    momentary lapse of re-brand NYKF Hornet's Avatar
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    Good call Primetime, I still look for NO Breaker games on ESPN Classic Sports Network (they play USFL games time to time, but it is mostly NJ, LA, MICH games). I did see a BOS Breakers replay, but not a NO's one.

    cab694 "Maybe Shinn & Woolridge will have a name the team contest. New Orleans definitely needs a more local flavor name than Hornets. Hornets is OK, but we can do better. We'll need our own identity."

    I for one am just happy they didn't sell the name to a company. No matter the name, be happy that it will not reflect some corporate image. Naming the team is one of the unspoken rights of the owners, city, and fans; thank god it will not be made in some corporate marketing meeting of some company. It matters to me. Imagine seeing kids running to the arena with some corporate logo on their t-shirts instead of some nickname.

  5. #5
    Hall of Famer Abbie's Avatar
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    cant you guess ... opps relocated to hawks country, (at least i know it is one team the bobcats SHOULD beat-lol
    You know it is funny as much as I want the hornets name back & I have tried to reason that with everyone here, I find myself thinking why is hornets not good enough for NOLA? Just kidding, really I am okay either way it goes. I think we have started coming up with some good alternatives in Charlotte so do what you please with the name.

  6. #6
    PG/SG #6 bdiddyx24's Avatar
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    Parrot freaks@!!!!!!!!!!!

    You'd be happy , too.

    2002-03 HHS Basketball
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    GAME ON!!!!!

  7. #7
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Re: Re: New Name For Hornets

    Originally posted by cab694
    [B New Orleans definitely needs a more local flavor name than Hornets. Hornets is OK, but we can do better. We'll need our own identity. [/B]
    Many of us here like the name Hornets and disagree. The main reason would be that NO ONE has come up with a decent sounding name other than a return of the great Jazz moniker. Take it with a grain of salt though. I know you realize we are not nearly as smart, reasonable and informative as your old friends at CLT.com. You have said so. No worries though, the prodigal son is always welcome home.
    Last edited by Harvey Hornet-x; 06-01-2002 at 09:42 PM.

  8. #8
    Charter Member PELICANSFAN's Avatar
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  9. #9
    Golden Eagle! HubCityHornet's Avatar
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    That's it! The New Orleans Parrots! You could use any color scheme you wanted, and we could get Jimmy Buffett, the original Parrothead (and a Southern Miss graduate I might add!) to be our Al Hirt!

  10. #10
    Banned Trueblood's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Hub City Hornet
    That's it! The New Orleans Parrots! You could use any color scheme you wanted, and we could get Jimmy Buffett, the original Parrothead (and a Southern Miss graduate I might add!) to be our Al Hirt!
    I don't know, it seems that Buffett has become a pretty loyal Miami Heat season ticket holder. I don't know if he would make the switch.

  11. #11
    momentary lapse of re-brand NYKF Hornet's Avatar
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    Jimmy aint going anywhere. The Heat are Buffett's team, he lives and dies with them and sits courtside almost every game (he even almost got thrown out once, but I forgot what that was all about).

  12. #12
    Draft Pick MrLaloosh's Avatar
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    Re: Re: Re: New Name For Hornets

    Last edited by MrLaloosh; 06-02-2002 at 07:20 PM.
    Mr Laloosh!!! A-1 Coullion!!

  13. #13
    Basketball Guru Contributor
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    It'll probably stay the Hornets so we'll just live with it!! As I stated in another post, I really don't care--all I ever wanted was the NBA back and we got it!! I didn't care if it came from Charlotte, or Kansas!! I just wanted the NBA back in New Orleans. The name if it isn't Hornets will probably be something we'll all like, anyway.

  14. #14
    In Time Out say-what-x's Avatar
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    Why is everyone arguing over this.

    This has been going on since January and the general consensus on the board has been that there is no problem with the name Hornets.

    And yes, many of us are of this opinion. I don't care who thinks that is a problem because no matter what many of us think, everyone is still allowed to voice their opinion - just don't expect everyone to agree with you and expect to run into staunch opposition if your opinion is an unpopular one. It's just a message board. So to people like Hawkeye and MrLaloosh who seem to equate a majority consensus as being wrong or somehow evidence of a few controlling the board, get over it. Everyone has their opinion and is free to express it. I really don't care if you like the name Neonights - me, I think it sucks as do many of us on this board.
    Last edited by say-what-x; 06-02-2002 at 07:02 PM.

  15. #15
    Where is the argument? All I see are people expressing their opinion. You seem to think that the "consensus has spoken" so now everyone should shut up. I just joined this board and know nothing about any "consensus" or even if the matter has even been previously discussed so how could I equate it as being wrong or evidence of a few controling the board. Anyway, whatever the consensus of this board is will not determine what the name of the team will be. That is entirely up to the owners who have the big bucks invested. All your little ticket entitles you to is the right to go to the game and leave safely. This board is just for fun and not to give anyone any real say so in how the team is named or how it is run. You can post 1500 more times and it is not going to have any impact whatsoever insofar as the future name is. You say that everyone has a right to voice his opinion and yet you seem to be bent all out shape by those who are doing just that. You say "get over it". I say to you "lighten up". You are taking this board and yourself far too seriously.

  16. #16
    Hall of Famer Abbie's Avatar
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    cant you guess ... opps relocated to hawks country, (at least i know it is one team the bobcats SHOULD beat-lol
    Lets all take a deep breath- its been a loooong night!

  17. #17
    In Time Out say-what-x's Avatar
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    Believe me, I am not bent out of shape over this. I just thought I would chime in with nothing more than my 2-cents worth. And yes, I agree and have said it many times before, the only people with any real say over what the name of the team will be are the owners, and George Shinn has already said that the name will stay for at least 2 years and after that, he will only change if there is some great outcry from the fans (and there won't be an outcry after a year of getting used to the name).

    Yes, it's just a message board. You can express your opinion and I expressed mine - that's all, nothing more. I have no special power over this board; but beware Spongeridge.

  18. #18
    I would suggest that on the home page the following be posted:

    All new members of this board are
    hereby instructed to refrain from
    making any suggestions or comments
    about changing the name of the New
    Orleans Hornets as it has been unofficially
    determined by the "consensus" that the
    name will not be changed.

  19. #19
    In Time Out say-what-x's Avatar
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    Hawkeye, post what you want, all any of us are saying is don't always expect total agreement. What fun would that be?

    Oh yeah - like you say - don't take any of this too seriously, it's only a message board.

  20. #20
    Hall of Famer Abbie's Avatar
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    cant you guess ... opps relocated to hawks country, (at least i know it is one team the bobcats SHOULD beat-lol
    Hawkeye- Its okay, I am from Chlt & for the most part everyone has been real civil here, I feel the same way you do about the Charlotte board. I just keep reading & slipping posts in. Eventually you'll understand whats going on. And besides that you guys are on the same team.

  21. #21
    I'm wit stoopid dream34's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Hawkeye
    I would suggest that on the home page the following be posted:

    All new members of this board are
    hereby instructed to refrain from
    making any suggestions or comments
    about changing the name of the New
    Orleans Hornets as it has been unofficially
    determined by the "consensus" that the
    name will not be changed.

    Actually I don't belive anyone here is fundamently against a name change, in the event that we can find one that is fitting. Problem is most of those which sound even half good (Hurricanes, Gators, Brass, VooDoo, or Jazz) have already been claimed by another (NBA, NCAA, NHL, ETC) team. Show me a good name which has not already been claimed and I would be inclined to agree with you. This is compounded by the fact that I cannot remember any time in recent history that a relocating team has changed their name irreardless of how bad it sounds (LA Lakers?, Utah Jazz?, Sac Kings?, ETC....) In fact the only relocation team who had a name which made more sense for the new city, than the old was the (you guessed it!) Houston Rockets. That name made perfect sense as Houston is the home of Mission Control, and known as "Space City". BTW why the hell was a San Deigo franchise ever named the Rockets?
    In America there is New York, San Francisco, and New Orleans everywhere else is Cleveland. - Mark Twain

  22. #22
    Banned Trueblood's Avatar
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    Originally posted by dream34

    Actually I don't belive anyone here is fundamently against a name change, in the event that we can find one that is fitting. Problem is most of those which sound even half good (Hurricanes, Gators, Brass, VooDoo, or Jazz) have already been claimed by another (NBA, NCAA, NHL, ETC) team. Show me a good name which has not already been claimed and I would be inclined to agree with you. This is compounded by the fact that I cannot remember any time in recent history that a relocating team has changed their name irreardless of how bad it sounds (LA Lakers?, Utah Jazz?, Sac Kings?, ETC....) In fact the only relocation team who had a name which made more sense for the new city, than the old was the (you guessed it!) Houston Rockets. That name made perfect sense as Houston is the home of Mission Control, and known as "Space City". BTW why the hell was a San Deigo franchise ever named the Rockets?
    Even better was the Ft. Wayne Pistons moving to Detroit. Houston and Detroit couldn't have done better had they voted on naming an expansion team.

  23. #23
    I'm wit stoopid dream34's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Trueblood

    Even better was the Ft. Wayne Pistons moving to Detroit. Houston and Detroit couldn't have done better had they voted on naming an expansion team.
    Forgot about that, my bad.

  24. #24
    In Time Out Harvey Hornet-x's Avatar
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    Re: Re: New Name For Hornets

    Originally posted by West Coast Hornet
    ... he rarely, if ever, stirs the pot. That job is left to me. I am the coullion of this group.
    WCH, you need to learn to be less opinionated. You should try to follow my humble approach. You will never see me in the middle of chaos!!!

  25. #25
    I'm wit stoopid dream34's Avatar
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    Re: Re: Re: Re: New Name For Hornets

    Originally posted by West Coast Hornet

    Yeah, but I don't have a problem with it!
    Nor do I, it is one of the many things which makes this board fun. If we all were in agreement this would be a truly boring (and very sad) world.

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